// Adapted from http://www.bealto.com/gpu-fft2_opencl-1.html // Handle single precision vs. double precision #ifdef SINGLE_PRECISION typedef float real_t; typedef float2 real2_t; #define FFT_PI 3.14159265359f #define FFT_SQRT_1_2 0.707106781187f #else #ifdef K_DOUBLE_PRECISION #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable #elif AMD_DOUBLE_PRECISION #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64: enable #endif typedef double real_t; typedef double2 real2_t; #define FFT_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define FFT_SQRT_1_2 0.70710678118654752440 #endif // Return A*B real2_t mul(real2_t a,real2_t b) { #if USE_MAD return (real2_t)(mad(a.x,b.x,-a.y*b.y),mad(a.x,b.y,a.y*b.x)); // mad #else return (real2_t)(a.x*b.x-a.y*b.y,a.x*b.y+a.y*b.x); // no mad #endif } // Return A * exp(K*ALPHA*i) real2_t twiddle(real2_t a,int k,real_t alpha) { real_t cs,sn; sn = sincos((real_t)k*alpha,&cs); return mul(a,(real2_t)(cs,sn)); } // In-place DFT-2, output is (a,b). Arguments must be variables. #define DFT2(a,b) { real2_t tmp = a - b; a += b; b = tmp; } // Compute T x DFT-2. // T is the number of threads. // N = 2*T is the size of input vectors. // X[N], Y[N] // P is the length of input sub-sequences: 1,2,4,...,T. // Each DFT-2 has input (X[I],X[I+T]), I=0..T-1, // and output Y[J],Y|J+P], J = I with one 0 bit inserted at postion P. */ __kernel void fftRadix2Kernel(__global const real2_t * x,__global real2_t * y,int p) { int t = get_global_size(0); // thread count int i = get_global_id(0); // thread index int k = i&(p-1); // index in input sequence, in 0..P-1 int j = ((i-k)<<1) + k; // output index real_t alpha = -FFT_PI*(real_t)k/(real_t)p; // Read and twiddle input x += i; real2_t u0 = x[0]; real2_t u1 = twiddle(x[t],1,alpha); // In-place DFT-2 DFT2(u0,u1); // Write output y += j; y[0] = u0; y[p] = u1; }