class Exception ## # call-seq: # exception.message -> string # # Returns the result of invoking exception.to_s. # Normally this returns the exception's message or name. # def message to_s end end # ISO 15.2.24 class ArgumentError < StandardError end # ISO 15.2.25 class LocalJumpError < StandardError end # ISO 15.2.26 class RangeError < StandardError end class FloatDomainError < RangeError end # ISO 15.2.26 class RegexpError < StandardError end # ISO 15.2.29 class TypeError < StandardError end # ISO 15.2.30 class ZeroDivisionError < StandardError end # ISO 15.2.31 class NameError < StandardError attr_accessor :name def initialize(message=nil, name=nil) @name = name super(message) end end # ISO 15.2.32 class NoMethodError < NameError attr_reader :args def initialize(message=nil, name=nil, args=nil) @args = args super message, name end end # ISO 15.2.33 class IndexError < StandardError end class KeyError < IndexError end class NotImplementedError < ScriptError end class FrozenError < RuntimeError end class StopIteration < IndexError attr_accessor :result end