#!/bin/bash # # This script must be run through meson # # Checks for the presence of clang static analyzer and/or cppcheck and runs them if present. # set -e +x if [ -z ${MESON_SOURCE_ROOT+x} ]; then echo "Missing MESON_SOURCE_ROOT"; exit 1; fi perl -pe "s{\@SOURCEDIR\@}{${MESON_SOURCE_ROOT}}g" ${MESON_SOURCE_ROOT}/common/configs/cppcheck-suppressions.in.txt > ${MESON_SOURCE_ROOT}/common/configs/cppcheck-suppressions.txt if hash scan-build 2>/dev/null; then ninja -C ${MESON_BUILD_ROOT} scan-build else echo "scan-build not found, not running." fi if hash cppcheck 2>/dev/null; then ninja -C ${MESON_BUILD_ROOT} cppcheck else echo "cppcheck not found, not running." fi