#!/bin/sh VERSION=$(cat VERSION) DESTDIR=libressl-coverage-$VERSION echo "This will generate a code coverage report under $DESTDIR" echo if [ "x$(which lcov)" = "x" ]; then echo "'lcov' is required but not found!" exit 1 fi if [ "x$(which genhtml)" = "x" ]; then echo "'genhtml' is required but not found!" exit 1 fi find -name '*.gcda' -o -name '*.gcno' -delete rm -fr $DESTDIR echo "Configuring to build with code coverage support" ./configure CFLAGS='-O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage' echo "Running all code paths" make clean make check echo "Generating report" mkdir -p $DESTDIR find tests -name '*.gcda' -o -name '*.gcno' -delete lcov --capture --output-file $DESTDIR/coverage.tmp \ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 \ --directory crypto \ --directory ssl \ --directory tls \ --test-name "LibreSSL $VERSION" genhtml --prefix . --output-directory $DESTDIR \ --branch-coverage --function-coverage \ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 \ --title "LibreSSL $VERSION" --legend --show-detail $DESTDIR/coverage.tmp echo "Code coverage report is available under $DESTDIR"