The \eslmod{msacluster} module implements single linkage clustering by sequence identity for the sequences in a multiple sequence alignment. The API is summarized in Table~\ref{tbl:msacluster_api}. Clustering is done using the generalized single linkage clustering algorithm in the \eslmod{cluster} module. % Table generated by autodoc -t esl_msacluster.c (so don't edit here, edit esl_msacluster.c:) \begin{table}[hbp] \begin{center} {\small \begin{tabular}{|ll|}\hline \hyperlink{func:esl_msacluster_SingleLinkage()}{\ccode{esl\_msacluster\_SingleLinkage()}} & Single linkage clustering by percent identity.\\ \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} \caption{The \eslmod{msacluster} API.} \label{tbl:msacluster_api} \end{table} \subsection{Example of using the msacluster API} An example of reading an MSA from a file and doing single-linkage-clustering on the aligned sequences at $\geq$ 62\% sequence identity: \input{cexcerpts/msacluster_example}