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# libkeynotation - A (musical) key notation parser and transposer This library supports parsing musical keys notated in different formats and transposing the key. You can freely convert between the different formats and also transpose the key if the track is being played faster/slower. ## Supported notations - Traditional (eg. F#m, Abm, G♭,...) - OpenKey (1m, 1d, 12m, 12d..) - Lancelot (1A, 1B... 12A, 12B) # Example: ```rust use libkeynotation::Key; let key = Key::from_string("F#m").unwrap(); assert_eq!(key.lancelot(), "11A"); assert_eq!(key.open_key(), "4m"); assert_eq!(key.transpose_bpm(135.0, 140.4).lancelot(), "6A"); ```