do |conf| # load specific toolchain settings conf.toolchain # Use mrbgems # conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/ruby_extension_example' # conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/c_extension_example' do |g| # << '-g' # append cflags in this gem # end # conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/c_and_ruby_extension_example' # conf.gem :core => 'mruby-eval' # conf.gem :mgem => 'mruby-onig-regexp' # conf.gem :github => 'mattn/mruby-onig-regexp' # conf.gem :git => '', :branch => 'master', :options => '-v' # include the GEM box conf.gembox 'default' # C compiler settings # do |cc| # cc.command = ENV['CC'] || 'gcc' # cc.flags = [ENV['CFLAGS'] || %w()] # cc.include_paths = ["#{root}/include"] # cc.defines = %w() # cc.option_include_path = %q[-I"%s"] # cc.option_define = '-D%s' # cc.compile_options = %Q[%{flags} -MMD -o "%{outfile}" -c "%{infile}"] # end # mrbc settings # conf.mrbc do |mrbc| # mrbc.compile_options = "-g -B%{funcname} -o-" # The -g option is required for line numbers # end # Linker settings # conf.linker do |linker| # linker.command = ENV['LD'] || 'gcc' # linker.flags = [ENV['LDFLAGS'] || []] # linker.flags_before_libraries = [] # linker.libraries = %w() # linker.flags_after_libraries = [] # linker.library_paths = [] # linker.option_library = '-l%s' # linker.option_library_path = '-L%s' # linker.link_options = %Q[%{flags} -o "%{outfile}" %{objs} %{libs}] # end # Archiver settings # conf.archiver do |archiver| # archiver.command = ENV['AR'] || 'ar' # archiver.archive_options = 'rs "%{outfile}" %{objs}' # end # Parser generator settings # conf.yacc do |yacc| # yacc.command = ENV['YACC'] || 'bison' # yacc.compile_options = %q[-o "%{outfile}" "%{infile}"] # end # gperf settings # conf.gperf do |gperf| # gperf.command = 'gperf' # gperf.compile_options = %q[-L ANSI-C -C -p -j1 -i 1 -g -o -t -N mrb_reserved_word -k"1,3,$" "%{infile}" > "%{outfile}"] # end # file extensions # conf.exts do |exts| # exts.object = '.o' # exts.executable = '' # '.exe' if Windows # exts.library = '.a' # end # file separator # conf.file_separator = '/' # Turn on `enable_debug` for better debugging # conf.enable_debug conf.enable_bintest conf.enable_test end