/* Copyright 2018 Dirk Steinke Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "preflate_block_reencoder.h" #include "preflate_block_trees.h" #include "support/bit_helper.h" PreflateBlockReencoder::PreflateBlockReencoder( BitOutputStream& bos, const std::vector& uncompressedData, const size_t uncompressedOffset) : _output(bos) , _uncompressedData(uncompressedData) , _uncompressedDataPos(uncompressedOffset) , _errorCode(OK) , _dynamicLitLenEncoder(nullptr, 0, false) , _dynamicDistEncoder(nullptr, 0, false) { } bool PreflateBlockReencoder::_error(const ErrorCode code) { _errorCode = code; return false; } void PreflateBlockReencoder::_setupStaticTables() { _litLenEncoder = PreflateBlockTrees::staticLitLenTreeEncoder(); _distEncoder = PreflateBlockTrees::staticDistTreeEncoder(); } bool PreflateBlockReencoder::_buildAndWriteDynamicTables(const PreflateTokenBlock& block) { if (block.ncode < 4 || block.ncode > PreflateConstants::CODETREE_CODE_COUNT || block.treecodes.size() < (size_t)block.ncode || block.nlen < PreflateConstants::NONLEN_CODE_COUNT || block.nlen > PreflateConstants::LITLEN_CODE_COUNT || block.ndist < 1 || block.ndist > PreflateConstants::DIST_CODE_COUNT) { return _error(TREE_OUT_OF_RANGE); } unsigned char tcBitLengths[PreflateConstants::CODETREE_CODE_COUNT]; unsigned char ldBitLengths[PreflateConstants::LITLENDIST_CODE_COUNT]; memset(tcBitLengths, 0, sizeof(tcBitLengths)); memset(ldBitLengths, 0, sizeof(ldBitLengths)); for (unsigned i = 0, n = block.ncode; i < n; ++i) { unsigned char tc = block.treecodes[i]; _output.put(tc, 3); tcBitLengths[PreflateConstants::treeCodeOrderTable[i]] = tc; } HuffmanEncoder tcTree(tcBitLengths, PreflateConstants::CODETREE_CODE_COUNT, true); if (tcTree.error()) { return _error(BAD_CODE_TREE); } // unpack tree codes unsigned o = 0, maxo = block.nlen + block.ndist; for (auto i = block.treecodes.begin() + block.ncode, e = block.treecodes.end(); i != e; ++i) { unsigned char code = *i; if (code > 18) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } tcTree.encode(_output, code); if (code < 16) { if (o >= maxo) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } ldBitLengths[o++] = code; continue; } if (i + 1 == e) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } if (code == 16 && o == 0) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } unsigned char len = *++i; unsigned char tocopy = code == 16 ? ldBitLengths[o - 1] : 0; static unsigned char repExtraBits[3] = {2, 3, 7}; static unsigned char repOffset[3] = {3, 3, 11}; _output.put(len - repOffset[code - 16], repExtraBits[code - 16]); if (o + len > maxo) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } memset(ldBitLengths + o, tocopy, len); o += len; } if (o != maxo) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } if (!ldBitLengths[256]) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } _dynamicLitLenEncoder = HuffmanEncoder(ldBitLengths, block.nlen, true); if (_dynamicLitLenEncoder.error()) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } _litLenEncoder = &_dynamicLitLenEncoder; _dynamicDistEncoder = HuffmanEncoder(ldBitLengths + block.nlen, block.ndist, true); if (_dynamicDistEncoder.error()) { return _error(BAD_LD_TREE); } _distEncoder = &_dynamicDistEncoder; return true; } bool PreflateBlockReencoder::_writeTokens(const std::vector& tokens) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { PreflateToken token = tokens[i]; if (token.len == 1) { if (_uncompressedDataPos >= _uncompressedData.size()) { return _error(LITERAL_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); } unsigned char literal = _uncompressedData[_uncompressedDataPos++]; _litLenEncoder->encode(_output, literal); } else { // handle irregular length of 258 if (token.irregular258) { _litLenEncoder->encode(_output, PreflateConstants::LITLEN_CODE_COUNT - 2); _output.put(31, 5); } else { unsigned lencode = PreflateConstants::LCode(token.len); _litLenEncoder->encode(_output, PreflateConstants::NONLEN_CODE_COUNT + lencode); unsigned lenextra = PreflateConstants::lengthExtraTable[lencode]; if (lenextra) { _output.put(token.len - PreflateConstants::MIN_MATCH - PreflateConstants::lengthBaseTable[lencode], lenextra); } } unsigned distcode = PreflateConstants::DCode(token.dist); _distEncoder->encode(_output, distcode); unsigned distextra = PreflateConstants::distExtraTable[distcode]; if (distextra) { _output.put(token.dist - 1 - PreflateConstants::distBaseTable[distcode], distextra); } _uncompressedDataPos += token.len; } } _litLenEncoder->encode(_output, PreflateConstants::LITERAL_COUNT); // EOB return true; } bool PreflateBlockReencoder::writeBlock(const PreflateTokenBlock& block, bool last) { if (status() != OK) { return false; } _output.put(last, 1); // switch (block.type) { case PreflateTokenBlock::DYNAMIC_HUFF: _output.put(2, 2); // _output.put(block.nlen - PreflateConstants::NONLEN_CODE_COUNT, 5); _output.put(block.ndist - 1, 5); _output.put(block.ncode - 4, 4); if (!_buildAndWriteDynamicTables(block)) { return false; } if (!_writeTokens(block.tokens)) { return false; } break; case PreflateTokenBlock::STATIC_HUFF: _output.put(1, 2); // _setupStaticTables(); if (!_writeTokens(block.tokens)) { return false; } break; case PreflateTokenBlock::STORED: _output.put(0, 2); // _output.put(block.paddingBits, block.paddingBitCount); _output.fillByte(); _output.put(block.uncompressedLen, 16); // _output.put(~block.uncompressedLen, 16); // if (_uncompressedDataPos + block.uncompressedLen > _uncompressedData.size()) { return _error(LITERAL_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); } _output.putBytes(_uncompressedData.data() + _uncompressedDataPos, block.uncompressedLen); _uncompressedDataPos += block.uncompressedLen; break; } return true; } void PreflateBlockReencoder::flush() { _output.flush(); }