class Base def foo() :base end end class Derived < Base def foo() :derived end end class Interpreter attr_accessor :ret def do_a() @ret += "there, "; end def do_d() @ret += "Hello "; end def do_e() @ret += "!\n"; end def do_v() @ret += "Dave"; end Dispatcher = { "a" => instance_method(:do_a), "d" => instance_method(:do_d), "e" => instance_method(:do_e), "v" => instance_method(:do_v) } def interpret(string) @ret = "" string.split("").each {|b| Dispatcher[b].bind(self).call } end end assert 'demo' do interpreter = interpreter.interpret('dave') assert_equal "Hello there, Dave!\n", interpreter.ret end assert 'Method#arity' do { attr_accessor :done def initialize; @done = false; end def m0() end def m1(a) end def m2(a, b) end def mo1(a = nil, &b) end def mo2(a, b = nil) end def mo3(*a) end def mo4(a, *b, &c) end def mo5(a, *b, c) end def mo6(a, *b, c, &d) end def mo7(a, b = nil, *c, d, &e) end def ma1((a), &b) nil && a end def run assert_equal(0, method(:m0).arity) assert_equal(1, method(:m1).arity) assert_equal(2, method(:m2).arity) assert_equal(-1, method(:mo1).arity) assert_equal(-2, method(:mo2).arity) assert_equal(-1, method(:mo3).arity) assert_equal(-2, method(:mo4).arity) assert_equal(-3, method(:mo5).arity) assert_equal(-3, method(:mo6).arity) assert_equal(-3, method(:mo7).arity) assert_equal(1, method(:ma1).arity) assert_equal(-1, method(:__send__).arity) assert_equal(-1, method(:nothing).arity) end def respond_to_missing?(m, b) m == :nothing end } end assert 'Method and UnboundMethod should not be have a `new` method' do assert_raise(NoMethodError){ } assert_raise(NoMethodError){ } end assert 'instance' do assert_kind_of Method, 1.method(:+) assert_kind_of UnboundMethod, Integer.instance_method(:+) end assert 'Method#call' do assert_equal 3, 1.method(:+).call(2) assert_equal "ab", "a".method(:+)["b"] klass = { def foo; 42; end } klass2 = { def foo; super; end } assert_equal 42, i = { def bar yield 3 end }.new assert_raise(LocalJumpError) { i.method(:bar).call } assert_equal 3, i.method(:bar).call { |i| i } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { nil.method(:__id__).call nil, 1 } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { nil.method(:__id__).call nil, opts: 1 } end assert 'Method#call for regression' do obj = assert_equal String, Kernel.instance_method(:inspect).bind(obj).call().class, "" end assert 'Method#call with undefined method' do c = { attr_accessor :m, :argv def respond_to_missing?(m, b) m == :foo end def method_missing(m, *argv) @m = m @argv = argv super end } cc = assert_raise(NameError) { cc.method(:nothing) } assert_kind_of Method, cc.method(:foo) assert_raise(NoMethodError) { cc.method(:foo).call(:arg1, :arg2) } assert_equal :foo, cc.m assert_equal [:arg1, :arg2], cc.argv cc = m = cc.method(:foo) c.class_eval do def foo :ng end end assert_raise(NoMethodError) {, :arg2) } end assert 'Method#source_location' do skip if proc{}.source_location.nil? filename = __FILE__ klass = lineno = __LINE__ + 1 klass.define_method(:find_me_if_you_can) {} assert_equal [filename, lineno], lineno = __LINE__ + 1 class < { } values = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3, w: [4, 5, 6], u: 7, v: 8, opts: { s: 9, t: 10 }, blk: blk } assert_equal values, o.method(:baz), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10, &blk) assert_equal values, o.method(:baz), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, **{ u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10 }, &blk) assert_equal values, o.method(:baz)*[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10, &blk) assert_equal values, o.method(:baz)*[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], **{ u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10 }, &blk) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { nil.method(:__id__) nil, 1 } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { nil.method(:__id__) nil, opts: 1 } end assert 'to_s' do o = def; end m = o.method(:foo) assert_match("#", m.unbind.inspect) c = c.class_eval { def foo; end; } m = assert_match("#", m.inspect) m = c.instance_method(:foo) assert_match("#", m.inspect) end assert 'owner' do c = do def foo; end def; end end m = do def baz; end end c.include(m) c2 = assert_equal(c, c.instance_method(:foo).owner) assert_equal(c, c2.instance_method(:foo).owner) assert_equal(c, assert_equal(c, assert_equal((class <>" do obj = class << obj def mul2(n); n * 2; end def add3(n); n + 3; end end f = obj.method(:mul2) g = obj.method(:add3) m1 = f << g assert_kind_of Proc, m1 assert_equal 16, m2 = f >> g assert_kind_of Proc, m2 assert_equal 13, end assert 'UnboundMethod#arity' do c = { def foo(a, b) end def respond_to_missing?(m, b) m == :nothing end } assert_equal 2, c.instance_method(:foo).arity assert_equal(-1, end assert 'UnboundMethod#==' do assert_false(Integer.instance_method(:+) == Integer.instance_method(:-)) assert_true(Integer.instance_method(:+) == Integer.instance_method(:+)) assert_true(UnboundMethod.instance_method(:==) == UnboundMethod.instance_method(:eql?)) skip unless Object.const_defined?(:Float) assert_false(Integer.instance_method(:+) == Float.instance_method(:+)) end assert 'UnboundMethod#super_method' do m = Derived.instance_method(:foo) m = m.super_method assert_equal(Base.instance_method(:foo), m) assert_nil(m.super_method) m = Object.instance_method(:object_id) assert_nil(m.super_method) end assert 'UnboundMethod#bind' do m ={ def meth() :meth end }.instance_method(:meth) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { m.bind } assert_kind_of Method, m.bind(1) assert_kind_of Method, m.bind(:sym) assert_kind_of Method, m.bind( assert_equal(:meth, m.bind(1).call) assert_equal(:meth, m.bind(:sym).call) assert_equal(:meth, m.bind( sc = nil { sc = class << self def foo end self end } assert_raise(TypeError) { sc.instance_method(:foo).bind([]) } assert_raise(TypeError) { Array.instance_method(:each).bind(1) } assert_kind_of Method, Object.instance_method(:object_id).bind( end assert 'UnboundMethod#bind_call' do m = Array.instance_method(:size) assert_equal(:size, assert_equal(0, m.bind_call([])) assert_equal(1, m.bind_call([1])) assert_equal(2, m.bind_call([1,2])) o = def m(x, y, z, *w, u:, v:, **opts, &blk) { x:, y:, z:, w:, u:, v:, opts:, blk: } end m = o.method(:m).unbind blk = -> { } values = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3, w: [4, 5, 6], u: 7, v: 8, opts: { s: 9, t: 10 }, blk: blk } assert_equal values, m.bind_call(o, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10, &blk) assert_equal values, m.bind_call(o, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, **{ u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10 }, &blk) assert_equal values, m.bind_call(o, *[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10, &blk) assert_equal values, m.bind_call(o, *[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], **{ u: 7, v: 8, s: 9, t: 10 }, &blk) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { m.bind_call } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BasicObject.instance_method(:__id__).bind_call nil, 1 } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BasicObject.instance_method(:__id__).bind_call nil, opts: 1 } end