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LibRaw Compilation and Installation

LibRaw is distributed in the form of source codes. For further use, they should be compiled (and, if desired, placed into system folders with libraries and include-files).

Unix Systems (FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X)

To build the library, you will need a working C++ compiler (gcc 3+ and clang 2+ are OK) and the make utility.

Additional libraries (optional):

LibRaw has been tested on 32- and 64-bit Unix systems working on x86- (and AMD64-) compatible processors. Building and work on other architectures have not been tested.

Compilation of Library and Examples

Unpack the downloaded distribution package.

        tar xzvf LibRaw-X.YY.tar.gz

For GitHub downloads (clones), perform ./configure script generation via

        autoreconf --install

Go to LibRaw directory and run ./configure and make:

cd LibRaw-X.YY
./configure # with optional args

As a result, you will compile

In the current version, only static libraries are built:

Build parameters

./configure script have some non-standard parameters:

Enable/disable OpenMP support if compiler supports it. OpenMP is enabled by default.
Enable/disable LCMS color engine support. If enabled, ./configure will try to find lcms library. Both LCMS-1.x and LCMS-2.x are supported LCMS support is enabled by default
Enables/disables examples compilation and installation. Enabled by default

Installation and Usage

To install the library, run

    sudo make install

It will place the libraries in /usr/local/lib, the include-files in /usr/local/include (subfolder of libraw) and LibRaw samples to /usr/local/bin. You can override installation path by using ./configure script.
To use LibRaw, add the following parameters to the compiler call (when building your own projects):

Windows: Building under Cygwin

Building and installation are completely similar to building and installation under Unix systems.

Windows: Native Building

Building under Windows has three steps:

You may need to edit Makefile.msvc to provide libjpeg/zlib/libjasper paths to INCLUDE/LIB.

If all paths are set correctly and the include-files/libraries have been found, then the following will be compiled:

Only the thread-safe library is built under Win32, but it can be used with non-threaded applications as well. All examples are linked with the dynamic library (DLL); if static linking is necessary, one should link applications with library libraw_static.lib and set the preprocessor option /DLIBRAW_NODLL during compilation.

Windows-version compiles without LCMS support for now.

During building of DLL, all public functions are exported; further, the exported subset may be reduced.

Unfortunately, paths to include/ libraries depend on the way Visual C (or other compiler) is installed; therefore, it is impossible to specify some standard paths in Makefile.msvc.

Windows Installation

No installation under Windows is supported. It is assumed that all DLLs will be supplied together with the software using them (and this software will perform the installation). Accordingly, in building of programs using LibRaw, the paths to libraries, DLLs, and include-files should be specified manually.

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