dofile"setup.lua" test("+ipv4", function() local n = net.init() local datat = {payload="xxx"} local ipt = {src="", dst="", protocol=17, options="AAA"} local etht = {src="01:02:03:01:02:03", dst="04:05:06:04:05:06"} local pkt = "0405060405060102030102030800".. -- eth "4600001b000000004011e77d0102030405060708".. h"AAA".."00".. -- ipo, padded "787878" -- payload local dtag = n:data(datat) local itag = n:ipv4(ipt) local etag = n:eth(etht) local b = n:block() dump(n) assert(pkt == h(b), h(b)) n:clear() ipt.payload = datat.payload local itag = n:ipv4(ipt) local etag = n:eth(etht) local b = n:block() dump(n) print("i", pkt) print("o", h(b)) assert(pkt == h(b), h(b)) n:clear() local pkt = "0405060405060102030102030800".. -- eth "450000170000000040116ac30102030405060708".. "787878" -- payload ipt.options = nil local itag = n:ipv4(ipt) local etag = n:eth(etht) local b = n:block() dump(n) print("i", pkt) print("o", h(b)) assert(pkt == h(b), h(b)) n:clear() local pkt = "0405060405060102030102030800".. -- eth "450000140000000040116ac60102030405060708" ipt.options = nil ipt.payload = nil local itag = n:ipv4(ipt) local etag = n:eth(etht) local b = n:block() dump(n) print("i", pkt) print("o", h(b)) assert(pkt == h(b), h(b)) local pkt = "0405060405060102030102030800".. -- eth "46000018000000004011e7800102030405060708".. h"AAA".."00" -- ipo, padded ipt.options = "AAA" ipt.ptag = itag assert(itag == n:ipv4(ipt)) local b = n:block() dump(n) print("i", pkt) print("o", h(b)) assert(pkt == h(b), h(b)) local pkt = "0405060405060102030102030800".. -- eth "4600001b000000004011e77d0102030405060708".. h"AAA".."00".. -- ipo, padded "787878" -- payload ipt.payload = "xxx" assert(itag == n:ipv4(ipt)) local b = n:block() dump(n) print("i", pkt) print("o", h(b)) assert(pkt == h(b), h(b)) local pkt = "0405060405060102030102030800".. -- eth "4500001a0000000040116ac00102030405060708".. "787878" -- payload ipt.options = nil assert(itag == n:ipv4(ipt)) local b = n:block() dump(n) print("i", pkt) print("o", h(b)) assert(pkt == h(b), h(b)) end) test("+ipv4, replace eth with ipv4", function() local n = net.init() local eth = n:eth{src="01:02:03:04:05:01", dst="01:02:03:04:05:02"} local ok,emsg=pcall(n.ipv4, n, {src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+4, options="AAAA", ptag = eth}) assert(not ok, emsg) print("successfully failed", emsg) end) test("+ipv4 w/options mutation", function() local n = net.init() local ptag = n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+4, options="AAAA"} n:eth{src="01:02:03:04:05:01", dst="01:02:03:04:05:02"} dump(n, 14+24) n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+4, options="BB", ptag=ptag} dump(n, 14+24) n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+0, ptag=ptag} dump(n, 14+20) n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+8, options="DDDDD", ptag=ptag} dump(n, 14+28) end) test("-ipv4 with invalid ptag", function() local n = net.init() assert(not pcall( n.ipv4, n, {src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+8, options="DDDDD", ptag=999} ) ) end)