use std::{ env, fs, io, io::Write, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, }; fn main() { let dst = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let include = dst.join("include"); let mut cfg = cc::Build::new(); fs::create_dir_all(&include).unwrap(); // If `pkg-config` found libmodbus we use `pkg-config` to get // the include_path and call bindgen with that. if let Ok(library) = pkg_config::probe_library("libmodbus") { if let Some(include) = library.include_paths.get(0) { run_bindgen(&include); } return; } // `pkg-config` doesn't found libmodbus. // So we have to compile libmodbus from source (source are in a git submodule) // Then run bindgen with that folder as include path set. if !Path::new("libmodbus/.git").exists() { let _ = Command::new("git") .args(&["submodule", "update", "--init", "libmodbus"]) .status(); } // Copy over all header files cp_r("libmodbus/src", &include); let mut config_h = fs::File::create(include.join("config.h")).unwrap(); write!( config_h, r#" #define VERSION "3.1.6" "# ) .unwrap(); let mut modbus_version_h = fs::File::create(include.join("modbus-version.h")).unwrap(); write!( modbus_version_h, r#" #define LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MAJOR (3) #define LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MINOR (1) #define LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MICRO (6) #define LIBMODBUS_VERSION 3.1.6 #define LIBMODBUS_VERSION_STRING "3.1.6" #define LIBMODBUS_VERSION_HEX ((LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MAJOR << 16) | \ (LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MINOR << 8) | \ (LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MICRO << 0)) #define LIBMODBUS_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,micro) \ (LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MAJOR > (major) || \ (LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MAJOR == (major) && \ LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MINOR > (minor)) || \ (LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MAJOR == (major) && \ LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MINOR == (minor) && \ LIBMODBUS_VERSION_MICRO >= (micro))) "# ) .unwrap(); cfg.include(&include) .include("libmodbus/src") .out_dir(dst.join("build")) .warnings(false); // Include all cross-platform C files add_c_files(&mut cfg, "libmodbus/src"); cfg.compile("modbus"); println!("cargo:root={}", dst.display()); run_bindgen(&include); } fn cp_r(from: impl AsRef, to: impl AsRef) { for e in from.as_ref().read_dir().unwrap() { let e = e.unwrap(); let from = e.path(); let to = to.as_ref().join(e.file_name()); if e.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { fs::create_dir_all(&to).unwrap(); cp_r(&from, &to); } else { println!("{} => {}", from.display(), to.display()); fs::copy(&from, &to).unwrap(); } } } fn add_c_files(build: &mut cc::Build, path: impl AsRef) { // sort the C files to ensure a deterministic build for reproducible builds let dir = path.as_ref().read_dir().unwrap(); let mut paths = dir.collect::>>().unwrap(); paths.sort_by_key(|e| e.path()); for e in paths { let path = e.path(); if e.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { // skip dirs for now } else if path.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("c") { build.file(&path); } } } fn run_bindgen(include: &PathBuf) { println!("YIPPIE bindgen"); let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("can't access $OUT_DIR")); // Configure and generate bindings. let bindings = bindgen::builder() .header("wrapper.h") .clang_arg(format!("-I{}", include.display())) .bitfield_enum("modbus_error_recovery_mode") .blacklist_type("_?P?IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY.*") .generate() .expect("could not reate binding"); // Write the generated bindings to an output file. bindings .write_to_file(out_path.join("")) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); }