# JPEG XL reference implementation [![Build&Test](https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl/actions/workflows/build_test.yml/badge.svg)]( https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl/actions/workflows/build_test.yml) [![Releases](https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl/actions/workflows/release.yaml/badge.svg)]( https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl/actions/workflows/release.yaml) [![Doc](https://readthedocs.org/projects/libjxl/badge/?version=latest)]( https://libjxl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/libjxl/libjxl/branch/main/graph/badge.svg)]( https://codecov.io/gh/libjxl/libjxl) JXL logo This repository contains a reference implementation of JPEG XL (encoder and decoder), called `libjxl`. This software library is [used by many applications that support JPEG XL](doc/software_support.md). JPEG XL is in the final stages of standardization and its codestream and file format are frozen. The library API, command line options, and tools in this repository are subject to change, however files encoded with `cjxl` conform to the JPEG XL format specification and can be decoded with current and future `djxl` decoders or `libjxl` decoding library. ## Quick start guide For more details and other workflows see the "Advanced guide" below. ### Checking out the code ```bash git clone https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl.git --recursive --shallow-submodules ``` This repository uses git submodules to handle some third party dependencies under `third_party`, that's why is important to pass `--recursive`. If you didn't check out with `--recursive`, or any submodule has changed, run: ```bash git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1 --recommend-shallow ``` The `--shallow-submodules` and `--depth 1 --recommend-shallow` options create shallow clones which only downloads the commits requested, and is all that is needed to build `libjxl`. Should full clones be necessary, you could always run: ```bash git submodule foreach git fetch --unshallow git submodule update --init --recursive ``` which pulls the rest of the commits in the submodules. Important: If you downloaded a zip file or tarball from the web interface you won't get the needed submodules and the code will not compile. You can download these external dependencies from source running `./deps.sh`. The git workflow described above is recommended instead. ### Installing dependencies Required dependencies for compiling the code, in a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution run: ```bash sudo apt install cmake pkg-config libbrotli-dev libgflags-dev ``` Optional dependencies for supporting other formats in the `cjxl`/`djxl` tools, in a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution run: ```bash sudo apt install libgif-dev libjpeg-dev libopenexr-dev libpng-dev libwebp-dev ``` We recommend using a recent Clang compiler (version 7 or newer), for that install clang and set `CC` and `CXX` variables. ```bash sudo apt install clang export CC=clang CXX=clang++ ``` ### Building ```bash cd libjxl mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF .. cmake --build . -- -j$(nproc) ``` The encoder/decoder tools will be available in the `build/tools` directory. ### Installing ```bash sudo cmake --install . ``` ### Basic encoder/decoder To encode a source image to JPEG XL with default settings: ```bash build/tools/cjxl input.png output.jxl ``` For more settings run `build/tools/cjxl --help` or for a full list of options run `build/tools/cjxl -v -v --help`. To decode a JPEG XL file run: ```bash build/tools/djxl input.jxl output.png ``` When possible `cjxl`/`djxl` are able to read/write the following image formats: .exr, .gif, .jpeg/.jpg, .pfm, .pgm/.ppm, .pgx, .png. ### Benchmarking For speed benchmarks on single images in single or multi-threaded decoding `djxl` can print decoding speed information. See `djxl --help` for details on the decoding options and note that the output image is optional for benchmarking purposes. For more comprehensive benchmarking options, see the [benchmarking guide](doc/benchmarking.md). ## Advanced guide ### Building with Docker We build a common environment based on Debian/Ubuntu using Docker. Other systems may have different combinations of versions and dependencies that have not been tested and may not work. For those cases we recommend using the Docker container as explained in the [step by step guide](doc/developing_in_docker.md). ### Building JPEG XL for developers For experienced developers, we provide build instructions for several other environments: * [Building on Debian](doc/developing_in_debian.md) * Building on Windows with [vcpkg](doc/developing_in_windows_vcpkg.md) (Visual Studio 2019) * Building on Windows with [MSYS2](doc/developing_in_windows_msys.md) * [Cross Compiling for Windows with Crossroad](doc/developing_with_crossroad.md) If you encounter any difficulties, please use Docker instead. ## License This software is available under a 3-clause BSD license which can be found in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file, with an "Additional IP Rights Grant" as outlined in the [PATENTS](PATENTS) file. Please note that the PATENTS file only mentions Google since Google is the legal entity receiving the Contributor License Agreements (CLA) from all contributors to the JPEG XL Project, including the initial main contributors to the JPEG XL format: Cloudinary and Google. ## Additional documentation ### Codec description * [JPEG XL Format Overview](doc/format_overview.md) * [Introductory paper](https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceedings/Download?fullDOI=10.1117%2F12.2529237) (open-access) * [XL Overview](doc/xl_overview.md) - a brief introduction to the source code modules * [JPEG XL white paper](http://ds.jpeg.org/whitepapers/jpeg-xl-whitepaper.pdf) * [JPEG XL official website](https://jpeg.org/jpegxl) * [JPEG XL community website](https://jpegxl.info) ### Development process * [More information on testing/build options](doc/building_and_testing.md) * [Git guide for JPEG XL](doc/developing_in_github.md) - for developers * [Fuzzing](doc/fuzzing.md) - for developers * [Building Web Assembly artifacts](doc/building_wasm.md) * [Test coverage on Codecov.io](https://app.codecov.io/gh/libjxl/libjxl) - for developers * [libjxl documentation on readthedocs.io](https://libjxl.readthedocs.io/) ### Contact If you encounter a bug or other issue with the software, please open an Issue here. There is a [subreddit about JPEG XL](https://www.reddit.com/r/jpegxl/), and informal chatting with developers and early adopters of `libjxl` can be done on the [JPEG XL Discord server](https://discord.gg/DqkQgDRTFu).