/** * Copyright (c) 2020 Paul-Louis Ageneau * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "juice/juice.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include static void sleep(unsigned int secs) { Sleep(secs * 1000); } #else #include // for sleep #endif #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static juice_agent_t *agent1; static juice_agent_t *agent2; static void on_state_changed1(juice_agent_t *agent, juice_state_t state, void *user_ptr); static void on_state_changed2(juice_agent_t *agent, juice_state_t state, void *user_ptr); static void on_candidate1(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *sdp, void *user_ptr); static void on_candidate2(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *sdp, void *user_ptr); static void on_gathering_done1(juice_agent_t *agent, void *user_ptr); static void on_gathering_done2(juice_agent_t *agent, void *user_ptr); static void on_recv1(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *data, size_t size, void *user_ptr); static void on_recv2(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *data, size_t size, void *user_ptr); int test_turn() { juice_set_log_level(JUICE_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); // Agent 1: Create agent juice_config_t config1; memset(&config1, 0, sizeof(config1)); // TURN server // Please do not use outside of libjuice tests juice_turn_server_t turn_server; memset(&turn_server, 0, sizeof(turn_server)); turn_server.host = "stun.ageneau.net"; turn_server.port = 3478; turn_server.username = "juice_test"; turn_server.password = "28245150316902"; config1.turn_servers = &turn_server; config1.turn_servers_count = 1; config1.cb_state_changed = on_state_changed1; config1.cb_candidate = on_candidate1; config1.cb_gathering_done = on_gathering_done1; config1.cb_recv = on_recv1; config1.user_ptr = NULL; agent1 = juice_create(&config1); // Agent 2: Create agent juice_config_t config2; memset(&config2, 0, sizeof(config2)); // Use the same TURN server config2.turn_servers = &turn_server; config2.turn_servers_count = 1; config2.cb_state_changed = on_state_changed2; config2.cb_candidate = on_candidate2; config2.cb_gathering_done = on_gathering_done2; config2.cb_recv = on_recv2; config2.user_ptr = NULL; agent2 = juice_create(&config2); // Agent 1: Generate local description char sdp1[JUICE_MAX_SDP_STRING_LEN]; juice_get_local_description(agent1, sdp1, JUICE_MAX_SDP_STRING_LEN); printf("Local description 1:\n%s\n", sdp1); // Agent 2: Receive description from agent 1 juice_set_remote_description(agent2, sdp1); // Agent 2: Generate local description char sdp2[JUICE_MAX_SDP_STRING_LEN]; juice_get_local_description(agent2, sdp2, JUICE_MAX_SDP_STRING_LEN); printf("Local description 2:\n%s\n", sdp2); // Agent 1: Receive description from agent 2 juice_set_remote_description(agent1, sdp2); // Agent 1: Gather candidates (and send them to agent 2) juice_gather_candidates(agent1); sleep(2); // Agent 2: Gather candidates (and send them to agent 1) juice_gather_candidates(agent2); sleep(2); // -- Connection should be finished -- bool success = true; /* // Check states juice_state_t state1 = juice_get_state(agent1); juice_state_t state2 = juice_get_state(agent2); bool success = (state1 == JUICE_STATE_COMPLETED && state2 == JUICE_STATE_COMPLETED); */ // Retrieve candidates char local[JUICE_MAX_CANDIDATE_SDP_STRING_LEN]; char remote[JUICE_MAX_CANDIDATE_SDP_STRING_LEN]; if (success &= (juice_get_selected_candidates(agent1, local, JUICE_MAX_CANDIDATE_SDP_STRING_LEN, remote, JUICE_MAX_CANDIDATE_SDP_STRING_LEN) == 0)) { printf("Local candidate 1: %s\n", local); printf("Remote candidate 1: %s\n", remote); } if (success &= (juice_get_selected_candidates(agent2, local, JUICE_MAX_CANDIDATE_SDP_STRING_LEN, remote, JUICE_MAX_CANDIDATE_SDP_STRING_LEN) == 0)) { printf("Local candidate 2: %s\n", local); printf("Remote candidate 2: %s\n", remote); } // Retrieve addresses char localAddr[JUICE_MAX_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN]; char remoteAddr[JUICE_MAX_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN]; if (success &= (juice_get_selected_addresses(agent1, localAddr, JUICE_MAX_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN, remoteAddr, JUICE_MAX_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN) == 0)) { printf("Local address 1: %s\n", localAddr); printf("Remote address 1: %s\n", remoteAddr); } if (success &= (juice_get_selected_addresses(agent2, localAddr, JUICE_MAX_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN, remoteAddr, JUICE_MAX_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN) == 0)) { printf("Local address 2: %s\n", localAddr); printf("Remote address 2: %s\n", remoteAddr); } // Agent 1: destroy juice_destroy(agent1); // Agent 2: destroy juice_destroy(agent2); // Sleep so we can check destruction went well sleep(2); if (success) { printf("Success\n"); return 0; } else { printf("Failure\n"); return -1; } } // Agent 1: on state changed static void on_state_changed1(juice_agent_t *agent, juice_state_t state, void *user_ptr) { printf("State 1: %s\n", juice_state_to_string(state)); if (state == JUICE_STATE_CONNECTED) { // Agent 1: on connected, send a message const char *message = "Hello from 1"; juice_send(agent, message, strlen(message)); } } // Agent 2: on state changed static void on_state_changed2(juice_agent_t *agent, juice_state_t state, void *user_ptr) { printf("State 2: %s\n", juice_state_to_string(state)); if (state == JUICE_STATE_CONNECTED) { // Agent 2: on connected, send a message const char *message = "Hello from 2"; juice_send(agent, message, strlen(message)); } } // Agent 1: on local candidate gathered static void on_candidate1(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *sdp, void *user_ptr) { printf("Candidate 1: %s\n", sdp); // Filter relayed candidates if (!strstr(sdp, "relay")) return; // Agent 2: Receive it from agent 1 juice_add_remote_candidate(agent2, sdp); } // Agent 2: on local candidate gathered static void on_candidate2(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *sdp, void *user_ptr) { printf("Candidate 2: %s\n", sdp); // Filter relayed candidates if (!strstr(sdp, "relay")) return; // Agent 1: Receive it from agent 2 juice_add_remote_candidate(agent1, sdp); } // Agent 1: on local candidates gathering done static void on_gathering_done1(juice_agent_t *agent, void *user_ptr) { printf("Gathering done 1\n"); juice_set_remote_gathering_done(agent2); // optional } // Agent 2: on local candidates gathering done static void on_gathering_done2(juice_agent_t *agent, void *user_ptr) { printf("Gathering done 2\n"); juice_set_remote_gathering_done(agent1); // optional } // Agent 1: on message received static void on_recv1(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *data, size_t size, void *user_ptr) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; if (size > BUFFER_SIZE - 1) size = BUFFER_SIZE - 1; memcpy(buffer, data, size); buffer[size] = '\0'; printf("Received 1: %s\n", buffer); } // Agent 2: on message received static void on_recv2(juice_agent_t *agent, const char *data, size_t size, void *user_ptr) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; if (size > BUFFER_SIZE - 1) size = BUFFER_SIZE - 1; memcpy(buffer, data, size); buffer[size] = '\0'; printf("Received 2: %s\n", buffer); }