RUST_MIN_VERSION := 1.72.0 ACT := $(shell command -v act 2> /dev/null) UNAME := $(shell uname -s) .PHONY: all all: clippy test build-docs .PHONY: clippy clippy: @cargo clippy --all --tests --no-deps --all-targets --all-features -- --warn clippy::pedantic -D warnings .PHONY: test test: ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) @echo "On macos, process tests are required to be run as root - so please enter your password at the prompt" @sudo env "PATH=$$PATH" cargo test else @env "PATH=$$PATH" cargo test endif .PHONY: coverage coverage: test-with-coverage gen-coverage view-coverage .PHONY: test-with-coverage test-with-coverage: @RUSTFLAGS="-C instrument-coverage" LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="libproc-%p-%m.profraw" cargo build ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) @echo "On macos, process tests are required to be run as root - so please enter your password at the prompt" @RUSTFLAGS="-C instrument-coverage" LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="libproc-%p-%m.profraw" sudo cargo test else @RUSTFLAGS="-C instrument-coverage" LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="libproc-%p-%m.profraw" cargo test endif .PHONY: gen-coverage gen-coverage: @grcov . --binary-path target/debug/ -s . -t lcov --branch --ignore-not-existing --ignore "/*" -o @lcov --remove '/Applications/*' 'target/debug/build/**' 'target/release/build/**' '/usr*' '**/' '**/' 'examples/**' '*tests/*' -o @find . -name "*.profraw" | xargs rm -f .PHONY: view-coverage view-coverage: @genhtml -o target/coverage --quiet @echo "View coverage report using 'open target/coverage/index.html'" .PHONY: build-docs build-docs: cargo doc --workspace --quiet --all-features --no-deps --target-dir=target .PHONY: matrix matrix: @for rust_version in stable beta nightly $(RUST_MIN_VERSION) ; do \ echo rust: $$rust_version ; \ rustup override set $$rust_version ; \ make clippy ; \ make test ; \ done ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) ifneq ($(ACT),) @echo "Running Linux GH Action workflow using `act` on macos" @act -W .github/workflows/clippy_build_test.yml else @echo "`act` is not installed so skipping running Linux matrix" endif else @echo "Cannot run Linux parts of matrix on macos, create PR and make sure all checks pass" endif