[package] name = "libruster" version = "1.3.1" edition = "2021" description = "Ruster is a library using ffi for database management with psql/pg_dump + mysql/mysqldump that can be used in other languages like Golang" license = "MIT" repository = "https://github.com/e-monkeys-tech/ruster" documentation = "https://docs.rs/libruster/1.3.1/libruster/" [lib] name = "libruster" # The name of the target. path = "lib/ruster.rs" # The source file of the target. test = true # Is tested by default. doctest = true # Documentation examples are tested by default. bench = true # Is benchmarked by default. doc = true # Is documented by default. plugin = false # Used as a compiler plugin (deprecated). proc-macro = false # Set to `true` for a proc-macro library. harness = true # Use libtest harness. edition = "2021" # The edition of the target. crate-type = ["cdylib", "staticlib", "lib"] # The crate types to generate '.a', '.so' and '.rlib' extensions required-features = [] [dependencies] libc = "0.2.2" env_logger = "0.8.4" log = "0.4.14"