/* * Copyright (C)2011-2018 D. R. Commander. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the libjpeg-turbo Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS", * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * This program tests the various code paths in the TurboJPEG JNI Wrapper */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.nio.*; import org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.*; @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:JavadocType") final class TJUnitTest { private TJUnitTest() {} static final String CLASS_NAME = new TJUnitTest().getClass().getName(); static void usage() { System.out.println("\nUSAGE: java " + CLASS_NAME + " [options]\n"); System.out.println("Options:"); System.out.println("-yuv = test YUV encoding/decoding support"); System.out.println("-noyuvpad = do not pad each line of each Y, U, and V plane to the nearest"); System.out.println(" 4-byte boundary"); System.out.println("-bi = test BufferedImage support\n"); System.exit(1); } static final String[] SUBNAME_LONG = { "4:4:4", "4:2:2", "4:2:0", "GRAY", "4:4:0", "4:1:1" }; static final String[] SUBNAME = { "444", "422", "420", "GRAY", "440", "411" }; static final String[] PIXFORMATSTR = { "RGB", "BGR", "RGBX", "BGRX", "XBGR", "XRGB", "Grayscale", "RGBA", "BGRA", "ABGR", "ARGB", "CMYK" }; static final int[] FORMATS_3BYTE = { TJ.PF_RGB, TJ.PF_BGR }; static final int[] FORMATS_3BYTEBI = { BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR }; static final int[] FORMATS_4BYTE = { TJ.PF_RGBX, TJ.PF_BGRX, TJ.PF_XBGR, TJ.PF_XRGB, TJ.PF_CMYK }; static final int[] FORMATS_4BYTEBI = { BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE }; static final int[] FORMATS_GRAY = { TJ.PF_GRAY }; static final int[] FORMATS_GRAYBI = { BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY }; static final int[] FORMATS_RGB = { TJ.PF_RGB }; private static boolean doYUV = false; private static int pad = 4; private static boolean bi = false; private static int exitStatus = 0; static int biTypePF(int biType) { ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder(); switch (biType) { case BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR: return TJ.PF_BGR; case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR: case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE: return TJ.PF_ABGR; case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY: return TJ.PF_GRAY; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR: return TJ.PF_RGBX; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB: return TJ.PF_BGRX; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB: case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE: return TJ.PF_BGRA; default: return 0; } } static String biTypeStr(int biType) { switch (biType) { case BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR: return "3BYTE_BGR"; case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR: return "4BYTE_ABGR"; case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE: return "4BYTE_ABGR_PRE"; case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY: return "BYTE_GRAY"; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR: return "INT_BGR"; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB: return "INT_RGB"; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB: return "INT_ARGB"; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE: return "INT_ARGB_PRE"; default: return "Unknown"; } } static void initBuf(byte[] buf, int w, int pitch, int h, int pf, int flags) throws Exception { int roffset = TJ.getRedOffset(pf); int goffset = TJ.getGreenOffset(pf); int boffset = TJ.getBlueOffset(pf); int aoffset = TJ.getAlphaOffset(pf); int ps = TJ.getPixelSize(pf); int index, row, col, halfway = 16; if (pf == TJ.PF_GRAY) { Arrays.fill(buf, (byte)0); for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if ((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) index = pitch * (h - row - 1) + col; else index = pitch * row + col; if (((row / 8) + (col / 8)) % 2 == 0) buf[index] = (row < halfway) ? (byte)255 : 0; else buf[index] = (row < halfway) ? 76 : (byte)226; } } return; } if (pf == TJ.PF_CMYK) { Arrays.fill(buf, (byte)255); for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if ((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) index = (h - row - 1) * w + col; else index = row * w + col; if (((row / 8) + (col / 8)) % 2 == 0) { if (row >= halfway) buf[index * ps + 3] = 0; } else { buf[index * ps + 2] = 0; if (row < halfway) buf[index * ps + 1] = 0; } } } return; } Arrays.fill(buf, (byte)0); for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if ((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) index = pitch * (h - row - 1) + col * ps; else index = pitch * row + col * ps; if (((row / 8) + (col / 8)) % 2 == 0) { if (row < halfway) { buf[index + roffset] = (byte)255; buf[index + goffset] = (byte)255; buf[index + boffset] = (byte)255; } } else { buf[index + roffset] = (byte)255; if (row >= halfway) buf[index + goffset] = (byte)255; } if (aoffset >= 0) buf[index + aoffset] = (byte)255; } } } static void initIntBuf(int[] buf, int w, int pitch, int h, int pf, int flags) throws Exception { int rshift = TJ.getRedOffset(pf) * 8; int gshift = TJ.getGreenOffset(pf) * 8; int bshift = TJ.getBlueOffset(pf) * 8; int ashift = TJ.getAlphaOffset(pf) * 8; int index, row, col, halfway = 16; Arrays.fill(buf, 0); for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if ((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) index = pitch * (h - row - 1) + col; else index = pitch * row + col; if (((row / 8) + (col / 8)) % 2 == 0) { if (row < halfway) { buf[index] |= (255 << rshift); buf[index] |= (255 << gshift); buf[index] |= (255 << bshift); } } else { buf[index] |= (255 << rshift); if (row >= halfway) buf[index] |= (255 << gshift); } if (ashift >= 0) buf[index] |= (255 << ashift); } } } static void initImg(BufferedImage img, int pf, int flags) throws Exception { WritableRaster wr = img.getRaster(); int imgType = img.getType(); if (imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE) { SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)img.getSampleModel(); int pitch = sm.getScanlineStride(); DataBufferInt db = (DataBufferInt)wr.getDataBuffer(); int[] buf = db.getData(); initIntBuf(buf, img.getWidth(), pitch, img.getHeight(), pf, flags); } else { ComponentSampleModel sm = (ComponentSampleModel)img.getSampleModel(); int pitch = sm.getScanlineStride(); DataBufferByte db = (DataBufferByte)wr.getDataBuffer(); byte[] buf = db.getData(); initBuf(buf, img.getWidth(), pitch, img.getHeight(), pf, flags); } } static void checkVal(int row, int col, int v, String vname, int cv) throws Exception { v = (v < 0) ? v + 256 : v; if (v < cv - 1 || v > cv + 1) { throw new Exception("Comp. " + vname + " at " + row + "," + col + " should be " + cv + ", not " + v); } } static void checkVal0(int row, int col, int v, String vname) throws Exception { v = (v < 0) ? v + 256 : v; if (v > 1) { throw new Exception("Comp. " + vname + " at " + row + "," + col + " should be 0, not " + v); } } static void checkVal255(int row, int col, int v, String vname) throws Exception { v = (v < 0) ? v + 256 : v; if (v < 254) { throw new Exception("Comp. " + vname + " at " + row + "," + col + " should be 255, not " + v); } } static int checkBuf(byte[] buf, int w, int pitch, int h, int pf, int subsamp, TJScalingFactor sf, int flags) throws Exception { int roffset = TJ.getRedOffset(pf); int goffset = TJ.getGreenOffset(pf); int boffset = TJ.getBlueOffset(pf); int aoffset = TJ.getAlphaOffset(pf); int ps = TJ.getPixelSize(pf); int index, row, col, retval = 1; int halfway = 16 * sf.getNum() / sf.getDenom(); int blockSize = 8 * sf.getNum() / sf.getDenom(); try { if (pf == TJ.PF_GRAY) roffset = goffset = boffset = 0; if (pf == TJ.PF_CMYK) { for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if ((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) index = (h - row - 1) * w + col; else index = row * w + col; byte c = buf[index * ps]; byte m = buf[index * ps + 1]; byte y = buf[index * ps + 2]; byte k = buf[index * ps + 3]; checkVal255(row, col, c, "C"); if (((row / blockSize) + (col / blockSize)) % 2 == 0) { checkVal255(row, col, m, "M"); checkVal255(row, col, y, "Y"); if (row < halfway) checkVal255(row, col, k, "K"); else checkVal0(row, col, k, "K"); } else { checkVal0(row, col, y, "Y"); checkVal255(row, col, k, "K"); if (row < halfway) checkVal0(row, col, m, "M"); else checkVal255(row, col, m, "M"); } } } return 1; } for (row = 0; row < halfway; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if ((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) index = pitch * (h - row - 1) + col * ps; else index = pitch * row + col * ps; byte r = buf[index + roffset]; byte g = buf[index + goffset]; byte b = buf[index + boffset]; byte a = aoffset >= 0 ? buf[index + aoffset] : (byte)255; if (((row / blockSize) + (col / blockSize)) % 2 == 0) { if (row < halfway) { checkVal255(row, col, r, "R"); checkVal255(row, col, g, "G"); checkVal255(row, col, b, "B"); } else { checkVal0(row, col, r, "R"); checkVal0(row, col, g, "G"); checkVal0(row, col, b, "B"); } } else { if (subsamp == TJ.SAMP_GRAY) { if (row < halfway) { checkVal(row, col, r, "R", 76); checkVal(row, col, g, "G", 76); checkVal(row, col, b, "B", 76); } else { checkVal(row, col, r, "R", 226); checkVal(row, col, g, "G", 226); checkVal(row, col, b, "B", 226); } } else { checkVal255(row, col, r, "R"); if (row < halfway) { checkVal0(row, col, g, "G"); } else { checkVal255(row, col, g, "G"); } checkVal0(row, col, b, "B"); } } checkVal255(row, col, a, "A"); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("\n" + e.getMessage()); retval = 0; } if (retval == 0) { for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if (pf == TJ.PF_CMYK) { int c = buf[pitch * row + col * ps]; int m = buf[pitch * row + col * ps + 1]; int y = buf[pitch * row + col * ps + 2]; int k = buf[pitch * row + col * ps + 3]; if (c < 0) c += 256; if (m < 0) m += 256; if (y < 0) y += 256; if (k < 0) k += 256; System.out.format("%3d/%3d/%3d/%3d ", c, m, y, k); } else { int r = buf[pitch * row + col * ps + roffset]; int g = buf[pitch * row + col * ps + goffset]; int b = buf[pitch * row + col * ps + boffset]; if (r < 0) r += 256; if (g < 0) g += 256; if (b < 0) b += 256; System.out.format("%3d/%3d/%3d ", r, g, b); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } return retval; } static int checkIntBuf(int[] buf, int w, int pitch, int h, int pf, int subsamp, TJScalingFactor sf, int flags) throws Exception { int rshift = TJ.getRedOffset(pf) * 8; int gshift = TJ.getGreenOffset(pf) * 8; int bshift = TJ.getBlueOffset(pf) * 8; int ashift = TJ.getAlphaOffset(pf) * 8; int index, row, col, retval = 1; int halfway = 16 * sf.getNum() / sf.getDenom(); int blockSize = 8 * sf.getNum() / sf.getDenom(); try { for (row = 0; row < halfway; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { if ((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) index = pitch * (h - row - 1) + col; else index = pitch * row + col; int r = (buf[index] >> rshift) & 0xFF; int g = (buf[index] >> gshift) & 0xFF; int b = (buf[index] >> bshift) & 0xFF; int a = ashift >= 0 ? (buf[index] >> ashift) & 0xFF : 255; if (((row / blockSize) + (col / blockSize)) % 2 == 0) { if (row < halfway) { checkVal255(row, col, r, "R"); checkVal255(row, col, g, "G"); checkVal255(row, col, b, "B"); } else { checkVal0(row, col, r, "R"); checkVal0(row, col, g, "G"); checkVal0(row, col, b, "B"); } } else { if (subsamp == TJ.SAMP_GRAY) { if (row < halfway) { checkVal(row, col, r, "R", 76); checkVal(row, col, g, "G", 76); checkVal(row, col, b, "B", 76); } else { checkVal(row, col, r, "R", 226); checkVal(row, col, g, "G", 226); checkVal(row, col, b, "B", 226); } } else { checkVal255(row, col, r, "R"); if (row < halfway) { checkVal0(row, col, g, "G"); } else { checkVal255(row, col, g, "G"); } checkVal0(row, col, b, "B"); } } checkVal255(row, col, a, "A"); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("\n" + e.getMessage()); retval = 0; } if (retval == 0) { for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { int r = (buf[pitch * row + col] >> rshift) & 0xFF; int g = (buf[pitch * row + col] >> gshift) & 0xFF; int b = (buf[pitch * row + col] >> bshift) & 0xFF; if (r < 0) r += 256; if (g < 0) g += 256; if (b < 0) b += 256; System.out.format("%3d/%3d/%3d ", r, g, b); } System.out.print("\n"); } } return retval; } static int checkImg(BufferedImage img, int pf, int subsamp, TJScalingFactor sf, int flags) throws Exception { WritableRaster wr = img.getRaster(); int imgType = img.getType(); if (imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE) { SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)img.getSampleModel(); int pitch = sm.getScanlineStride(); DataBufferInt db = (DataBufferInt)wr.getDataBuffer(); int[] buf = db.getData(); return checkIntBuf(buf, img.getWidth(), pitch, img.getHeight(), pf, subsamp, sf, flags); } else { ComponentSampleModel sm = (ComponentSampleModel)img.getSampleModel(); int pitch = sm.getScanlineStride(); DataBufferByte db = (DataBufferByte)wr.getDataBuffer(); byte[] buf = db.getData(); return checkBuf(buf, img.getWidth(), pitch, img.getHeight(), pf, subsamp, sf, flags); } } static int pad(int v, int p) { return ((v + (p) - 1) & (~((p) - 1))); } static int checkBufYUV(byte[] buf, int size, int w, int h, int subsamp, TJScalingFactor sf) throws Exception { int row, col; int hsf = TJ.getMCUWidth(subsamp) / 8, vsf = TJ.getMCUHeight(subsamp) / 8; int pw = pad(w, hsf), ph = pad(h, vsf); int cw = pw / hsf, ch = ph / vsf; int ypitch = pad(pw, pad), uvpitch = pad(cw, pad); int retval = 1; int correctsize = ypitch * ph + (subsamp == TJ.SAMP_GRAY ? 0 : uvpitch * ch * 2); int halfway = 16 * sf.getNum() / sf.getDenom(); int blockSize = 8 * sf.getNum() / sf.getDenom(); try { if (size != correctsize) throw new Exception("Incorrect size " + size + ". Should be " + correctsize); for (row = 0; row < ph; row++) { for (col = 0; col < pw; col++) { byte y = buf[ypitch * row + col]; if (((row / blockSize) + (col / blockSize)) % 2 == 0) { if (row < halfway) checkVal255(row, col, y, "Y"); else checkVal0(row, col, y, "Y"); } else { if (row < halfway) checkVal(row, col, y, "Y", 76); else checkVal(row, col, y, "Y", 226); } } } if (subsamp != TJ.SAMP_GRAY) { halfway = 16 / vsf * sf.getNum() / sf.getDenom(); for (row = 0; row < ch; row++) { for (col = 0; col < cw; col++) { byte u = buf[ypitch * ph + (uvpitch * row + col)], v = buf[ypitch * ph + uvpitch * ch + (uvpitch * row + col)]; if (((row * vsf / blockSize) + (col * hsf / blockSize)) % 2 == 0) { checkVal(row, col, u, "U", 128); checkVal(row, col, v, "V", 128); } else { if (row < halfway) { checkVal(row, col, u, "U", 85); checkVal255(row, col, v, "V"); } else { checkVal0(row, col, u, "U"); checkVal(row, col, v, "V", 149); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("\n" + e.getMessage()); retval = 0; } if (retval == 0) { for (row = 0; row < ph; row++) { for (col = 0; col < pw; col++) { int y = buf[ypitch * row + col]; if (y < 0) y += 256; System.out.format("%3d ", y); } System.out.print("\n"); } System.out.print("\n"); for (row = 0; row < ch; row++) { for (col = 0; col < cw; col++) { int u = buf[ypitch * ph + (uvpitch * row + col)]; if (u < 0) u += 256; System.out.format("%3d ", u); } System.out.print("\n"); } System.out.print("\n"); for (row = 0; row < ch; row++) { for (col = 0; col < cw; col++) { int v = buf[ypitch * ph + uvpitch * ch + (uvpitch * row + col)]; if (v < 0) v += 256; System.out.format("%3d ", v); } System.out.print("\n"); } } return retval; } static void writeJPEG(byte[] jpegBuf, int jpegBufSize, String filename) throws Exception { File file = new File(filename); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write(jpegBuf, 0, jpegBufSize); fos.close(); } static int compTest(TJCompressor tjc, byte[] dstBuf, int w, int h, int pf, String baseName, int subsamp, int jpegQual, int flags) throws Exception { String tempStr; byte[] srcBuf = null; BufferedImage img = null; String pfStr, pfStrLong; String buStr = (flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0 ? "BU" : "TD"; String buStrLong = (flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0 ? "Bottom-Up" : "Top-Down "; int size = 0, ps, imgType = pf; if (bi) { pf = biTypePF(imgType); pfStr = biTypeStr(imgType); pfStrLong = pfStr + " (" + PIXFORMATSTR[pf] + ")"; } else { pfStr = PIXFORMATSTR[pf]; pfStrLong = pfStr; } ps = TJ.getPixelSize(pf); if (bi) { img = new BufferedImage(w, h, imgType); initImg(img, pf, flags); tempStr = baseName + "_enc_" + pfStr + "_" + buStr + "_" + SUBNAME[subsamp] + "_Q" + jpegQual + ".png"; File file = new File(tempStr); ImageIO.write(img, "png", file); tjc.setSourceImage(img, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { srcBuf = new byte[w * h * ps + 1]; initBuf(srcBuf, w, w * ps, h, pf, flags); tjc.setSourceImage(srcBuf, 0, 0, w, 0, h, pf); } Arrays.fill(dstBuf, (byte)0); tjc.setSubsamp(subsamp); tjc.setJPEGQuality(jpegQual); if (doYUV) { System.out.format("%s %s -> YUV %s ... ", pfStrLong, buStrLong, SUBNAME_LONG[subsamp]); YUVImage yuvImage = tjc.encodeYUV(pad, flags); if (checkBufYUV(yuvImage.getBuf(), yuvImage.getSize(), w, h, subsamp, new TJScalingFactor(1, 1)) == 1) System.out.print("Passed.\n"); else { System.out.print("FAILED!\n"); exitStatus = -1; } System.out.format("YUV %s %s -> JPEG Q%d ... ", SUBNAME_LONG[subsamp], buStrLong, jpegQual); tjc.setSourceImage(yuvImage); } else { System.out.format("%s %s -> %s Q%d ... ", pfStrLong, buStrLong, SUBNAME_LONG[subsamp], jpegQual); } tjc.compress(dstBuf, flags); size = tjc.getCompressedSize(); tempStr = baseName + "_enc_" + pfStr + "_" + buStr + "_" + SUBNAME[subsamp] + "_Q" + jpegQual + ".jpg"; writeJPEG(dstBuf, size, tempStr); System.out.println("Done.\n Result in " + tempStr); return size; } static void decompTest(TJDecompressor tjd, byte[] jpegBuf, int jpegSize, int w, int h, int pf, String baseName, int subsamp, int flags, TJScalingFactor sf) throws Exception { String pfStr, pfStrLong, tempStr; String buStrLong = (flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0 ? "Bottom-Up" : "Top-Down "; int scaledWidth = sf.getScaled(w); int scaledHeight = sf.getScaled(h); int temp1, temp2, imgType = pf; BufferedImage img = null; byte[] dstBuf = null; if (bi) { pf = biTypePF(imgType); pfStr = biTypeStr(imgType); pfStrLong = pfStr + " (" + PIXFORMATSTR[pf] + ")"; } else { pfStr = PIXFORMATSTR[pf]; pfStrLong = pfStr; } tjd.setSourceImage(jpegBuf, jpegSize); if (tjd.getWidth() != w || tjd.getHeight() != h || tjd.getSubsamp() != subsamp) throw new Exception("Incorrect JPEG header"); temp1 = scaledWidth; temp2 = scaledHeight; temp1 = tjd.getScaledWidth(temp1, temp2); temp2 = tjd.getScaledHeight(temp1, temp2); if (temp1 != scaledWidth || temp2 != scaledHeight) throw new Exception("Scaled size mismatch"); if (doYUV) { System.out.format("JPEG -> YUV %s ", SUBNAME_LONG[subsamp]); if (!sf.isOne()) System.out.format("%d/%d ... ", sf.getNum(), sf.getDenom()); else System.out.print("... "); YUVImage yuvImage = tjd.decompressToYUV(scaledWidth, pad, scaledHeight, flags); if (checkBufYUV(yuvImage.getBuf(), yuvImage.getSize(), scaledWidth, scaledHeight, subsamp, sf) == 1) System.out.print("Passed.\n"); else { System.out.print("FAILED!\n"); exitStatus = -1; } System.out.format("YUV %s -> %s %s ... ", SUBNAME_LONG[subsamp], pfStrLong, buStrLong); tjd.setSourceImage(yuvImage); } else { System.out.format("JPEG -> %s %s ", pfStrLong, buStrLong); if (!sf.isOne()) System.out.format("%d/%d ... ", sf.getNum(), sf.getDenom()); else System.out.print("... "); } if (bi) img = tjd.decompress(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, imgType, flags); else dstBuf = tjd.decompress(scaledWidth, 0, scaledHeight, pf, flags); if (bi) { tempStr = baseName + "_dec_" + pfStr + "_" + (((flags & TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP) != 0) ? "BU" : "TD") + "_" + SUBNAME[subsamp] + "_" + (double)sf.getNum() / (double)sf.getDenom() + "x" + ".png"; File file = new File(tempStr); ImageIO.write(img, "png", file); } if ((bi && checkImg(img, pf, subsamp, sf, flags) == 1) || (!bi && checkBuf(dstBuf, scaledWidth, scaledWidth * TJ.getPixelSize(pf), scaledHeight, pf, subsamp, sf, flags) == 1)) System.out.print("Passed.\n"); else { System.out.print("FAILED!\n"); exitStatus = -1; } } static void decompTest(TJDecompressor tjd, byte[] jpegBuf, int jpegSize, int w, int h, int pf, String baseName, int subsamp, int flags) throws Exception { int i; TJScalingFactor[] sf = TJ.getScalingFactors(); for (i = 0; i < sf.length; i++) { int num = sf[i].getNum(); int denom = sf[i].getDenom(); if (subsamp == TJ.SAMP_444 || subsamp == TJ.SAMP_GRAY || (subsamp == TJ.SAMP_411 && num == 1 && (denom == 2 || denom == 1)) || (subsamp != TJ.SAMP_411 && num == 1 && (denom == 4 || denom == 2 || denom == 1))) decompTest(tjd, jpegBuf, jpegSize, w, h, pf, baseName, subsamp, flags, sf[i]); } } static void doTest(int w, int h, int[] formats, int subsamp, String baseName) throws Exception { TJCompressor tjc = null; TJDecompressor tjd = null; int size; byte[] dstBuf; dstBuf = new byte[TJ.bufSize(w, h, subsamp)]; try { tjc = new TJCompressor(); tjd = new TJDecompressor(); for (int pf : formats) { if (pf < 0) continue; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int flags = 0; if (subsamp == TJ.SAMP_422 || subsamp == TJ.SAMP_420 || subsamp == TJ.SAMP_440 || subsamp == TJ.SAMP_411) flags |= TJ.FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE; if (i == 1) flags |= TJ.FLAG_BOTTOMUP; size = compTest(tjc, dstBuf, w, h, pf, baseName, subsamp, 100, flags); decompTest(tjd, dstBuf, size, w, h, pf, baseName, subsamp, flags); if (pf >= TJ.PF_RGBX && pf <= TJ.PF_XRGB && !bi) { System.out.print("\n"); decompTest(tjd, dstBuf, size, w, h, pf + (TJ.PF_RGBA - TJ.PF_RGBX), baseName, subsamp, flags); } System.out.print("\n"); } } System.out.print("--------------------\n\n"); } catch (Exception e) { if (tjc != null) tjc.close(); if (tjd != null) tjd.close(); throw e; } if (tjc != null) tjc.close(); if (tjd != null) tjd.close(); } static void bufSizeTest() throws Exception { int w, h, i, subsamp; byte[] srcBuf, dstBuf = null; YUVImage dstImage = null; TJCompressor tjc = null; Random r = new Random(); try { tjc = new TJCompressor(); System.out.println("Buffer size regression test"); for (subsamp = 0; subsamp < TJ.NUMSAMP; subsamp++) { for (w = 1; w < 48; w++) { int maxh = (w == 1) ? 2048 : 48; for (h = 1; h < maxh; h++) { if (h % 100 == 0) System.out.format("%04d x %04d\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", w, h); srcBuf = new byte[w * h * 4]; if (doYUV) dstImage = new YUVImage(w, pad, h, subsamp); else dstBuf = new byte[TJ.bufSize(w, h, subsamp)]; for (i = 0; i < w * h * 4; i++) { srcBuf[i] = (byte)(r.nextInt(2) * 255); } tjc.setSourceImage(srcBuf, 0, 0, w, 0, h, TJ.PF_BGRX); tjc.setSubsamp(subsamp); tjc.setJPEGQuality(100); if (doYUV) tjc.encodeYUV(dstImage, 0); else tjc.compress(dstBuf, 0); srcBuf = new byte[h * w * 4]; if (doYUV) dstImage = new YUVImage(h, pad, w, subsamp); else dstBuf = new byte[TJ.bufSize(h, w, subsamp)]; for (i = 0; i < h * w * 4; i++) { srcBuf[i] = (byte)(r.nextInt(2) * 255); } tjc.setSourceImage(srcBuf, 0, 0, h, 0, w, TJ.PF_BGRX); if (doYUV) tjc.encodeYUV(dstImage, 0); else tjc.compress(dstBuf, 0); } dstImage = null; dstBuf = null; System.gc(); } } System.out.println("Done. "); } catch (Exception e) { if (tjc != null) tjc.close(); throw e; } if (tjc != null) tjc.close(); } public static void main(String[] argv) { try { String testName = "javatest"; for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) { if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-yuv")) doYUV = true; else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-noyuvpad")) pad = 1; else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-bi")) { bi = true; testName = "javabitest"; } else usage(); } if (doYUV) FORMATS_4BYTE[4] = -1; doTest(35, 39, bi ? FORMATS_3BYTEBI : FORMATS_3BYTE, TJ.SAMP_444, testName); doTest(39, 41, bi ? FORMATS_4BYTEBI : FORMATS_4BYTE, TJ.SAMP_444, testName); doTest(41, 35, bi ? FORMATS_3BYTEBI : FORMATS_3BYTE, TJ.SAMP_422, testName); doTest(35, 39, bi ? FORMATS_4BYTEBI : FORMATS_4BYTE, TJ.SAMP_422, testName); doTest(39, 41, bi ? FORMATS_3BYTEBI : FORMATS_3BYTE, TJ.SAMP_420, testName); doTest(41, 35, bi ? FORMATS_4BYTEBI : FORMATS_4BYTE, TJ.SAMP_420, testName); doTest(35, 39, bi ? FORMATS_3BYTEBI : FORMATS_3BYTE, TJ.SAMP_440, testName); doTest(39, 41, bi ? FORMATS_4BYTEBI : FORMATS_4BYTE, TJ.SAMP_440, testName); doTest(41, 35, bi ? FORMATS_3BYTEBI : FORMATS_3BYTE, TJ.SAMP_411, testName); doTest(35, 39, bi ? FORMATS_4BYTEBI : FORMATS_4BYTE, TJ.SAMP_411, testName); doTest(39, 41, bi ? FORMATS_GRAYBI : FORMATS_GRAY, TJ.SAMP_GRAY, testName); doTest(41, 35, bi ? FORMATS_3BYTEBI : FORMATS_3BYTE, TJ.SAMP_GRAY, testName); FORMATS_4BYTE[4] = -1; doTest(35, 39, bi ? FORMATS_4BYTEBI : FORMATS_4BYTE, TJ.SAMP_GRAY, testName); if (!bi) bufSizeTest(); if (doYUV && !bi) { System.out.print("\n--------------------\n\n"); doTest(48, 48, FORMATS_RGB, TJ.SAMP_444, "javatest_yuv0"); doTest(48, 48, FORMATS_RGB, TJ.SAMP_422, "javatest_yuv0"); doTest(48, 48, FORMATS_RGB, TJ.SAMP_420, "javatest_yuv0"); doTest(48, 48, FORMATS_RGB, TJ.SAMP_440, "javatest_yuv0"); doTest(48, 48, FORMATS_RGB, TJ.SAMP_411, "javatest_yuv0"); doTest(48, 48, FORMATS_RGB, TJ.SAMP_GRAY, "javatest_yuv0"); doTest(48, 48, FORMATS_GRAY, TJ.SAMP_GRAY, "javatest_yuv0"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exitStatus = -1; } System.exit(exitStatus); } }