require 'open3' require 'tempfile' require 'strscan' class BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger # @debug1=false # @debug2=true def self.test(rubysource, testcase) script, bin =['test', '.rb']),['test', '.mrb']) # .rb script.write rubysource script.flush # compile `#{cmd("mrbc")} -g -o "#{bin.path}" "#{script.path}"` # add mrdb quit testcase << {:cmd=>"quit"} stdin_data ={|t| t[:cmd]}.join("\n") << "\n" prompt = /^\(#{Regexp.escape(script.path)}:\d+\) / ["#{cmd('mrdb')} #{script.path}", "#{cmd('mrdb')} -b #{bin.path}"].each do |cmd| o, s = Open3.capture2(cmd, :stdin_data => stdin_data) scanner = scanner.skip_until(prompt) testcase.each do |tc| exp = tc[:exp] if exp act = scanner.scan_until(/\n/) break unless assert_operator act, :start_with?, exp end scanner.skip_until(prompt) end =begin if @debug1 o.split("\n").each_with_index do |i,actual| p [i,actual] end end # compare actual / expected o.split("\n").each do |actual| next if actual.empty? exp = exp_vals.shift if @debug2 a = true a = actual.include?(exp) unless exp.nil? p [actual, exp] unless a end assert_true actual.include?(exp) unless exp.nil? end =end end end end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) invalid arguments') do # ruby source src = "foo = 'foo'\n" # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"p", :exp=>"Parameter not specified."} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) normal') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" foo = 'foo' bar = foo baz = bar SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"p (1+2)", :exp=>'$1 = 3'} tc << {:cmd=>"p foo", :exp=>'$2 = "foo"'} tc << {:cmd=>"p foo*=2", :exp=>'$3 = "foofoo"'} tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"p bar", :exp=>'$4 = "foofoo"'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) error') do # ruby source src = "foo = 'foo'\n" # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"p (1+2", :exp=>'$1 = line 1: syntax error'} tc << {:cmd=>"p bar", :exp=>'$2 = undefined method'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end # Kernel#instance_eval(string) doesn't work multiple statements. =begin assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) multiple statements') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s",} tc << {:cmd=>"p x=1;x+=2", :exp=>"3"} tc << {:cmd=>"s",} tc << {:cmd=>"p x", :exp=>"3"} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end =end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) scope:top') do # ruby source (bp is break point) src = "bp=nil\n" # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$1 = main'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) scope:class') do # ruby source (bp is break point) src = <<"SRC" class TestClassScope bp = nil end SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$1 = TestClassScope'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) scope:module') do # ruby source (bp is break point) src = <<"SRC" class TestModuleScope bp = nil end SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$1 = TestModuleScope'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) scope:instance method') do # ruby source (bp is break point) src = <<"SRC" class TestMethodScope def m bp = nil end end SRC tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"b 3"} tc << {:cmd=>"r"} tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$1 = #"b 3"} tc << {:cmd=>"r"} tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$1 = TestClassMethodScope'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) scope:block') do # ruby source (bp is break point) src = <<"SRC" 1.times do bp = nil end class TestBlockScope 1.times do bp = nil end def m 1.times do bp = nil end end end SRC tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"b 2"} tc << {:cmd=>"b 6"} tc << {:cmd=>"b 10"} tc << {:cmd=>"c"} tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$1 = main'} tc << {:cmd=>"c"} tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$2 = TestBlockScope'} tc << {:cmd=>"c"} tc << {:cmd=>"p self", :exp=>'$3 = #"b 6"} tc << {:cmd=>"b 8"} tc << {:cmd=>"b 11"} tc << {:cmd=>"r"} tc << {:cmd=>"p lv", :exp=>'$1 = "class"'} tc << {:cmd=>"c"} tc << {:cmd=>"p lv", :exp=>'$2 = "instance method"'} tc << {:cmd=>"c"} tc << {:cmd=>"p lv", :exp=>'$3 = "top"'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) same name:instance variable') do # ruby source (bp is break point) src = <<"SRC" @iv = 'top' class TestInstanceVariableName def initialize(v) @iv = v end def m bp = nil end end i1 ='instance1') i2 ='instance2') i1.m i2.m bp = nil SRC tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"b 7"} tc << {:cmd=>"b 14"} tc << {:cmd=>"r"} tc << {:cmd=>"p @iv", :exp=>'$1 = "instance1"'} tc << {:cmd=>"c"} tc << {:cmd=>"p @iv", :exp=>'$2 = "instance2"'} tc << {:cmd=>"c"} tc << {:cmd=>"p @iv", :exp=>'$3 = "top"'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end # Kernel#instance_eval(string) doesn't work const. =begin assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) same name:const') do # ruby source (bp is break point) src = <<"SRC" CONST='top' class TestConstNameSuperClass CONST='super class' def m bp = nil end end class TestConstNameSubClass < TestConstNameSuperClass CONST='sub class' def m bp = nil end end bp = nil SRC # todo: wait for 'break' to be implemented tc = [] 9.times { tc << {:cmd=>"s"} } tc << {:cmd=>"p CONST", :exp=>"super class"} 3.times { tc << {:cmd=>"s"} } tc << {:cmd=>"p CONST", :exp=>"sub class"} 1.times { tc << {:cmd=>"s"} } tc << {:cmd=>"p CONST", :exp=>"top"} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end =end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Literal:Numeric') do # ruby source src = "foo = 'foo'\n" # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"p 100", :exp=>'$1 = 100'} tc << {:cmd=>"p -0b100", :exp=>'$2 = -4'} tc << {:cmd=>"p +0100", :exp=>'$3 = 64'} tc << {:cmd=>"p 0x100", :exp=>'$4 = 256'} tc << {:cmd=>"p 1_234", :exp=>'$5 = 1234'} tc << {:cmd=>"p 0b1000_0000", :exp=>"$6 = #{0b1000_0000}"} tc << {:cmd=>"p 0x1000_0000", :exp=>"$7 = #{0x1000_0000}"} tc << {:cmd=>"p 3.14", :exp=>'$8 = 3.14'} tc << {:cmd=>"p -12.3", :exp=>'$9 = -12.3'} tc << {:cmd=>"p +12.000", :exp=>'$10 = 12'} tc << {:cmd=>"p 1e4", :exp=>'$11 = 10000'} tc << {:cmd=>"p -0.1e-2", :exp=>'$12 = -0.001'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Literal:String') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" foo = 'foo' bar = "bar" baz = "baz" SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>'p "str"', :exp=>'$1 = "str"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "s\tt\rr\n"', :exp=>'$2 = "s\\tt\\rr\\n"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "\C-a\C-z"', :exp=>'$3 = "\\x01\\x1a"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{foo+bar}"', :exp=>'$4 = "foobar"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p \'str\'', :exp=>'$5 = "str"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p \'s\\tt\\rr\\n\'', :exp=>'$6 = "s\\\\tt\\\\rr\\\\n"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p \'\\C-a\\C-z\'', :exp=>'$7 = "\\\\C-a\\\\C-z"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p \'#{foo+bar}\'', :exp=>'$8 = "\\#{foo+bar}"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %!str!', :exp=>'$9 = "str"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %!s\tt\rr\n!', :exp=>'$10 = "s\\tt\\rr\\n"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %!\C-a\C-z!', :exp=>'$11 = "\\x01\\x1a"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %!#{foo+bar}!', :exp=>'$12 = "foobar"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %Q!str!', :exp=>'$13 = "str"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %Q!s\tt\rr\n!', :exp=>'$14 = "s\\tt\\rr\\n"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %Q!\C-a\C-z!', :exp=>'$15 = "\\x01\\x1a"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %Q!#{foo+bar}!', :exp=>'$16 = "foobar"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %q!str!', :exp=>'$17 = "str"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %q!s\\tt\\rr\\n!', :exp=>'$18 = "s\\\\tt\\\\rr\\\\n"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %q!\\C-a\\C-z!', :exp=>'$19 = "\\\\C-a\\\\C-z"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %q!#{foo+bar}!', :exp=>'$20 = "\\#{foo+bar}"'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Literal:Array') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" foo = 'foo' bar = "bar" baz = "baz" SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>'p []', :exp=>'$1 = []'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [ 5, 12, 8, 10, ]', :exp=>'$2 = [5, 12, 8, 10]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [1,2.5,"#{foo+bar}"]', :exp=>'$3 = [1, 2.5, "foobar"]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %w[3.14 A\ &\ B #{foo}]', :exp=>'$4 = ["3.14", "A & B", "\#{foo}"]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %W[3.14 A\ &\ B #{foo}]', :exp=>'$5 = ["3.14", "A & B", "foo"]'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Literal:Hash') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" foo = 'foo' bar = "bar" baz = "baz" SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>'p {}', :exp=>'$1 = {}'} tc << {:cmd=>'p {"one"=>1,"two"=>2}', :exp=>'$2 = {"one"=>1, "two"=>2}'} tc << {:cmd=>'p {:eins=>"1", :zwei=>"2", }', :exp=>'$3 = {:eins=>"1", :zwei=>"2"}'} tc << {:cmd=>'p {uno:"one", dos: 2}', :exp=>'$4 = {:uno=>"one", :dos=>2}'} tc << {:cmd=>'p {"one"=>1, :zwei=>2, tres:3}', :exp=>'$5 = {"one"=>1, :zwei=>2, :tres=>3}'} tc << {:cmd=>'p {:foo=>"#{foo}",:bar=>"#{bar}"}', :exp=>'$6 = {:foo=>"foo", :bar=>"bar"}'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Literal:Range') do # ruby source src = "foo = 'foo'\n" # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'p 1..10', :exp=>'$1 = 1..10'} tc << {:cmd=>'p 1...10', :exp=>'$2 = 1...10'} tc << {:cmd=>'p 100..10', :exp=>'$3 = 100..10'} tc << {:cmd=>'p 1 ... 10', :exp=>'$4 = 1...10'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "1" .. "9"', :exp=>'$5 = "1".."9"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "A" ... "Z"', :exp=>'$6 = "A"..."Z"'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Literal:Symbol') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" foo = 'foo' bar = "bar" baz = "baz" SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>"s"} tc << {:cmd=>'p :sym', :exp=>'$1 = :sym'} tc << {:cmd=>'p :"sd"', :exp=>'$2 = :sd'} tc << {:cmd=>"p :'ss'", :exp=>'$3 = :ss'} tc << {:cmd=>'p :"123"', :exp=>'$4 = :"123"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p :"#{foo} baz"', :exp=>'$5 = :"foo baz"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p %s!symsym!', :exp=>'$6 = :symsym'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Unary operation') do # ruby source src = "foo = 'foo'\n" # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'p +10', :exp=>'$1 = 10'} tc << {:cmd=>'p -100', :exp=>'$2 = -100'} tc << {:cmd=>'p !true', :exp=>'$3 = false'} tc << {:cmd=>'p !false', :exp=>'$4 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p !nil', :exp=>'$5 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p !1', :exp=>'$6 = false'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Binary operation') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" CONST = 100 a,b,c = 1, 5, 8 foo,bar,baz = 'foo','bar','baz' ary = [] SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a+1', :exp=>'$1 = 2'} tc << {:cmd=>'p 2-b', :exp=>'$2 = -3'} tc << {:cmd=>'p c * 3', :exp=>'$3 = 24'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a/b', :exp=>'$4 = 0'} tc << {:cmd=>'p c%b', :exp=>'$5 = 3'} tc << {:cmd=>'p 2**10', :exp=>'$6 = 1024'} tc << {:cmd=>'p ~3', :exp=>'$7 = -4'} tc << {:cmd=>'p 1<<2', :exp=>'$8 = 4'} tc << {:cmd=>'p 64>>5', :exp=>'$9 = 2'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a|c', :exp=>'$10 = 9'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a&b', :exp=>'$11 = 1'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a^b', :exp=>'$12 = 4'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a>b', :exp=>'$13 = false'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a'$14 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p b>=5', :exp=>'$15 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p b<=5', :exp=>'$16 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "A"<=>"B"', :exp=>'$17 = -1'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "A"=="B"', :exp=>'$18 = false'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "A"==="B"', :exp=>'$19 = false'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "A"!="B"', :exp=>'$20 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p false || true', :exp=>'$21 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p false && true', :exp=>'$22 = false'} tc << {:cmd=>'p not nil', :exp=>'$23 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p false or true', :exp=>'$24 = true'} tc << {:cmd=>'p false and true', :exp=>'$25 = false'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Ternary operation') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" CONST = 100 a,b,c = 1, 5, -10 foo,bar,baz = 'foo','bar','baz' ary = [] SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'p (a < b) ? a : b', :exp=>'$1 = 1'} tc << {:cmd=>'p (a > b) ? a : b', :exp=>'$2 = 5'} tc << {:cmd=>'p true ? "true" : "false"', :exp=>'$3 = "true"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p false ? "true" : "false"', :exp=>'$4 = "false"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p nil ? "true" : "false"', :exp=>'$5 = "false"'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Substitution:simple') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" CONST = 100 a,b,c = 1, 5, -10 foo,bar,baz = 'foo','bar','baz' ary = [] SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a=2', :exp=>'$1 = 2'} tc << {:cmd=>'p foo=[foo,bar,baz]', :exp=>'$2 = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p undefined=-1', :exp=>'$3 = -1'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{undefined}"', :exp=>'$4 = undefined method'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Substitution:self') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" CONST = 100 a,b,c = 1, 5, -10 foo,bar,baz = 'foo','bar','baz' ary = [] SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a+=9', :exp=>'$1 = 10'} tc << {:cmd=>'p b-=c', :exp=>'$2 = 15'} tc << {:cmd=>'p bar*=2', :exp=>'$3 = "barbar"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a/=4', :exp=>'$4 = 2'} tc << {:cmd=>'p c%=4', :exp=>'$5 = 2'} tc << {:cmd=>'p b&=0b0101', :exp=>'$6 = 5'} tc << {:cmd=>'p c|=0x10', :exp=>'$7 = 18'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{a} #{b} #{c}"', :exp=>'$8 = "2 5 18"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{foo}#{bar}#{baz}"', :exp=>'$9 = "foobarbarbaz"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a,b,c=[10,20,30]',:exp=>'$10 = [10, 20, 30]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [a,b,c]', :exp=>'$11 = [10, 20, 30]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a,b=b,a', :exp=>'$12 = [20, 10]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [a,b]', :exp=>'$13 = [20, 10]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p undefined=-1', :exp=>'$14 = -1'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{undefined}"', :exp=>'$15 = undefined method'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Substitution:multiple') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" CONST = 100 a,b,c = 1, 5, -10 foo,bar,baz = 'foo','bar','baz' ary = [] SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a,b=[10,20]', :exp=>'$1 = [10, 20]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [a,b,c]', :exp=>'$2 = [10, 20, -10]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p foo,bar=["FOO","BAR","BAZ"]', :exp=>'$3 = ["FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [foo,bar,baz]', :exp=>'$4 = ["FOO", "BAR", "baz"]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a,foo=foo,a', :exp=>'$5 = ["FOO", 10]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [a,foo]', :exp=>'$6 = ["FOO", 10]'} # tc << {:cmd=>'p a,*b=[123, 456, 789]'} # tc << {:cmd=>'p [a,b]', :exp=>'[123, [456, 789]]'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end assert('mruby-bin-debugger(print) Substitution:self') do # ruby source src = <<"SRC" CONST = 100 a,b,c = 1, 5, -10 foo,bar,baz = 'foo','bar','baz' ary = [] SRC # test case tc = [] tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'s'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a+=9', :exp=>'$1 = 10'} tc << {:cmd=>'p b-=c', :exp=>'$2 = 15'} tc << {:cmd=>'p bar*=2', :exp=>'$3 = "barbar"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a/=4', :exp=>'$4 = 2'} tc << {:cmd=>'p c%=4', :exp=>'$5 = 2'} tc << {:cmd=>'p b&=0b0101', :exp=>'$6 = 5'} tc << {:cmd=>'p c|=0x10', :exp=>'$7 = 18'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{a} #{b} #{c}"', :exp=>'$8 = "2 5 18"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{foo}#{bar}#{baz}"', :exp=>'$9 = "foobarbarbaz"'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a,b,c=[10,20,30]',:exp=>'$10 = [10, 20, 30]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [a,b,c]', :exp=>'$11 = [10, 20, 30]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p a,b=b,a', :exp=>'$12 = [20, 10]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p [a,b]', :exp=>'$13 = [20, 10]'} tc << {:cmd=>'p undefined=-1', :exp=>'$14 = -1'} tc << {:cmd=>'p "#{undefined}"', :exp=>'$15 = undefined method'} BinTest_MrubyBinDebugger.test(src, tc) end