## # Numeric # # ISO 15.2.7 class Numeric include Comparable ## # Returns the receiver simply. # # ISO def +@ self end ## # Returns the receiver's value, negated. # # ISO def -@ 0 - self end ## # Returns the absolute value of the receiver. # # ISO def abs if self < 0 -self else self end end end ## # Integer # # ISO 15.2.8 ## class Integer ## # Calls the given block once for each Integer # from +self+ downto +num+. # # ISO def downto(num, &block) return to_enum(:downto, num) unless block i = self.to_i while i >= num block.call(i) i -= 1 end self end ## # Returns self + 1 # # ISO def next self + 1 end # ISO alias succ next ## # Calls the given block +self+ times. # # ISO def times(&block) return to_enum :times unless block i = 0 while i < self block.call i i += 1 end self end ## # Calls the given block once for each Integer # from +self+ upto +num+. # # ISO def upto(num, &block) return to_enum(:upto, num) unless block i = self.to_i while i <= num block.call(i) i += 1 end self end ## # Calls the given block from +self+ to +num+ # incremented by +step+ (default 1). # def step(num=nil, step=1, &block) raise ArgumentError, "step can't be 0" if step == 0 return to_enum(:step, num, step) unless block i = __coerce_step_counter(num, step) if num == self || step.infinite? block.call(i) if step > 0 && i <= (num||i) || step < 0 && i >= (num||-i) elsif num == nil while true block.call(i) i += step end elsif step > 0 while i <= num block.call(i) i += step end else while i >= num block.call(i) i += step end end self end end class Float ## # Calls the given block from +self+ to +num+ # incremented by +step+ (default 1). # def step(num=nil, step=1, &block) raise ArgumentError, "step can't be 0" if step == 0 return to_enum(:step, num, step) unless block i = self if num == self || step.infinite? block.call(i) if step > 0 && i <= (num||i) || step < 0 && i >= (num||-i) elsif num == nil while true block.call(i) i += step end elsif step > 0 while i <= num block.call(i) i += step end else while i >= num block.call(i) i += step end end self end end if Object.const_defined?(:Float)