/* -*- C++ -*- * File: postprocessing_benchmark.cpp * Copyright 2008-2021 LibRaw LLC (info@libraw.org) * Created: Jul 13, 2011 * * LibRaw simple C++ API: creates 8 different renderings from 1 source file. The 1st and 4th one should be identical LibRaw is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the one of two licenses as you choose: 1. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2.1 (See file LICENSE.LGPL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details). 2. COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 (See file LICENSE.CDDL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details). */ #include #include #include #include "libraw/libraw.h" #ifndef LIBRAW_WIN32_CALLS #include #include #include #else #include #endif #include "libraw/libraw.h" void timerstart(void); float timerend(void); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, ret, rep = 1; LibRaw RawProcessor; #ifdef OUT #undef OUT #endif #define OUT RawProcessor.imgdata.params #define OUTR RawProcessor.imgdata.rawparams #define S RawProcessor.imgdata.sizes if (argc < 2) { printf( "postprocessing benchmark: LibRaw %s sample, %d cameras supported\n" "Measures postprocessing speed with different options\n" "Usage: %s [-a] [-H N] [-q N] [-h] [-m N] [-n N] [-s N] [-B x y w h] " "[-R N]\n" "-a average image for white balance\n" "-H Highlight mode (0=clip, 1=unclip, 2=blend, " "3+=rebuild)\n" "-q Set the interpolation quality\n" "-h Half-size color image\n" "-m Apply a num-passes 3x3 median filter to R-G and B-G\n" "-n Set threshold for wavelet denoising\n" "-s Select one raw image from input file\n" "-B Crop output image\n" "-R Number of repetitions\n" "-c Do not use rawspeed\n", LibRaw::version(), LibRaw::cameraCount(), argv[0]); return 0; } char opm, opt, *cp, *sp; int arg, c; int shrink = 0; argv[argc] = (char *)""; for (arg = 1; (((opm = argv[arg][0]) - 2) | 2) == '+';) { char *optstr = argv[arg]; opt = argv[arg++][1]; if ((cp = strchr(sp = (char *)"HqmnsBR", opt)) != 0) for (i = 0; i < "1111141"[cp - sp] - '0'; i++) if (!isdigit(argv[arg + i][0]) && !optstr[2]) { fprintf(stderr, "Non-numeric argument to \"-%c\"\n", opt); return 1; } switch (opt) { case 'a': OUT.use_auto_wb = 1; break; case 'H': OUT.highlight = atoi(argv[arg++]); break; case 'q': OUT.user_qual = atoi(argv[arg++]); break; case 'h': OUT.half_size = 1; OUT.four_color_rgb = 1; shrink = 1; break; case 'm': OUT.med_passes = atoi(argv[arg++]); break; case 'n': OUT.threshold = (float)atof(argv[arg++]); break; case 's': OUTR.shot_select = abs(atoi(argv[arg++])); break; case 'B': for (c = 0; c < 4; c++) OUT.cropbox[c] = atoi(argv[arg++]); break; case 'R': rep = abs(atoi(argv[arg++])); if (rep < 1) rep = 1; break; case 'c': RawProcessor.imgdata.rawparams.use_rawspeed = 0; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"-%c\".\n", opt); return 1; } } for (; arg < argc; arg++) { printf("Processing file %s\n", argv[arg]); timerstart(); if ((ret = RawProcessor.open_file(argv[arg])) != LIBRAW_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open_file %s: %s\n", argv[arg], libraw_strerror(ret)); continue; // no recycle b/c open file will recycle itself } if ((ret = RawProcessor.unpack()) != LIBRAW_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot unpack %s: %s\n", argv[arg], libraw_strerror(ret)); continue; } float qsec = timerend(); printf("\n%.1f msec for unpack\n", qsec); float mpix, rmpix; timerstart(); for (c = 0; c < rep; c++) { if ((ret = RawProcessor.dcraw_process()) != LIBRAW_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot postprocess %s: %s\n", argv[arg], libraw_strerror(ret)); break; } libraw_processed_image_t *p = RawProcessor.dcraw_make_mem_image(); if (p) RawProcessor.dcraw_clear_mem(p); RawProcessor.free_image(); } float msec = timerend() / (float)rep; if ((ret = RawProcessor.adjust_sizes_info_only()) != LIBRAW_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot adjust sizes for %s: %s\n", argv[arg], libraw_strerror(ret)); break; } rmpix = (S.iwidth * S.iheight) / 1000000.0f; if (c == rep) // no failure { unsigned int crop[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) crop[i] = (OUT.cropbox[i]) >> shrink; if (crop[0] + crop[2] > S.iwidth) crop[2] = S.iwidth - crop[0]; if (crop[1] + crop[3] > S.iheight) crop[3] = S.iheight - crop[1]; mpix = float(crop[2] * crop[3]) / 1000000.0f; float mpixsec = mpix * 1000.0f / msec; printf("Performance: %.2f Mpix/sec\n" "File: %s, Frame: %d %.1f total Mpix, %.1f msec\n" "Params: WB=%s Highlight=%d Qual=%d HalfSize=%s Median=%d " "Wavelet=%.0f\n" "Crop: %u-%u:%ux%u, active Mpix: %.2f, %.1f frames/sec\n", mpixsec, argv[arg], OUTR.shot_select, rmpix, msec, OUT.use_auto_wb ? "auto" : "default", OUT.highlight, OUT.user_qual, OUT.half_size ? "YES" : "No", OUT.med_passes, OUT.threshold, crop[0], crop[1], crop[2], crop[3], mpix, 1000.0f / msec); } } return 0; } #ifndef LIBRAW_WIN32_CALLS static struct timeval start, end; void timerstart(void) { gettimeofday(&start, NULL); } float timerend(void) { gettimeofday(&end, NULL); float msec = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000.0f + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000.0f; return msec; } #else LARGE_INTEGER start; void timerstart(void) { QueryPerformanceCounter(&start); } float timerend() { LARGE_INTEGER unit, end; QueryPerformanceCounter(&end); QueryPerformanceFrequency(&unit); float msec = (float)(end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart); msec /= (float)unit.QuadPart / 1000.0f; return msec; } #endif