The example below contains no error processing for the sake of brevity.
#include "libraw/libraw.h" int process_image(char *file) { // Let us create an image processor LibRaw iProcessor; // Open the file and read the metadata iProcessor.open_file(file); // The metadata are accessible through data fields of the class printf("Image size: %d x %d\n",iProcessor.imgdata.sizes.width,iProcessor.imgdata.sizes.height); // Let us unpack the image iProcessor.unpack(); // Convert from imgdata.rawdata to imgdata.image: iProcessor.raw2image(); // And let us print its dump; the data are accessible through data fields of the class for(i = 0;i lt; iProcessor.imgdata.sizes.iwidth * iProcessor.imgdata.sizes.iheight; i++) printf("i=%d R=%d G=%d B=%d G2=%d\n", i, iProcessor.imgdata.image[i][0], iProcessor.imgdata.image[i][1], iProcessor.imgdata.image[i][2], iProcessor.imgdata.image[i][3] ); // Finally, let us free the image processor for work with the next image iProcessor.recycle(); }[back to Index]