assert("Binding#eval") do b = nil 1.times { x, y, z = 1, 2, 3; [x,y,z]; b = binding } assert_equal([1, 2, 3], b.eval("[x, y, z]")) here = self assert_equal(here, b.eval("self")) end assert("Binding#local_variables") do block = do |a| b = 1 binding end bind = assert_equal [:a, :b, :bind, :block], bind.local_variables.sort bind.eval("x = 2") assert_equal [:a, :b, :bind, :block, :x], bind.local_variables.sort end assert("Binding#local_variable_set") do bind = binding 1.times { assert_equal(9, bind.local_variable_set(:x, 9)) assert_equal(9, bind.eval("x")) assert_equal([:bind, :x], bind.eval("local_variables.sort")) } end assert("Binding#local_variable_get") do bind = binding x = 1 1.times { y = 2 assert_equal(1, bind.local_variable_get(:x)) x = 10 assert_equal(10, bind.local_variable_get(:x)) assert_raise(NameError) { bind.local_variable_get(:y) } bind.eval("z = 3") assert_equal(3, bind.local_variable_get(:z)) bind.eval("y = 5") assert_equal(5, bind.local_variable_get(:y)) assert_equal(2, y) } end assert "Binding#eval with via UnboundMethod" do assert_raise(NoMethodError) { Class.instance_method(:new).bind_call(Binding) } end assert "Binding#eval with via Method" do # The following test is OK if SIGSEGV does not occur cx = cx.define_singleton_method(:allocate, &Object.method(:allocate)) Class.instance_method(:new).bind_call(cx).eval("") assert_true true end assert "access local variables into procs" do bx = binding block = bx.eval("a = 1; proc { a }") bx.eval("a = 2") assert_equal 2, end assert "Binding#eval on another target class" do obj = do self::BINDING = obj.instance_eval { binding } def self.eval(code) self::BINDING.eval code end self.eval "def self.m1; :m1; end" self.eval "def m2; :m2; end" end assert_equal :m1, obj.m1 assert_equal :m2, obj.m2 end