The \eslmod{histogram} module is for collecting scores, fitting them to expected distributions, and displaying them. The histogram automatically reallocates its bins as data points arrive, so the caller only needs to provide some initial guidance about bin size and ``phase'' (offset of the bins relative to the real number line). It accumulates counts in 64-bit unsigned integers, so it can handle over $10^19$ total counts. Optionally (and provided that the caller knows it has enough memory to support this), a ``full'' histogram can be created and used to collect a sorted vector of raw (unbinned) values. Various different ways of fitting histogram data to different sorts of expected distributions are supported, with interfaces to all of Easel's statistical distribution modules. Data fitting is oriented toward the case where the values are scores, with high scores being of the most interest; for instance, routines for obtaining and fitting the right (high-scoring) tail are provided, but not for the left tail. Several of the output functions output data as XY data files suitable for input into the popular and freely available \prog{xmgrace} graphing program [\url{}]. The API for the \eslmod{histogram} module is summarized in Table~\ref{tbl:histogram_api}. \begin{table}[hbp] \begin{center} {\small \begin{tabular}{|ll|}\hline \apisubhead{Collecting data in an \ccode{ESL\_HISTOGRAM}}\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_Create()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_Create()}} & Create a new \ccode{ESL\_HISTOGRAM}.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_CreateFull()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_CreateFull()}} & A \ccode{ESL\_HISTOGRAM} to keep all data samples.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_Destroy()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_Destroy()}} & Frees a \ccode{ESL\_HISTOGRAM}.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_Add()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_Add()}} & Add a sample to the histogram.\\ \apisubhead{Declarations about binned data, before fitting}\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_DeclareCensoring()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_DeclareCensoring()}} & Collected data were left-censored.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_DeclareRounding()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_DeclareRounding()}} & Declare collected data were no more accurate than bins.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_SetTail()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetTail()}} & Declare only tail $>$ some threshold is considered "observed".\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_SetTailByMass()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetTailByMass()}} & Declare only right tail mass is considered "observed".\\ \apisubhead{Accessing raw data samples}\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_GetRank()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_GetRank()}} & Retrieve n'th high score.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_GetData()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_GetData()}} & Retrieve vector of all raw scores.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_GetTail()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_GetTail()}} & Retrieve all raw scores above some threshold.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_GetTailByMass()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_GetTailByMass()}} & Retrieve all raw scores in right tail mass.\\ \apisubhead{Setting expected counts}\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_SetExpect()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetExpect()}} & Set expected counts for complete distribution.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_SetExpectedTail()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetExpectedTail()}} & Set expected counts for right tail.\\ \apisubhead{Output}\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_Write()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_Write()}} & Print a "pretty" ASCII histogram.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_Plot()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_Plot()}} & Output a histogram in xmgrace XY format.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_PlotSurvival()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_PlotSurvival()}} & Output $P(X>x)$ in xmgrace XY format.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_PlotQQ()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_PlotQQ()}} & Output a Q-Q plot in xmgrace XY format.\\ \hyperlink{func:esl_histogram_Goodness()}{\ccode{esl\_histogram\_Goodness()}} & Evaluate fit between observed, expected. \\ \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} \caption{The \eslmod{histogram} API.} \label{tbl:histogram_api} \end{table} \subsection{Example of using the histogram API} The example code below stores 10,000 samples from a Gumbel distribution in a histogram, retrieves a vector containing the sorted samples, fits a Gumbel distribution to that dataset, sets the expected counts in the histogram, prints the observed and expected counts in an ASCII histogram, and evaluates the goodness-of-fit. \input{cexcerpts/histogram_example} Some points of interest: \begin{itemize} \item When the histogram is created, the arguments \ccode(-100, 100, 0.5) tell it to bin data into bins of width 0.5, initially starting at -100 and ending at 100. This initialization is described below (see ``Specifying binning of data values''). \item Samples are collected one at a time with \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Add()}. \item After the data have been collected in a \emph{full} histogram, a vector of sorted raw data values can be retrieved using functions like \ccode{esl\_histogram\_GetData()}, and used to fit parameters of an expected distribution to the data. \item In addition to the observed binned counts, you can optionally set \emph{expected} binned counts in the histogram by calling \ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetExpect()} and providing pointers to an appropriate distribution function and its parameters. \item The \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Print()} function shows an ASCII text representation of the observed counts (and expected counts, if set) that looks a lot like FASTA's nice histogram output. \item The \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Goodness()} function compares the observed and expected binned counts, and calculates two goodness of fit tests: a G-test, and a $\chi^2$ test. \end{itemize} \subsection{Specifying binning of data values} The histogram collects data values into bins. When the histogram is created, the bin width and the relative offset of the bins is permanently set, and an initial range is allocated. For example, the call \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Create(-10, 10, 0.5)} creates 40 bins of width 0.5 from -10 to 10, with the first bin collecting scores from $-10 < x \leq -9.5$, and the last bin collecting scores $9.5 < x \leq 10.0$. The lower bound of the initialization permanently sets the relative offset of the bins. That is, \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Create(-10, 10, 0.5)} makes the first bin $-10 < x \leq -9.5$, whereas \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Create(-10.1, 9.9, 0.5)} makes the first bin $-10.1 < x \leq -9.6$. Aside from that, the initial range is only a suggestion. You can add any real-valued $x$ to the histogram. The histogram will silently reallocate itself to a wider range as needed. The ability of a histogram to store data is effectively unlimited. Up to $2^{64}-1$ (more than $10^{19}$) counts can be collected. The histogram requires 16 bytes of storage per bin, and the number of bins it allocates scales as $x_{\mbox{max}} - x_{\mbox{min}} / w$. \subsection{Optional collection of raw data values: full histograms} Normally a histogram would store only binned counts, so it can efficiently summarize even very large numbers of samples. In some cases it is useful to keep a list of the raw data values -- for instance, for more accurate parameter fitting to expected distributions. This can be done by creating a ``full'' histogram with \ccode{esl\_histogram\_CreateFull()} instead of \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Create()}. (The example code above did this, because it did parameter fitting to the raw data.) After data have been collected in a full histogram, individual raw values or pointers to sorted arrays of raw values can be retrieved using the \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Get*} functions. A full histogram may require much more memory: about 4 bytes per data point. You may not want to use full histograms if your problem involves collecting many ($> 10^9$, say) data points. \subsection{Different parameter fitting scenarios} By default, the data you collect are assumed to be \emph{complete}. You observed all samples; if you fit to any expected distribution, the expected distribution is assumed to describe the complete data; the parameters of the expected distribution are to be fitted to an array of the complete raw data samples; and any goodness of fit test is to be applied to the complete data. This is the simplest, most obvious case. Other situations may arise. In addition to complete data, Easel is designed to deal with four other cases: \begin{enumerate} \item The collected data are complete, and they are fit to a distribution that describes the complete data, but parameter fitting is done only in the right (highest-scoring) tail. This makes parameter fitting focus on the most important, high-scoring region of a score distribution, and ignore low-scoring outliers. \item The collected data are complete, but they are fit to a distribution that only describes the right (highest scoring) tail, and the goodness-of-fit test is only performed on that tail. This case arises when we don't know the form of the expected distribution for the complete data, but the tail follows a predictable decay (an exponential tail, for example). \item The collected data are left-censored such that no values $< \phi$ were recorded in the histogram, but the data are fit to a complete distribution that predicts the probability even of the censored (unobserved) values. Goodness of fit is only evaluated in the observed data. (This case is what is actually meant by left-censored data.) \item The high-scoring right tail of the collected data are fit as the \emph{binned} counts in the histogram (not raw sample values) to a distribution that describes the tail, such as an exponential. This case becomes useful when the raw data values have limited precision (because of rounding, for example), which can cause numerical problems with parameter fitting to tails. Another case where this is useful is when there are so many data points that the data must be binned just as a matter of practicality (not enough memory to hold a full histogram). \end{enumerate} A variety of other situations can be dealt with by using different combinations of the function calls that deal with these four cases. \subsubsection{Focusing parameter fitting on the highest scores} An example of focusing a Gumbel parameter fit on the right half of an observed distribution: \input{cexcerpts/histogram_example2} The key differences from the complete data case are: \begin{itemize} \item Only the high-scoring 50\% of the data samples are retrieved, by calling \ccode{esl\_histogram\_GetTailByMass(h, 0.5, \&xv, \&n, \&z)}. This returns \ccode{z}, the number of samples that were \emph{censored}. \item These data are fit to a Gumbel distribution as a \emph{left-censored} dataset by calling \ccode{esl\_gumbel\_FitCensored(xv, n, z, xv[0], \&mu, \&lambda)}. \end{itemize} The expected counts and the goodness of fit tests are still evaluated for the complete data, even though the fit was performed only on the highest scores. \subsubsection{Fitting to a tail distribution} An example of fitting an exponential tail to the high-scoring 10\% of a Gumbel-distributed dataset: \input{cexcerpts/histogram_example3} The differences to note are: \begin{itemize} \item The tail is fit as if it is \emph{complete} data as far as the exponential distribution is concerned. \item As a result, to use the exponential tail to predict expected data, we have to keep in mind how much probability mass the tail is supposed to predict (here, 10\%), and that is provided to \ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetExpectedTail()}, which specifically calculates expected counts for a tail. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Fitting left-censored data} Fitting a Gumbel distribution to data that are \emph{truly} left censored looks a lot like the case where we extracted the high scoring data for a censored fit: \input{cexcerpts/histogram_example4} \subsubsection{Fitting binned data to a tail distribution} Normally, you want to fit parameters to the actual individual data samples, not to binned data, because you'll get more accurate results. An exception can arise when the data samples have limited precision because they've been rounded off. Most distributions are not sensitive to this, but some tail densities are, especially those with singularities ($P(X=x) \rightarrow \infty$) at their origin. In such a case, a fit to binned data may be superior, especially if you can match the histogram's bins to the rounding procedure that was used. The following code shows an example of fitting for samples that were already rounded up to the nearest integer before adding them to the histogram: \input{cexcerpts/histogram_example5} Issues to note: \begin{itemize} \item The \ccode{esl\_histogram\_Create(-100, 100, 1.0)} call defined bins that exactly match the rounding procedure defined by \ccode{ceil(x)} -- all $x$ that are rounded to the same value by \ccode{ceil(x)} would also go in the same bin of the histogram. \item The \ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetTailByMass()} function sets flags in the histogram to demarcate the desired tail. However, because the data have been binned, and we can only define the tail by a range of bins, it will generally be impossible to match the requested tail mass with adequate accuracy; the actual tail mass is $\geq$ the requested tail mass. It is returned to the caller, and it is the actual mass, not the requested mass, that should be used when setting expected counts. \item The \ccode{esl\_histogram\_SetRounding()} declaration sets a flag in the histogram that tells binned parameter fitting functions that the origin of the fitted density ($\mu$) should be set at the lower bound of the smallest bin, rather than the smallest raw data value observed in that bin. \end{itemize}