;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Example of a lsp2html definition file ; ; key value notes ; title syd.el ; the html document title author Ali Polatel ; The author's name. keywords sandbox security ; The content of KEYWORDS meta tag body_color white ; These keys define the html colors code_color black ; you can use colors by the literal string_color red ; string or by the hexadecimal comment_color green ; notation escape_color purple ; parentheses_color gray ; line_number_color navy ; code_size +0 ; The html and parentheses font size parentheses_size +0 ; can be absolute or realtive. bold_parentheses 1 ; These boolean keys must be italict_comments 0 ; zero for false, or non-zero show_title 1 ; for true. show_line_numbers 1 ; show_timestamp 1 ; spaces_per_tab 4 ; Each TAB character found in source ; code will be replaced by these ; number of spaces. ; Set this to zero to not replace ; the TABs. ;--------------------------------------------------------