#include #ifdef MRB_NO_STDIO # error mruby-bin-mrbc conflicts 'MRB_NO_STDIO' in your build configuration #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RITEBIN_EXT ".mrb" #define C_EXT ".c" struct mrbc_args { const char *prog; const char *outfile; const char *initname; char **argv; int argc; int idx; mrb_bool dump_struct : 1; mrb_bool check_syntax : 1; mrb_bool verbose : 1; mrb_bool remove_lv : 1; mrb_bool no_ext_ops : 1; mrb_bool no_optimize : 1; uint8_t flags : 2; }; static void usage(const char *name) { static const char *const usage_msg[] = { "switches:", "-c check syntax only", "-o place the output into ; required for multi-files", "-v print version number, then turn on verbose mode", "-g produce debugging information", "-B binary output in C language format", "-S dump C struct (requires -B)", "-s define as static variable", "--remove-lv remove local variables", "--no-ext-ops prohibit using OP_EXTs", "--no-optimize disable peephole optimization", "--verbose run at verbose mode", "--version print the version", "--copyright print the copyright", NULL }; const char *const *p = usage_msg; printf("Usage: %s [switches] programfile...\n", name); while (*p) printf(" %s\n", *p++); } static char * get_outfilename(mrb_state *mrb, char *infile, const char *ext) { size_t ilen, flen, elen; char *outfile; char *p = NULL; ilen = strlen(infile); flen = ilen; if (*ext) { elen = strlen(ext); if ((p = strrchr(infile, '.'))) { ilen = p - infile; } flen += elen; } else { flen = ilen; } outfile = (char*)mrb_malloc(mrb, flen+1); strncpy(outfile, infile, ilen+1); if (p) { strncpy(outfile+ilen, ext, elen+1); } return outfile; } static int parse_args(mrb_state *mrb, int argc, char **argv, struct mrbc_args *args) { static const struct mrbc_args args_zero = { 0 }; int i; *args = args_zero; args->argc = argc; args->argv = argv; args->prog = argv[0]; for (i=1; ioutfile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: an output file is already specified. (%s)\n", args->prog, args->outfile); return -1; } if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && argv[i+1]) { i++; args->outfile = get_outfilename(mrb, argv[i], ""); } else { args->outfile = get_outfilename(mrb, argv[i] + 2, ""); } break; case 'S': args->dump_struct = TRUE; break; case 'B': if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && argv[i+1]) { i++; args->initname = argv[i]; } else { args->initname = argv[i]+2; } if (*args->initname == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: function name is not specified.\n", args->prog); return -1; } break; case 'c': args->check_syntax = TRUE; break; case 'v': if (!args->verbose) mrb_show_version(mrb); args->verbose = TRUE; break; case 'g': args->flags |= MRB_DUMP_DEBUG_INFO; break; case 's': args->flags |= MRB_DUMP_STATIC; break; case 'E': case 'e': fprintf(stderr, "%s: -e/-E option no longer needed.\n", args->prog); break; case 'h': return -1; case '-': if (argv[i][1] == '\n') { return i; } if (strcmp(argv[i] + 2, "version") == 0) { mrb_show_version(mrb); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 2, "verbose") == 0) { args->verbose = TRUE; break; } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 2, "copyright") == 0) { mrb_show_copyright(mrb); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 2, "remove-lv") == 0) { args->remove_lv = TRUE; break; } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 2, "no-ext-ops") == 0) { args->no_ext_ops = TRUE; break; } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 2, "no-optimize") == 0) { args->no_optimize = TRUE; break; } return -1; default: return i; } } else { break; } } return i; } static void cleanup(mrb_state *mrb, struct mrbc_args *args) { mrb_free(mrb, (void*)args->outfile); mrb_close(mrb); } static int partial_hook(struct mrb_parser_state *p) { mrb_ccontext *c = p->cxt; struct mrbc_args *args = (struct mrbc_args*)c->partial_data; const char *fn; if (p->f) fclose(p->f); if (args->idx >= args->argc) { p->f = NULL; return -1; } fn = args->argv[args->idx++]; p->f = fopen(fn, "rb"); if (p->f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open program file. (%s)\n", args->prog, fn); return -1; } mrb_parser_set_filename(p, fn); return 0; } static mrb_value load_file(mrb_state *mrb, struct mrbc_args *args) { mrb_ccontext *c; mrb_value result; char *input = args->argv[args->idx]; FILE *infile; mrb_bool need_close = FALSE; c = mrb_ccontext_new(mrb); if (args->verbose) c->dump_result = TRUE; c->no_exec = TRUE; c->no_ext_ops = args->no_ext_ops; c->no_optimize = args->no_optimize; if (input[0] == '-' && input[1] == '\0') { infile = stdin; } else { need_close = TRUE; if ((infile = fopen(input, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open program file. (%s)\n", args->prog, input); return mrb_nil_value(); } } mrb_ccontext_filename(mrb, c, input); args->idx++; if (args->idx < args->argc) { need_close = FALSE; mrb_ccontext_partial_hook(mrb, c, partial_hook, (void*)args); } result = mrb_load_file_cxt(mrb, infile, c); if (need_close) fclose(infile); mrb_ccontext_free(mrb, c); if (mrb_undef_p(result)) { return mrb_nil_value(); } return result; } static int dump_file(mrb_state *mrb, FILE *wfp, const char *outfile, struct RProc *proc, struct mrbc_args *args) { int n = MRB_DUMP_OK; const mrb_irep *irep = proc->body.irep; if (args->remove_lv) { mrb_irep_remove_lv(mrb, (mrb_irep*)irep); } if (args->initname) { if (args->dump_struct) { n = mrb_dump_irep_cstruct(mrb, irep, args->flags, wfp, args->initname); } else { n = mrb_dump_irep_cfunc(mrb, irep, args->flags, wfp, args->initname); } if (n == MRB_DUMP_INVALID_ARGUMENT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid C language symbol name\n", args->initname); } } else { n = mrb_dump_irep_binary(mrb, irep, args->flags, wfp); } if (n != MRB_DUMP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error in mrb dump (%s) %d\n", args->prog, outfile, n); } return n; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open_core(NULL, NULL); int n, result; struct mrbc_args args; FILE *wfp; mrb_value load; if (mrb == NULL) { fputs("Invalid mrb_state, exiting mrbc\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } n = parse_args(mrb, argc, argv, &args); if (n < 0) { cleanup(mrb, &args); usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (n == argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no program file given\n", args.prog); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (args.outfile == NULL && !args.check_syntax) { if (n + 1 == argc) { args.outfile = get_outfilename(mrb, argv[n], args.initname ? C_EXT : RITEBIN_EXT); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: output file should be specified to compile multiple files\n", args.prog); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } args.idx = n; load = load_file(mrb, &args); if (mrb_nil_p(load)) { cleanup(mrb, &args); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (args.check_syntax) { printf("%s:%s:Syntax OK\n", args.prog, argv[n]); } if (args.check_syntax) { cleanup(mrb, &args); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (args.outfile) { if (strcmp("-", args.outfile) == 0) { wfp = stdout; } else if ((wfp = fopen(args.outfile, "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open output file:(%s)\n", args.prog, args.outfile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { fputs("Output file is required\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } result = dump_file(mrb, wfp, args.outfile, mrb_proc_ptr(load), &args); fclose(wfp); cleanup(mrb, &args); if (result != MRB_DUMP_OK) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void mrb_init_mrblib(mrb_state *mrb) { } #ifndef MRB_NO_GEMS void mrb_init_mrbgems(mrb_state *mrb) { } #endif