/** * Copyright 2022 AntGroup CO., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ #include "fma-common/configuration.h" #include "fma-common/logging.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "./ut_utils.h" #include "restful/server/rest_server.h" #include "client/cpp/restful/rest_client.h" #include "fma-common/string_formatter.h" #include "import/import_online.h" #include "./graph_factory.h" #include "./test_tools.h" using namespace lgraph::import_v2; using namespace fma_common; using namespace lgraph; class EmbeddedServer { std::thread thr_; std::atomic exit_flag_; public: EmbeddedServer(const std::string &db_dir, const std::string &host, uint16_t port) : exit_flag_(false) { thr_ = std::thread([&]() { lgraph::StateMachine::Config sm_config; sm_config.db_dir = db_dir; fma_common::file_system::RemoveDir(sm_config.db_dir); lgraph::StateMachine state_machine(sm_config, nullptr); auto res = state_machine.GetMasterRestAddr(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res, ""); state_machine.Start(); lgraph::RestServer::Config rest_config; rest_config.host = host; rest_config.port = port; rest_config.use_ssl = false; std::string url; lgraph::RestServer rest_server(&state_machine, rest_config); while (!exit_flag_) fma_common::SleepS(0); }); } ~EmbeddedServer() { exit_flag_ = true; thr_.join(); } }; class TestImportOnline : public TuGraphTest { protected: std::string host; uint16_t port; uint16_t rpc_port; std::string db_dir; std::string db_name; void SetUp() { TuGraphTest::SetUp(); host = ""; port = 6464; rpc_port = 16464; db_dir = "./lgraph_db"; db_name = "default"; } void WriteFile(const std::string &name, const std::string &content) { OutputFmaStream out(name); out.Write(content.data(), content.size()); } }; TEST_F(TestImportOnline, AddLabel) { int argc = _ut_argc; char **argv = _ut_argv; Configuration config; config.Add(host, "host", true).Comment("Host address"); config.Add(port, "port", true).Comment("HTTP port"); config.ParseAndFinalize(argc, argv); UT_LOG() << "Testing AddLabel."; // start server lgraph::StateMachine::Config sm_config; sm_config.db_dir = db_dir; fma_common::file_system::RemoveDir(sm_config.db_dir); lgraph::StateMachine state_machine(sm_config, nullptr); auto res = state_machine.GetMasterRestAddr(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res, ""); state_machine.Start(); lgraph::RestServer::Config rest_config; rest_config.host = host; rest_config.port = port; rest_config.use_ssl = false; std::string url; lgraph::RestServer rest_server(&state_machine, rest_config); url = fma_common::StringFormatter::Format("http://{}:{}/", host, port); RestClient client(url); client.Login(lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME, lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASS); std::vector fds; fds.emplace_back(FieldSpec("name", FieldType::STRING, false)); fds.emplace_back(FieldSpec("address", FieldType::STRING, false)); fds.emplace_back(FieldSpec("scale", FieldType::INT32, true)); auto res_b = client.AddVertexLabel("default", "vertex", fds, "name"); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res_b, true); res_b = client.AddEdgeLabel("default", "vertex", fds); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res_b, true); } struct Store_store { std::string config_label_index = R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "bool", "type":"BOOL", "index":true}, {"name" : "int8", "type":"INT8", "index":true}, {"name" : "int16", "type":"INT16", "index":true}, {"name" : "int32", "type":"INT32", "index":true}, {"name" : "int64", "type":"INT64", "index":true}, {"name" : "float", "type":"FLOAT", "index":true}, {"name" : "double", "type":"DOUBLE","index":true}, {"name" : "data", "type":"DATE", "index":true}, {"name" : "datetime", "type":"DATETIME", "index":true}, {"name" : "string", "type":"STRING", "index":true} ] }, { "label" : "like", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "bool", "type":"BOOL", "index":true}, {"name" : "int8", "type":"INT8", "index":true}, {"name" : "int16", "type":"INT16", "index":true}, {"name" : "int32", "type":"INT32", "index":true}, {"name" : "int64", "type":"INT64", "index":true}, {"name" : "float", "type":"FLOAT", "index":true}, {"name" : "double", "type":"DOUBLE","index":true}, {"name" : "data", "type":"DATE", "index":true}, {"name" : "datetime", "type":"DATETIME", "index":true}, {"name" : "string", "type":"STRING", "index":true} ] } ] } )"; std::string config_label_compatible = R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "name", "type":"STRING"} ] }, { "label" : "edge", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ] } ] } )"; std::string config_add_schema_and_csv = R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"} ] }, { "label" : "edge", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ] } ] } )"; std::string config_blob = R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "img1", "type":"BLOB", "optional":true}, {"name" : "img2", "type" :"BLOB", "optional":true} ] }, { "label" : "edge", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "img", "type":"BLOB", "optional":true}, {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["img1","id","img2"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/node2.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["img1","id","img2"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node", "DST_ID" : "node", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","img","weight"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge2.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node", "DST_ID" : "node", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","img","weight"] } ] } )"; std::string config_jsonline = R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "id2", "type":"INT64", "unique":true}, {"name" : "comment", "type":"STRING", "optional":true} ] }, { "label" : "edge", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "name", "type":"STRING", "optional":true}, {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id","id2","SKIP","comment"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/node2.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id","id2", "comment"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node", "DST_ID" : "node", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","name","SKIP", "weight"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge2.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node", "DST_ID" : "node", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","name","weight"] } ] } )"; } data_source; TEST_F(TestImportOnline, ImportOnline) { { std::string dir = "./import_data"; AutoCleanDir cleaner(dir); AutoCleanDir db_cleaner(db_dir); // std::string import_cfg = dir + "/import.config"; // std::string schema_cfg = dir + "/schema.config"; std::string config_file = dir + "/import.conf"; std::string v1 = dir + "/node1.csv"; std::string v2 = dir + "/node2.csv"; std::string e1 = dir + "/edge1.csv"; std::string e2 = dir + "/edge2.csv"; auto StartServer = [&]() { std::string server_cmd = UT_FMT( "./lgraph_server -c lgraph_standalone.json --port {} --rpc_port {}" " --enable_backup_log true --host --verbose 1 --directory {}" , port, rpc_port, db_dir); UT_LOG() << "cmd: " << server_cmd; auto server = std::unique_ptr(new SubProcess(server_cmd)); if (!server->ExpectOutput("Server started.")) { UT_WARN() << "Server failed to start, stderr:\n" << server->Stderr(); } return server; }; auto StartServerWithFTIndextEnabled = [&]() { std::ifstream ifd("lgraph_standalone.json"); nlohmann::json config; ifd >> config; ifd.close(); config["enable_fulltext_index"] = true; std::ofstream ofd("lgraph_standalone_ft.json"); ofd << config; ofd.close(); std::string server_cmd = UT_FMT( "./lgraph_server -c lgraph_standalone_ft.json --port {} --rpc_port {}" " --enable_backup_log true --host --verbose 1 --directory {}", port, rpc_port, db_dir); UT_LOG() << "cmd: " << server_cmd; auto server = std::unique_ptr(new SubProcess(server_cmd)); if (!server->ExpectOutput("Server started.")) { UT_WARN() << "Server failed to start, stderr:\n" << server->Stderr(); } return server; }; auto TryImport = [&](const std::string &expect_output, int expect_ec, std::string config_file_, bool continue_on_error = false) { std::string import_cmd = UT_FMT( "./lgraph_import --online true --config_file \"{}\" -r{} " "--continue_on_error {} -u {} -p {}", config_file_, port, continue_on_error, lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME, lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASS); UT_LOG() << "cmd: " << import_cmd; SubProcess proc(import_cmd); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(proc.ExpectOutput(expect_output, 10 * 1000)); proc.Wait(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(expect_ec, proc.GetExitCode()); }; auto ValidateGraph = [&](const std::function &validate) { lgraph_api::Galaxy galaxy(db_dir); galaxy.SetCurrentUser(lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME, lgraph::_detail::DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASS); lgraph_api::GraphDB graph = galaxy.OpenGraph("default"); validate(graph); }; { UT_LOG() << "Testing label index"; db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); WriteFile(config_file, data_source.config_label_index); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing add label compatible"; db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); WriteFile(config_file, data_source.config_label_compatible); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "name", "type":"STRING"} ] }, { "label" : "node2", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "uid", "properties" : [ {"name" : "uid", "type":"INT32"} ] }, { "label" : "edge2", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"DOUBLE"} ] } ] } )"); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing skip"; db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"} ] }, { "label" : "edge", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["SKIP","id","SKIP"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node", "DST_ID" : "node", "columns" : ["SKIP","SRC_ID","SKIP","DST_ID","weight","SKIP"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, "skip,1,skip\nskip,2,skip\n"); WriteFile(e1, "skip,1,skip,2,0.1,skip\nskip,1,skip,1,0.2,skip\n"); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing add schema and csv individual"; WriteFile(v1, "1\n2\n"); WriteFile(e1, "1,2,0.1\n1,1,0.2\n"); db_cleaner.Clean(); { WriteFile(config_file, data_source.config_add_schema_and_csv); // online schema only auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); } { WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node", "DST_ID" : "node", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","weight"] } ] } )"); // online csv only auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); } ValidateGraph([](lgraph_api::GraphDB &db) { auto txn = db.CreateReadTxn(); size_t num_vertices = 0; size_t num_edges = 0; for (auto vit = txn.GetVertexIterator(); vit.IsValid(); vit.Next()) { num_vertices += 1; num_edges += vit.GetNumOutEdges(); } UT_LOG() << "scaned num_vertex :" << num_vertices << " scaned num_edge :" << num_edges; UT_EXPECT_EQ(2, num_vertices); UT_EXPECT_EQ(2, num_edges); }); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing lgraph_import --online blob"; WriteFile(config_file, data_source.config_blob); WriteFile(v1, StringFormatter::Format("{},1,{}\n{},2,{}", std::string(8196, 'a'), std::string(8192, 'a'), std::string(52, 'b'), std::string(56, 'b'))); WriteFile(v2, StringFormatter::Format("{},3,{}\n{},4,{}", "", std::string(1024, 'a'), "", std::string(2048, 'b'))); WriteFile(e1, StringFormatter::Format("1,2,{},1.0\n2,3,{},2.0", std::string(100, 'e'), std::string(204, 'f'))); WriteFile(e2, StringFormatter::Format("3,4,{},3.0\n4,1,{},4.0", std::string(1048, 'e'), std::string(2096, 'f'))); db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); ValidateGraph([](lgraph_api::GraphDB &g) { auto txn = g.CreateReadTxn(); auto it1 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData(1)); UT_EXPECT_EQ(it1.GetField("img1").AsBase64Blob(), std::string(8196, 'a')); auto eit12 = it1.GetOutEdgeIterator(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(txn.GetVertexIterator(eit12.GetDst()).GetField("id").AsInt32(), 2); UT_EXPECT_EQ(eit12.GetField("img").AsBase64Blob(), std::string(100, 'e')); auto it4 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData(4)); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(it4.GetField("img1").IsNull()); auto eit34 = it4.GetInEdgeIterator(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(txn.GetVertexIterator(eit34.GetSrc()).GetField("id").AsInt32(), 3); UT_EXPECT_EQ(eit34.GetField("img").AsBase64Blob(), std::string(1048, 'e')); }); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing import jsonline"; WriteFile(config_file, data_source.config_jsonline); WriteFile(v1, R"( [1, 2, "test", "aaaa"] [2, 3, null, "aaaa"] ["3",4, "test", null] ["4",5, "test", "aaaa"] )"); WriteFile(v2, R"( [5, 6, "test", "cccc"] [6, 7, null, ""] ["7",8, "test", null] ["8",9, "test", "aaaa"] )"); WriteFile(e1, R"( [1, 2, "test", "skip", 5] [1, 3, null, "skip", 7] [1, 4, "test", "skip", 8] [1, 5, "", "", 9] )"); WriteFile(e2, R"( [2, 5, "test", 10] [3, 4, null, 11] [4, 3, "test", 12] [5, 2, "", 13] )"); db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); ValidateGraph([](lgraph_api::GraphDB &g) { auto txn = g.CreateReadTxn(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(txn.GetNumVertices(), 8); auto iter1 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData(1)); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter1.GetField("id2").AsInt64(), 2); auto iter2 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData(3)); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter2.GetField("id2").AsInt64(), 4); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(iter2.GetField("comment").is_null()); auto eiter1 = iter2.GetOutEdgeIterator(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(eiter1.GetField("weight").AsFloat(), 11); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(eiter1.GetField("name").is_null()); auto eiter2 = iter2.GetInEdgeIterator(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(eiter2.GetField("weight").AsFloat(), 7); eiter2.Next(); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(eiter2.IsValid()); UT_EXPECT_EQ(eiter2.GetField("weight").AsFloat(), 12); eiter2.Next(); UT_EXPECT_TRUE(!eiter2.IsValid()); }); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing import jsonline with eatra space"; WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"STRING"}, {"name" : "name", "type":"STRING"} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id","name"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, R"( ["1","name1"] ["2","name2"] ["3","name3"] ["4","name4"] ["5","name5"] )"); db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); server.reset(); ValidateGraph([](lgraph_api::GraphDB &g) { auto txn = g.CreateReadTxn(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(txn.GetNumVertices(), 5); auto iter1 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("1")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter1.GetField("name").AsString(), "name1"); auto iter2 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("2")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter2.GetField("name").AsString(), "name2"); auto iter3 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("3")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter3.GetField("name").AsString(), "name3"); auto iter4 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("4")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter4.GetField("name").AsString(), "name4"); auto iter5 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("5")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter5.GetField("name").AsString(), "name5"); }); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing import jsonline with continue_on_error = true"; WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"STRING"}, {"name" : "name", "type":"STRING"} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id","name"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, R"( ["1","name1"] ["2","name2"] [sdacdsc] ["3","name3"] ["4"] ["4","name4"] 12345 ["5","name5"] )"); db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file, true); server.reset(); ValidateGraph([](lgraph_api::GraphDB &g) { auto txn = g.CreateReadTxn(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(txn.GetNumVertices(), 5); auto iter1 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("1")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter1.GetField("name").AsString(), "name1"); auto iter2 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("2")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter2.GetField("name").AsString(), "name2"); auto iter3 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("3")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter3.GetField("name").AsString(), "name3"); auto iter4 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("4")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter4.GetField("name").AsString(), "name4"); auto iter5 = txn.GetVertexByUniqueIndex("node", "id", FieldData("5")); UT_EXPECT_EQ(iter5.GetField("name").AsString(), "name5"); }); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing import jsonline exception, null column"; WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "id2", "type":"INT64", "unique":true}, {"name" : "comment", "type":"STRING", "optional":true} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id","id2","SKIP","comment"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, R"( [null, null, "test", "aaaa"] [2, 3, null, "aaaa"] ["3",4, "test", null] ["4",5, "test", "aaaa"] )"); db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("json reading failed", 1, config_file); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing import jsonline exception, missing column"; WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "id2", "type":"INT64", "unique":true}, {"name" : "comment", "type":"STRING", "optional":true} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id","id2","SKIP","comment"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, R"( [1, 2, "test", "aaaa"] [2, 3] ["3",4, "test", null] ["4",5, "test", "aaaa"] )"); db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("json reading failed", 1, config_file); } { UT_LOG() << "Testing import jsonline exception, type cast error"; WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "id2", "type":"INT64", "unique":true}, {"name" : "comment", "type":"STRING", "optional":true} ] } ], "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node", "columns" : ["id","id2","SKIP","comment"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, R"( [1, 2, "test", "aaaa"] [2, 3, "test", "aaaa"] ["aaaaa",4, "test", null] ["4",5, "test", "aaaa"] )"); db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("json reading failed", 1, config_file); } { db_cleaner.Clean(); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node1", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"} ] }, { "label" : "node2", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"} ] }, { "label" : "edge", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ], "constraints" : [["node1", "node2"]] } ] } )"); // online schema only auto server = StartServer(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "node1", "columns" : ["id"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/node2.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "node2", "columns" : ["id"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node1", "DST_ID" : "node2", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","weight"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, "1\n2\n3\n"); WriteFile(v2, "1\n2\n3\n"); WriteFile(e1, "1,1,1.1\n2,2,2.2\n3,3,3.3\n"); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "edge1", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ], "constraints" : [["node1", "node1"]] } ] } )"); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "CSV", "label" : "edge1", "SRC_ID" : "node1", "DST_ID" : "node2", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","weight"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(e1, "1,1,1.1\n2,2,2.2\n3,3,3.3\n"); TryImport("not meet the edge constraints", 1, config_file); server.reset(); } { db_cleaner.Clean(); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node1", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"}, {"name" : "name", "type":"STRING", "fulltext" : true} ] }, { "label" : "node2", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"INT32"} ] }, { "label" : "edge", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"}, {"name" : "desc", "type":"STRING", "fulltext" : true} ], "constraints" : [["node1", "node2"]] } ] } )"); auto server = StartServerWithFTIndextEnabled(); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node1", "columns" : ["id", "name"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/node2.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node2", "columns" : ["id"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "edge", "SRC_ID" : "node1", "DST_ID" : "node2", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","weight", "desc"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, R"([1,"name name1"] [2, "name name2"] [3, "name name3"] )"); WriteFile(v2, R"([1] [2] [3] )"); WriteFile(e1, R"([1,1,1.1, "desc desc1"] [2,2,1.1, "desc desc2"] [3,3,1.1, "desc desc3"] )"); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); } { db_cleaner.Clean(); auto server = StartServer(); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "schema": [ { "label" : "node1", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"STRING"} ] }, { "label" : "node2", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"STRING"} ] }, { "label" : "node3", "type" : "VERTEX", "primary" : "id", "properties" : [ {"name" : "id", "type":"STRING"} ] }, { "label" : "node1_node2", "type" : "EDGE", "properties" : [ {"name" : "weight", "type":"FLOAT"} ], "constraints" : [["node1", "node2"]] } ] } )"); TryImport("Import finished", 0, config_file); WriteFile(config_file, R"( { "files" : [ { "path" : "./import_data/node1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node1", "columns" : ["id"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/node2.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node3", "columns" : ["id"] }, { "path" : "./import_data/edge1.csv", "format" : "JSON", "label" : "node1_node2", "SRC_ID" : "node1", "DST_ID" : "node3", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","weight"] } ] } )"); WriteFile(v1, R"(["1"])"); WriteFile(v2, R"(["3"])"); WriteFile(e1, R"(["1","3",1.1])"); TryImport("Does not meet the edge constraints", 1, config_file); } } }