use bytes::Bytes; use libmudtelnet::compatibility::{CompatibilityEntry, CompatibilityTable}; use libmudtelnet::events::{TelnetEvents, TelnetSubnegotiation}; use libmudtelnet::telnet::{op_command as cmd, op_option as opt}; use libmudtelnet::Parser; /// Test the parser and its general functionality. #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] enum Event { Iac, Negotiation, Subnegotiation, Recv, Send, Decom, } macro_rules! events { ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => { { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut temp_ce = CapturedEvents::default(); $( temp_ce.push($x); )* temp_ce } }; } #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct CapturedEvents { events: Vec, } impl CapturedEvents { fn push(&mut self, event: Event) {; } } impl PartialEq for CapturedEvents { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { if == { self .events .iter() .zip( .all(|(val1, val2)| val1 == val2) } else { false } } } fn handle_events(event_list: Vec) -> CapturedEvents { let mut events = CapturedEvents::default(); for event in event_list { match event { TelnetEvents::IAC(ev) => { println!("IAC: {}", ev.command); events.push(Event::Iac); } TelnetEvents::Negotiation(ev) => { println!("Negotiation: {} {}", ev.command, ev.option); events.push(Event::Negotiation); } TelnetEvents::Subnegotiation(ev) => { println!("Subnegotiation: {} {:?}", ev.option, ev.buffer); events.push(Event::Subnegotiation); } TelnetEvents::DataReceive(buffer) => { println!( "Receive: {}", std::str::from_utf8(&buffer[..]).unwrap_or("Bad utf-8 bytes") ); events.push(Event::Recv); } TelnetEvents::DataSend(buffer) => { println!("Send: {:?}", buffer); events.push(Event::Send); } TelnetEvents::DecompressImmediate(buffer) => { println!("DECOMPRESS: {:?}", buffer); events.push(Event::Decom); } }; } events } #[test] fn test_parser() { let mut instance: Parser = Parser::new(); instance.options.support_local(opt::GMCP); instance.options.support_local(opt::MCCP2); if let Some(ev) = instance._will(opt::GMCP) { assert_eq!(handle_events(vec![ev]), events![Event::Send]); } if let Some(ev) = instance._will(opt::MCCP2) { assert_eq!(handle_events(vec![ev]), events![Event::Send]); } assert_eq!( handle_events(instance.receive(&[b"Hello, rust!", &[cmd::IAC, cmd::GA][..]].concat())), events![Event::Recv, Event::Iac] ); assert_eq!( handle_events(instance.receive(&[cmd::IAC, cmd::DO, opt::GMCP])), events![] ); assert_eq!( handle_events(instance.receive(&[&[cmd::IAC, cmd::DO, 200][..], b"Some random data"].concat())), events![Event::Send, Event::Recv] ); assert_eq!( handle_events(instance.receive( &TelnetSubnegotiation::new(opt::GMCP, Bytes::copy_from_slice(b"Core.Hello {}")).to_bytes() ),), events![Event::Subnegotiation] ); assert_eq!( handle_events( instance.receive( &[ &TelnetSubnegotiation::new(opt::GMCP, Bytes::copy_from_slice(b"Core.Hello {}")) .to_bytes()[..], b"Random text", &[cmd::IAC, cmd::GA][..] ] .concat() ), ), events![Event::Subnegotiation, Event::Recv, Event::Iac] ); assert_eq!( handle_events( instance.receive( &[ &TelnetSubnegotiation::new(opt::MCCP2, Bytes::copy_from_slice(b" ")).to_bytes()[..], b"This is compressed data", &[cmd::IAC, cmd::GA][..] ] .concat() ), ), events![Event::Subnegotiation, Event::Decom] ); assert_eq!( // TODO(@cpu): Can data be made easier to understand at a glance? handle_events(instance.receive(&[ 87, 104, 97, 116, 32, 105, 115, 32, 121, 111, 117, 114, 32, 112, 97, 115, 115, 119, 111, 114, 100, 63, 32, 255, 239, 255, 251, 1 ])), events![Event::Recv, Event::Iac, Event::Send] ); } #[test] fn test_subneg_separate_receives() { let mut instance: Parser = Parser::with_capacity(10); instance.options.support_local(opt::GMCP); instance._will(opt::GMCP); let mut events = instance.receive( &[ &[cmd::IAC, cmd::SB, opt::GMCP][..], b"Otion.Data { some: json, data: in, here: ! }", ] .concat(), ); assert_eq!(handle_events(events), events![]); events = instance.receive(b"More.Data { some: json, data: in, here: ! }"); assert_eq!(handle_events(events), events![]); events = instance.receive( &[ &[cmd::IAC, cmd::SE][..], &[cmd::IAC, cmd::SB, opt::GMCP][..], b"Otion.Data { some: json, data: in, here: ! }", ] .concat(), ); assert_eq!(handle_events(events), events![Event::Subnegotiation]); events = instance.receive( &[ b"More.Data { some: json, data: in, here: ! }", &[cmd::IAC, cmd::SE][..], ] .concat(), ); assert_eq!(handle_events(events), events![Event::Subnegotiation]); } // Test that receiving a subnegotiation with embedded UTF-8 content works correctly, // even when the content includes a SE byte. #[test] fn test_subneg_utf8_content() { use cmd::{IAC, SB, SE}; use opt::GMCP; // Create a parser that will support GMCP. let mut parser = Parser::new(); parser.options.support_local(GMCP); parser._will(GMCP); // Construct a GMCP message containing a UTF-8 sequence that happens // to include SE (0xF0). This should be permitted as long as the SE isn't // preceeded by IAC (0xFF). For our test case we'll use the content // '👋' (0xF0, 0x9F, 0x91, 0x8B) - where the leading byte is SE. let prefix = &[IAC, SB, GMCP][..]; let wave_emoji = &[0xF0, 0x9F, 0x91, 0x8B][..]; let suffix = &[IAC, SE][..]; let gmcp_msg = [prefix, wave_emoji, suffix].concat(); // Receive the GMCP message with the parser. This should produce one event. let events = parser.receive(&gmcp_msg); assert_eq!(events.len(), 1, "only expected one event to be parsed"); // The event should be a Subnegotiation for the GMCP option, with the correct in-tact // buffer contents. if let TelnetEvents::Subnegotiation(sub) = events.first().unwrap() { assert_eq!(sub.option, 201, "option should be GMCP"); assert_eq!( sub.buffer, wave_emoji, "buffer should be equal to the wave emoji" ); } else { panic!("missing expected DataReceive event"); } } /// Test escaping IAC bytes in a buffer. #[test] fn test_escape() { let initial = vec![ cmd::IAC, cmd::SB, 201, cmd::IAC, 205, 202, cmd::IAC, cmd::SE, ]; let expected = Bytes::copy_from_slice(&[ cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC, cmd::SB, 201, cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC, 205, 202, cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC, cmd::SE, ]); assert_eq!(expected, Parser::escape_iac(initial.clone())); assert_eq!(initial, Parser::unescape_iac(expected)); } /// Test unescaping IAC bytes in a buffer. #[test] fn test_unescape() { let initial = vec![ cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC, cmd::SB, 201, cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC, 205, 202, cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC, cmd::SE, ]; let expected = Bytes::copy_from_slice(&[ cmd::IAC, cmd::SB, 201, cmd::IAC, 205, 202, cmd::IAC, cmd::SE, ]); assert_eq!(expected, Parser::unescape_iac(initial.clone())); assert_eq!(initial, Parser::escape_iac(expected)); } #[test] fn test_escape_roundtrip_bug_one() { // The original libtelnet-rs mishandles this input: let data = vec![cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC, 228]; let escaped = Parser::escape_iac(data.clone()); let unescaped = Parser::unescape_iac(escaped); assert_eq!(unescaped, data); } #[test] fn test_escape_roundtrip_bug_two() { // The original libtelnet-rs mishandles this input: let data = vec![228, cmd::IAC, cmd::IAC]; let escaped = Parser::escape_iac(data.clone()); let unescaped = Parser::unescape_iac(escaped); assert_eq!(unescaped, data); } #[test] fn test_bad_subneg_dbuffer() { // Configure opt 0xFF (IAC) as local supported, and local state enabled. let entry = CompatibilityEntry::new(true, false, true, false); let opts = CompatibilityTable::from_options(&[(cmd::IAC, entry.into_u8())]); // Receive a malformed subnegotiation - this should not panic. Parser::with_support(opts).receive(&[cmd::IAC, cmd::SB, cmd::IAC, cmd::SE]); } #[test] fn test_into_bytes() { let bytes = libmudtelnet::events::TelnetIAC::new(cmd::IAC).to_bytes(); assert!(!bytes.is_empty()) } #[cfg(test)] mod compat_tests { use compat::{test_app, TelnetApplication}; #[test] fn test_parser_diff1() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![(255, 254)], received_data: vec![vec![255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 255, 0]], }); } #[test] fn test_parser_diff2() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![], received_data: vec![vec![45, 255, 250, 255]], }); } #[test] fn test_parser_diff3() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![(0, 1)], received_data: vec![vec![255, 253, 0]], }) } #[test] fn test_parser_diff4() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![], received_data: vec![vec![255, 250, 255, 255, 240, 250]], }) } #[test] fn test_parser_diff5() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![], received_data: vec![vec![255, 250, 255, 240, 0]], }) } #[test] fn test_parser_diff6() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![], received_data: vec![vec![240, 255, 250, 255, 240, 0]], }) } #[test] fn test_parser_diff7() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![], received_data: vec![vec![255]], }) } #[test] fn test_parser_diff8() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![], received_data: vec![vec![255, 252, 0]], }) } #[test] fn test_parser_diff9() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![], received_data: vec![vec![254, 255, 255, 255, 254, 0]], }) } #[test] fn test_parser_diff10() { test_app(&TelnetApplication { options: vec![(255, 254), (1, 0)], received_data: vec![vec![255, 253, 255]], }) } }