# libpvcam-sys Rust bindings for Photometrics' PVCam C SDK. Highly experimental. This has only been tested on Ubuntu so far. ## Dependencies * `rustup @ 1.22.1` * `libclang1-9` * `pvcam` from [Photometrics][pvcam] * only verified with versions: `` and `` ## Setup It is assumed that pvcam is installed as per the installation instructions for Ubuntu. ## Notes This library uses the [bindgen][bindgen] which tries its best to navigate header files and produce appropriate structs and FFI interfaces. You'll notice a lot of casting too/from types in this binding. It may be likely that bindgen settings could reduce that. The PVCam SDK has a lot of deprecations in it, as such the bindgen invocation in [build.rs](build.rs) aggressively does not import a range of functions. However, it may be better to use the `whitelist` option instead and build the list from a script similar to how [Photometrics' python binding][pyvcam] does this. ### Module Structure ``` o -- lib.rs `-- pvcam (public) `-- internal (private) ``` The public `pvcam` module re-exports internal concepts generated by bindgen and makes them minimally rusty. It's likely that some of these rust patterns are: 1. incorrect 2. too opinionated On the first case: I (Mike Ossareh) am not clear enough on the semantics of when to use various ptr types in a binding. The [Primitive Pointer Docs][primptr] cover this. Also, I'm new to Rust ^_^. On the second case: Rust Enum's mapping over PVCam SDK Enums probably demonstrates this most clearly. These may be good candidates for lifting into a higher level library which implements other niceties like a PVCamContext which frees resources when it leaves scope. With the aim being to leave this layer just as C-like as possible. ## TODO - [] verify dependencies documented in this readme - [] verify installation steps documented in this readme [pvcam]: https://www.photometrics.com/support/software-and-drivers [pyvcam]: https://github.com/Photometrics/PyVCAM [bindgen]: https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/ [primptr]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.pointer.html