Relacy Race Detector Todo List: - use indirection and indices for TLS, because on Windows TLS index is DWORD (not DWORD_PTR) (eliminate pointers?) + provide rl::hash_ptr() - support for fair timed waits + remove iteration count estimation from full sched -> causes division by 0 - history: memory allocation before object ctor (new T (...)) + code in test::after() affects iteration count with full scheduler -> final and estimated iteration counts are the same - non-deterministic sub-expression calculation: foo(bar.load(std::memory_order_acquire), baz.load(std::memory_order_acquire)); - post issue: can't simulate some modification orders in presence of data-races-type-2 for atomic vars: //thread 1, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed); //thread 2 while (y.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0 {}, std::memory_order_relaxed); -> modification order of 'x' will never be "2, 1" [CORE] - initially run threads one by one - initially run some iterations twice, in order to check that unit-test is deterministic ? add unique identifiers to atomics, vars, mutexes etc (address can be useful too) - example catalog (description, used techniques, what error is found) - do I need sched() before atomic loads? - do I need sched() before mutex unlock? - for loads output in history value of which store is loaded - detect dead-code - output which operations cause data race ? output happens-before matrix, synchronizes-with matrix etc - SEH handler to catch paging faults - sched before malloc/free to allow more ABA [PERF] - implement performance simulation - cacheline transfers - atomic rmw operations - fences [OTHER] - parallelize the run-time for random scheduler - parallelize the run-time for tree search scheduler - manual control over scheduler - persistent checkpointing of scheduler state (to allow "continue") - atomic blocks (pdr implementation -> pdr component) ? state space reductions (sleep sets, dynamic persistent sets) ? what can I do with serialization points -> user specifies "visible" results system checks for linearizablity -> "visible" results equal to some sequential execution ? save program state inside iteration (save point), continue other iterations from this save point ? partial order reductions by memorizing happens-before graphs, not program state ? estimate progress by seeing how many iterations it gets to move 0->1 on some stree level ? lower bound, upper bound, mean of progress O(X) = (P^(C + 3)) * (N^(P + C + 1)) * (P + C)!