/** * Copyright 2022 AntGroup CO., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ #include #include "fma-common/configuration.h" #include "fma-common/logger.h" #include "fma-common/string_formatter.h" #include "fma-common/utils.h" #include "./ut_utils.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "core/data_type.h" /* Make sure include graph_factory.h BEFORE antlr4-runtime.h. Otherwise causing the following error: * ‘EOF’ was not declared in this scope. * For the former (include/butil) uses macro EOF, which is undefined in antlr4. */ #include "./graph_factory.h" #include "./antlr4-runtime.h" #include "cypher/execution_plan/execution_plan.h" #include "cypher/execution_plan/scheduler.h" #include "lgraph/lgraph_utils.h" #include "cypher/parser/generated/LcypherLexer.h" #include "cypher/parser/generated/LcypherParser.h" #include "cypher/parser/cypher_base_visitor.h" #include "cypher/parser/cypher_error_listener.h" using namespace parser; using namespace antlr4; static const cypher::PARAM_TAB g_param_tab = { {"$name", cypher::FieldData(lgraph::FieldData("Lindsay Lohan"))}, {"$personId", cypher::FieldData(lgraph::FieldData(1))}, {"$personIds", cypher::FieldData(std::vector{ lgraph::FieldData("Liam Neeson"), lgraph::FieldData("Dennis Quaid"), lgraph::FieldData("Roy Redgrave")})}, }; int test_file_script(const std::string &file, cypher::RTContext *ctx) { ANTLRFileStream input; input.loadFromFile(file); // ANTLRFileStream input; // input.loadFromFile(file); LcypherLexer lexer(&input); CommonTokenStream tokens(&lexer); LcypherParser parser(&tokens); /* We can set ErrorHandler here. * setErrorHandler(std::make_shared()); * add customized ErrorListener */ parser.addErrorListener(&CypherErrorListener::INSTANCE); CypherBaseVisitor visitor(ctx, parser.oC_Cypher()); auto stmt = visitor.GetQuery(); for (auto &s : stmt) { UT_LOG() << s.ToString(); for (auto &p : s.parts) p.symbol_table.DumpTable(); } cypher::ExecutionPlan execution_plan; execution_plan.Build(stmt, visitor.CommandType()); execution_plan.Validate(ctx); execution_plan.DumpGraph(); execution_plan.DumpPlan(0, false); execution_plan.Execute(ctx); UT_LOG() << "Result:\n" << ctx->result_->Dump(false); return 0; } int test_interactive(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { auto visitor = CypherBaseVisitor(); std::string script; UT_LOG() << "LightningGraph Cypher Interpreter"; while (true) { try { UT_LOG() << ">> "; getline(std::cin, script); if (script == "exit") break; ANTLRInputStream input(script); LcypherLexer lexer(&input); CommonTokenStream tokens(&lexer); LcypherParser parser(&tokens); parser.addErrorListener(&CypherErrorListener::INSTANCE); visitor.visit(parser.oC_Cypher()); cypher::ExecutionPlan execution_plan; execution_plan.Build(visitor.GetQuery(), visitor.CommandType()); execution_plan.Validate(ctx); execution_plan.Execute(ctx); UT_LOG() << "Result:\n" << ctx->result_->Dump(false); } catch (std::exception &e) { UT_LOG() << e.what(); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(false); } } return 0; } void eval_scripts_check(cypher::RTContext *ctx, const std::vector &scripts, const std::vector &check) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)scripts.size(); i++) { auto s = scripts[i]; UT_LOG() << i << "th:" << s; ANTLRInputStream input(s); LcypherLexer lexer(&input); CommonTokenStream tokens(&lexer); LcypherParser parser(&tokens); parser.addErrorListener(&CypherErrorListener::INSTANCE); CypherBaseVisitor visitor(ctx, parser.oC_Cypher()); cypher::ExecutionPlan execution_plan; execution_plan.Build(visitor.GetQuery(), visitor.CommandType()); execution_plan.Validate(ctx); execution_plan.DumpGraph(); execution_plan.DumpPlan(0, false); execution_plan.Execute(ctx); UT_LOG() << "Result:\n" << ctx->result_->Dump(false); if (scripts.size() == check.size()) UT_EXPECT_EQ(ctx->result_->Size(), check[i]); } } void eval_scripts(cypher::RTContext *ctx, const std::vector &scripts) { eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, std::vector{}); } void eval_script(cypher::RTContext *ctx, const std::string &script) { eval_scripts(ctx, std::vector{script}); } void expected_exception_any(cypher::RTContext *ctx, const std::string &script) { UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, script)); } void expected_exception_undefined_var(cypher::RTContext *ctx, const std::string &script) { try { eval_script(ctx, script); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(false); } catch (lgraph::InputError &e) { std::string exception_msg(e.what()); if (exception_msg.find("Variable") == 0 && exception_msg.find("not defined") != std::string::npos) { UT_LOG() << "Expected exception(undefined variable): " << e.what(); } else { throw e; } } } int test_find(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}) RETURN n", 1}, {"MATCH (m:Film {title:'The Parent Trap'}) RETURN m.title,m", 1}, {"MATCH (people:Person) RETURN people.name LIMIT 7", 7}, {"MATCH (people:Person) RETURN people.name SKIP 7", 6}, {"MATCH (people:Person) RETURN people.name SKIP 3 LIMIT 4", 4}, {"MATCH (post60s:Person) WHERE post60s.birthyear >= 1960 AND post60s.birthyear < 1970 " "RETURN post60s.name", 2}, {"MATCH (a:Person) WHERE a.birthyear < 1960 OR a.birthyear >= 1970 RETURN a.name", 11}, {"MATCH (a:Person) WHERE a.birthyear >= 1960 XOR id(a) > 10 RETURN a,a.birthyear", 4}, // weak index lookup {"MATCH (n {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}) RETURN n", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[r:BORN_IN]->() WHERE abs(r.weight-20.21)<0.00001 RETURN n,r,r.weight", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_query(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m) RETURN n,m.title", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) return movie.title", 1}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[relatedTo]-(b) RETURN b,relatedTo", 5}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD]-(b) RETURN b.name", 3}, {"MATCH (m:Film {title:'Batman Begins'})<-[:DIRECTED]-(directors) RETURN directors.name", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]-(neighbors) RETURN neighbors", 5}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Lindsay Lohan'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors) RETURN " "coActors.name", 2}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]->()<-[]-(m) RETURN m", 4}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]->()<-[]-(m) RETURN DISTINCT m", 4}, {"MATCH (na)-[]->(nb)-[]->(nc) RETURN na,nb,nc", 27}, {"MATCH (na:Person)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(nb)-[:MARRIED]->(nc) RETURN na,nb,nc", 2}, {"MATCH (m:Film {title:'Camelot'})<-[r:ACTED_IN]-(n) RETURN n.name,r.charactername", 2}, {"MATCH (n)-[relatedTo]->(vanessa:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}) RETURN n,relatedTo", 2}, {"MATCH (n)<-[relatedTo]-(vanessa:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}) RETURN n,relatedTo", 3}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]->(b:Person) RETURN b.name", 1}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]-(b:Person) RETURN b.name", 3}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]-(b) WHERE b:Person RETURN b.name", 3}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]-(b) WHERE b:Person AND b.birthyear >= 1910 " "RETURN b.name", 2}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]-(b) WHERE b:Person OR b:City RETURN b.name", 4}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Lindsay " "Lohan'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors)-[:BORN_IN]->(city) RETURN " "coActors.name,city.name", 2}, /* test filter optimization */ {"MATCH (a)-->(b)-->(c)<--(d) USING JOIN ON c WHERE a.uid > 1 AND d.uid > 2 AND b.uid < 3 " "AND c.uid < 4 RETURN d", 0}, {"MATCH (a)-->(b)-->(c)<--(d) WHERE a.uid > 1 AND d.uid > 2 AND b.uid < 3 AND c.uid < 4 " "RETURN d", 0}, {"MATCH (a)-->(b)-->(c)<--(d) WHERE a.uid > d.uid AND b.uid < c.uid RETURN d", 0}, {"MATCH (a)-->(b)-->(c)<--(d) WHERE a.uid > d.uid AND b.uid < c.uid AND a.uid > b.uid " "RETURN d", 0}, /* test edge filter pushdown optimization */ {"MATCH (n:Person)-[b:BORN_IN]->(m) WHERE b.weight < 20.18 RETURN m", 2}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[b:BORN_IN]->(m) WHERE b.weight < 20.18 AND m.name <> 'Houston' RETURN " "m", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[a:ACTED_IN]->(m) WHERE n.name = a.title RETURN n", 0}, // issue: #168 #169 {"MATCH (n:Person)-[a:ACTED_IN]->(m) WHERE a.role = \"Iron Man\" RETURN n", 0}, // issue: #168 #169 {"MATCH (n:Person)-[a:ACTED_IN]->(m) WHERE n.name = \"Vanessa Redgrave\" RETURN n", 1}, // issue: #168 #169 {"MATCH (n:Person)-[a:ACTED_IN]->(m) WHERE m.title = \"Camelot\" RETURN n", 2}, // issue: #168 #169 {"MATCH (n:Person)-[a:ACTED_IN]->(m) WHERE n.name = a.title AND m.title = \"Camelot\" " "RETURN n", 0}, // issue: #168 #169 {"MATCH (n:Person)-[a:ACTED_IN]->(m) WHERE n.name = \"Vanessa Redgrave\" AND m.title = " "a.title RETURN n", 0}, // issue: #168 #169 {"MATCH (n:Person)-[b:BORN_IN]->(m) WHERE b.weight < 19.2 OR b.weight > 20.6 RETURN m", 2}, // issue: #190 {"MATCH (n:Person)-[b:BORN_IN]->(m) WHERE (b.weight + b.weight) " "< 38.4 OR b.weight > 20.6 RETURN m", 2}, {"MATCH (a)-[e]->(b) WHERE a.name='Liam Neeson' and b.title<>'' and " "(e.charactername='Henri Ducard' or e.relation = '') RETURN a,e,b", 1}, // issue: #190 {"MATCH (a) WHERE a.name IN ['Dennis Quaid', 'Christopher Nolan'] WITH a " "MATCH (b) WHERE b.name IN ['London'] RETURN a, b", 2}, {"MATCH (a) WHERE a.name IN ['Dennis Quaid', 'Christopher Nolan'] WITH a " "MATCH (b) WHERE b.name IN ['London', 'Beijing', 'Houston'] RETURN a, b", 4}, // issue #305 {"MATCH (n:Person) WHERE n.name = 'Vanessa Redgrave' " "OR NOT n.name <> 'Dennis Quaid' RETURN n.name", 2}, // issue #332 /* test multi-types relp */ {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:BORN_IN|ACTED_IN]->(m) RETURN m", 2}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})<-[:MARRIED|HAS_CHILD]-(m) RETURN m", 2}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:BORN_IN|HAS_CHILD]-(m) RETURN m", 4}, /* compare between 2 arithmetic expressions */ {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})--(m:Person) WHERE m.birthyear > n.birthyear " "RETURN m", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})--(m:Person) WHERE n.birthyear > m.birthyear " "RETURN m", 2}, /* undirected relp */ {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Natasha Richardson'})-[:HAS_CHILD]->(m) RETURN m", 0}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Natasha Richardson'})<-[:HAS_CHILD]-(m) RETURN m", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Natasha Richardson'})-[:HAS_CHILD]-(m) RETURN m", 1}, {"match (a)-->(b)-->(c)<--(d) where not ((not (a.birthyear>d.birthyear and " "b.birthyearb.birthyear)) return d", 5}, /* multiple match pattern */ {"MATCH (n:Person{name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}),(m:Person{name: 'Michael Redgrave'}) WHERE " "n.birthyear > 1960 and m.birthyear < 2000 RETURN n.name LIMIT 1", 0}, // #issue 192 /* test parallel traversal optimization */ {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN count(n)", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) WHERE n.birthyear > 1900 AND n.birthyear < 2000 RETURN count(n)", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.birthyear, count(n)", 13}, {"MATCH (f:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(p:Person)-[:BORN_IN]->(c:City) " "RETURN c.name, count(f) AS sum ORDER BY sum DESC", 3}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_hint(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (rachel:Person {name:'Rachel " "Kempson'})-[]->(family:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(richard:Person " "{name:'Richard Harris'})\n" "RETURN family.name", 1}, // no plan hint {"MATCH (rachel:Person {name:'Rachel " "Kempson'})-[]->(family:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(richard:Person " "{name:'Richard Harris'})\n" "USING JOIN ON film\n" "RETURN family.name", 1}, {"MATCH (rachel:Person {name:'Rachel " "Kempson'})-[]->(family:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(richard:Person " "{name:'Richard Harris'})\n" "USING JOIN ON family\n" "RETURN family.name", 1}, {"MATCH (camelot:Film {title:'Camelot'})<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)-[]->(x)\n" "USING START ON camelot\n" "RETURN x", 3}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_multi_match(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { /* 1 connected component */ {"MATCH (p)-[:ACTED_IN]->(x), (p)-[:MARRIED]->(y), (p)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(z) RETURN p,x,y,z", 2}, {"MATCH (x)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(p)-[:MARRIED]->(y), (p)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(z) RETURN p,x,y,z", 2}, /* multi connected components */ {"MATCH (n:Film), (m:City) RETURN n, m", 15}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name: \"John Williams\"})-[]->(m1:Film), " "(n2: Person {name: \"Michael Redgrave\"})-[]->(m2:Film) " "WHERE m1.title = m2.title RETURN m1, m2", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_optional_match(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'NoOne'}) RETURN n /* no result */", 0}, {"OPTIONAL MATCH (n:Person {name:'NoOne'}) RETURN n /* null */", 1}, {"OPTIONAL MATCH (n:City {name:'London'})-[r]->(m) RETURN n.name, r, m /* partial */", 1}, // different {"OPTIONAL MATCH (n:City {name:'London'})-[r]-(m) RETURN n.name, r, m", 3}, {"MATCH (n:City {name:'London'}) WITH n.name AS city_name " "OPTIONAL MATCH (n:Person {name:'NoOne'}) RETURN n.name, city_name", 1}, {"MATCH (n:City) WITH n MATCH (n)-->(m) RETURN n,m", 0}, {"MATCH (n:City) WITH n OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-->(m) RETURN n,m", 3}, /* TODO: multi match clause {"MATCH (n:City {name:'London'}) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n.name, r, m", 1}, {"MATCH (n:City {name:'London'}) OPTIONAL MATCH (m:NoLabel) RETURN n.name, m", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}) " "OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)-[:NoType]->(l) RETURN n, m, l", 1}, */ }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_union(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person)-[:BORN_IN]->(:City {name:'London'}) RETURN n.name\n" "UNION\n" "MATCH (n:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Film {title:'The Parent Trap'}) RETURN n.name", 6}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.name AS name UNION MATCH (m:Film) RETURN m.title AS name", 18}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[:BORN_IN]->(:City {name:'London'}) RETURN n.name\n" "UNION\n" "MATCH (n:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Film {title:'The Parent Trap'}) RETURN n.age\n" "/* ***** EXPECTED EXCEPTION ***** */", 0}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check)); return 0; } int test_function(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN properties(n) LIMIT 2", 2}, /* debugging stack chaos */ {"MATCH p=(n:Person)-[e*..2]->(m) RETURN properties(p) LIMIT 2", 2}, {"MATCH (vanessa:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[relatedTo]-(n) RETURN " "id(vanessa),type(relatedTo),label(n)", 5}, {"MATCH (vanessa:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[r]->() RETURN startNode(r),endNode(r)", 3}, {"MATCH (vanessa:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[r]->(n) RETURN properties(n)", 3}, {"MATCH (vanessa:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[r]->(n) RETURN properties(r)", 3}, {"MATCH (a) WHERE a.name = 'Vanessa Redgrave' RETURN label(a), labels(a)", 1}, {"MATCH (a) WHERE a.name = 'Vanessa Redgrave' RETURN keys(a)", 1}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}) RETURN a,-2,9.78,'im a string'", 1}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'}) RETURN " "a,abs(-2),ceil(0.1),floor(0.9),rand(),round(3.141592),sign(-17),sign(0.1)", 1}, {"RETURN toInteger(2.0),toInteger(2.3),toInteger('3')", 1}, {"RETURN toBoolean(true),toBoolean('True')", 1}, {"RETURN toFloat(2),toFloat(2.3),toFloat('3'),toFloat('2.019')", 1}, {"RETURN toString(2),toString(2.3),toString(true),toString('haha')", 1}, {"RETURN size('hello world!') /*12*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) WHERE size(n.name) > 15 RETURN n.name,size(n.name)", 4}, /* list functions */ {"WITH ['one','two','three'] AS coll RETURN size(coll)", 1}, {"WITH ['one','two','three'] AS coll RETURN head(coll)", 1}, {"WITH ['one','two','three'] AS coll RETURN last(coll)", 1}, {"WITH ['one','two','three'] AS coll UNWIND coll AS x RETURN collect(x)", 1}, {"WITH ['one','two','three'] AS coll UNWIND coll AS x WITH collect(x) AS reColl RETURN " "head(reColl)", 1}, #if 0 // TODO(someone): {"WITH ['one','two','three'] AS coll UNWIND coll AS x RETURN head(collect(x))", 1}, #endif /* aggregate functions */ {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN sum(n.birthyear) /* result: 25219 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN label(n),sum(n.birthyear) /* result: Person,25219 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.name,sum(n.birthyear) /* result: individual */", 13}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.name,label(n),sum(n.birthyear) /* result: individual */", 13}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Natasha Richardson'})--(m:Person) RETURN m.name,sum(m.birthyear) " "/* 1937,3904 */", 2}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN count(n) /* result: 13 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN avg(n.birthyear) /* result: 1939.923 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN max(n.birthyear),min(n.birthyear),sum(n.birthyear) /* result: " "1986,1873,25219 */", 1}, {"OPTIONAL MATCH (n:City {name:'London'})-[r]->() RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"OPTIONAL MATCH (n:City {name:'London'})-[r]->() RETURN count(*) /* 0 */", 1}, /* as clause */ {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN count(n) AS num_person /* result: 13 */", 1}, /* coalesce */ {"match (city:City {name:'New York'}) return id(city) as cityId, coalesce(city.name, " "city.cname) as cityName", 1}, {"RETURN coalesce(null)", 1}, {"RETURN coalesce(2021)", 1}, {"RETURN coalesce(2021, null)", 1}, {"RETURN coalesce(null, null)", 1}, {"MATCH (n) RETURN coalesce(n.birthyear, n.name)", 21}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN abs('haha')")); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN ceil('haha')")); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN floor('haha')")); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN round('haha')")); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN sign('haha')")); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN toboolean('haha')")); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN tofloat('haha')")); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_script(ctx, "RETURN tointeger('haha')")); return 0; } int test_parameter(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person) WHERE n.name = $name RETURN n", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:$name}) RETURN n", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_var_len_expand(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]->(n) RETURN n", 5}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]->(n)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m) RETURN " "n,m", 3}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*1..5]->(n) RETURN n", 5}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*1..2]->(n) RETURN n", 3}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*2..5]->(n) RETURN n", 4}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*1..]->(n) RETURN n", 5}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*2..]->(n) RETURN n", 4}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..2]->(n) RETURN n", 3}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..3]->(n) RETURN n", 5}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*1]->(n) RETURN n", 1}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*2]->(n) RETURN n", 2}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*..]->(n) RETURN DISTINCT n,n.name,n.title", 6}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*3]->(n) RETURN n", 2}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2..]->(n) RETURN n", 7}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]->()-[*0]->(m) RETURN m", 3}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[]->()-[*0..1]->(m) RETURN DISTINCT m", 5}, {"MATCH (mic:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})-[]->()-[*0..1]->(m) RETURN DISTINCT m", 9}, /* reversed expand */ {"MATCH (jem:Person {name:'Jemma Redgrave'})<-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(a) RETURN a", 4}, {"MATCH (jem:Person {name:'Jemma Redgrave'})<-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(a)-[:ACTED_IN*..]->(m) " "RETURN a,m", 1}, /* test multi-types relp */ {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD|MARRIED*..]->(n) RETURN DISTINCT " "n.name", 7}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD|MARRIED*1..2]->(n) RETURN DISTINCT " "n.name", 4}, {"MATCH (liam:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[:HAS_CHILD|MARRIED*1..3]-(a) RETURN DISTINCT " "a.name", 5}, // liam self included /* bi-directional expand */ {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(n) RETURN n", 13}, {"MATCH (roy:Person {name:'Roy Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(n) RETURN DISTINCT n", 6}, {"MATCH (jem:Person {name:'Jemma Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(a) RETURN a", 13}, {"MATCH (jem:Person {name:'Jemma Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(a) RETURN DISTINCT a", 6}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(n) RETURN n", 15}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*..]-(n) RETURN DISTINCT n", 7}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*1..2]-(n) RETURN n", 6}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*2]-(n) RETURN n", 3}, {"MATCH (van:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[:HAS_CHILD*2..]-(n) RETURN n", 12}, /* the followings are different */ {"MATCH (n:Person)-[:BORN_IN*0..]->(m) RETURN n.name,m.name", 19}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[:BORN_IN*0..]->(m:City) RETURN n.name,m.name", 6}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[:BORN_IN*0..]->(m:Person) RETURN n.name,m.name", 13}, {"MATCH (n:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN*0..]-(m) RETURN n.title,n,m", 13}, {"MATCH (n:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN*0..]-(m:Person) RETURN n.title,n,m", 8}, {"MATCH (n:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN*0..]-(m:Film) RETURN n.title,n,m", 5}, {"MATCH (n:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN*0..]-(m:City) RETURN n.title,n,m", 0}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_uniqueness(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-->(n2)-->(n3)-->(n4) RETURN n4.title", 1}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<--(n2)<--(n3)<--(n4) RETURN n4", 2}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[*3]->(n2) RETURN n2", 1}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[*..]->(n2) RETURN n2", 6}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[*2..3]->(n2) RETURN n2", 4}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[:MARRIED*..]->(n2) RETURN n2", 2}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[:MARRIED|ACTED_IN*..]->(n2) RETURN n2", 5}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[:MARRIED|ACTED_IN*2..]->(n2) RETURN n2", 3}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})-[*3]->(n2) RETURN n2", 10}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[*2]-(n2) RETURN n2", 2}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[*4]-(n2) RETURN n2", 3}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[*..]-(n2) RETURN n2", 12}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[*..]-(n2) RETURN DISTINCT n2", 6}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[:MARRIED*..]-(n2) RETURN n2", 2}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[:MARRIED|HAS_CHILD*..]-(n2) RETURN n2", 12}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[:MARRIED|HAS_CHILD*2..4]-(n2) RETURN n2", 7}, {"MATCH (n1:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})<-[:MARRIED|HAS_CHILD*2..4]-(n2) RETURN DISTINCT " "n2", 5}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_func_filter(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = 6 RETURN n.name", 1}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) <> 6 RETURN n", 20}, {"MATCH ()-[r]->() WHERE type(r) = 'ACTED_IN' RETURN r,type(r)", 8}, // {"MATCH ()-[r]->() WHERE type(4) = 'ACTED_IN' RETURN r,type(r) /* invalid argument */", // 28}, /* test filter optimization */ {"MATCH (a)-->(b)-->(c)<--(d) WHERE id(b) <> id(d) AND id(a) > id(d) AND id(b) < id(c) " "RETURN a,b,c,d", 4}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_expression(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) " "RETURN n.birthyear, n.birthyear > 1900, n.birthyear > 2000", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) " "RETURN CASE WHEN n.birthyear < 1950 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS type /* 2 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) " "RETURN CASE WHEN n.birthyear < 1950 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS type1," "CASE WHEN n.birthyear = 1952 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS type2 /* 2,1 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) " "RETURN CASE n.birthyear WHEN 1950 THEN 1 WHEN 1960 THEN 2 END AS type", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) " "RETURN CASE n.birthyear WHEN 1950 THEN 1 WHEN 1960 THEN 2 ELSE 3 END AS type", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) " "RETURN CASE n.birthyear WHEN 1952 THEN 1 WHEN 1960 THEN 2 ELSE 3 END AS type", 1}, {"MATCH (n) RETURN CASE n.name WHEN null THEN false ELSE true END AS hasName", 21}, {"OPTIONAL MATCH (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}) RETURN CASE n WHEN null THEN false ELSE true END " "AS hasN", 1}, {"RETURN 2020", 1}, {"RETURN 1+2+3-4", 1}, {"RETURN 1+2 - (3+4)", 1}, {"RETURN 1+2*3", 1}, {"RETURN (2+15)/2-3*8%10 /*4.5*/", 1}, {"WITH 2 AS a,15 AS b RETURN (a+b)/a-a*b%4", 1}, {"RETURN 2^3", 1}, {"RETURN 2^3^2", 1}, {"RETURN 2^(1+2)^2", 1}, {"RETURN 2^(1+2)*3^2-51/(8%5) /*55*/", 1}, {"RETURN 1+2.0+3+4.0", 1}, {"RETURN 1+'a'", 1}, {"RETURN ['a']+'a'", 1}, {"RETURN 1+[1]", 1}, {"RETURN TRUE+[1.0]", 1}, {"RETURN NULL+'a'", 1}, {"RETURN 1+NULL", 1}, {"RETURN 1.0-2+3.0", 1}, {"RETURN NULL-1.1", 1}, {"RETURN 1.0*2*3.0", 1}, {"RETURN 1.0*NULL", 1}, {"RETURN 1.0/2/3.0", 1}, {"RETURN 1.0/NULL", 1}, {"RETURN 5%3", 1}, {"RETURN NULL%3", 1}, {"RETURN 0^0", 1}, {"RETURN null^3.0", 1}, {"RETURN 0^null", 1}, {"RETURN (2.0+1)*3-2/1.5+'a'+[1]", 1}, {"RETURN null^2*3/4+5-6", 1}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name STARTS WITH 'Li' RETURN n,n.name", 2}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name ENDS WITH 'Redgrave' RETURN n,n.name", 5}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name CONTAINS 'Li' RETURN n,n.name", 2}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name CONTAINS 'Redgrave' RETURN n,n.name", 5}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name CONTAINS 'on' RETURN n,n.name", 5}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name CONTAINS 'cha' RETURN n,n.name", 3}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name STARTS WITH 'Li&alonglongstring' RETURN n,n.name", 0}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name ENDS WITH 'on&alonglongstring' RETURN n,n.name", 0}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name CONTAINS 'on&alonglongstring' RETURN n,n.name", 0}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name REGEXP '.*' RETURN n.name", 16}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name REGEXP 'Li.*' RETURN n.name", 2}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name REGEXP '.*Redgrave' RETURN n.name", 5}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name REGEXP 'Houston.*' RETURN n.name", 1}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name REGEXP 'L.*on' RETURN n.name", 2}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name REGEXP '.*ee.*' RETURN n.name", 1}, /* named path */ {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->() RETURN p", 3}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})<-[]-() RETURN p", 1}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]-() RETURN p", 4}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->()-[]->() RETURN p", 8}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->()-[]->(m) RETURN p,m", 8}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->()-[]-() RETURN p", 11}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[*1..2]->() RETURN p", 11}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})<-[*1..2]-() RETURN p", 3}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[*1..2]-() RETURN p", 20}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[*0..1]-() RETURN p", 5}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[*2..3]-() RETURN p", 51}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[*0..1]->()-[]->() RETURN p", 11}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->()-[]-() RETURN p,length(p)", 11}, {"MATCH p = (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[*0..3]->() RETURN p,length(p)", 21}, /* null test */ {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name IS NULL RETURN n,label(n)", 5}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name IS NOT NULL RETURN n,label(n)", 16}, {"MATCH (n) WHERE n.name IS NOT NULL AND n.birthyear IS NULL RETURN n,label(n)", 3}, {"MATCH (n) RETURN n.name, " "CASE WHEN n.birthyear IS NULL THEN -1 " "ELSE n.birthyear + 10 END AS birth_10_years_later", 21}, /* exists test */ {"MATCH (n) WHERE exists(n.title) RETURN n.title,n", 5}, {"MATCH (n) RETURN exists(n.name) AS has_name,exists(n.title) AS has_title,label(n)", 21}, {"MATCH (n) RETURN n,CASE exists(n.name) WHEN true THEN n.name ELSE n.title END AS content", 21}, /* relationships pattern expression */ {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[]->()) /*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[]->(:Person)) /*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[]->(:City)) /*false*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED]->()) /*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[:NO_TYPE]->()) /*false*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m {name:'Liam Neeson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[]->(m)) " "/*false*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m {name:'Liam Neeson'}) RETURN NOT " "exists((n)-[]->(m)) " "AS isNew /*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m {name:'Michael Redgrave'}) RETURN " "exists((n)-[]->(m)) " "/*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED]->()-[]->()) /*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED]->()-[:ACTED_IN]->()) " "/*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED]->()-[:BORN_IN]->()) " "/*false*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[*3]->()) /*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED*3]->()) /*false*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED|HAS_CHILD*3]->()) /*true*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m:Person) RETURN exists((n)-[]->(m)) /*3 true*/", 13}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m:Person) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED]->(m)) /*1 " "true*/", 13}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m:Person) RETURN exists((n)-[:MARRIED]->()-[]->(m)) " "/*3 " "true*/", 13}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m:Person) RETURN exists((n)-[:HAS_CHILD]->()-[]->(m)) " "/*2 true*/", 13}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'}),(m:City) RETURN " "exists((n)-[:HAS_CHILD]->()-[:BORN_IN]->(m)) /*1 true*/", 3}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[:BORN_IN]->(c) WHERE exists((n)-[:HAS_CHILD]->()-[:BORN_IN]->(c)) " "RETURN " "n,c", 1}, // "MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[r:MARRIED]->() RETURN exists((n)-[r]->())" /* list */ {"RETURN [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] AS list", 1}, {"WITH [1,3,5,7] AS a RETURN a", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 4), range(2, 18, 3) /* [0,1,2,3,4],[2,5,8,11,14,17] */", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 10)[3]", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 10)[-3] /* 8 */", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 10)[15]", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 10)[0..3]", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 10)[0..-5] /* [0,1,2,3,4,5] */", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 10)[3..3] /* [] */", 1}, {"RETURN range(0, 10)[3..1] /* [] */", 1}, {"RETURN [1,2,3,4,5]+[6,7] AS myList", 1}, {"WITH [1,2,3,4,5] AS l1, [6,7] AS l2 RETURN l1+l2 AS myList", 1}, {"MATCH (n:City) RETURN collect(n.name)+['Wuhan'] AS cNames", 1}, /* list test */ {"UNWIND [2, 3, 4, 5] AS number WITH number WHERE number IN [2, 3, 8] RETURN number", 2}, /* datetime, bool, binary */ {"RETURN datetime() AS timePoint", 1}, {"RETURN datetime('2017-05-03 10:40:32') AS timePoint", 1}, {"RETURN datetime('2017-05-01 10:00:00') > datetime('2017-05-03 08:00:00')", 1}, {"RETURN datetime('2017-05-01 10:00:00') < datetime('2017-05-03 08:00:00')", 1}, {"WITH datetime('2017-05-01 10:00:00') AS t1, datetime('2017-05-03 08:00:00') AS t2 RETURN " "t1>t2,t1 bf", 1}, {"RETURN bin('MjAyMAo=') > bin('MjAxOQo=')", 1}, {"RETURN bin('MjAyMAo=') < bin('MjAxOQo=')", 1}, {"RETURN bin('MjAyMAo=') = bin('MjAyMAo=')", 1}, {"WITH bin('MjAyMAo=') AS bin1, bin('MjAxOQo=') AS bin2 RETURN bin1>bin2,bin1 scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_with(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}) with n as n1\n" "match (n {name:'John Williams'}) return n,n1", 1}, {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}) with n as n1\n" "match (n {name:'Dennis Quaid'}) with n as n2, n1\n" "match (n {name:'John Williams'}) return n,n2,n1", 1}, {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}) with n as n1\n" "match (n {name:'Dennis Quaid'}) with n as n2, n1.name as n1name\n" "match (n {name:'John Williams'}) return n,n2,n1name", 1}, {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}) with n return n", 1}, // argument {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}) with n\n" "match (n)-->(m) return n,m", 2}, {"match (n {name:'London'}) with n\n" "optional match (n)-->(m) return n,m", 1}, {"match (a {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(b) with b\n" "match (b)-[]->(c) return c", 3}, {"match (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}),(b {name:'London'}) with a, b\n" "match (c:Film) return a,b,c", 5}, {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}) with n\n" "match (n) return n.name", 1}, {"match (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}), (b {name:'London'}) with a, b\n" "match (a), (b) return a.name, b.name", 1}, /* exception: unknown variable {"match (a {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(b) with b\n" "match (b)-[]->(c) return a,b,c", 3}, */ // aggregate as argument {"MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(b) RETURN a,count(b) AS out_num", 1}, {"MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(b) WITH a,count(b) AS out_num\n" "MATCH (a)<-[]-(c) RETURN count(c) AS in_num,out_num", 1}, {"match (a {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(b) with a,b\n" "match (b)-[]->(c) return a,b,c", 3}, {"match (a {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(b) with a,a.name as root,b\n" "match (b)-[]->(c) return a,b,c", 3}, {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}),(m {name:'Natasha Richardson'})," "(n)-[r]->(m) return r,type(r)", 1}, {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}),(m {name:'Natasha Richardson'}) with n,m\n" "match (n)-[r]->(m) return r,type(r)", 1}, // todo: optimize, equivalent to the query above {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'}),(m {name:'Liam Neeson'}) with n,m\n" "optional match (n)-[r]->(m) return r,type(r)", 1}, {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(m) with r return r,type(r)", 2}, #if 0 {"match (n {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[r]->(m) with r\n" "match (a)-[r]->(b) return a,b,r", 2}, #endif {"match (n:City)\n" "with count (n) as num_city\n" "match (n:Film)\n" "return count(n) as num_film, num_city", 1}, {"match (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-->(m)\n" "with m as m1\n" "match (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})<--(m)\n" "return m as m2, m1", 6}, {"match (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-->(m)\n" "with count(m) as c1\n" "match (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})<--(m)\n" "return count(m) as c2, c1", 1}, {"match (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-->(m)\n" "with count(m) as cm1\n" "match (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})<--(m)\n" "with count(m) as cm2, cm1\n" "match (n:Person {name:'Natasha Richardson'})-->(m)\n" "return count(m) as cm3, cm2, cm1", 1}, {"match (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})-->(m:Person)\n" "where m.birthyear > 1938 with count(m) as p38\n" "match (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})-->(m:Person)\n" "where m.birthyear > 1908 return count(m) as p08,p38 /* 3,1 */", 1}, /* WITH + WHERE */ {"WITH 2020 AS x WHERE x > 2020 RETURN x", 0}, {"MATCH (n:City) WITH 2020 AS x, n.name AS y ORDER BY y WHERE x = 2020 RETURN x,y", 3}, {"MATCH (n) WITH n WHERE n.name = 'Liam Neeson' " "MATCH (m {name:'John Williams'}) RETURN n,m", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})-->(m:Person)\n" "WHERE m.birthyear > 1908 WITH count(m) AS p08\n" "RETURN p08 /* 3 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})--(m)\n" "WITH m, count(*) AS edge_num WHERE edge_num > 1.0\n" "RETURN m.name,edge_num", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})--(m)\n" "WITH n, m, count(*) AS edge_num WHERE edge_num > 1.0 OR n.birthyear > 1900\n" "RETURN m.name,edge_num", 5}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})--(m)\n" "WITH m, count(*) AS edge_num WHERE edge_num > 1.0 AND m.birthyear > 1900\n" "RETURN m.name,edge_num", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})--(nbr)-->()\n" "WITH nbr, count(*) AS foaf WHERE foaf > 1.0\n" "RETURN nbr.name,foaf", 2}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})\n" "WHERE n.birthyear > 1900 AND n.birthyear < 2000\n" "RETURN n.name", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})--(m)\n" "WITH m, count(*) AS edge_num WHERE toInteger(edge_num) > 1\n" "RETURN m.name,edge_num", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Michael Redgrave'})--(nbr)-->()\n" "WITH nbr, count(*) AS foaf WHERE toInteger(foaf) > 1\n" "RETURN nbr.name,foaf", 2}, {"MATCH (a:City) WITH a MATCH (b:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) RETURN a,b", 3}, /* Dynamic scan */ {"WITH 'Vanessa Redgrave' AS varName MATCH (n:Film) RETURN n,varName", 5}, {"WITH 'Vanessa Redgrave' AS varName MATCH (n {name:varName}) RETURN n", 1}, {"MATCH (n {birthyear:1952}) WITH n,n.name AS varName MATCH (m {name:varName}) RETURN n,m", 1}, {"WITH 1 AS a MATCH (n:City) RETURN DISTINCT a,n", 3}, /* WITH + OPTIONAL */ {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->(m:Person) WITH m\n" "MATCH (m)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film) RETURN m.name,film", 2}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->(m:Person) WITH m\n" "OPTIONAL MATCH (m)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film) RETURN m.name,film", 3}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->(m:Person) WITH m\n" "OPTIONAL MATCH (m)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coactor) RETURN m.name,film,coactor", 3}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->(m:Person) WITH m\n" "OPTIONAL MATCH (m)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film) WITH m,film\n" "RETURN m.name,film", 3}, {"MATCH (n {name:'Rachel Kempson'})-[]->(m:Person) WITH m\n" "OPTIONAL MATCH (m)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film) WITH m,film\n" "OPTIONAL MATCH (film)<-[:WROTE_MUSIC_FOR]-(musician) RETURN m.name,film,musician", 3}, /* WITH + FILTER */ {"match (n:Person) where n.name='Michael Redgrave' with n.birthyear as nb\n" "match (p)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(c) where p.birthyear=nb return c.name", 2}, {"match (n:Person) where n.name='Roy Redgrave' or n.name='Michael Redgrave' with " "collect(id(n)) as cn\n" "match (p:Person) where id(p) in cn return p.name", 2}, {"match (n:Person) where n.name='Roy Redgrave' or n.name='Michael Redgrave' with n, " "collect(id(n)) as cn\n" "match (p:Person) where id(p) in cn return p.name", 2}, {"match (c:Person)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(f:Person) where c.name='Roy Redgrave' with c, f\n" "match (m:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(film:Film)<-[:WROTE_MUSIC_FOR]-(p:Person) where " "m.name=f.name return c.name, p.name", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_list_comprehension(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"RETURN [x IN range(0,10) | x] AS result", 1}, {"RETURN [x IN range(0,10) | x^3] AS result", 1}, {"WITH [2,4,6] AS y RETURN [x IN y | x] AS result /*[2,4,6]*/", 1}, {"WITH [2,4,6] AS y RETURN [x IN range(0, size(y)) | x] AS result /*[0,1,2,3]*/", 1}, #if 0 // todo {"RETURN [x IN range(0,10) WHERE x % 2 = 0 | x] AS result", 1}, {"RETURN [x IN range(0,10) WHERE x % 2 = 0 | x^3] AS result", 1}, #endif }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_profile(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "MATCH (n:Person) WHERE n.birthyear > 1960 RETURN n LIMIT 5", "PROFILE MATCH (n:Person) WHERE n.birthyear > 1960 RETURN n LIMIT 5", }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } int test_unwind(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { // premise: list expression test {"UNWIND [1, 2, 3] AS x RETURN x", 3}, {"WITH [1, 1, 2, 2] AS coll UNWIND coll AS x RETURN x", 4}, {"UNWIND $personIds AS personId RETURN personId", 3}, {"UNWIND $personIds AS personId MATCH (n:Person {name:personId}) RETURN n", 3}, {"UNWIND [] AS empty RETURN empty, 'literal_that_is_not_returned'", 0}, {"UNWIND NULL AS x RETURN x, 'some_literal'", 0}, {"UNWIND [1,2] AS x MATCH (n {name:'Houston'}) RETURN x,n", 2}, {"UNWIND [1,2] AS x MATCH (n {name:'Houston'}),(m:Film) RETURN x,n,m", 10}, {"UNWIND ['Paris','Houston'] AS x MATCH (n {name:x}),(m:Film) RETURN x,n,m", 5}, {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) WITH c MATCH (c)<-[r]-(p) RETURN p", 1}, {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) WITH c MATCH (p)-[r]->(c) RETURN p", 1}, /* with arguments */ {"MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}) WITH a,'London' AS cid MATCH (c {name:cid}) RETURN a,c", 1}, {"MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}) WITH a,['London','Houston'] AS cids\n" "UNWIND cids AS cid MATCH (c {name:cid}) RETURN a,count(c)", 1}, {"MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}),(b {name:'Dennis Quaid'}) WITH a,b,['London','Houston'] " "AS cids\n" "UNWIND cids AS cid MATCH (c {name:cid}) RETURN a,b,count(c)", 1}, {"MATCH (a {name:'Dennis Quaid'}) WITH a,['London','Houston'] AS cids\n" "UNWIND cids AS cid MATCH (c {name:cid})<-[]-(a) RETURN a,count(c)", 1}, {"MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}) WITH a,['London','Houston'] AS cids\n" "UNWIND cids AS cid MATCH (c {name:cid})<-[]-()-[:MARRIED]->(a) RETURN a,count(c)", 1}, /* write */ {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) WITH c " "MATCH (p:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) CREATE (c)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(p)", 1}, {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) WITH c " "UNWIND $personIds AS pId MATCH (q:Person {name:pId}) CREATE (c)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(q)", 1}, {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) CREATE (p:Person {name:'passer1', " "birthyear:2002})-[r:BORN_IN]->(c) " "RETURN p,r,c", 1}, {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) CREATE (p:Person {name:'passer2', " "birthyear:2002})-[r:BORN_IN]->(c) WITH p\n" "UNWIND $personIds AS pId MATCH (q:Person {name:pId}) CREATE (p)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(q)", 1}, {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) CREATE (p:Person {name:'passer3', " "birthyear:2002})-[r:BORN_IN]->(c) WITH p\n" "UNWIND $personIds AS pId MATCH (q:Person {name:pId}) CREATE (p)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(q) WITH " "p\n" "UNWIND ['Liam Neeson'] AS sId MATCH (s:Person {name:sId}) CREATE (p)-[:DIRECTED]->(s) /* " "1,7 */", 1}, {"MATCH (c {name:'Houston'}) CREATE (p:Person {name:'passer4', " "birthyear:2002})-[r:BORN_IN]->(c) WITH p\n" "UNWIND $personIds AS pId MATCH (q:Person {name:pId}) CREATE (p)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(q) WITH " "p\n" "UNWIND [] AS sId MATCH (s:Person {name:sId}) CREATE (p)-[:DIRECTED]->(s) /* 1,4 */", 1}, {"WITH [1, 1, 2, 2] AS coll UNWIND coll AS x WITH x RETURN collect(x)", 1}, {"WITH [1, 1, 2, 2] AS coll UNWIND coll AS x WITH x RETURN collect(DISTINCT x)", 1}, #if 0 {"WITH [1, 1, 2, 2] AS coll UNWIND coll AS x\n" "WITH DISTINCT x RETURN collect(x) AS SET /* [1,2] */", 1}, #endif // unwind + with {"CREATE (:City {name:'Shanghai'}), (:City {name:'Zhongshan'}), (:Person " "{name:'Zhongshan'})", 1}, {"UNWIND ['Zhongshan'] AS x WITH x MATCH (a {name:x}) RETURN a,a.name", 2}, {"UNWIND ['Zhongshan', 'Shanghai'] AS x WITH x MATCH (a {name:x}) RETURN a,a.name", 3}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_procedure(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { UT_LOG() << "Load Plugin File"; std::ifstream f; std::string text; std::vector> plugin_info = { {"scan_graph", "../../test/test_procedures/scan_graph.cpp"}, {"standard", "../../test/test_procedures/standard_result.cpp"}, }; std::vector plugin_scripts; std::string encode; for (auto &i : plugin_info) { text.clear(); f.open(i.second, std::ios::in); std::string buf; while (getline(f, buf)) { text += buf; text += "\n"; } f.close(); encode = lgraph_api::encode_base64(text); plugin_scripts.push_back( "CALL db.plugin.loadPlugin('CPP','" + i.first + "','" + encode + \ "','CPP','" + i.first + "', true)"); } eval_scripts(ctx, plugin_scripts); static std::vector scripts = { "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Director', 'name', 'name', STRING, false, 'age', INT16, true)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('P2', 'flag1', 'flag1', BOOL, false, 'flag2', Bool, true)", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('LIKE', '[]')", "CALL db.addIndex('Person', 'birthyear', false)", "CAll db.subgraph([1,2,3])", "CALL db.vertexLabels", "CALL db.edgeLabels", "CALL db.indexes", "CALL db.warmup", // "CALL db.backup('/tmp')", // disable for now "CALL dbms.procedures", "CALL dbms.procedures YIELD signature", "CALL dbms.procedures YIELD signature, name", /* graph management */ "CALL dbms.graph.createGraph('demo1')", "CALL dbms.graph.listGraphs()", "CALL dbms.graph.deleteGraph('demo1')", "CALL dbms.graph.listGraphs()", /* user management */ "CALL dbms.security.showCurrentUser()", "CALL dbms.security.changePassword('73@TuGraph','000')", "CALL dbms.security.changePassword('000','73@TuGraph')", "CALL dbms.security.createUser('guest1','123')", "CALL dbms.security.listUsers()", "CALL dbms.security.changeUserPassword('guest1','abc')", // "CALL dbms.security.changeUserRole('guest1',true)", "CALL dbms.security.listUsers()", "CALL dbms.security.deleteUser('guest1')", "CALL dbms.security.listUsers()", /* access permission management */ // "CALL dbms.security.accessPermission('admin','default')", "CALL dbms.graph.createGraph('demo2')", "CALL dbms.security.createUser('guest2','123')", // "CALL dbms.security.accessPermission('guest2','')", // "CALL dbms.security.setAccessPermission('guest2','default','WRITE')", // "CALL dbms.security.setAccessPermission('guest2','demo2','READ')", // "CALL dbms.security.accessPermission('guest2','')", // "CALL dbms.security.accessPermission('','default')", // "CALL dbms.security.deleteAccessPermission('guest2','default')", // "CALL dbms.security.accessPermission('guest2','')", // config "CALL dbms.system.info()", "CALL dbms.config.list()", // "CALL dbms.config.update({OPT_DB_ASYNC:true, OPT_TXN_OPTIMISTIC:true, // OPT_AUDIT_LOG_ENABLE:true, OPT_IP_CHECK_ENABLE:false})", // cannot run this here since it // will cause galaxy restart // ip whitelist "CALL dbms.security.listAllowedHosts()", "CALL dbms.security.addAllowedHosts('', '')", "CALL dbms.security.deleteAllowedHosts('')", // add by jiazhenjiang "CALL dbms.security.createUser('guest1','123')", "CALL dbms.security.getUserInfo('guest1')", "CALL dbms.security.listRoles()", "CALL dbms.security.createRole('test_role', 'test desc')", "CALL dbms.security.getRoleInfo('test_role')", "CALL dbms.security.modRoleDesc('test_role', 'modify test desc')", "CALL dbms.security.disableRole('test_role', true)", "CALL dbms.security.getRoleInfo('test_role')", "CALL dbms.security.disableRole('test_role', false)", "CALL dbms.graph.createGraph('tgraph1', 'test graph tgraph1', 1)", "CALL dbms.graph.createGraph('tgraph2', 'test graph tgraph2', 2)", "CALL dbms.graph.createGraph('tgraph3', 'test graph tgraph3', 3)", "CALL dbms.security.rebuildRoleAccessLevel('test_role', {tgraph1: 'READ', tgraph2: " "'WRITE', tgraph3: 'FULL'})", "CALL dbms.security.getRoleInfo('test_role')", "CALL dbms.security.modRoleAccessLevel('test_role', {tgraph1: 'NONE', tgraph2: 'NONE', " "tgraph3: 'WRITE'})", "CALL dbms.security.getRoleInfo('test_role')", "CALL dbms.security.disableUser('guest1', true)", "CALL dbms.security.setUserDesc('guest1', 'modify guest1 desc')", "CALL dbms.security.setCurrentDesc('modify root desc')", "CALL dbms.security.listUsers()", "CALL dbms.security.createRole('test_role1', 'test desc')", "CALL dbms.security.createRole('test_role2', 'test desc')", "CALL dbms.security.createRole('test_role3', 'test desc')", "CALL dbms.security.listRoles()", "CALL dbms.security.rebuildUserRoles('guest1', ['test_role1', 'test_role2', 'test_role3'])", "CALL dbms.security.listUsers()", "CALL dbms.security.deleteUserRoles('guest1', ['test_role2', 'test_role3'])", "CALL dbms.security.listUsers()", "CALL dbms.security.addUserRoles('guest1', ['test_role2', 'test_role3'])", "CALL dbms.security.listUsers()", "CALL dbms.security.deleteRole('test_role')", "CALL dbms.security.deleteUser('guest1')", "CALL db.plugin.listPlugin('CPP')", // add by glc "CALL db.listLabelIndexes('Person')", "CALL dbms.security.getUserPermissions('admin')", "CALL dbms.graph.getGraphInfo('default')", "CALL db.plugin.listPlugin('PY')", "CALL db.plugin.loadPlugin('PY','countPerson','ZGVmIFByb2Nlc3MoZGIsIGlucHV0KToKIC" "AgIHR4biA9IGRiLkNyZWF0ZVJlYWRUeG4oKQogICAgaXQgPSB0eG4uR2V0VmVydGV4SXRlcmF0b3IoKQogICAgbiA" "9IDAKICAgIHdoaWxlIGl0LklzVmFsaWQoKToKICAgICAgICBpZiBpdC5HZXRMYWJlbCgpID09ICdQZXJzb24nOgog" "ICAgICAgICAgICBuID0gbiArIDEKICAgICAgICBpdC5OZXh0KCkKICAgIHJldHVybiAoVHJ1ZSwgc3RyKG4pKQ=='" ",'PY','count person',true)", "CALL db.plugin.listPlugin('PY')", "CALL db.plugin.getPluginInfo('PY','countPerson')", "CALL db.plugin.getPluginInfo('PY','countPerson',true)", "CALL dbms.task.listTasks()", "CALL plugin.cpp.scan_graph({scan_edges:true,times:2})", "CALL plugin.cpp.standard({})", // "CALL dbms.task.terminateTask()", #if 0 /* call plugin */ /* The plugin manager is disabled in embedded APIs, so please * test this with server. */ "CALL plugin.cpp.list", "CALL plugin.cpp.scan_graph", "CALL plugin.cpp.scan_graph({scan_edges:true,times:2})", /* call custom functions (implemented with plugins) */ "MATCH (n:City) RETURN custom.SortStr(n.name)", "RETURN custom.BinVarFoo(5,9)", #endif /* inquery call */ "CALL dbms.procedures() YIELD name RETURN name,1", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Michael Redgrave'}),(n2 {name:'Rachel Kempson'})\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1,n2) YIELD nodeCount,totalCost RETURN nodeCount,totalCost /* " "2,1.0 */", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Michael Redgrave'}),(n2 {name:'Rachel Kempson'})\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1,n2) YIELD path RETURN path /* " "[V[vid0],E[vid0_vid1_type_eid],V[vid1]] */", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Michael Redgrave'}),(n2 {name:'Houston'})\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1,n2) YIELD nodeCount,totalCost RETURN nodeCount,totalCost /* " "6,5.0 */", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Michael Redgrave'}),(n2:City)\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1,n2) YIELD nodeCount,totalCost RETURN " "n2.name,nodeCount,totalCost /* 3 results */", // TODO(wt): remove the invalid results "MATCH (n1 {name:'Michael Redgrave'}),(n2:City)\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1,n2,{maxHops:3}) YIELD nodeCount RETURN n2.name,nodeCount /* 2 " "results */", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Michael Redgrave'}),(n2 {name:'Rachel Kempson'})\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1,n2,{relationshipQuery:'HAS_CHILD'}) YIELD nodeCount,totalCost " "RETURN nodeCount,totalCost /* 3,2.0 */", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Corin Redgrave'}),(n2 {name:'London'})\n" "CALL algo.allShortestPaths(n1,n2) YIELD nodeIds,cost RETURN nodeIds,cost /* 2 */", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Corin Redgrave'}),(n2 {name:'Liam Neeson'})\n" "CALL algo.allShortestPaths(n1,n2) YIELD nodeIds,cost RETURN nodeIds,cost /* 4 */", "MATCH (n1 {name:'Corin Redgrave'}),(n2 {name:'Liam Neeson'})\n" "CALL algo.allShortestPaths(n1,n2) YIELD nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost RETURN " "nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost /* 4 */", "CALL algo.pagerank(10) YIELD node, pr RETURN node, pr ORDER by pr desc LIMIT 1 /* V[9], " "0.0187 */", "CALL algo.pagerank(10) YIELD node, pr RETURN node.name, pr LIMIT 1 /* Rachel Kempson" "0.010590751202103139 */", "CALL algo.pagerank(10) YIELD node, pr with node MATCH(node)-[r]->(n)" "return node, r, n LIMIT 1" "/* V[0] E[0_2_0_0] E[0_2_0_0] V[2] */", "CALL dbms.procedures() YIELD name, signature WHERE name='db.subgraph' RETURN signature", }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); std::vector call_signatured_plugins_scripts; auto add_signatured_plugins = [&call_signatured_plugins_scripts]( const std::string& name, const std::string& plugin_source_path) { std::ifstream f; f.open(plugin_source_path, std::ios::in); std::string buf; std::string text = ""; while (getline(f, buf)) { text += buf; text += "\n"; } f.close(); std::string encoded = lgraph_api::encode_base64(text); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( FMA_FMT("CALL db.plugin.loadPlugin('CPP','{}','{}','CPP','{}', true)", name, encoded, name)); }; add_signatured_plugins("custom_shortestpath", "../../test/test_procedures/custom_shortestpath.cpp"); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( "MATCH (a:Person {name: \"Christopher Nolan\"}), (b:Person {name: \"Corin Redgrave\"}) " "CALL plugin.cpp.custom_shortestpath(a, b) YIELD length, nodeIds " "RETURN length, nodeIds AS path"); add_signatured_plugins("custom_pagerank", "../../test/test_procedures/custom_pagerank.cpp"); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( "CALL plugin.cpp.custom_pagerank(10) " "YIELD node, weight WITH node, weight " "MATCH(node)-[r]->(n) RETURN node, r, n, weight"); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( "MATCH (a:Person {name: \"Christopher Nolan\"}), (b:Person {name: \"Corin Redgrave\"}) " "CALL plugin.cpp.custom_shortestpath(a, b) YIELD length, nodeIds " "WITH length, nodeIds " "UNWIND nodeIds AS id " "RETURN id, length"); add_signatured_plugins("peek_some_node_salt", "../../test/test_procedures/peek_some_node_salt.cpp"); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( "CALL plugin.cpp.peek_some_node_salt(10) " "YIELD node, salt WITH node, salt " "MATCH(node)-[r]->(n) RETURN node, r, n, salt"); add_signatured_plugins("custom_path_process", "../../test/test_procedures/custom_path_process.cpp"); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( "MATCH p = (n {name:\"Rachel Kempson\"})-[*0..3]->() " "CALL plugin.cpp.custom_path_process(nodes(p)) YIELD idSum " "RETURN idSum"); add_signatured_plugins("custom_algo", "../../test/test_procedures/custom_algo.cpp"); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( "CALL plugin.cpp.custom_algo() YIELD res RETURN res"); call_signatured_plugins_scripts.emplace_back( "CALL plugin.cpp.custom_algo()"); eval_scripts(ctx, call_signatured_plugins_scripts); return 0; } int test_add(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "CREATE (passerA:Person {name:'Passerby A', birthyear:1983})\n" "CREATE (passerB:Person {name:'Passerby B', birthyear:1984})\n" "CREATE (passerA)-[:MARRIED]->(passerB)," " (passerB)-[:MARRIED]->(passerA)", "MATCH (a:Person {name:'Lindsay Lohan'}), (b:Film {title:'The Parent Trap'})\n" "CREATE (a)-[r:DIRECTED]->(b)", "MATCH (a:Person {name:'Lindsay Lohan'})-[r]->(b:Film {title:'The Parent Trap'}) RETURN r", "MATCH (a:Film),(b:City) CREATE (a)-[:BORN_IN]->(b) /* 15 edges */", "CREATE (sy:City {name:'Sanya'}) RETURN sy,sy.name", "MATCH (a:Person {name:'Passerby A'}), (sy:City {name:'Sanya'})\n" "CREATE (a)-[r:BORN_IN]->(sy) RETURN a.name,r,sy.name", "MATCH (a:Person {name:'Passerby A'}), (sy:City {name:'Sanya'}) WITH a,sy\n" "CREATE (a)-[r:BORN_IN]->(sy)", "CREATE (passerC:Person {name:'Passerby C'})", "MATCH (p:Person {name:'Passerby C'}) RETURN exists(p.birthyear) /* false */", /* expression property */ "WITH 'Passerby D' AS x, 2020 AS y CREATE (:Person {name:x, birthyear:y})", "MATCH (a {name:'Passerby A'}) CREATE (:Person {name:'Passerby E', birthyear:a.birthyear})", "MATCH (a {name:'Passerby A'}) CREATE (:Person {name:'Passerby F', " "birthyear:a.birthyear+24})", "MATCH (a {name:'Passerby A'}) CREATE (:Person {name:'Passerby G', birthyear:id(a)})", #if 0 "WITH 'Passerby D' AS x, 2020 AS y CREATE (:Person {name:x, birthyear:y+2})", #endif }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } // NOTE: SET vertex/edge NULL is deprecated, use DELETE instead. int test_set(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Person', 'name', 'name', STRING, false, 'age', INT16, true, " "'eyes', STRING, true)", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('KNOWS', '[]', 'weight', INT16, true)", R"( CREATE (a:Person {name:'A', age:13}) CREATE (b:Person {name:'B', age:33, eyes:'blue'}) CREATE (c:Person {name:'C', age:44, eyes:'blue'}) CREATE (d:Person {name:'D', eyes:'brown'}) CREATE (e:Person {name:'E'}) CREATE (f:Person {name:'F', age:1}) CREATE (g:Person {name:'G', age:2}) CREATE (h:Person {name:'H', age:2}) CREATE (i1:Person {name:'I', age:3}) CREATE (a)-[:KNOWS {weight:10}]->(b), (a)-[:KNOWS {weight:15}]->(c), (a)-[:KNOWS {weight:40}]->(d), (b)-[:KNOWS {weight:20}]->(e), (c)-[:KNOWS {weight:12}]->(e), (f)-[:KNOWS {weight:0}]->(g), (f)-[:KNOWS {weight:0}]->(h), (f)-[:KNOWS {weight:0}]->(i1) )", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'E'}) SET n.name='X'", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'A'}), (m:Person {name:'B'}) SET n.age=50 SET m.age=51", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'A'})-[e:KNOWS]->(m:Person) SET n.age=50 SET e.weight=50", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'B'})<-[]-(m:Person) SET m.age = 34", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'B'})<-[]-(m:Person) SET m.age = id(n)", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'B'})<-[]-(m:Person) SET m = {age: 33}", "match (n) return n,properties(n) /*debug*/", // "MATCH (n:Person {name:'D'}),(m:Person {name:'X'}) SET n=m", "match (n) return n,properties(n) /*debug*/", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'X'}) SET n += {name:'Y', age:19}", "match (n) return n,properties(n) /*debug*/", "MATCH (n {name:'A'})-[r:KNOWS]->(m {name:'B'}) SET r.weight=11", "MATCH (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m) WHERE r.weight=15 SET r += {weight:16}", "MATCH (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m) WHERE r.weight=40 SET r.weight = r.weight + 1", "MATCH (n)-[r:KNOWS]->(m) WHERE r.weight=20 SET r=NULL", "match (n)-[r]->(m) return r,properties(r) /*debug*/", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'Y'}) SET n=NULL", "match (n) return n,properties(n) /*debug*/", }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } int test_delete(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Person', 'name', 'name', STRING, false, 'age', INT16, true, " "'eyes', STRING, true)", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('KNOWS', '[]', 'weight', INT16, true)", R"( CREATE (a:Person {name:'A', age:13}) CREATE (b:Person {name:'B', age:33, eyes:'blue'}) CREATE (c:Person {name:'C', age:44, eyes:'blue'}) CREATE (d:Person {name:'D', eyes:'brown'}) CREATE (e:Person {name:'E'}) CREATE (f:Person {name:'F', age:1}) CREATE (g:Person {name:'G', age:2}) CREATE (h:Person {name:'H', age:2}) CREATE (i1:Person {name:'I', age:3}) CREATE (a)-[:KNOWS {weight:10}]->(b), (a)-[:KNOWS {weight:15}]->(c), (a)-[:KNOWS {weight:40}]->(d), (b)-[:KNOWS {weight:20}]->(e), (b)-[:KNOWS {weight:25}]->(f), (c)-[:KNOWS {weight:12}]->(e), (d)-[:KNOWS {weight:4}]->(a), (f)-[:KNOWS {weight:0}]->(g), (f)-[:KNOWS {weight:0}]->(h), (f)-[:KNOWS {weight:0}]->(i1) )", "match (n)-[r]->(m) return r,properties(r) /*debug*/", "MATCH (n {name:'D'}) DELETE n", "MATCH (n {name:'B'})-[r:KNOWS]->() DELETE r", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'F'})-[r:KNOWS]->(m:Person {name:'I'}) DELETE r", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'A'}),(m:Person {name:'C'}) WITH n,m MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) DELETE r", "match (n)-[r]->(m) return r,properties(r) /*debug*/", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'A'}) DELETE n", "MATCH (n:Person {name:'B'}) WITH n DELETE n", "match (n) return n,properties(n) /*debug*/", }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } int test_merge(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector add = { "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Person', 'name', 'name', STRING, false, 'birthyear', INT16, " "true, 'gender', INT8, true)\n", // birthyear and gender can be null "CALL db.createVertexLabel('City', 'name', 'name', STRING, false, 'area', DOUBLE,false, " "'population', DOUBLE, true)\n", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('Knows', '[]', 'intimacy', DOUBLE, true)\n", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('Livein', '[]')\n", "CALL db.addIndex('City', 'area', true)\n", "CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Liubei', birthyear: 161,gender:1})\n", "CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Caocao', birthyear: 155,gender:1})\n", "CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Sunquan', birthyear: 182,gender:1})\n", "CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Guanyu', birthyear: 160,gender:1})\n", "CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Zhangfei', birthyear: 153,gender:1})\n", "CREATE (n:City {name: 'Beijing', area:16410.54, population:2154.2})\n", "CREATE (n:City {name: 'Shanghai', area:6340.5, population:2423.78})\n", }; eval_scripts(ctx, add); static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'Liubei'}) RETURN n.birthyear, n.gender\n", 1}, // Merge single // node // specifying // both label // and property {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'Zhugeliang'}) ON CREATE SET n.gender=1,n.birthyear=181 " "RETURN n.name\n", 1}, // merge with on create {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'Liubei'}) ON MATCH SET n.birthyear=2010 RETURN " "n.birthyear\n", 1}, // merge with macth // need to specific a property index {"MERGE(n:Person {name:'Liubei'}) ON CREATE SET n.gender=1 ON MATCH SET " "n.birthyear=2020 RETURN n.name, n.gender,n.birthyear\n", 1}, // merge on create and // match a existed node {"MERGE(n:Person {name:'Huatuo'}) ON CREATE SET n.gender=1 ON MATCH SET " "n.birthyear=2020 RETURN n.name, n.gender,n.birthyear\n", 1}, // merge on create and // match acreate node {"MERGE(n:Person {name:'Liubei'}) ON MATCH SET n.gender=0,n.birthyear=2050 RETURN " "n.name, n.gender,n.birthyear\n", 1}, // merge with on match setting multiple // properties // need to specific a property // index {"MATCH(n:Person {name:'Caocao'}), (m:Person {name:'Sunquan'}) MERGE " "(n)-[r:Knows{intimacy:0.6}]->(m) RETURN r.intimacy\n", 1}, // Create a realtionship {"MATCH(n:Person {name:'Caocao'}), (m:Person {name:'Sunquan'}) MERGE " "(n)-[r:Knows]->(m) RETURN r.intimacy\n", 1}, // Merge on a relationship exit, return // bug, dispaly null {"MATCH (n:Person),(m:City) WHERE n.name='Caocao' AND m.name='Beijing' MERGE " "(n)-[r:Livein]->(m) RETURN r\n", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Caocao'}) MERGE (n)-[r:Knows]->(m:Person {name:'Sunquan'})" "RETURN r\n", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person),(m:City) WHERE n.birthyear >= 160 AND m.name = 'Beijing' MERGE " "(n)-[r:Livein]->(m) RETURN r\n", 4}, {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'Caocao'})-[r:Knows]->(m:Person {name:'Caogai'})" "RETURN r\n", 1}, // {"MERGE (n:Person {gender:1}) RETURN n\n", ?}, // create index on gender first // this query should return // multiple nodes, but currently // only one is returned {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'Huatuo'}) RETURN n.name\n", 1}, // Merge using unique // constraints creates a new // node if no node is found {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'Xunyu'}) RETURN n.name\n", 1}, // Merge using unique // constraints creates a new // node if no node is found {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'Liubei'}) RETURN n.birthyear, n.gender\n", 1}, // Merge using // unique // constraints // matches an // existing node // "MERGE (n:City {name: 'Beijing', area:1000,population:2154.2}) RETURN n\n", // Merge with unique constraints and partial matches , error information "MERGE // (n:City {name: 'Beijing', area:16410.54,population:2154.2}) RETURN // n.name,n.area\n", "MERGE (n:City {name: 'Beijing', area:6340.5,population:2154.2}) // RETURN n\n",//Merge with unique constraints and partial matches , error // information {"MERGE (node1: Person {name: 'lisi'}) ON CREATE SET node1.birthyear = 1903 WITH " "node1 MATCH (node1) WHERE node1.birthyear < 1904 SET node1.birthyear = 1904 " "RETURN id(node1), node1.name, node1.birthyear\n", 1}, {"MERGE (n: Person {name: 'wangwu'}) ON CREATE SET n.birthyear = 1903 ON CREATE SET " "n.name = 'wangwu2' WITH n MATCH (n) WHERE n.birthyear < 2002 SET n += {birthyear: " "2002, name: 'wangwu2'} RETURN id(n), n.name, n.birthyear\n", 1}, {"MERGE (a:Person {name: 'zhangsan'}) SET a.birthyear = 2020 RETURN a.birthyear", 1}, {"MERGE (a:Person {name: 'zhangsan'}) DELETE a", 1}, {"MERGE (a:Person {name: 'zhangsan'}) CREATE (b:Person {name : 'xiaoming'})" "RETURN b", 1}, {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'zhangsan'}) MERGE (m:Person {name:'lisi'}) RETURN n,m", 1}, {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'zhangsan'}) MERGE (m:Person {name:'lisi'}) RETURN n,m", 1}, {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'zhangsan'}) MERGE (m:Person {name:'lisi'}) CREATE " "(n)-[r:Knows]->(m) RETURN n, r, m", 1}, {"MERGE (n:Person {name:'zhangsan'}) MERGE (m:Person {name:'lisi'}) MERGE " "(n)-[r:Knows]->(m) return n, r, m", 1}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'zhangsan'}) SET a.birthyear = 2023 CREATE (b:Person " "{name:'wangwu'}) RETURN b", 1}, {"MATCH (a:Person {name:'zhangsan'}) SET a.birthyear = 2023 MERGE (b:Person " "{name:'wangwu'}) RETURN b", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } bool Trts() { return false; } int test_remove(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}) REMOVE a.birthyear RETURN a.name,a.birthyear", "MATCH (a {name:'Liam Neeson'}) REMOVE a.name RETURN a.name,a.birthyear /* exception */", }; UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_scripts(ctx, scripts)); return 0; } int test_order_by(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector add = { "MATCH (a:Person {name:'Lindsay Lohan'}), (b:Film {title:'The Parent Trap'})\n" "CREATE (a)-[r:DIRECTED]->(b)", }; eval_scripts(ctx, add); static const std::vector> script_check = { {"match (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return v1.title,count(v2) as cnt", 5}, {"match (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return v1.title,count(distinct v2) as " "cnt", 5}, {"match (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return v1.title,count(distinct v2) as " "cnt order by cnt", 5}, {"match (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return v1.title,count(distinct v2) as " "cnt order by cnt desc", 5}, {"match (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return v1.title,count(distinct v2) as " "cnt order by cnt desc,v1.title", 5}, {"match (v1:Film) return distinct v1.title order by v1.title", 5}, {"match (v1:Film) return distinct v1.title order by v1.title limit 3 /* Batman, Camelot, " "Goodbye */", 3}, {"match (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return v1.title,count(distinct v2) as " "cnt order by cnt desc limit 3" " /* NOTE: unstable heap sort */", 3}, {"match (:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})<-[:HAS_CHILD]-(p)-[:ACTED_IN*0..]->(m) " "return p.name,m order by p.name", 3}, {"MATCH (n) RETURN n,n.name AS name ORDER BY name", 21}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN m.name", 12}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN DISTINCT m.name", 8}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN DISTINCT m.name ORDER " "BY m.name", 8}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN DISTINCT m.name ORDER " "BY m.name LIMIT 5", 5}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN DISTINCT m.name ORDER " "BY m.name SKIP 2", 6}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN DISTINCT m.name ORDER " "BY m.name SKIP 2 LIMIT 3", 3}, {"MATCH (v1:Film)<-[r:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) RETURN v1.title AS title, r ORDER BY " "title LIMIT 5", 5}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_topn(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector add = { "MATCH (a:Person {name:'Lindsay Lohan'}), (b:Film {title:'The Parent Trap'})\n" "CREATE (a)-[r:DIRECTED]->(b)", }; eval_scripts(ctx, add); static const std::vector> script_check = { {"match (v1:Film) return v1.title order by v1.title limit 3", 3}, {"match (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return v1.title,v2.name as cnt order " "by cnt desc limit 3", 3}, {"match (:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})<-[:HAS_CHILD]-(p)-[:ACTED_IN*0..]->(m) " "return p.name,m order by p.name limit 3", 3}, {"MATCH (n) RETURN n.name AS name ORDER BY name LIMIT 10", 10}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN m.birthyear, m.name " "ORDER BY m.name LIMIT 5", 5}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Vanessa Redgrave'})-[*2]-(m:Person) RETURN m.birthyear, m.name " "ORDER BY m.birthyear desc LIMIT 5", 5}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_create_label(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "CALL db.createLabel('vertex','Person', 'name', ['name', string, false], ['birthyear', " "int16, true])", "CALL db.createLabel('vertex', 'City','name', ['name', string, false])", "CALL db.createLabel('vertex', 'Film', 'title', ['title', string, false])", "CALL db.createLabel('edge', 'HAS_CHILD', '[]')", "CALL db.createLabel('edge', 'MARRIED', '[]')", "CALL db.createLabel('edge', 'BORN_IN', '[]')", "CALL db.createLabel('edge', 'DIRECTED', '[]')", "CALL db.createLabel('edge', 'WROTE_MUSIC_FOR', '[]')", "CALL db.createLabel('edge', 'ACTED_IN', '[]', ['charactername', string, true])", R"( CREATE (rachel:Person:Actor {name: 'Rachel Kempson', birthyear: 1910}) CREATE (michael:Person:Actor {name: 'Michael Redgrave', birthyear: 1908}) CREATE (vanessa:Person:Actor {name: 'Vanessa Redgrave', birthyear: 1937}) CREATE (corin:Person:Actor {name: 'Corin Redgrave', birthyear: 1939}) CREATE (liam:Person:Actor {name: 'Liam Neeson', birthyear: 1952}) CREATE (natasha:Person:Actor {name: 'Natasha Richardson', birthyear: 1963}) CREATE (richard:Person:Actor {name: 'Richard Harris', birthyear: 1930}) CREATE (dennis:Person:Actor {name: 'Dennis Quaid', birthyear: 1954}) CREATE (lindsay:Person:Actor {name: 'Lindsay Lohan', birthyear: 1986}) CREATE (jemma:Person:Actor {name: 'Jemma Redgrave', birthyear: 1965}) CREATE (roy:Person:Actor {name: 'Roy Redgrave', birthyear: 1873}) CREATE (john:Person {name: 'John Williams', birthyear: 1932}) CREATE (christopher:Person {name: 'Christopher Nolan', birthyear: 1970}) CREATE (newyork:City {name: 'New York'}) CREATE (london:City {name: 'London'}) CREATE (houston:City {name: 'Houston'}) CREATE (mrchips:Film {title: 'Goodbye, Mr. Chips'}) CREATE (batmanbegins:Film {title: 'Batman Begins'}) CREATE (harrypotter:Film {title: 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\'s Stone'}) CREATE (parent:Film {title: 'The Parent Trap'}) CREATE (camelot:Film {title: 'Camelot'}) CREATE (rachel)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(vanessa), (rachel)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(corin), (michael)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(vanessa), (michael)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(corin), (corin)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(jemma), (vanessa)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(natasha), (roy)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(michael), (rachel)-[:MARRIED]->(michael), (michael)-[:MARRIED]->(rachel), (natasha)-[:MARRIED]->(liam), (liam)-[:MARRIED]->(natasha), (vanessa)-[:BORN_IN]->(london), (natasha)-[:BORN_IN]->(london), (christopher)-[:BORN_IN]->(london), (dennis)-[:BORN_IN]->(houston), (lindsay)-[:BORN_IN]->(newyork), (john)-[:BORN_IN]->(newyork), (christopher)-[:DIRECTED]->(batmanbegins), (john)-[:WROTE_MUSIC_FOR]->(harrypotter), (john)-[:WROTE_MUSIC_FOR]->(mrchips), (michael)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'The Headmaster'}]->(mrchips), (vanessa)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Guenevere'}]->(camelot), (richard)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'King Arthur'}]->(camelot), (richard)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Albus Dumbledore'}]->(harrypotter), (natasha)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Liz James'}]->(parent), (dennis)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Nick Parker'}]->(parent), (lindsay)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Halle/Annie'}]->(parent), (liam)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Henri Ducard'}]->(batmanbegins) )", }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } int test_create_yago(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Person', 'name', 'name', STRING, false, 'birthyear', INT16, " "true)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('City', 'name', 'name', STRING, false)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Film', 'title', 'title', STRING, false)", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('HAS_CHILD', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('MARRIED', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('BORN_IN', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('DIRECTED', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('WROTE_MUSIC_FOR', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('ACTED_IN', '[]', 'charactername', STRING, false)", R"( CREATE (rachel:Person:Actor {name: 'Rachel Kempson', birthyear: 1910}) CREATE (michael:Person:Actor {name: 'Michael Redgrave', birthyear: 1908}) CREATE (vanessa:Person:Actor {name: 'Vanessa Redgrave', birthyear: 1937}) CREATE (corin:Person:Actor {name: 'Corin Redgrave', birthyear: 1939}) CREATE (liam:Person:Actor {name: 'Liam Neeson', birthyear: 1952}) CREATE (natasha:Person:Actor {name: 'Natasha Richardson', birthyear: 1963}) CREATE (richard:Person:Actor {name: 'Richard Harris', birthyear: 1930}) CREATE (dennis:Person:Actor {name: 'Dennis Quaid', birthyear: 1954}) CREATE (lindsay:Person:Actor {name: 'Lindsay Lohan', birthyear: 1986}) CREATE (jemma:Person:Actor {name: 'Jemma Redgrave', birthyear: 1965}) CREATE (roy:Person:Actor {name: 'Roy Redgrave', birthyear: 1873}) CREATE (john:Person {name: 'John Williams', birthyear: 1932}) CREATE (christopher:Person {name: 'Christopher Nolan', birthyear: 1970}) CREATE (newyork:City {name: 'New York'}) CREATE (london:City {name: 'London'}) CREATE (houston:City {name: 'Houston'}) CREATE (mrchips:Film {title: 'Goodbye, Mr. Chips'}) CREATE (batmanbegins:Film {title: 'Batman Begins'}) CREATE (harrypotter:Film {title: 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\'s Stone'}) CREATE (parent:Film {title: 'The Parent Trap'}) CREATE (camelot:Film {title: 'Camelot'}) CREATE (rachel)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(vanessa), (rachel)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(corin), (michael)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(vanessa), (michael)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(corin), (corin)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(jemma), (vanessa)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(natasha), (roy)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(michael), (rachel)-[:MARRIED]->(michael), (michael)-[:MARRIED]->(rachel), (natasha)-[:MARRIED]->(liam), (liam)-[:MARRIED]->(natasha), (vanessa)-[:BORN_IN]->(london), (natasha)-[:BORN_IN]->(london), (christopher)-[:BORN_IN]->(london), (dennis)-[:BORN_IN]->(houston), (lindsay)-[:BORN_IN]->(newyork), (john)-[:BORN_IN]->(newyork), (christopher)-[:DIRECTED]->(batmanbegins), (john)-[:WROTE_MUSIC_FOR]->(harrypotter), (john)-[:WROTE_MUSIC_FOR]->(mrchips), (michael)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'The Headmaster'}]->(mrchips), (vanessa)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Guenevere'}]->(camelot), (richard)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'King Arthur'}]->(camelot), (richard)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Albus Dumbledore'}]->(harrypotter), (natasha)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Liz James'}]->(parent), (dennis)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Nick Parker'}]->(parent), (lindsay)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Halle/Annie'}]->(parent), (liam)-[:ACTED_IN {charactername: 'Henri Ducard'}]->(batmanbegins) )", }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } int test_aggregate(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector create = { "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Person', 'name', 'name', STRING, false, 'age', INT16, true, " "'eyes', STRING, true)", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('KNOWS', '[]')", R"( CREATE (a:Person {name:'A', age:13}) CREATE (b:Person {name:'B', age:33, eyes:'blue'}) CREATE (c:Person {name:'C', age:44, eyes:'blue'}) CREATE (d:Person {name:'D', eyes:'brown'}) CREATE (e:Person {name:'E'}) CREATE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b), (a)-[:KNOWS]->(c), (a)-[:KNOWS]->(d), (b)-[:KNOWS]->(e), (c)-[:KNOWS]->(e) )", }; eval_scripts(ctx, create); static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN avg(n.age) /* 30.0 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n { name: 'A' })-->(x) RETURN count(x) /* 3 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN count(n.age) /* 3 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN max(n.age) /* 44 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN min(n.age) /* 13 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN percentileCont(n.age, 0.4) /* 29 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN percentileDisc(n.age, 0.5) /* 33 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN stDev(n.age) /* 15.716234 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN stDevP(n.age) /* 12.832251 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN variance(n.age)", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN varianceP(n.age)", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN collect(n.age) /* 13,33,44 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN collect([n.name,n.age]) /* [[A, 13], [B, 33], [C, 44], [D, " "null], [E, null]] */", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name: 'A'})-[]->(x) RETURN label(n), n.age, count(*) /* Person,13,3.000000 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name: 'A'})-[]->(x) RETURN label(n), n, count(*) /* Person,V[0],3.000000 */", 1}, {"MATCH (n {name: 'A'})-[r]->() RETURN type(r), count(*) /* KNOWS,3.00000 */", 1}, /* filter with OR */ {"MATCH (n:Person) WHERE n.age = 13 OR n.age > 40 RETURN count(n) AS nCount", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_algo(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Loc', 'name', 'name', STRING, false)", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('ROAD', '[]', 'cost', FLOAT, false)", R"( CREATE (a:Loc {name:'A'}) CREATE (b:Loc {name:'B'}) CREATE (c:Loc {name:'C'}) CREATE (d:Loc {name:'D'}) CREATE (e:Loc {name:'E'}) CREATE (f:Loc {name:'F'}) CREATE (g:Loc {name:'G'}) CREATE (a)-[:ROAD {cost:50}]->(b) CREATE (a)-[:ROAD {cost:50}]->(c) CREATE (a)-[:ROAD {cost:100}]->(d) CREATE (b)-[:ROAD {cost:40}]->(d) CREATE (c)-[:ROAD {cost:40}]->(d) CREATE (c)-[:ROAD {cost:80}]->(e) CREATE (d)-[:ROAD {cost:30}]->(e) CREATE (d)-[:ROAD {cost:80}]->(f) CREATE (e)-[:ROAD {cost:40}]->(f); )", "MATCH (n1:Loc {name:'A'}), (n2:Loc {name:'F'})\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1, n2) YIELD nodeCount RETURN nodeCount", "MATCH (n1:Loc {name:'A'}), (n2:Loc {name:'G'})\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1, n2) YIELD nodeCount RETURN nodeCount", "MATCH (n1:Loc {name:'A'}), (n2:Loc {name:'E'})\n" "CALL algo.allShortestPaths(n1, n2) YIELD nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost RETURN " "nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost", "MATCH (n1:Loc {name:'A'}), (n2:Loc {name:'E'})\n" "CALL algo.allShortestPaths(n1, n2) YIELD nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost WITH " "nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost\n" "UNWIND relationshipIds AS rid\n" "CALL algo.native.extract(rid, {isNode:false, field:'cost'}) YIELD value RETURN value", "MATCH (n1:Loc {name:'A'}), (n2:Loc {name:'E'})\n" "CALL algo.allShortestPaths(n1, n2, {relationshipQuery:'ROAD'}) YIELD " "nodeIds,relationshipIds WITH nodeIds,relationshipIds\n" "UNWIND relationshipIds AS rid\n" "CALL algo.native.extract(rid, {isNode:false, field:'cost'}) YIELD value RETURN nodeIds, " "sum(value) AS score", "MATCH (n1:Loc {name:'A'}), (n2:Loc {name:'E'})\n" "CALL algo.allShortestPaths(n1, n2, {relationshipQuery:'ROAD'}) YIELD " "nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost WITH nodeIds,relationshipIds,cost\n" "UNWIND relationshipIds AS rid\n" "CALL algo.native.extract(rid, {isNode:false, field:'cost'}) YIELD value WITH nodeIds, " "sum(value) AS score\n" "CALL algo.native.extract(nodeIds, {isNode:true, field:'name'}) YIELD value RETURN value, " "score", #if 0 "MATCH (n1:Loc {name:'A'}), (n2:Loc {name:'F'})\n" "CALL algo.shortestPath(n1, n2, 'cost') YIELD totalCost RETURN totalCost", #endif }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } int test_circle(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "MATCH (a)-[]->(b)-[]->(c)<-[]-(a) RETURN a,b,c", "MATCH (a:Person {birthyear:1908})-[]->(b)-[]->(c)<-[]-(a:Person {birthyear:1910}) RETURN " "a,b,c", // not recommended }; CYPHER_TODO(); /** * The execution plan of the (a)-[]->(b)-[]->(c)<-[]-(a) is: * produce results * | expand into (a->c) * | expand all (b->c) * | | expand all (a->b) * |-------| scan (a) * The scan a operation is child of both expand all and expand into, so stream and * -- will effect each other. * While we assume op streams are independent in the execution machine. */ eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } void test_error_report(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { "MATCH (m)-[]->(n) WHERE m<>n RETURN m,n /* Expected Exception */", }; UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(eval_scripts(ctx, scripts)); } // TODO(someone): independent test case int test_ldbc_snb(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector scripts = { /* todo: native CREATE Label */ "CALL db.createVertexLabel('TagClass', 'name', 'name', STRING, false)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Tag', 'name', 'name', STRING, false)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Forum', 'name', 'name', STRING, false)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Person', 'id', 'id', INT32, false, 'birthday', STRING, true)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Comment', 'id', 'id', INT32, false)", "CALL db.createVertexLabel('Message', 'id', 'id', INT32, false)", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('hasTag', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('hasType', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('knows', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('hasMember', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('hasCreator', '[]')", "CALL db.createEdgeLabel('replyOf', '[]')", R"( CREATE // tag classes, tags and forums (tagClass1:TagClass {name: 'MusicalArtist'}), (tagClass2:TagClass {name: 'OfficeHolder'}), (tag1:Tag {name: 'Elvis Presley'}), (tag2:Tag {name: 'Mr. Office'}), (forum1:Forum {name: 'Presley fan club'}), (forum2:Forum {name: 'Long live the closed office'}), // hasTag and hasType relationships (forum1)-[:hasTag]->(tag1)-[:hasType]->(tagClass1), (forum2)-[:hasTag]->(tag2)-[:hasType]->(tagClass2), // persons (person1:Person {id: 1, birthday: '1990-01-01'}), (person2:Person {id: 2, birthday: '1989-01-01'}), (person3:Person {id: 3, birthday: '1989-01-01'}), (person4:Person {id: 4, birthday: '1989-01-01'}), // knows relationships: person1 and persons 3/4 are strangers (person1)-[:knows]->(person2), (person2)-[:knows]->(person3), (person3)-[:knows]->(person4), // memberships (forum1)-[:hasMember]->(person3)<-[:hasMember]-(forum2), (forum1)-[:hasMember]->(person4)<-[:hasMember]-(forum2), // interactions (comment1:Comment {id: 1}), (comment2:Comment {id: 2}), (comment3:Comment {id: 3}), (message1:Message {id: 1}), (message2:Message {id: 2}), (message3:Message {id: 3}), (person1)<-[:hasCreator]-(comment1)-[:replyOf]->(message1)-[:hasCreator]->(person3), (person3)<-[:hasCreator]-(comment2)-[:replyOf]->(message2)-[:hasCreator]->(person1), (person4)<-[:hasCreator]-(comment3)-[:replyOf]->(message3)-[:hasCreator]->(person1) )", }; eval_scripts(ctx, scripts); return 0; } int test_opt(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN count(r) /* 28 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r]->() RETURN count(r) /* 28 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Film)-[r]->() RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r]->(:Person) RETURN count(r) /* 11 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r]->(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 11 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r]->(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 11 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r]->(:NO_LABEL) RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED]->() RETURN count(r) /* 4 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:NO_LABEL]->() RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]->() RETURN count(r) /* 10 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN|NO_LABEL]->() RETURN count(r) /* 10 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]->() RETURN count(r) /* 10 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:City)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]->() RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]->(:Person) RETURN count(r) /* 4 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]->(:City) RETURN count(r) /* 6 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]->(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:DIRECTED]->(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 1 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:DIRECTED|ACTED_IN]->(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 9 */", 1}, /* bi direction */ {"MATCH ()-[r]-() RETURN count(r) /* 28 * 2 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r]-() RETURN count(r) /* 39 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Film)-[r]-() RETURN count(r) /* 11 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r]-(:Person) RETURN count(r) /* 39 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r]-(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 11 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r]-(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 11 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r]-(:NO_LABEL) RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED]-() RETURN count(r) /* 8 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:NO_LABEL]-() RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]-() RETURN count(r) /* 20 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN|NO_LABEL]-() RETURN count(r) /* 20 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]-() RETURN count(r) /* 14 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:City)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]-() RETURN count(r) /* 6 */", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]-(:Person) RETURN count(r) /* 14 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]-(:City) RETURN count(r) /* 6 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:MARRIED|BORN_IN]-(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 0 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:DIRECTED]-(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 1 */", 1}, {"MATCH (:Person)-[r:DIRECTED|ACTED_IN]-(:Film) RETURN count(r) /* 9 */", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } int test_fix_crash_issues(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { // issue #3: crash when WITH node/edge's alias {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) WITH n AS aa RETURN aa.name", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'})-[e]->(m) WITH e AS aa RETURN aa", 2}, // issue #2: crash when SET multiple nodes // SET n.birthyear SET m.birthyear would return exeception {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) SET n.birthyear=2052 RETURN n.birthyear", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}),(m:Person {name:'Richard Harris'}) " "SET n.birthyear=2152 RETURN n.birthyear,m.birthyear /*2152,1930*/", 1}, {"MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}),(m:Person {name:'Richard Harris'}) " "SET n.birthyear=2252,m.birthyear=2230 RETURN n.birthyear,m.birthyear /*2252,2230*/", 1}, // issue #1-2: merge create edge with wrong direction {"MERGE (z3:Person {name:'zhang3'}) ON CREATE SET z3.birthyear=2021 ON MATCH SET " "z3.birthyear=2022\n" "WITH z3\n" "MERGE (z4:Person {name:'zhang4'}) ON CREATE SET z4.birthyear=2021 ON MATCH SET " "z4.birthyear=2022\n" "WITH z3,z4\n" "CREATE (z3)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(z4)", 1}, {"MATCH (z3:Person {name:'zhang3'})-[r]->(z4:Person {name:'zhang4'}) RETURN r", 1}, {"MERGE (z3:Person {name:'zhang3'}) ON CREATE SET z3.birthyear=2021 ON MATCH SET " "z3.birthyear=2022\n" "WITH z3\n" "MERGE (z4:Person {name:'zhang4'}) ON CREATE SET z4.birthyear=2021 ON MATCH SET " "z4.birthyear=2022\n" "WITH z3,z4\n" "CREATE (z3)-[r:HAS_CHILD]->(z4) RETURN z3,z4,r", 1}, {"MATCH (z3:Person {name:'zhang3'})-[r]->(z4:Person {name:'zhang4'}) RETURN r", 2}, // {"MERGE (z3:Person {name:'zhang3'}) ON CREATE SET z.birthyear=2021 ON MATCH SET // z.birthyear=2022/*expected exception*/"}, // issue #98 {"MATCH (m:City) RETURN collect(m.name) + [1,2]", 1}, {"WITH [1,2] AS nn MATCH (m:City) RETURN collect(m.name) + nn", 1}, {"MATCH (n:City) WITH collect(n.name) AS nn\n" "MATCH (m:City) RETURN collect(m.name) + nn", 1}, // issue #116 {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN -n.birthyear LIMIT 3", 3}, {"MATCH (n:Person) RETURN -sum(n.birthyear) /*-27241*/", 1}, // additional spaces in range literal {"MATCH (n) -[r:HAS_CHILD * 2 ]->(m) RETURN n,m ", 6}, {"MATCH (n) -[r:HAS_CHILD * .. ]->(m) RETURN n,m ", 17}, // issue #357, issue #148, github issue #188 {"WITH '1' as s UNWIND ['a','b'] as k RETURN s,k", 2}, {"WITH '1' as s UNWIND ['a','b']+s as k RETURN s,k", 3}, {"MATCH (n:Person)-[]->(m:Film) WITH n.name AS nname, collect(id(m)) AS mc " "MATCH (n:Person {name: nname})<-[]-(o) WITH n.name AS nname, mc, collect(id(o)) AS oc " "UNWIND mc+oc AS c RETURN c", 11} }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); expected_exception_any(ctx, "MATCH (n:City) RETURN collect(n.name) + n.name"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN NOT n.name"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN -n.name"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "REMOVE a.name"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "SET a :MyLabel"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) WITH n,n.name RETURN n.name"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "WITH * MERGE(n:Person) RETURN n"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "RETURN * UNION RETURN *"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "RETURN * UNION RETURN 1 AS a"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "RETURN 2 AS b UNION RETURN 1 AS a"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "RETURN 2 AS b UNION RETURN 1 AS a, 3 AS c"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "DELETE []"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "DELETE [x in [1, 2, 3] | x]"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "DELETE TRUE"); // #issue 340 expected_exception_any(ctx, "MERGE (n:null {id: 2909}) RETURN n"); // issue #199 expected_exception_any(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}), " "(m:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}), " "(o:Person {name:'Liam Neeson'}) " "WHERE custom.myadd('asd')='1' RETURN 1"); // issue #312 auto graph = ctx->graph_; ctx->graph_ = ""; expected_exception_any(ctx, "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 5"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "CALL db.vertexLabels"); expected_exception_any(ctx, "CALL db.warmup"); eval_script(ctx, "CALL dbms.graph.listGraphs()"); ctx->graph_ = graph; // issue #312 end return 0; } int test_undefined_var(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { // RETURN undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN q"); expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.name + q.name"); // WITH undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) WITH q as m RETURN m"); expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) WITH k RETURN n"); // UNWIND undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "UNWIND k as n RETURN n"); // WHERE undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) WHERE n.name = k RETURN n"); // ORDERBY undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) return " "v1.title,count(distinct v2) as cnt order by number"); // List Comprehension undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "WITH [1,2,3] AS k RETURN [x in k | x + y] AS result"); // REMOVE undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "REMOVE a.name"); // SET undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "SET a :MyLabel"); expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person {name:'D'}),(m:Person {name:'X'}) SET z=m"); expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person {name:'D'}),(m:Person {name:'X'}) SET n=z"); expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person {name:'X'}) SET z.name = 'Y'"); // DELETE undefined variable expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH(n:Person {name: 'D'}) DELETE k"); expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH(n:Person {name: 'D'}) DELETE k"); expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH(n)-[r:REL]-(m) DELETE k"); // WHERE undefined variable, test for realign alias id expected_exception_undefined_var(ctx, "MATCH (v1:Film)<-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED]-(v2:Person) WITH v1, " "count(*) AS edge_num WHERE non_edge > 1 RETURN v1,edge_num"); return 0; } /* * edge 中id和uid相关支持 * 对齐rest api中语义 * */ int test_edge_id_query(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { static const std::vector> script_check = { {"MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN euid(r) /* 28 */", 28}, {"MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN id(r) /* 28 */", 28}, // test rest api same support {"MATCH (n),(m) WHERE id(n)=0 and id(m)=1 CREATE (n)-[r:ACTED_IN {charactername: " "\"testaha\"}]->(m) RETURN r", 1}, {"MATCH (n),(m),(k) \n" "WHERE id(n)=0 and id(m)=2 and id(k)=3\n" "CREATE (n)-[r:ACTED_IN {charactername: \"testaha\"}]->(m),(n)-[q:MARRIED]->(k)\n" "RETURN r,q", 1}, {"MATCH (n)-[e]->() where id(n)=4 return euid(e)", 2}, {"MATCH ()-[e]->(n) where id(n)=4 return euid(e)", 1}, {"MATCH (n)-[e]-() where id(n)=4 return euid(e)", 3}, {"MATCH ()-[e]->() where euid(e)=\"0_2_0_0_0\" return e,labels(e),properties(e)", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[e]->() where euid(e)=\"4_17_5_0_0\" return properties(e)", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[e]->() where euid(e)=\"4_17_5_0_0\" return e.charactername", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[e]->() where euid(e)=\"8_13_2_0_0\" set e.weight=1223 return " "e,labels(e),properties(e)", 1}, {"MATCH ()-[e]->() where euid(e)=\"4_17_5_0_0\" delete e", 1}, }; std::vector scripts; std::vector check; for (auto &s : script_check) { scripts.emplace_back(s.first); check.emplace_back(s.second); } eval_scripts_check(ctx, scripts, check); return 0; } void TestCypherDetermineReadonly() { std::string dummy; UT_EXPECT_EQ( cypher::Scheduler::DetermineReadOnly( nullptr, "match (n) return n limit 100", dummy, dummy), true); UT_EXPECT_EQ( cypher::Scheduler::DetermineReadOnly( nullptr, "CALL dbms.listGraphs()", dummy, dummy), true); } void TestCypherEmptyGraph(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { ctx->graph_ = ""; expected_exception_any(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.name LIMIT 1"); ctx->graph_ = "default"; eval_script(ctx, "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.name LIMIT 1"); } /* the following query causes stack chaos: * "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN properties(n) LIMIT 2" */ void debug_stack_chaos(cypher::RTContext *ctx) { auto access_ctr_db = ctx->galaxy_->OpenGraph(ctx->user_, ctx->graph_); auto txn = access_ctr_db.CreateReadTxn(); auto it = txn.GetVertexIterator(); std::string p; p.append("{"); auto fields = txn.GetVertexFields(it); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { auto f = fields[i]; p.append(f.first).append(":").append(f.second.ToString()); if (i != fields.size() - 1) p.append(","); } p.append("}"); UT_LOG() << p; txn.Abort(); } enum TestCase { TC_FILE_SCRIPT = 1, TC_INTERACTIVE = 2, // read only TC_FIND = 3, TC_QUERY, TC_HINT, TC_MULTI_MATCH, TC_OPTIONAL_MATCH, TC_UNION, TC_FUNCTION, TC_PARAMETER, TC_VAR_LEN_EDGE, TC_UNIQUENESS, TC_FUNC_FILTER, TC_EXPRESSION, TC_WITH, TC_LIST_COMPREHENSION, TC_PATTERN_COMPREHENSION, TC_PROFILE, // write TC_UNWIND = 101, TC_PROCEDURE, TC_ADD, TC_SET, TC_DELETE, TC_REMOVE, TC_ORDER_BY, TC_MERGE, TC_CREATE_YAGO, TC_AGGREGATE, TC_ALGO, TC_TOPN, TC_ERROR_REPORT = 201, TC_DEBUG_STACK_CHAOS, TC_LDBC_SNB = 301, TC_OPT = 401, TC_FIX_CRASH_ISSUES = 402, TC_UNDEFINED_VAR = 403, TC_CREATE_LABEL = 404, TC_READONLY = 500, TC_EDGE_ID = 501, TC_EMPTY_GRAPH = 700, }; struct ParamCypher { ParamCypher(int _tc, int _d) { tc = _tc; d = _d; } int tc; int d; }; class TestCypher : public TuGraphTestWithParam {}; TEST_P(TestCypher, Cypher) { int test_case = 0; int database = 0; std::string file; int verbose = 1; auto str = fma_common::StringFormatter::Format( "Test case: {}-file script; {}-interactive; {}-find; {}-query; {}-hint;" " {}-multi-match; {}-optional-match; {}-union; {}-function; {}-parameter;" " {}-var-len-edge; {}-uniqueness; {}-function filter; {}-expression; {}-with; " "{}-list-comprehension" " {}-profile; {}-unwind; {}-procedure; {}-add; {}-set; {}-del; {}-remove; {}-order by; " "{}-merge;" " {}-create yago; {}-aggregate; {}-algo; {}-topn; {}-error report; {}-snb; " "{}-optimization; {}-fix_crash_issues;" " {}-undefined_variable; {}-create_label; {}-determine_read_only; {}-edge_id_query;" " {}-empty_graph;", TC_FILE_SCRIPT, TC_INTERACTIVE, TC_FIND, TC_QUERY, TC_HINT, TC_MULTI_MATCH, TC_OPTIONAL_MATCH, TC_UNION, TC_FUNCTION, TC_PARAMETER, TC_VAR_LEN_EDGE, TC_UNIQUENESS, TC_FUNC_FILTER, TC_EXPRESSION, TC_WITH, TC_LIST_COMPREHENSION, TC_PROFILE, TC_UNWIND, TC_PROCEDURE, TC_ADD, TC_SET, TC_DELETE, TC_REMOVE, TC_ORDER_BY, TC_MERGE, TC_CREATE_YAGO, TC_AGGREGATE, TC_ALGO, TC_TOPN, TC_ERROR_REPORT, TC_LDBC_SNB, TC_OPT, TC_FIX_CRASH_ISSUES, TC_UNDEFINED_VAR, TC_CREATE_LABEL, TC_READONLY, TC_EDGE_ID, TC_EMPTY_GRAPH); test_case = GetParam().tc; database = GetParam().d; int argc = _ut_argc; char **argv = _ut_argv; fma_common::Configuration config; config.Add(test_case, "tc", true).Comment(str); config.Add(database, "d", true).Comment("Select database: 0-current, 1-new yago, 2-empty"); config.Add(file, "f", true).Comment("File path"); config.Add(verbose, "v", true).Comment("Verbose: 0-WARNING, 1-INFO, 2-DEBUG"); config.ExitAfterHelp(); config.ParseAndFinalize(argc, argv); fma_common::LogLevel level; if (verbose == 0) level = fma_common::LL_WARNING; else if (verbose == 1) level = fma_common::LL_INFO; else level = fma_common::LL_DEBUG; fma_common::Logger::Get().SetLevel(level); if (database == 0) { // just use existing ./test.db } else if (database == 1) { fma_common::FileSystem::GetFileSystem("./testdb").RemoveDir("./testdb"); GraphFactory::create_yago("./testdb"); } else { fma_common::FileSystem::GetFileSystem("./testdb").RemoveDir("./testdb"); } lgraph::Galaxy::Config gconf; gconf.dir = "./testdb"; lgraph::Galaxy galaxy(gconf, true, nullptr); cypher::RTContext db(nullptr, &galaxy, galaxy.GetUserToken(lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME, lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASS), lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME, "default", lgraph::AclManager::FieldAccess()); db.param_tab_ = g_param_tab; auto no_throw_test_case = [&] { switch (test_case) { case TC_FILE_SCRIPT: test_file_script(file, &db); break; case TC_INTERACTIVE: test_interactive(&db); break; case TC_FIND: test_find(&db); break; case TC_QUERY: test_query(&db); break; case TC_HINT: test_hint(&db); break; case TC_MULTI_MATCH: test_multi_match(&db); break; case TC_OPTIONAL_MATCH: test_optional_match(&db); break; case TC_UNION: test_union(&db); break; case TC_FUNCTION: test_function(&db); break; case TC_PARAMETER: test_parameter(&db); break; case TC_VAR_LEN_EDGE: test_var_len_expand(&db); break; case TC_UNIQUENESS: test_uniqueness(&db); break; case TC_FUNC_FILTER: test_func_filter(&db); break; case TC_EXPRESSION: test_expression(&db); break; case TC_WITH: test_with(&db); break; case TC_LIST_COMPREHENSION: test_list_comprehension(&db); break; case TC_PROFILE: test_profile(&db); break; case TC_UNWIND: test_unwind(&db); break; case TC_PROCEDURE: test_procedure(&db); break; case TC_ADD: test_add(&db); break; case TC_SET: test_set(&db); break; case TC_DELETE: test_delete(&db); break; case TC_REMOVE: test_remove(&db); break; case TC_ORDER_BY: test_order_by(&db); break; case TC_CREATE_YAGO: test_create_yago(&db); break; case TC_AGGREGATE: test_aggregate(&db); break; case TC_ALGO: test_algo(&db); break; case TC_TOPN: test_topn(&db); break; case TC_MERGE: test_merge(&db); break; case TC_ERROR_REPORT: test_error_report(&db); break; case TC_DEBUG_STACK_CHAOS: debug_stack_chaos(&db); break; case TC_LDBC_SNB: test_ldbc_snb(&db); break; case TC_OPT: test_opt(&db); break; case TC_FIX_CRASH_ISSUES: test_fix_crash_issues(&db); break; case TC_UNDEFINED_VAR: test_undefined_var(&db); break; case TC_CREATE_LABEL: test_create_label(&db); break; case TC_READONLY: TestCypherDetermineReadonly(); break; case TC_EDGE_ID: test_edge_id_query(&db); break; case TC_EMPTY_GRAPH: TestCypherEmptyGraph(&db); break; default: break; } }; UT_EXPECT_NO_THROW(no_throw_test_case()); fma_common::SleepS(1); // Waiting for memory reclaiming by async task } using namespace ::testing; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( TestCypher, TestCypher, Values(ParamCypher{3, 1}, ParamCypher{4, 1}, ParamCypher{5, 1}, ParamCypher{6, 1}, ParamCypher{7, 1}, ParamCypher{8, 1}, ParamCypher{9, 1}, ParamCypher{10, 1}, ParamCypher{11, 1}, ParamCypher{12, 1}, ParamCypher{13, 1}, ParamCypher{14, 1}, ParamCypher{15, 1}, ParamCypher{16, 1}, ParamCypher{18, 1}, ParamCypher{101, 1}, ParamCypher{102, 1}, ParamCypher{103, 1}, ParamCypher{104, 2}, ParamCypher{105, 2}, ParamCypher{106, 1}, ParamCypher{107, 1}, ParamCypher{108, 2}, ParamCypher{109, 2}, ParamCypher{110, 2}, ParamCypher{111, 2}, ParamCypher{112, 1}, ParamCypher{301, 2}, ParamCypher{401, 1}, ParamCypher{402, 1}, ParamCypher{403, 1}, ParamCypher{404, 2}, ParamCypher{500, 0}, ParamCypher{501, 1}));