#!/bin/bash echo "Test run with mytest.exp should give no errors" cd .. cp t.fix t/mytest.fix echo "Generating mytest.exp from mytest.fix" rm t/mytest.exp RESULT=`./setest -g t/mytest` if [[ $? != 0 || ! -f t/mytest.exp ]]; then echo "Generation of mytest.exp failed" exit 1 fi echo "Check if all tests have been processed..." STATS=$( echo $RESULT | grep -oP "\d+/\d+/\d+") if [[ $STATS == "" ]]; then echo "No stats output of the form \d+/\d+/\d+" exit 1 fi echo "Now run in testmode against mytest.exp..." RESULT=`./setest t/mytest` if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Running setest in test mode failed" exit 1 fi echo "Check if all tests have been processed..." STATS1=$( echo $RESULT | grep -oP "\d+/\d+/\d+") if [[ $STATS1 != $STATS ]]; then echo "Actual stats '${STATS1}' do not match expected stats ${STATS}" exit 1 fi echo "Check there were no failures" RESULT=$( echo $RESULT | grep -oP "(\d+)(?= failures)" ) if [[ $RESULT != 0 ]]; then echo "Tests should give no failures! Actually, they give ${RESULT} failures" exit 1 fi exit 0