import torch import argparse import dgl import torch.multiprocessing as mp from import DataLoader import os import random import time import numpy as np # from ogb.linkproppred import DglLinkPropPredDataset import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn import init from torch.multiprocessing import Queue import scipy.sparse as sp import pickle from import download, _get_dgl_url, get_download_dir, extract_archive import json from liblgraph_python_api import GraphDB, Galaxy def shuffle_walks(walks): seeds = torch.randperm(walks.size()[0]) return walks[seeds] def sum_up_params(model): """ Count the model parameters """ n = [] n.append(model.u_embeddings.weight.cpu().data.numel() * 2) n.append(model.lookup_table.cpu().numel()) n.append(model.index_emb_posu.cpu().numel() * 2) n.append(model.grad_u.cpu().numel() * 2) try: n.append(model.index_emb_negu.cpu().numel() * 2) except: pass try: n.append(model.state_sum_u.cpu().numel() * 2) except: pass try: n.append(model.grad_avg.cpu().numel()) except: pass try: n.append(model.context_weight.cpu().numel()) except: pass print("#params " + str(sum(n))) exit() def ReadTxtNet(file_path="", undirected=True): """ Read the txt network file. Notations: The network is unweighted. Parameters ---------- file_path str : path of network file undirected bool : whether the edges are undirected Return ------ net dict : a dict recording the connections in the graph node2id dict : a dict mapping the nodes to their embedding indices id2node dict : a dict mapping nodes embedding indices to the nodes """ if file_path == 'youtube' or file_path == 'blog': name = file_path dir = get_download_dir() zip_file_path = '{}/{}.zip'.format(dir, name) download(_get_dgl_url(os.path.join('dataset/DeepWalk/', '{}.zip'.format(file_path))), path=zip_file_path) extract_archive(zip_file_path, '{}/{}'.format(dir, name)) file_path = "{}/{}/{}-net.txt".format(dir, name, name) node2id = {} id2node = {} cid = 0 src = [] dst = [] weight = [] net = {} with open(file_path, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): tup = list(map(int, line.strip().split(" "))) assert len(tup) in [2, 3], "The format of network file is unrecognizable." if len(tup) == 3: n1, n2, w = tup elif len(tup) == 2: n1, n2 = tup w = 1 if n1 not in node2id: node2id[n1] = cid id2node[cid] = n1 cid += 1 if n2 not in node2id: node2id[n2] = cid id2node[cid] = n2 cid += 1 n1 = node2id[n1] n2 = node2id[n2] if n1 not in net: net[n1] = {n2: w} src.append(n1) dst.append(n2) weight.append(w) elif n2 not in net[n1]: net[n1][n2] = w src.append(n1) dst.append(n2) weight.append(w) if undirected: if n2 not in net: net[n2] = {n1: w} src.append(n2) dst.append(n1) weight.append(w) elif n1 not in net[n2]: net[n2][n1] = w src.append(n2) dst.append(n1) weight.append(w) print("node num: %d" % len(net)) print("edge num: %d" % len(src)) assert max(net.keys()) == len(net) - 1, "error reading net, quit" sm = sp.coo_matrix( (np.array(weight), (src, dst)), dtype=np.float32) return net, node2id, id2node, sm def ReadTugrpahNet(args): node2id = {} id2node = {} cid = 0 src = [] dst = [] weight = [] net = {} galaxy = Galaxy(args.data_file) galaxy.SetCurrentUser(args.username, args.password) graphDB = galaxy.OpenGraph(args.graph_name, False) txn = graphDB.CreateReadTxn() vit = txn.GetVertexIterator(0) while (True): nbr_list = vit.ListDstVids() vid = vit.GetId() for nbr in nbr_list[0]: n1 = vid n2 = nbr w = 1 if n1 not in node2id: node2id[n1] = cid id2node[cid] = n1 cid += 1 if n2 not in node2id: node2id[n2] = cid id2node[cid] = n2 cid += 1 n1 = node2id[n1] n2 = node2id[n2] if n1 not in net: net[n1] = {n2: w} src.append(n1) dst.append(n2) weight.append(w) elif n2 not in net[n1]: net[n1][n2] = w src.append(n1) dst.append(n2) weight.append(w) if args.make_undirected: if n2 not in net: net[n2] = {n1: w} src.append(n2) dst.append(n1) weight.append(w) elif n1 not in net[n2]: net[n2][n1] = w src.append(n2) dst.append(n1) weight.append(w) if (not vit.Next()): break txn.Commit() graphDB.Close() galaxy.Close() print("node num: %d" % len(net)) print("edge num: %d" % len(src)) assert max(net.keys()) == len(net) - 1, "error reading net, quit" print("before coo_matrix") sm = sp.coo_matrix( (np.array(weight), (src, dst)), dtype=np.float32) print("after read from tugraph") return net, node2id, id2node, sm class DeepwalkSampler(object): def __init__(self, G, seeds, walk_length): """ random walk sampler Parameter --------- G dgl.Graph : the input graph seeds torch.LongTensor : starting nodes walk_length int : walk length """ self.G = G self.seeds = seeds self.walk_length = walk_length def sample(self, seeds): walks = dgl.sampling.random_walk(self.G, seeds, length=self.walk_length - 1)[0] return walks """ if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, choices=['ogbl-collab', 'ogbl-ddi', 'ogbl-ppa', 'ogbl-citation'], default='ogbl-collab', help="name of datasets by ogb") args = parser.parse_args() print("loading graph... it might take some time") name = g = load_from_ogbl_with_name(name=name) try: w = g.edata['edge_weight'] weighted = True except: weighted = False edge_num = g.edges()[0].shape[0] src = list(g.edges()[0]) tgt = list(g.edges()[1]) if weighted: weight = list(g.edata['edge_weight']) print("writing...") start_time = time.time() with open(name + "-net.txt", "w") as f: for i in range(edge_num): if weighted: f.write(str(src[i].item()) + " " \ +str(tgt[i].item()) + " " \ +str(weight[i].item()) + "\n") else: f.write(str(src[i].item()) + " " \ +str(tgt[i].item()) + " " \ +"1\n") print("writing used time: %d s" % int(time.time() - start_time)) """ def net2graph(net_sm): """ Transform the network to DGL graph Parameters __________ net_sm matrix : sparse matrix of edgelist Return ------ G DGLGraph : graph by DGL """ start = time.time() G = dgl.DGLGraph(net_sm) end = time.time() t = end - start print("Building DGLGraph in %.2fs" % t) return G def make_undirected(G): # G.readonly(False) G.add_edges(G.edges()[1], G.edges()[0]) return G def find_connected_nodes(G): nodes = G.out_degrees().nonzero().squeeze(-1) return nodes class DeepwalkDataset: def __init__(self, args): """ This class has the following functions: 1. Transform the txt network file into DGL graph; 2. Generate random walk sequences for the trainer; 3. Provide the negative table if the user hopes to sample negative nodes according to nodes' degrees; Parameter --------- net_file str : path of the txt network file walk_length int : number of nodes in a sequence window_size int : context window size num_walks int : number of walks for each node batch_size int : number of node sequences in each batch negative int : negative samples for each positve node pair fast_neg bool : whether do negative sampling inside a batch """ self.walk_length = args.walk_length self.window_size = args.window_size self.num_walks = args.num_walks self.batch_size = args.batch_size self.negative = args.negative self.num_procs = len(args.gpus) self.fast_neg = args.fast_neg if args.load_type == "ogbl": assert len(args.gpus) == 1, "ogb.linkproppred is not compatible with multi-gpu training (CUDA error)." from load_dataset import load_from_ogbl_with_name self.G = load_from_ogbl_with_name(args.ogbl_name) self.G = make_undirected(self.G) elif args.load_type == "tugraph":, self.node2id, self.id2node, = ReadTugrpahNet(args) print("after load from tugraph") self.save_mapping(args.map_file) self.G = net2graph( elif args.load_type == "txt":, self.node2id, self.id2node, = ReadTxtNet(args.net_file) self.save_mapping(args.map_file) self.G = net2graph( else: print("ERROR: unsupported load type!") exit(0) self.num_nodes = self.G.number_of_nodes() # random walk seeds start = time.time() self.valid_seeds = find_connected_nodes(self.G) if len(self.valid_seeds) != self.num_nodes: print("WARNING: The node ids are not serial. Some nodes are invalid.") seeds =[torch.LongTensor(self.valid_seeds)] * self.num_walks) self.seeds = torch.split(shuffle_walks(seeds), int(np.ceil(len(self.valid_seeds) * self.num_walks / self.num_procs)), 0) end = time.time() t = end - start print("%d seeds in %.2fs" % (len(seeds), t)) # negative table for true negative sampling if not args.fast_neg: node_degree = self.G.out_degrees(self.valid_seeds).numpy() node_degree = np.power(node_degree, 0.75) node_degree /= np.sum(node_degree) node_degree = np.array(node_degree * 1e8, self.neg_table = [] for idx, node in enumerate(self.valid_seeds): self.neg_table += [node] * node_degree[idx] self.neg_table_size = len(self.neg_table) self.neg_table = np.array(self.neg_table, dtype=np.long) del node_degree def create_sampler(self, i): """ create random walk sampler """ return DeepwalkSampler(self.G, self.seeds[i], self.walk_length) def save_mapping(self, map_file): """ save the mapping dict that maps node IDs to embedding indices """ with open(map_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.node2id, f) class DeepwalkSampler(object): def __init__(self, G, seeds, walk_length): """ random walk sampler Parameter --------- G dgl.Graph : the input graph seeds torch.LongTensor : starting nodes walk_length int : walk length """ self.G = G self.seeds = seeds self.walk_length = walk_length def sample(self, seeds): walks = dgl.sampling.random_walk(self.G, seeds, length=self.walk_length - 1)[0] return walks def init_emb2pos_index(walk_length, window_size, batch_size): ''' select embedding of positive nodes from a batch of node embeddings Return ------ index_emb_posu torch.LongTensor : the indices of u_embeddings index_emb_posv torch.LongTensor : the indices of v_embeddings Usage ----- # emb_u.shape: [batch_size * walk_length, dim] batch_emb2posu = torch.index_select(emb_u, 0, index_emb_posu) ''' idx_list_u = [] idx_list_v = [] for b in range(batch_size): for i in range(walk_length): for j in range(i - window_size, i): if j >= 0: idx_list_u.append(j + b * walk_length) idx_list_v.append(i + b * walk_length) for j in range(i + 1, i + 1 + window_size): if j < walk_length: idx_list_u.append(j + b * walk_length) idx_list_v.append(i + b * walk_length) # [num_pos * batch_size] index_emb_posu = torch.LongTensor(idx_list_u) index_emb_posv = torch.LongTensor(idx_list_v) return index_emb_posu, index_emb_posv def init_emb2neg_index(walk_length, window_size, negative, batch_size): '''select embedding of negative nodes from a batch of node embeddings for fast negative sampling Return ------ index_emb_negu torch.LongTensor : the indices of u_embeddings index_emb_negv torch.LongTensor : the indices of v_embeddings Usage ----- # emb_u.shape: [batch_size * walk_length, dim] batch_emb2negu = torch.index_select(emb_u, 0, index_emb_negu) ''' idx_list_u = [] for b in range(batch_size): for i in range(walk_length): for j in range(i - window_size, i): if j >= 0: idx_list_u += [i + b * walk_length] * negative for j in range(i + 1, i + 1 + window_size): if j < walk_length: idx_list_u += [i + b * walk_length] * negative idx_list_v = list(range(batch_size * walk_length)) \ * negative * window_size * 2 random.shuffle(idx_list_v) idx_list_v = idx_list_v[:len(idx_list_u)] # [bs * walk_length * negative] index_emb_negu = torch.LongTensor(idx_list_u) index_emb_negv = torch.LongTensor(idx_list_v) return index_emb_negu, index_emb_negv def init_weight(walk_length, window_size, batch_size): ''' init context weight ''' weight = [] for b in range(batch_size): for i in range(walk_length): for j in range(i - window_size, i): if j >= 0: weight.append(1. - float(i - j - 1) / float(window_size)) for j in range(i + 1, i + 1 + window_size): if j < walk_length: weight.append(1. - float(j - i - 1) / float(window_size)) # [num_pos * batch_size] return torch.Tensor(weight).unsqueeze(1) def init_empty_grad(emb_dimension, walk_length, batch_size): """ initialize gradient matrix """ grad_u = torch.zeros((batch_size * walk_length, emb_dimension)) grad_v = torch.zeros((batch_size * walk_length, emb_dimension)) return grad_u, grad_v def adam(grad, state_sum, nodes, lr, device, only_gpu): """ calculate gradients according to adam """ grad_sum = (grad * grad).mean(1) if not only_gpu: grad_sum = grad_sum.cpu() state_sum.index_add_(0, nodes, grad_sum) # cpu std = state_sum[nodes].to(device) # gpu std_values = std.sqrt_().add_(1e-10).unsqueeze(1) grad = (lr * grad / std_values) # gpu return grad def async_update(num_threads, model, queue): """ asynchronous embedding update """ torch.set_num_threads(num_threads) while True: (grad_u, grad_v, grad_v_neg, nodes, neg_nodes) = queue.get() if grad_u is None: return with torch.no_grad():, nodes.view(-1), grad_u), nodes.view(-1), grad_v) if neg_nodes is not None:, neg_nodes.view(-1), grad_v_neg) class SkipGramModel(nn.Module): """ Negative sampling based skip-gram """ def __init__(self, emb_size, emb_dimension, walk_length, window_size, batch_size, only_cpu, only_gpu, mix, neg_weight, negative, lr, lap_norm, fast_neg, record_loss, norm, use_context_weight, async_update, num_threads, ): """ initialize embedding on CPU Paremeters ---------- emb_size int : number of nodes emb_dimension int : embedding dimension walk_length int : number of nodes in a sequence window_size int : context window size batch_size int : number of node sequences in each batch only_cpu bool : training with CPU only_gpu bool : training with GPU mix bool : mixed training with CPU and GPU negative int : negative samples for each positve node pair neg_weight float : negative weight lr float : initial learning rate lap_norm float : weight of laplacian normalization fast_neg bool : do negative sampling inside a batch record_loss bool : print the loss during training norm bool : do normalizatin on the embedding after training use_context_weight : give different weights to the nodes in a context window async_update : asynchronous training """ super(SkipGramModel, self).__init__() self.emb_size = emb_size self.emb_dimension = emb_dimension self.walk_length = walk_length self.window_size = window_size self.batch_size = batch_size self.only_cpu = only_cpu self.only_gpu = only_gpu self.mixed_train = mix self.neg_weight = neg_weight self.negative = negative = lr self.lap_norm = lap_norm self.fast_neg = fast_neg self.record_loss = record_loss self.norm = norm self.use_context_weight = use_context_weight self.async_update = async_update self.num_threads = num_threads # initialize the device as cpu self.device = torch.device("cpu") # content embedding self.u_embeddings = nn.Embedding( self.emb_size, self.emb_dimension, sparse=True) # context embedding self.v_embeddings = nn.Embedding( self.emb_size, self.emb_dimension, sparse=True) # initialze embedding initrange = 1.0 / self.emb_dimension init.uniform_(, -initrange, initrange) init.constant_(, 0) # lookup_table is used for fast sigmoid computing self.lookup_table = torch.sigmoid(torch.arange(-6.01, 6.01, 0.01)) self.lookup_table[0] = 0. self.lookup_table[-1] = 1. if self.record_loss: self.logsigmoid_table = torch.log(torch.sigmoid(torch.arange(-6.01, 6.01, 0.01))) self.loss = [] # indexes to select positive/negative node pairs from batch_walks self.index_emb_posu, self.index_emb_posv = init_emb2pos_index( self.walk_length, self.window_size, self.batch_size) self.index_emb_negu, self.index_emb_negv = init_emb2neg_index( self.walk_length, self.window_size, self.negative, self.batch_size) if self.use_context_weight: self.context_weight = init_weight( self.walk_length, self.window_size, self.batch_size) # adam self.state_sum_u = torch.zeros(self.emb_size) self.state_sum_v = torch.zeros(self.emb_size) # gradients of nodes in batch_walks self.grad_u, self.grad_v = init_empty_grad( self.emb_dimension, self.walk_length, self.batch_size) def create_async_update(self): """ Set up the async update subprocess. """ self.async_q = Queue(1) self.async_p = mp.Process(target=async_update, args=(self.num_threads, self, self.async_q)) self.async_p.start() def finish_async_update(self): """ Notify the async update subprocess to quit. """ self.async_q.put((None, None, None, None, None)) self.async_p.join() def share_memory(self): """ share the parameters across subprocesses """ self.u_embeddings.weight.share_memory_() self.v_embeddings.weight.share_memory_() self.state_sum_u.share_memory_() self.state_sum_v.share_memory_() def set_device(self, gpu_id): """ set gpu device """ self.device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_id) print("The device is", self.device) self.lookup_table = if self.record_loss: self.logsigmoid_table = self.index_emb_posu = self.index_emb_posv = self.index_emb_negu = self.index_emb_negv = self.grad_u = self.grad_v = if self.use_context_weight: self.context_weight = def all_to_device(self, gpu_id): """ move all of the parameters to a single GPU """ self.device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_id) self.set_device(gpu_id) self.u_embeddings = self.u_embeddings.cuda(gpu_id) self.v_embeddings = self.v_embeddings.cuda(gpu_id) self.state_sum_u = self.state_sum_v = def fast_sigmoid(self, score): """ do fast sigmoid by looking up in a pre-defined table """ idx = torch.floor((score + 6.01) / 0.01).long() return self.lookup_table[idx] def fast_logsigmoid(self, score): """ do fast logsigmoid by looking up in a pre-defined table """ idx = torch.floor((score + 6.01) / 0.01).long() return self.logsigmoid_table[idx] def fast_learn(self, batch_walks, neg_nodes=None): """ Learn a batch of random walks in a fast way. It has the following features: 1. It calculating the gradients directly without the forward operation. 2. It does sigmoid by a looking up table. Specifically, for each positive/negative node pair (i,j), the updating procedure is as following: score = self.fast_sigmoid(u_embedding[i].dot(v_embedding[j])) # label = 1 for positive samples; label = 0 for negative samples. u_embedding[i] += (label - score) * v_embedding[j] v_embedding[i] += (label - score) * u_embedding[j] Parameters ---------- batch_walks list : a list of node sequnces lr float : current learning rate neg_nodes torch.LongTensor : a long tensor of sampled true negative nodes. If neg_nodes is None, then do negative sampling randomly from the nodes in batch_walks as an alternative. Usage example ------------- batch_walks = [torch.LongTensor([1,2,3,4]), torch.LongTensor([2,3,4,2])]) lr = 0.01 neg_nodes = None """ lr = # [batch_size, walk_length] if isinstance(batch_walks, list): nodes = torch.stack(batch_walks) elif isinstance(batch_walks, torch.LongTensor): nodes = batch_walks if self.only_gpu: nodes = if neg_nodes is not None: neg_nodes = emb_u = self.u_embeddings(nodes).view(-1, self.emb_dimension).to(self.device) emb_v = self.v_embeddings(nodes).view(-1, self.emb_dimension).to(self.device) ## Postive bs = len(batch_walks) if bs < self.batch_size: index_emb_posu, index_emb_posv = init_emb2pos_index( self.walk_length, self.window_size, bs) index_emb_posu = index_emb_posv = else: index_emb_posu = self.index_emb_posu index_emb_posv = self.index_emb_posv # num_pos: the number of positive node pairs generated by a single walk sequence # [batch_size * num_pos, dim] emb_pos_u = torch.index_select(emb_u, 0, index_emb_posu) emb_pos_v = torch.index_select(emb_v, 0, index_emb_posv) pos_score = torch.sum(torch.mul(emb_pos_u, emb_pos_v), dim=1) pos_score = torch.clamp(pos_score, max=6, min=-6) # [batch_size * num_pos, 1] score = (1 - self.fast_sigmoid(pos_score)).unsqueeze(1) if self.record_loss: self.loss.append(torch.mean(self.fast_logsigmoid(pos_score)).item()) # [batch_size * num_pos, dim] if self.lap_norm > 0: grad_u_pos = score * emb_pos_v + self.lap_norm * (emb_pos_v - emb_pos_u) grad_v_pos = score * emb_pos_u + self.lap_norm * (emb_pos_u - emb_pos_v) else: grad_u_pos = score * emb_pos_v grad_v_pos = score * emb_pos_u if self.use_context_weight: if bs < self.batch_size: context_weight = init_weight( self.walk_length, self.window_size, bs).to(self.device) else: context_weight = self.context_weight grad_u_pos *= context_weight grad_v_pos *= context_weight # [batch_size * walk_length, dim] if bs < self.batch_size: grad_u, grad_v = init_empty_grad( self.emb_dimension, self.walk_length, bs) grad_u = grad_v = else: self.grad_u = self.grad_u.zero_() self.grad_v = self.grad_v.zero_() grad_u = self.grad_u grad_v = self.grad_v grad_u.index_add_(0, index_emb_posu, grad_u_pos) grad_v.index_add_(0, index_emb_posv, grad_v_pos) ## Negative if bs < self.batch_size: index_emb_negu, index_emb_negv = init_emb2neg_index( self.walk_length, self.window_size, self.negative, bs) index_emb_negu = index_emb_negv = else: index_emb_negu = self.index_emb_negu index_emb_negv = self.index_emb_negv emb_neg_u = torch.index_select(emb_u, 0, index_emb_negu) if neg_nodes is None: emb_neg_v = torch.index_select(emb_v, 0, index_emb_negv) else: emb_neg_v = self.v_embeddings.weight[neg_nodes].to(self.device) # [batch_size * walk_length * negative, dim] neg_score = torch.sum(torch.mul(emb_neg_u, emb_neg_v), dim=1) neg_score = torch.clamp(neg_score, max=6, min=-6) # [batch_size * walk_length * negative, 1] score = - self.fast_sigmoid(neg_score).unsqueeze(1) if self.record_loss: self.loss.append(self.negative * self.neg_weight * torch.mean(self.fast_logsigmoid(-neg_score)).item()) grad_u_neg = self.neg_weight * score * emb_neg_v grad_v_neg = self.neg_weight * score * emb_neg_u grad_u.index_add_(0, index_emb_negu, grad_u_neg) if neg_nodes is None: grad_v.index_add_(0, index_emb_negv, grad_v_neg) ## Update nodes = nodes.view(-1) # use adam optimizer grad_u = adam(grad_u, self.state_sum_u, nodes, lr, self.device, self.only_gpu) grad_v = adam(grad_v, self.state_sum_v, nodes, lr, self.device, self.only_gpu) if neg_nodes is not None: grad_v_neg = adam(grad_v_neg, self.state_sum_v, neg_nodes, lr, self.device, self.only_gpu) if self.mixed_train: grad_u = grad_u.cpu() grad_v = grad_v.cpu() if neg_nodes is not None: grad_v_neg = grad_v_neg.cpu() else: grad_v_neg = None if self.async_update: grad_u.share_memory_() grad_v.share_memory_() nodes.share_memory_() if neg_nodes is not None: neg_nodes.share_memory_() grad_v_neg.share_memory_() self.async_q.put((grad_u, grad_v, grad_v_neg, nodes, neg_nodes)) if not self.async_update:, nodes.view(-1), grad_u), nodes.view(-1), grad_v) if neg_nodes is not None:, neg_nodes.view(-1), grad_v_neg) return def forward(self, pos_u, pos_v, neg_v): ''' Do forward and backward. It is designed for future use. ''' emb_u = self.u_embeddings(pos_u) emb_v = self.v_embeddings(pos_v) emb_neg_v = self.v_embeddings(neg_v) score = torch.sum(torch.mul(emb_u, emb_v), dim=1) score = torch.clamp(score, max=6, min=-6) score = -F.logsigmoid(score) neg_score = torch.bmm(emb_neg_v, emb_u.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze() neg_score = torch.clamp(neg_score, max=6, min=-6) neg_score = -torch.sum(F.logsigmoid(-neg_score), dim=1) # return torch.mean(score + neg_score) return torch.sum(score), torch.sum(neg_score) def save_embedding(self, dataset, file_name): """ Write embedding to local file. Only used when node ids are numbers. Parameter --------- dataset DeepwalkDataset : the dataset file_name str : the file name """ embedding = self.u_embeddings.weight.cpu().data.numpy() if self.norm: embedding /= np.sqrt(np.sum(embedding * embedding, 1)).reshape(-1, 1), embedding) def save_embedding_pt(self, dataset, file_name): """ For ogb leaderboard. """ try: max_node_id = max(dataset.node2id.keys()) if max_node_id + 1 != self.emb_size: print("WARNING: The node ids are not serial.") embedding = torch.zeros(max_node_id + 1, self.emb_dimension) index = torch.LongTensor(list(map(lambda id: dataset.id2node[id], list(range(self.emb_size))))) embedding.index_add_(0, index, self.u_embeddings.weight.cpu().data) if self.norm: embedding /= torch.sqrt(torch.sum(embedding.mul(embedding), 1) + 1e-6).unsqueeze(1), file_name) except: self.save_embedding_pt_dgl_graph(dataset, file_name) def save_embedding_pt_dgl_graph(self, dataset, file_name): """ For ogb leaderboard """ embedding = torch.zeros_like(self.u_embeddings.weight.cpu().data) valid_seeds = torch.LongTensor(dataset.valid_seeds) valid_embedding = self.u_embeddings.weight.cpu().data.index_select(0, valid_seeds) embedding.index_add_(0, valid_seeds, valid_embedding) if self.norm: embedding /= torch.sqrt(torch.sum(embedding.mul(embedding), 1) + 1e-6).unsqueeze(1), file_name) def save_embedding_txt(self, dataset, file_name): """ Write embedding to local file. For future use. Parameter --------- dataset DeepwalkDataset : the dataset file_name str : the file name """ embedding = self.u_embeddings.weight.cpu().data.numpy() if self.norm: embedding /= np.sqrt(np.sum(embedding * embedding, 1)).reshape(-1, 1) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write('%d %d\n' % (self.emb_size, self.emb_dimension)) for wid in range(self.emb_size): e = ' '.join(map(lambda x: str(x), embedding[wid])) f.write('%s %s\n' % (str(dataset.id2node[wid]), e)) class DeepwalkTrainer: def __init__(self, args): """ Initializing the trainer with the input arguments """ self.args = args self.dataset = DeepwalkDataset(args) self.emb_size = self.dataset.G.number_of_nodes() self.emb_model = None def init_device_emb(self): """ set the device before training will be called once in fast_train_mp / fast_train """ choices = sum([self.args.only_gpu, self.args.only_cpu, self.args.mix]) assert choices == 1, "Must choose only *one* training mode in [only_cpu, only_gpu, mix]" # initializing embedding on CPU self.emb_model = SkipGramModel( emb_size=self.emb_size, emb_dimension=self.args.dim, walk_length=self.args.walk_length, window_size=self.args.window_size, batch_size=self.args.batch_size, only_cpu=self.args.only_cpu, only_gpu=self.args.only_gpu, mix=self.args.mix, neg_weight=self.args.neg_weight, negative=self.args.negative,, lap_norm=self.args.lap_norm, fast_neg=self.args.fast_neg, record_loss=self.args.print_loss, norm=self.args.norm, use_context_weight=self.args.use_context_weight, async_update=self.args.async_update, num_threads=self.args.num_threads, ) torch.set_num_threads(self.args.num_threads) if self.args.only_gpu: print("Run in 1 GPU") assert self.args.gpus[0] >= 0 self.emb_model.all_to_device(self.args.gpus[0]) elif self.args.mix: print("Mix CPU with %d GPU" % len(self.args.gpus)) if len(self.args.gpus) == 1: assert self.args.gpus[0] >= 0, 'mix CPU with GPU should have available GPU' self.emb_model.set_device(self.args.gpus[0]) else: print("Run in CPU process") self.args.gpus = [torch.device('cpu')] def train(self): """ train the embedding """ if len(self.args.gpus) > 1: self.fast_train_mp() else: self.fast_train() def fast_train_mp(self): """ multi-cpu-core or mix cpu & multi-gpu """ self.init_device_emb() self.emb_model.share_memory() if self.args.count_params: sum_up_params(self.emb_model) start_all = time.time() ps = [] for i in range(len(self.args.gpus)): p = mp.Process(target=self.fast_train_sp, args=(i, self.args.gpus[i])) ps.append(p) p.start() for p in ps: p.join() print("Used time: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start_all)) if self.args.save_in_txt: self.emb_model.save_embedding_txt(self.dataset, self.args.output_emb_file) elif self.args.save_in_pt: self.emb_model.save_embedding_pt(self.dataset, self.args.output_emb_file) else: self.emb_model.save_embedding(self.dataset, self.args.output_emb_file) def fast_train_sp(self, rank, gpu_id): """ a subprocess for fast_train_mp """ if self.args.mix: self.emb_model.set_device(gpu_id) torch.set_num_threads(self.args.num_threads) if self.args.async_update: self.emb_model.create_async_update() sampler = self.dataset.create_sampler(rank) dataloader = DataLoader( dataset=sampler.seeds, batch_size=self.args.batch_size, collate_fn=sampler.sample, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, num_workers=self.args.num_sampler_threads, ) num_batches = len(dataloader) print("num batchs: %d in process [%d] GPU [%d]" % (num_batches, rank, gpu_id)) # number of positive node pairs in a sequence num_pos = int(2 * self.args.walk_length * self.args.window_size \ - self.args.window_size * (self.args.window_size + 1)) start = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): for i, walks in enumerate(dataloader): if self.args.fast_neg: self.emb_model.fast_learn(walks) else: # do negative sampling bs = len(walks) neg_nodes = torch.LongTensor( np.random.choice(self.dataset.neg_table, bs * num_pos * self.args.negative, replace=True)) self.emb_model.fast_learn(walks, neg_nodes=neg_nodes) if i > 0 and i % self.args.print_interval == 0: if self.args.print_loss: print("GPU-[%d] batch %d time: %.2fs loss: %.4f" \ % (gpu_id, i, time.time() - start, -sum(self.emb_model.loss) / self.args.print_interval)) self.emb_model.loss = [] else: print("GPU-[%d] batch %d time: %.2fs" % (gpu_id, i, time.time() - start)) start = time.time() if self.args.async_update: self.emb_model.finish_async_update() def fast_train(self): """ fast train with dataloader with only gpu / only cpu""" # the number of postive node pairs of a node sequence num_pos = 2 * self.args.walk_length * self.args.window_size \ - self.args.window_size * (self.args.window_size + 1) num_pos = int(num_pos) self.init_device_emb() if self.args.async_update: self.emb_model.share_memory() self.emb_model.create_async_update() if self.args.count_params: sum_up_params(self.emb_model) sampler = self.dataset.create_sampler(0) dataloader = DataLoader( dataset=sampler.seeds, batch_size=self.args.batch_size, collate_fn=sampler.sample, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, num_workers=self.args.num_sampler_threads, ) num_batches = len(dataloader) print("num batchs: %d\n" % num_batches) start_all = time.time() start = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): max_i = num_batches for i, walks in enumerate(dataloader): if self.args.fast_neg: self.emb_model.fast_learn(walks) else: # do negative sampling bs = len(walks) neg_nodes = torch.LongTensor( np.random.choice(self.dataset.neg_table, bs * num_pos * self.args.negative, replace=True)) self.emb_model.fast_learn(walks, neg_nodes=neg_nodes) if i > 0 and i % self.args.print_interval == 0: if self.args.print_loss: print("Batch %d training time: %.2fs loss: %.4f" \ % (i, time.time() - start, -sum(self.emb_model.loss) / self.args.print_interval)) self.emb_model.loss = [] else: print("Batch %d, training time: %.2fs" % (i, time.time() - start)) start = time.time() if self.args.async_update: self.emb_model.finish_async_update() print("Training used time: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start_all)) if self.args.save_in_txt: self.emb_model.save_embedding_txt(self.dataset, self.args.output_emb_file) elif self.args.save_in_pt: self.emb_model.save_embedding_pt(self.dataset, self.args.output_emb_file) else: self.emb_model.save_embedding(self.dataset, self.args.output_emb_file) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="DeepWalk") # input files ## personal datasets parser.add_argument('--load_type', type=str, default="tugraph", help="load type") parser.add_argument('--data_file', type=str, default="./db_cora", help="path of the txt network file or tugraph database directory") parser.add_argument("--username", type=str, default="admin", help="database username") parser.add_argument("--password", type=str, help="database password") parser.add_argument("--graph_name", type=str, default="default", help="import graph name") parser.add_argument("--make_undirected", default=True, action="store_true", help="whether to make graph undirected") ## ogbl datasets parser.add_argument('--ogbl_name', type=str, help="name of ogbl dataset, e.g. ogbl-ddi") parser.add_argument('--load_from_ogbl', default=False, action="store_true", help="whether load dataset from ogbl") # output files parser.add_argument('--save_in_txt', default=False, action="store_true", help='Whether save dat in txt format or npy') parser.add_argument('--save_in_pt', default=False, action="store_true", help='Whether save dat in pt format or npy') parser.add_argument('--output_emb_file', type=str, default="emb.npy", help='path of the output npy embedding file') parser.add_argument('--map_file', type=str, default="nodeid_to_index.pickle", help='path of the mapping dict that maps node ids to embedding index') parser.add_argument('--norm', default=False, action="store_true", help="whether to do normalization over node embedding after training") # model parameters parser.add_argument('--dim', default=128, type=int, help="embedding dimensions") parser.add_argument('--window_size', default=5, type=int, help="context window size") parser.add_argument('--use_context_weight', default=False, action="store_true", help="whether to add weights over nodes in the context window") parser.add_argument('--num_walks', default=10, type=int, help="number of walks for each node") parser.add_argument('--negative', default=1, type=int, help="negative samples for each positve node pair") parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=128, type=int, help="number of node sequences in each batch") parser.add_argument('--walk_length', default=80, type=int, help="number of nodes in a sequence") parser.add_argument('--neg_weight', default=1., type=float, help="negative weight") parser.add_argument('--lap_norm', default=0.01, type=float, help="weight of laplacian normalization, recommend to set as 0.1 / windoe_size") # training parameters parser.add_argument('--print_interval', default=100, type=int, help="number of batches between printing") parser.add_argument('--print_loss', default=False, action="store_true", help="whether print loss during training") parser.add_argument('--lr', default=0.2, type=float, help="learning rate") # optimization settings parser.add_argument('--mix', default=False, action="store_true", help="mixed training with CPU and GPU") parser.add_argument('--gpus', type=int, default=[-1], nargs='+', help='a list of active gpu ids, e.g. 0, used with --mix') parser.add_argument('--only_cpu', default=False, action="store_true", help="training with CPU") parser.add_argument('--only_gpu', default=False, action="store_true", help="training with GPU") parser.add_argument('--async_update', default=False, action="store_true", help="mixed training asynchronously, not recommended") parser.add_argument('--true_neg', default=False, action="store_true", help="If not specified, this program will use " "a faster negative sampling method, " "but the samples might be false negative " "with a small probability. If specified, " "this program will generate a true negative sample table," "and select from it when doing negative samling") parser.add_argument('--num_threads', default=8, type=int, help="number of threads used for each CPU-core/GPU") parser.add_argument('--num_sampler_threads', default=2, type=int, help="number of threads used for sampling") parser.add_argument('--count_params', default=False, action="store_true", help="count the params, exit once counting over") args = parser.parse_args() args.fast_neg = not args.true_neg if args.async_update: assert args.mix, "--async_update only with --mix" start_time = time.time() trainer = DeepwalkTrainer(args) trainer.train() print("Total used time: %.2f" % (time.time() - start_time))