import os import sys import string import gzip from optparse import OptionParser from yapyinchi import * # # # ############################################################################## def show_record_results(rst, fout, flog): # inchi_result, ikey_result, sinchi, slog, smessage, saux, sikey, sxtra1, sxtra2, ierr = rst # if inchi_result != 0: if (flog!=sys.stdout): flog.write('\n RECORD %-d\t' % (num) ) if (inchi_result==1): flog.write('Warning : ') else: flog.write('InChI creation error (%-d) : ' % inchi_result) flog.write('%-s' % smessage ) if inchi_result <=1 : # no error or just warning #print('%-s' % sinchi) fout.write('%-s\n' % sinchi) # ... may compute InChIKey if calc_key==1: if ikey_result!=0: if (fl!=sys.stdout): flog.write('RECORD %-d\t' % (num) ) # special case: reversal of InChI failed # InChIKey is computed, but the warning issued if (ikey_result==11): flog.write('Warning: InChI reversal gets mismatching InChI string\n') fout.write('InChIKey=%-s\n' % sikey) else: flog.write('Key calculation error (%-d)\n' % ikey_result) else: #print('InChIKey=%-s' % sikey ) fout.write('InChIKey=%-s\n' % sikey ) if (calc_xkey==1): print('XHash1=%-s' % sxtra1 ) print('XHash1=%-s' % sxtra2 ) fout.write('XHash1=%-s\n' % sxtra1 ) fout.write('XHash2=%-s\n' % sxtra2 ) if show_auxinfo: fout.write('%-s\n' % saux ) return ############################################################################## def retire(code): print ("Something went wrong...") if ( code==1 ): print ("Invalid command line") elif ( code==2 ): pass elif( code==3 ): print ("Unsupported platform") elif( code==4 ): print ("Could not access InChI library") elif( code==5 ): print ("Could not open input file") elif( code==6 ): print ("Could not open output file") elif( code==7 ): print ("Could not open log file") else: pass sys.exit(code) ############################################################################## def cl_parser(): parser = OptionParser(usage="""\ Usage: %prog [options] """) parser.add_option('-i', '--input', type='string', action='store', help='name of input SD file (required)') parser.add_option('-o', '--output', type='string', action='store', help='name of output file (default=inchi_out.txt)') parser.add_option('-l', '--log', type='string', action='store', help='name of log file (errors/warnings; default=stdout)') parser.add_option('-s', '--start_record', type='int', action='store', help='starting number of record to be converted') parser.add_option('-e', '--end_record', type='int', action='store', help='number of the last record to be converted') parser.add_option('-x', '--aux', dest='aux', help='print auxilary info', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('-k', '--key', dest='key', help='calculate InChIKey', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('-z', '--xtra', dest='xtra', help='calculate extra hash complementing InChIKey', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('-p', '--inchi_options', type='string', action='store', help='string with InChI options') opts, args = parser.parse_args() if not opts.input: parser.print_help() retire(1) else: inname = opts.input if opts.output: outname = opts.output else: outname = "inchi_out.txt" if opts.log: logname = opts.log else: logname = "" inchi_options = "" platform = what_platform() if platform=='Windows': inchi_options = "/W60" else: if platform=='Linux': inchi_options = "-W60" if opts.inchi_options: inchi_options = inchi_options + opts.inchi_options if not opts.aux: show_auxinfo = 0 else: show_auxinfo = 1 if not opts.key: calc_key = 0 else: calc_key = 1 if not opts.xtra: calc_xkey = 0 else: calc_xkey = 1 if opts.start_record: startr = opts.start_record else: startr = -1 if opts.end_record: endr = opts.end_record else: endr = -1 return [inname, outname, logname, inchi_options, show_auxinfo, calc_key, calc_xkey, startr, endr] ############################################################################## def open_files( inname, outname, logname ): try: if os.path.splitext(inname)[-1]==".gz": f = else: f = open(inname, "rb") except: return ( None, 5 ) # try: fout = open(outname, 'w') except: return ( None, 6 ) if not fout: return ( None, 6 ) # try: if ( logname==""): flog = sys.stderr else: flog = open(logname, 'w') except: return ( None, 7 ) if not flog: return ( None, 7 ) return ( (f, fout, flog), 0) ############################################################################## def banner(): print ("This Python demo program reads SD file and calls InChI library") print ("(libinchi.dll/ function MakeINCHIFromMolfileText()") print ("to generate InChI string (also generates InChIKey).") print ("Note: the example is provided for illustrative purposes only.\n") ############################################################################## def clean_and_make_list_of_records(text): try: text = text.replace("\r\n", "\n") # Split string by '$$$$' content = text.split("$$$$") # Remove surplus empty record appearing after the last $4 (if any) if ( len(content[-1])<2 ): # \n content = content[:-1] except: retire(97) # Clean up segments: remove surplus head linefeed in records 1-n start # ( it appears as we split at '$$$$' not '$$$$\n' ) def del_head_lf(s): if s: if s[0]=="\n": s = s[1:] return s content = [content[0]] + [del_head_lf(item) for item in content[1:]] return content ############################################################################## # # MAIN # ############################################################################## banner() parameters = cl_parser() if not parameters: retire(1) inname, outname, logname, inchi_options, show_auxinfo, calc_key, calc_xkey, startr, endr = parameters inchi_api = load_inchi_library("") if ( not inchi_api ): retire(4) print ("\nProcessing " + inname) files, ierr = open_files( inname, outname, logname ) if not files: retire(ierr) f, fout, flog = files print ("\nReading, please wait..") text = print ("..done.") text = text.decode('utf-8') content = clean_and_make_list_of_records(text) num = nerr = 0 for record in content: num = num + 1 if (num0): if (num>endr): break flog.write ( "\nRecord # %-ld (%-ld chars)" % (num, len(record)) ) #print ('{' + record + '}') results = inchify_molfile( record, inchi_options, show_auxinfo, calc_key, calc_xkey, inchi_api ) show_record_results( results, fout, flog ) inchi_result, ikey_result, sinchi, slog, smessage, saux, sikey, sxtra1, sxtra2, ierr = results nerr = nerr + ierr #print ( "\nProcessed %-ld records; had %-ld errors." % (num, nerr)) flog.write ( "\nCOMPLETED\nProcessed %-ld records with %-ld errors\n" % (num, nerr))