// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #ifndef OS_WIN #include "utilities/transactions/lock/range/range_tree/range_tree_lock_manager.h" #include #include #include #include "monitoring/perf_context_imp.h" #include "rocksdb/slice.h" #include "rocksdb/utilities/transaction_db_mutex.h" #include "test_util/sync_point.h" #include "util/cast_util.h" #include "util/hash.h" #include "util/thread_local.h" #include "utilities/transactions/lock/range/range_tree/range_tree_lock_tracker.h" #include "utilities/transactions/pessimistic_transaction_db.h" #include "utilities/transactions/transaction_db_mutex_impl.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { RangeLockManagerHandle* NewRangeLockManager( std::shared_ptr mutex_factory) { std::shared_ptr use_factory; if (mutex_factory) { use_factory = mutex_factory; } else { use_factory.reset(new TransactionDBMutexFactoryImpl()); } return new RangeTreeLockManager(use_factory); } static const char SUFFIX_INFIMUM = 0x0; static const char SUFFIX_SUPREMUM = 0x1; // Convert Endpoint into an internal format used for storing it in locktree // (DBT structure is used for passing endpoints to locktree and getting back) void serialize_endpoint(const Endpoint& endp, std::string* buf) { buf->push_back(endp.inf_suffix ? SUFFIX_SUPREMUM : SUFFIX_INFIMUM); buf->append(endp.slice.data(), endp.slice.size()); } // Decode the endpoint from the format it is stored in the locktree (DBT) to // the one used outside: either Endpoint or EndpointWithString template void deserialize_endpoint(const DBT* dbt, EndpointStruct* endp) { assert(dbt->size >= 1); const char* dbt_data = (const char*)dbt->data; char suffix = dbt_data[0]; assert(suffix == SUFFIX_INFIMUM || suffix == SUFFIX_SUPREMUM); endp->inf_suffix = (suffix == SUFFIX_SUPREMUM); endp->slice = decltype(EndpointStruct::slice)(dbt_data + 1, dbt->size - 1); } // Get a range lock on [start_key; end_key] range Status RangeTreeLockManager::TryLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, uint32_t column_family_id, const Endpoint& start_endp, const Endpoint& end_endp, Env*, bool exclusive) { toku::lock_request request; request.create(mutex_factory_); DBT start_key_dbt, end_key_dbt; TEST_SYNC_POINT("RangeTreeLockManager::TryRangeLock:enter"); std::string start_key; std::string end_key; serialize_endpoint(start_endp, &start_key); serialize_endpoint(end_endp, &end_key); toku_fill_dbt(&start_key_dbt, start_key.data(), start_key.size()); toku_fill_dbt(&end_key_dbt, end_key.data(), end_key.size()); auto lt = GetLockTreeForCF(column_family_id); // Put the key waited on into request's m_extra. See // wait_callback_for_locktree for details. std::string wait_key(start_endp.slice.data(), start_endp.slice.size()); request.set(lt.get(), (TXNID)txn, &start_key_dbt, &end_key_dbt, exclusive ? toku::lock_request::WRITE : toku::lock_request::READ, false /* not a big txn */, &wait_key); // This is for "periodically wake up and check if the wait is killed" feature // which we are not using. uint64_t killed_time_msec = 0; uint64_t wait_time_msec = txn->GetLockTimeout(); if (wait_time_msec == static_cast(-1)) { // The transaction has no wait timeout. lock_request::wait doesn't support // this, it needs a number of milliseconds to wait. Pass it one year to // be safe. wait_time_msec = uint64_t(1000) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; } else { // convert microseconds to milliseconds wait_time_msec = (wait_time_msec + 500) / 1000; } std::vector di_path; request.m_deadlock_cb = [&](TXNID txnid, bool is_exclusive, const DBT* start_dbt, const DBT* end_dbt) { EndpointWithString start; EndpointWithString end; deserialize_endpoint(start_dbt, &start); deserialize_endpoint(end_dbt, &end); di_path.push_back({txnid, column_family_id, is_exclusive, std::move(start), std::move(end)}); }; request.start(); const int r = request.wait(wait_time_msec, killed_time_msec, nullptr, // killed_callback wait_callback_for_locktree, nullptr); // Inform the txn that we are no longer waiting: txn->ClearWaitingTxn(); request.destroy(); switch (r) { case 0: break; // fall through case DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED: return Status::TimedOut(Status::SubCode::kLockTimeout); case TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS: return Status::Busy(Status::SubCode::kLockLimit); case DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK: { std::reverse(di_path.begin(), di_path.end()); dlock_buffer_.AddNewPath( RangeDeadlockPath(di_path, request.get_start_time())); return Status::Busy(Status::SubCode::kDeadlock); } default: assert(0); return Status::Busy(Status::SubCode::kLockLimit); } return Status::OK(); } // Wait callback that locktree library will call to inform us about // the lock waits that are in progress. void wait_callback_for_locktree(void*, toku::lock_wait_infos* infos) { TEST_SYNC_POINT("RangeTreeLockManager::TryRangeLock:EnterWaitingTxn"); for (auto wait_info : *infos) { // As long as we hold the lock on the locktree's pending request queue // this should be safe. auto txn = (PessimisticTransaction*)wait_info.waiter; auto cf_id = (ColumnFamilyId)wait_info.ltree->get_dict_id().dictid; autovector waitee_ids; for (auto waitee : wait_info.waitees) { waitee_ids.push_back(waitee); } txn->SetWaitingTxn(waitee_ids, cf_id, (std::string*)wait_info.m_extra); } // Here we can assume that the locktree code will now wait for some lock TEST_SYNC_POINT("RangeTreeLockManager::TryRangeLock:WaitingTxn"); } void RangeTreeLockManager::UnLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, ColumnFamilyId column_family_id, const std::string& key, Env*) { auto locktree = GetLockTreeForCF(column_family_id); std::string endp_image; serialize_endpoint({key.data(), key.size(), false}, &endp_image); DBT key_dbt; toku_fill_dbt(&key_dbt, endp_image.data(), endp_image.size()); toku::range_buffer range_buf; range_buf.create(); range_buf.append(&key_dbt, &key_dbt); locktree->release_locks((TXNID)txn, &range_buf); range_buf.destroy(); toku::lock_request::retry_all_lock_requests( locktree.get(), wait_callback_for_locktree, nullptr); } void RangeTreeLockManager::UnLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, const LockTracker& tracker, Env*) { const RangeTreeLockTracker* range_tracker = static_cast(&tracker); RangeTreeLockTracker* range_trx_tracker = static_cast(&txn->GetTrackedLocks()); bool all_keys = (range_trx_tracker == range_tracker); // tracked_locks_->range_list may hold nullptr if the transaction has never // acquired any locks. ((RangeTreeLockTracker*)range_tracker)->ReleaseLocks(this, txn, all_keys); } int RangeTreeLockManager::CompareDbtEndpoints(void* arg, const DBT* a_key, const DBT* b_key) { const char* a = (const char*)a_key->data; const char* b = (const char*)b_key->data; size_t a_len = a_key->size; size_t b_len = b_key->size; size_t min_len = std::min(a_len, b_len); // Compare the values. The first byte encodes the endpoint type, its value // is either SUFFIX_INFIMUM or SUFFIX_SUPREMUM. Comparator* cmp = (Comparator*)arg; int res = cmp->Compare(Slice(a + 1, min_len - 1), Slice(b + 1, min_len - 1)); if (!res) { if (b_len > min_len) { // a is shorter; if (a[0] == SUFFIX_INFIMUM) { return -1; //"a is smaller" } else { // a is considered padded with 0xFF:FF:FF:FF... return 1; // "a" is bigger } } else if (a_len > min_len) { // the opposite of the above: b is shorter. if (b[0] == SUFFIX_INFIMUM) { return 1; //"b is smaller" } else { // b is considered padded with 0xFF:FF:FF:FF... return -1; // "b" is bigger } } else { // the lengths are equal (and the key values, too) if (a[0] < b[0]) { return -1; } else if (a[0] > b[0]) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } else { return res; } } namespace { void UnrefLockTreeMapsCache(void* ptr) { // Called when a thread exits or a ThreadLocalPtr gets destroyed. auto lock_tree_map_cache = static_cast< std::unordered_map>*>( ptr); delete lock_tree_map_cache; } } // anonymous namespace RangeTreeLockManager::RangeTreeLockManager( std::shared_ptr mutex_factory) : mutex_factory_(mutex_factory), ltree_lookup_cache_(new ThreadLocalPtr(&UnrefLockTreeMapsCache)), dlock_buffer_(10) { ltm_.create(on_create, on_destroy, on_escalate, nullptr, mutex_factory_); } int RangeTreeLockManager::on_create(toku::locktree* lt, void* arg) { // arg is a pointer to RangeTreeLockManager lt->set_escalation_barrier_func(&OnEscalationBarrierCheck, arg); return 0; } bool RangeTreeLockManager::OnEscalationBarrierCheck(const DBT* a, const DBT* b, void* extra) { Endpoint a_endp, b_endp; deserialize_endpoint(a, &a_endp); deserialize_endpoint(b, &b_endp); auto self = static_cast(extra); return self->barrier_func_(a_endp, b_endp); } void RangeTreeLockManager::SetRangeDeadlockInfoBufferSize( uint32_t target_size) { dlock_buffer_.Resize(target_size); } void RangeTreeLockManager::Resize(uint32_t target_size) { SetRangeDeadlockInfoBufferSize(target_size); } std::vector RangeTreeLockManager::GetRangeDeadlockInfoBuffer() { return dlock_buffer_.PrepareBuffer(); } std::vector RangeTreeLockManager::GetDeadlockInfoBuffer() { std::vector res; std::vector data = GetRangeDeadlockInfoBuffer(); // report left endpoints for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { std::vector path; for (auto it2 = it->path.begin(); it2 != it->path.end(); ++it2) { path.push_back( {it2->m_txn_id, it2->m_cf_id, it2->m_exclusive, it2->m_start.slice}); } res.push_back(DeadlockPath(path, it->deadlock_time)); } return res; } // @brief Lock Escalation Callback function // // @param txnid Transaction whose locks got escalated // @param lt Lock Tree where escalation is happening // @param buffer Escalation result: list of locks that this transaction now // owns in this lock tree. // @param void* Callback context void RangeTreeLockManager::on_escalate(TXNID txnid, const toku::locktree* lt, const toku::range_buffer& buffer, void*) { auto txn = (PessimisticTransaction*)txnid; ((RangeTreeLockTracker*)&txn->GetTrackedLocks())->ReplaceLocks(lt, buffer); } RangeTreeLockManager::~RangeTreeLockManager() { autovector local_caches; ltree_lookup_cache_->Scrape(&local_caches, nullptr); for (auto cache : local_caches) { delete static_cast(cache); } ltree_map_.clear(); // this will call release_lt() for all locktrees ltm_.destroy(); } RangeLockManagerHandle::Counters RangeTreeLockManager::GetStatus() { LTM_STATUS_S ltm_status_test; ltm_.get_status(<m_status_test); Counters res; // Searching status variable by its string name is how Toku's unit tests // do it (why didn't they make LTM_ESCALATION_COUNT constant visible?) // lookup keyname in status for (int i = 0; i < LTM_STATUS_S::LTM_STATUS_NUM_ROWS; i++) { TOKU_ENGINE_STATUS_ROW status = <m_status_test.status[i]; if (strcmp(status->keyname, "LTM_ESCALATION_COUNT") == 0) { res.escalation_count = status->value.num; continue; } if (strcmp(status->keyname, "LTM_WAIT_COUNT") == 0) { res.lock_wait_count = status->value.num; continue; } if (strcmp(status->keyname, "LTM_SIZE_CURRENT") == 0) { res.current_lock_memory = status->value.num; } } return res; } std::shared_ptr RangeTreeLockManager::MakeLockTreePtr( toku::locktree* lt) { toku::locktree_manager* ltm = <m_; return std::shared_ptr( lt, [ltm](toku::locktree* p) { ltm->release_lt(p); }); } void RangeTreeLockManager::AddColumnFamily(const ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh) { uint32_t column_family_id = cfh->GetID(); InstrumentedMutexLock l(<ree_map_mutex_); if (ltree_map_.find(column_family_id) == ltree_map_.end()) { DICTIONARY_ID dict_id = {.dictid = column_family_id}; toku::comparator cmp; cmp.create(CompareDbtEndpoints, (void*)cfh->GetComparator()); toku::locktree* ltree = ltm_.get_lt(dict_id, cmp, /* on_create_extra*/ static_cast(this)); // This is ok to because get_lt has copied the comparator: cmp.destroy(); ltree_map_.insert({column_family_id, MakeLockTreePtr(ltree)}); } } void RangeTreeLockManager::RemoveColumnFamily(const ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh) { uint32_t column_family_id = cfh->GetID(); // Remove lock_map for this column family. Since the lock map is stored // as a shared ptr, concurrent transactions can still keep using it // until they release their references to it. // TODO what if one drops a column family while transaction(s) still have // locks in it? // locktree uses column family'c Comparator* as the criteria to do tree // ordering. If the comparator is gone, we won't even be able to remove the // elements from the locktree. // A possible solution might be to remove everything right now: // - wait until everyone traversing the locktree are gone // - remove everything from the locktree. // - some transactions may have acquired locks in their LockTracker objects. // Arrange something so we don't blow up when they try to release them. // - ... // This use case (drop column family while somebody is using it) doesn't seem // the priority, though. { InstrumentedMutexLock l(<ree_map_mutex_); auto lock_maps_iter = ltree_map_.find(column_family_id); assert(lock_maps_iter != ltree_map_.end()); ltree_map_.erase(lock_maps_iter); } // lock_map_mutex_ autovector local_caches; ltree_lookup_cache_->Scrape(&local_caches, nullptr); for (auto cache : local_caches) { delete static_cast(cache); } } std::shared_ptr RangeTreeLockManager::GetLockTreeForCF( ColumnFamilyId column_family_id) { // First check thread-local cache if (ltree_lookup_cache_->Get() == nullptr) { ltree_lookup_cache_->Reset(new LockTreeMap()); } auto ltree_map_cache = static_cast(ltree_lookup_cache_->Get()); auto it = ltree_map_cache->find(column_family_id); if (it != ltree_map_cache->end()) { // Found lock map for this column family. return it->second; } // Not found in local cache, grab mutex and check shared LockMaps InstrumentedMutexLock l(<ree_map_mutex_); it = ltree_map_.find(column_family_id); if (it == ltree_map_.end()) { return nullptr; } else { // Found lock map. Store in thread-local cache and return. ltree_map_cache->insert({column_family_id, it->second}); return it->second; } } struct LOCK_PRINT_CONTEXT { RangeLockManagerHandle::RangeLockStatus* data; // Save locks here uint32_t cfh_id; // Column Family whose tree we are traversing }; // Report left endpoints of the acquired locks LockManager::PointLockStatus RangeTreeLockManager::GetPointLockStatus() { PointLockStatus res; LockManager::RangeLockStatus data = GetRangeLockStatus(); // report left endpoints for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { auto& val = it->second; res.insert({it->first, {val.start.slice, val.ids, val.exclusive}}); } return res; } static void push_into_lock_status_data(void* param, const DBT* left, const DBT* right, TXNID txnid_arg, bool is_shared, TxnidVector* owners) { struct LOCK_PRINT_CONTEXT* ctx = (LOCK_PRINT_CONTEXT*)param; struct RangeLockInfo info; info.exclusive = !is_shared; deserialize_endpoint(left, &info.start); deserialize_endpoint(right, &info.end); if (txnid_arg != TXNID_SHARED) { info.ids.push_back(txnid_arg); } else { for (auto it : *owners) { info.ids.push_back(it); } } ctx->data->insert({ctx->cfh_id, info}); } LockManager::RangeLockStatus RangeTreeLockManager::GetRangeLockStatus() { LockManager::RangeLockStatus data; { InstrumentedMutexLock l(<ree_map_mutex_); for (auto it : ltree_map_) { LOCK_PRINT_CONTEXT ctx = {&data, it.first}; it.second->dump_locks((void*)&ctx, push_into_lock_status_data); } } return data; } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE #endif // OS_WIN #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE