#!/bin/sh # # libssh2 compilation script for the OS/400. # SCRIPTDIR=`dirname "${0}"` . "${SCRIPTDIR}/initscript.sh" cd "${TOPDIR}/src" # Function to extract external prototypes from header files. # Input: concatenated header files. # Output: external prototypes, one per (long) line. extproto() { sed -e 'x;G;s/^\n//;s/\n/ /g' \ -e 's#[[:space:]]*/\*[^*]*\(\*\([^/*][^*]*\)\{0,1\}\)*\*/[[:space:]]*##g' \ -e 'h' \ -e '/\/\*/!{' \ -e '/^#/{s/^.*[^\\]$//;h;d' \ -e '}' \ -e 's/[{}]/;/g;s/\\$//' \ -e ':loop1' \ -e '/;/{' \ -e 's/^[^;]*;//;x;s/;.*//' \ -e '/^[[:space:]]*LIBSSH2_API[[:space:]].*(/{' \ -e 's/^[[:space:]]*LIBSSH2_API[[:space:]]*//' \ -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' \ -e 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*/ /g' \ -e 'p' \ -e '}' \ -e 'g;bloop1' \ -e '}' \ -e '}' \ -n } # Need to have IFS access to the mih/modasa header file. if action_needed modasa.mih '/QSYS.LIB/QSYSINC.LIB/MIH.FILE/MODASA.MBR' then rm -f modasa.mih ln -s '/QSYS.LIB/QSYSINC.LIB/MIH.FILE/MODASA.MBR' modasa.mih fi # Create and compile the identification source file. echo '#pragma comment(user, "libssh2 version '"${LIBSSH2_VERSION}"'")' > os400.c echo '#pragma comment(user, __DATE__)' >> os400.c echo '#pragma comment(user, __TIME__)' >> os400.c echo '#pragma comment(copyright, "See COPYING file. OS/400 version by P. Monnerat")' >> os400.c make_module OS400 os400.c LINK= # No need to rebuild service program yet. MODULES= # Generate the procedures implementing macros. if action_needed macros.c "${TOPDIR}/os400/macros.h" then ( echo '#include "libssh2_publickey.h"' echo '#include "libssh2_sftp.h"' extproto < "${TOPDIR}/os400/macros.h" | sed -e 'h;s/^[^(]*[ *]\([^ (]*\) *(.*/\1/' \ -e 's/.*/#pragma map(_&, "&")/;p' \ -e 'g;s/^\([^(]*[ *]\)\([^ (]*\)\( *(.*\)/\1_\2\3 {/;p' \ -e 'g;s/^[^(]*(\(.*\))$/,\1,/;s/[^A-Za-z0-9_,]/ /g' \ -e 's/ *,/,/g;s/,[^,]* \([^ ,]*\)/,\1/g' \ -e 's/ //g;s/^,void,$/,,/' \ -e 's/^,\(.*\),$/(\1); }/;s/,/, /g' \ -e 'x;s/(.*//;s/ *$//;G;s/\n//g' \ -e 's/^void\([ *]\)/\1/;s/^ *//' \ -e 's/^[^(]*[ *]\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* *(\)/return \1/' \ -e 's/.*/ &/' ) > macros.c fi # Get source list. cat ../Makefile.inc ../Makefile.os400qc3.inc | sed -e ':begin' \ -e '/\\$/{' \ -e 's/\\$/ /' \ -e 'N' \ -e 'bbegin' \ -e '}' \ -e 's/\n//g' \ -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' \ -e 's/^\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\(.*\)/\1="\2"/' \ -e 's/\$(\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\))/${\1}/g' \ > tmpscript.sh . ./tmpscript.sh # Compile the sources into modules. INCLUDES="'`pwd`'" for SRC in "${TOPDIR}/os400/os400sys.c" "${TOPDIR}/os400/ccsid.c" \ ${CSOURCES} ${CRYPTO_CSOURCES} macros.c do MODULE=`db2_name "${SRC}"` make_module "${MODULE}" "${SRC}" done # If needed, (re)create the static binding directory. if action_needed "${LIBIFSNAME}/${STATBNDDIR}.BNDDIR" then LINK=YES fi if [ "${LINK}" ] then rm -rf "${LIBIFSNAME}/${STATBNDDIR}.BNDDIR" CMD="CRTBNDDIR BNDDIR(${TARGETLIB}/${STATBNDDIR})" CMD="${CMD} TEXT('libssh2 API static binding directory')" system "${CMD}" for MODULE in ${MODULES} do CMD="ADDBNDDIRE BNDDIR(${TARGETLIB}/${STATBNDDIR})" CMD="${CMD} OBJ((${TARGETLIB}/${MODULE} *MODULE))" system "${CMD}" done # V6R1M0 does not list system service program QC3PBEXT in the # implicit binding directory: thus we add it here in ours. CMD="ADDBNDDIRE BNDDIR(${TARGETLIB}/${STATBNDDIR})" CMD="${CMD} OBJ((QSYS/QC3PBEXT *SRVPGM))" system "${CMD}" fi # The exportation file for service program creation must be in a DB2 # source file, so make sure it exists. if action_needed "${LIBIFSNAME}/TOOLS.FILE" then CMD="CRTSRCPF FILE(${TARGETLIB}/TOOLS) RCDLEN(112)" CMD="${CMD} TEXT('libssh2: build tools')" system "${CMD}" fi # Gather the list of symbols to export. EXPORTS=`cat "${TOPDIR}"/include/*.h "${TOPDIR}/os400/macros.h" \ "${TOPDIR}/os400/libssh2_ccsid.h" | extproto | sed -e 's/(.*//;s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/ /g;s/ *$//;s/^.* //'` # Create the service program exportation file in DB2 member if needed. BSF="${LIBIFSNAME}/TOOLS.FILE/BNDSRC.MBR" if action_needed "${BSF}" Makefile.am then LINK=YES fi if [ "${LINK}" ] then echo " STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*CURRENT) SIGNATURE('LIBSSH2_${SONAME}')" \ > "${BSF}" for EXPORT in ${EXPORTS} do echo ' EXPORT SYMBOL("'"${EXPORT}"'")' >> "${BSF}" done echo ' ENDPGMEXP' >> "${BSF}" fi # Build the service program if needed. if action_needed "${LIBIFSNAME}/${SRVPGM}.SRVPGM" then LINK=YES fi if [ "${LINK}" ] then CMD="CRTSRVPGM SRVPGM(${TARGETLIB}/${SRVPGM})" CMD="${CMD} SRCFILE(${TARGETLIB}/TOOLS) SRCMBR(BNDSRC)" CMD="${CMD} MODULE(${TARGETLIB}/OS400)" CMD="${CMD} BNDDIR(${TARGETLIB}/${STATBNDDIR}" if [ "${WITH_ZLIB}" != 0 ] then CMD="${CMD} ${ZLIB_LIB}/${ZLIB_BNDDIR}" liblist -a "${ZLIB_LIB}" fi CMD="${CMD})" CMD="${CMD} BNDSRVPGM(QADRTTS)" CMD="${CMD} TEXT('libssh2 API library')" CMD="${CMD} TGTRLS(${TGTRLS})" system "${CMD}" LINK=YES fi # If needed, (re)create the dynamic binding directory. if action_needed "${LIBIFSNAME}/${DYNBNDDIR}.BNDDIR" then LINK=YES fi if [ "${LINK}" ] then rm -rf "${LIBIFSNAME}/${DYNBNDDIR}.BNDDIR" CMD="CRTBNDDIR BNDDIR(${TARGETLIB}/${DYNBNDDIR})" CMD="${CMD} TEXT('libssh2 API dynamic binding directory')" system "${CMD}" CMD="ADDBNDDIRE BNDDIR(${TARGETLIB}/${DYNBNDDIR})" CMD="${CMD} OBJ((*LIBL/${SRVPGM} *SRVPGM))" system "${CMD}" fi