## # String # # ISO 15.2.10 class String # ISO include Comparable ## # Calls the given block for each line # and pass the respective line. # # ISO def each_line(separator = "\n", &block) return to_enum(:each_line, separator) unless block if separator.nil? block.call(self) return self end raise TypeError unless separator.is_a?(String) paragraph_mode = false if separator.empty? paragraph_mode = true separator = "\n\n" end start = 0 string = dup self_len = self.bytesize sep_len = separator.bytesize while (pointer = string.byteindex(separator, start)) pointer += sep_len pointer += 1 while paragraph_mode && string.getbyte(pointer) == 10 # 10 == \n block.call(string.byteslice(start, pointer - start)) start = pointer end return self if start == self_len block.call(string.byteslice(start, self_len - start)) self end ## # Replace all matches of +pattern+ with +replacement+. # Call block (if given) for each match and replace # +pattern+ with the value of the block. Return the # final value. # # ISO def gsub(*args, &block) return to_enum(:gsub, *args) if args.length == 1 && !block raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given #{args.length}, expected 1..2)" unless (1..2).include?(args.length) pattern, replace = *args plen = pattern.length if args.length == 2 && block block = nil end offset = 0 result = [] while found = self.byteindex(pattern, offset) result << self.byteslice(offset, found - offset) offset = found + plen result << if block block.call(pattern).to_s else self.__sub_replace(replace, pattern, found) end if plen == 0 result << self.byteslice(offset, 1) offset += 1 end end result << self.byteslice(offset..-1) if offset < length result.join end ## # Replace all matches of +pattern+ with +replacement+. # Call block (if given) for each match and replace # +pattern+ with the value of the block. Modify # +self+ with the final value. # # ISO def gsub!(*args, &block) raise FrozenError, "can't modify frozen String" if frozen? return to_enum(:gsub!, *args) if args.length == 1 && !block str = self.gsub(*args, &block) return nil unless self.index(args[0]) self.replace(str) end # ## # # Calls the given block for each match of +pattern+ # # If no block is given return an array with all # # matches of +pattern+. # # # # ISO # def scan(pattern, &block) # # TODO: String#scan is not implemented yet # end ## # Replace only the first match of +pattern+ with # +replacement+. Call block (if given) for each # match and replace +pattern+ with the value of the # block. Return the final value. # # ISO def sub(*args, &block) unless (1..2).include?(args.length) raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given #{args.length}, expected 2)" end pattern, replace = *args if args.length == 2 && block block = nil end result = [] found = self.index(pattern) return self.dup unless found result << self.byteslice(0, found) offset = found + pattern.length result << if block block.call(pattern).to_s else self.__sub_replace(replace, pattern, found) end result << self.byteslice(offset..-1) if offset < length result.join end ## # Replace only the first match of +pattern+ with # +replacement+. Call block (if given) for each # match and replace +pattern+ with the value of the # block. Modify +self+ with the final value. # # ISO def sub!(*args, &block) raise FrozenError, "can't modify frozen String" if frozen? str = self.sub(*args, &block) return nil unless self.index(args[0]) self.replace(str) end ## # Call the given block for each byte of +self+. def each_byte(&block) return to_enum(:each_byte, &block) unless block pos = 0 while pos < bytesize block.call(getbyte(pos)) pos += 1 end self end # those two methods requires Regexp that is optional in mruby ## # ISO #def =~(re) # re =~ self #end ## # ISO #def match(re, &block) # re.match(self, &block) #end end