GBSMP.SEQ Genetic Sequence Data Bank 15 December 1992 GenBank Flat File Release 74.0 Structural RNA Sequences 2 loci, 236 bases, from 2 reported sequences LOCUS AAURRA 118 bp ss-rRNA RNA 16-JUN-1986 DEFINITION A.auricula-judae (mushroom) 5S ribosomal RNA. ACCESSION K03160 VERSION K03160.1 GI:173593 KEYWORDS 5S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA. SOURCE A.auricula-judae (mushroom) ribosomal RNA. ORGANISM Auricularia auricula-judae Eukaryota; Fungi; Eumycota; Basidiomycotina; Phragmobasidiomycetes; Heterobasidiomycetidae; Auriculariales; Auriculariaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 118) AUTHORS Huysmans,E., Dams,E., Vandenberghe,A. and De Wachter,R. TITLE The nucleotide sequences of the 5S rRNAs of four mushrooms and their use in studying the phylogenetic position of basidiomycetes among the eukaryotes JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 2871-2880 (1983) FEATURES Location/Qualifiers rRNA 1..118 /note="5S ribosomal RNA" BASE COUNT 27 a 34 c 34 g 23 t ORIGIN 5' end of mature rRNA. 1 atccacggcc ataggactct gaaagcactg catcccgtcc gatctgcaaa gttaaccaga% 61 gtaccgccca gttagtacca cggtggggga ccacgcggga atcctgggtg ctgtggtt // LOCUS ABCRRAA 118 bp ss-rRNA RNA 15-SEP-1990 DEFINITION Acetobacter sp. (strain MB 58) 5S ribosomal RNA, complete sequence. ACCESSION M34766 VERSION M34766.1 GI:173603 KEYWORDS 5S ribosomal RNA. SOURCE Acetobacter sp. (strain MB 58) rRNA. ORGANISM Acetobacter sp. Prokaryotae; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Aerobic rods and cocci; Azotobacteraceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 118) AUTHORS Bulygina,E.S., Galchenko,V.F., Govorukhina,N.I., Netrusov,A.I., Nikitin,D.I., Trotsenko,Y.A. and Chumakov,K.M. TITLE Taxonomic studies of methylotrophic bacteria by 5S ribosomal RNA sequencing JOURNAL J. Gen. Microbiol. 136, 441-446 (1990) FEATURES Location/Qualifiers rRNA 1..118 /note="5S ribosomal RNA" BASE COUNT 27 a 40 c 32 g 17 t 2 others ORIGIN 1 gatctggtgg ccatggcggg agcaaatcag ccgatcccat cccgaactcg gccgtcaaat 61 gccccagcgc ccatgatact ctgcctcaag gcacggaaaa gtcggtcgcc gccagayy //