/* * If placed under the "mruby/examples/mrbgems/mruby-YOUR-bigint" directory, * this file is available under the Creative Commons Zero License (CC0). * Note that file is incomplete. * * TODO: If this file is copied and another implementation is written, * remove this comment block from the copied file. */ #include #include /* * The "mruby/internal.h" file should be placed after the other mruby header files. */ #include /* * The "mruby/presym.h" file is placed at the end of the mruby header file. */ #include /* * Define your own struct RBigint. * * - Object type must be MRB_TT_BIGINT. * - If the structure is named RBigint, MRB_OBJ_ALLOC() can be used as is. */ struct RBigint { /* * Put MRB_OBJECT_HEADER before the first member of the structure. */ MRB_OBJECT_HEADER; /* * Up to 3 words can be freely configured. */ size_t len; size_t capa; uintptr_t *num; }; /* * Assert with mrb_static_assert_object_size() that the entire structure is within 6 words. */ mrb_static_assert_object_size(struct RBigint); /* * The lower 16 bits of the object flags (`obj->flags`) can be used freely by the GEM author. */ #define MY_BIGINT_NEGATIVE_FLAG 1 #define MY_BIGINT_NEGATIVE_P(obj) ((obj)->flags & MY_BIGINT_NEGATIVE_FLAG) /* * Implement the functions declared in `#ifdef MRUBY_USE_BIGINT ... #endif` in the "mruby/internal.h" file. */ mrb_value mrb_bint_new_int(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_int x) { struct RBigint *obj = MRB_OBJ_ALLOC(mrb, MRB_TT_BIGINT, mrb->integer_class); ... return mrb_obj_value(obj); } /* * The implementation function continues... */