# libp2p-lookup Small helper tool that takes as input a [peer ID][peer-id] or [address][multiaddr] and prints the output of the [libp2p-identify] protocol. When provided with a peer ID, the address is looked up on the DHT before connecting to the node. When provided with an address, the connection is established right away. ### Installation ``` $ cargo install libp2p-lookup ``` ### Usage ``` $ libp2p-lookup --help libp2p-lookup 0.4.0 Lookup libp2p nodes. USAGE: libp2p-lookup FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information SUBCOMMANDS: dht Lookup peer by its ID via the Kademlia DHT direct Lookup peer by its address help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) ``` #### Lookup peer by [address][multiaddr] ``` $ libp2p-lookup direct --address /dnsaddr/bootstrap.libp2p.io/p2p/QmQCU2EcMqAqQPR2i9bChDtGNJchTbq5TbXJJ16u19uLTa Lookup for peer with id PeerId("QmQCU2EcMqAqQPR2i9bChDtGNJchTbq5TbXJJ16u19uLTa") succeeded. Protocol version: "ipfs/0.1.0" Agent version: "go-ipfs/0.8.0/48f94e2" Observed address: "/ip4/" Listen addresses: - "/ip4/" - "/ip6/2604:1380:0:c100::1/tcp/4001" - "/ip4/" - "/ip6/2604:1380:0:c100::1/udp/4001/quic" Protocols: - "/p2p/id/delta/1.0.0" - "/ipfs/id/1.0.0" - "/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0" - "/ipfs/ping/1.0.0" - "/libp2p/circuit/relay/0.1.0" - "/ipfs/kad/1.0.0" - "/ipfs/lan/kad/1.0.0" - "/libp2p/autonat/1.0.0" - "/ipfs/bitswap/1.2.0" - "/ipfs/bitswap/1.1.0" - "/ipfs/bitswap/1.0.0" - "/ipfs/bitswap" - "/x/" ``` #### Lookup peer by [peer ID][peer-id] ``` $ libp2p-lookup dht --network kusama --peer-id 12D3KooWQKqane1SqWJNWMQkbia9qiMWXkcHtAdfW5eVF8hbwEDw Lookup for peer with id PeerId("12D3KooWQKqane1SqWJNWMQkbia9qiMWXkcHtAdfW5eVF8hbwEDw") succeeded. Protocol version: "/substrate/1.0" Agent version: "Parity Polkadot/v0.8.26-1-803da90-x86_64-linux-gnu (kusama-bootnode-1)" Observed address: "/ip4/" Listen addresses: - "/dns/kusama-bootnode-1.paritytech.net/tcp/30333" - "/dns/kusama-bootnode-1.paritytech.net/tcp/30334/ws" - "/ip4/" - "/ip4/" - "/dns4/kusama-bootnode-1.paritytech.net/tcp/30333" - "/dns4/kusama-bootnode-1.paritytech.net/tcp/30334/ws" - "/ip4/" - "/ip4/" - "/ip4/" - "/ip4/" - "/ip4/" - "/ip4/" - "/ip6/::1/tcp/30334/ws" - "/ip6/::1/tcp/30333" - "/ip6/2607:5300:203:51ce::/tcp/30334/ws" - "/ip6/2607:5300:203:51ce::/tcp/30333" Protocols: - "/ksmcc3/block-announces/1" - "/ksmcc3/transactions/1" - "/substrate/ksmcc3/6" - "/substrate/ksmcc3/5" - "/substrate/ksmcc3/4" - "/substrate/ksmcc3/3" - "/ipfs/ping/1.0.0" - "/ipfs/id/1.0.0" - "/ksmcc3/kad" - "/ksmcc3/sync/2" - "/ksmcc3/finality-proof/1" - "/ksmcc3/light/2" ``` [peer-id]: https://docs.libp2p.io/concepts/peer-id/ [multiaddr]: https://docs.libp2p.io/concepts/addressing/ [libp2p-identify]: https://github.com/libp2p/specs/tree/master/identify