/** * Copyright 2022 AntGroup CO., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ #include "fma-common/configuration.h" #include "fma-common/logging.h" #include "fma-common/utils.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "restful/server/stdafx.h" #include "restful/server/rest_server.h" #include "client/cpp/restful/rest_client.h" #include "fma-common/string_formatter.h" #include "./graph_factory.h" #include "./test_tools.h" #include "./ut_utils.h" using namespace utility; // Common utilities like string conversions using namespace web; // Common features like URIs. using namespace web::http; // Common HTTP functionality using namespace web::http::client; // HTTP client features using namespace concurrency::streams; // Asynchronous streams void test_client_other_branch(RestClient& client); static void SetAuth(std::string header, http_request& request) { request.headers().clear(); request.headers().add(_TU("Authorization"), _TU(header)); request.headers().add(_TU("Content-Type"), _TU("application/json")); } inline void WriteFiles(const std::map& name_contents) { for (auto& kv : name_contents) { fma_common::OutputFmaStream stream(kv.first); stream.Write(kv.second.data(), kv.second.size()); } } class TestRestfulImportOnline : public TuGraphTestWithParam {}; TEST_P(TestRestfulImportOnline, RestfulImportOnline) { using namespace fma_common; using namespace lgraph; bool enable_ssl = true; std::string host = ""; uint16_t port = 6464; std::string db_name = "default"; std::shared_ptr gconfig = std::make_shared(); enable_ssl = GetParam(); { int argc = _ut_argc; char** argv = _ut_argv; Configuration config; config.Add(enable_ssl, "ssl", true).Comment("Enable SSL"); config.Add(host, "host", true).Comment("Host address"); config.Add(port, "port", true).Comment("HTTP port"); config.Add(gconfig->enable_ip_check, "enable_ip_check", true).Comment("Enable IP check."); config.ParseAndFinalize(argc, argv); } #ifdef _WIN32 enable_ssl = false; #endif const std::string key_path = "./key"; const std::string cert_path = "./cert"; if (enable_ssl) { lgraph::WriteCertFiles(cert_path, key_path); } // ----------------------------------- // start server // build a test db { GraphFactory::create_modern(); } // Build listener's URI from the configured address and the hard-coded path // "RestServer/Action" lgraph::StateMachine::Config sm_config; sm_config.db_dir = "./testdb"; lgraph::StateMachine state_machine(sm_config, gconfig); auto res = state_machine.GetMasterRestAddr(); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res, ""); state_machine.Start(); lgraph::RestServer::Config rest_config; rest_config.host = host; rest_config.port = port; rest_config.use_ssl = enable_ssl; if (enable_ssl) { UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(lgraph::RestServer(&state_machine, rest_config, gconfig)); rest_config.server_key = key_path; UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(lgraph::RestServer(&state_machine, rest_config, gconfig)); rest_config.server_cert = cert_path; } // open the db_config api to set lgraph::RestServer rest_server(&state_machine, rest_config, gconfig); // ----------------------------------- // server started, now start test std::string url; if (enable_ssl) url = fma_common::StringFormatter::Format("https://{}:{}/", host, port); else url = fma_common::StringFormatter::Format("http://{}:{}/", host, port); UT_LOG() << " url: " << url; // now start client RestClient client(url, cert_path); client.Login("admin", "73@TuGraph"); // schema UT_LOG() << "add company schema"; { std::vector fds; fds.emplace_back(FieldSpec("name", FieldType::STRING, false)); fds.emplace_back(FieldSpec("address", FieldType::STRING, false)); fds.emplace_back(FieldSpec("scale", FieldType::INT32, false)); UT_EXPECT_EQ(client.AddVertexLabel(db_name, "company", fds, "name"), true); UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(client.AddVertexLabel(db_name, "company", fds, "name")); } UT_LOG() << "Testing schema succeeded"; #ifndef _WIN32 // In visual studio, when we use multi-byte chars, the encoding of Chinese characters // causes errors. So disable this test for windows. UT_LOG() << "Testing import"; { // std::string desc = "LABEL=company\nscale,address,name"; std::string desc = R"( { "files" : [ { "label" : "company", "format" : "CSV", "columns" : ["scale","address","name"] } ] })"; std::string data = "1,清华西路,费马1\n3,清华西路,费马2\n"; bool res_get = client.AddIndex(db_name, "company", "scale", true); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res_get, true); // client.AddIndex(db_name, "person", "uid", true); auto res = client.SendImportData(db_name, desc, data, true, ","); UT_LOG() << res; UT_EXPECT_EQ(res, ""); // 加入check,导入之后再查询 std::string label_name("company"); auto v_map = client.GetVertex(db_name, 6, label_name); UT_LOG() << "1111"; for (auto& kv : v_map) { UT_LOG() << kv.first << " has value " << kv.second.ToString(); } UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["scale"].AsInt64(), 1); UT_LOG() << "3333333333"; std::string tmp("清华西路"); UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["address"].AsString(), tmp); tmp = "费马1"; UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["name"].AsString(), tmp); v_map = client.GetVertex(db_name, 7, label_name); UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["scale"].AsInt64(), 3); tmp = "清华西路"; UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["address"].AsString(), tmp); tmp = "费马2"; UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["name"].AsString(), tmp); data = "1,清华西路\n"; UT_EXPECT_ANY_THROW(client.SendImportData(db_name, desc, data, false, ",")); // desc = "LABEL=company,HEADER=2\nscale,address,name"; desc = R"( { "files" : [ { "header" : 2, "label" : "company", "format" : "CSV", "columns" : ["scale","address","name"] } ] })"; data = "sda\nad\n2,清华西路,费马\n"; res = client.SendImportData(db_name, desc, data, true, ","); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res, ""); // check the last vertex 2 v_map = client.GetVertex(db_name, 8, label_name); UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["scale"].AsInt64(), 2); tmp = "清华西路"; UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["address"].AsString(), tmp); tmp = "费马"; UT_EXPECT_EQ(v_map["name"].AsString(), tmp); // import edge data // desc = // "LABEL=knows,SRC_ID=person:uid,DST_ID=person:uid\n@SRC_ID,@DST_ID,weight,since"; desc = R"( { "files" : [ { "label" : "knows", "SRC_ID" : "person", "DST_ID" : "person", "format" : "CSV", "columns" : ["SRC_ID","DST_ID","weight","since"] } ] })"; data = "6,6,0.9,1927\n"; res = client.SendImportData(db_name, desc, data, true, ","); UT_EXPECT_EQ(res, ""); } UT_LOG() << "Testing import succeeded"; #endif UT_LOG() << "\n" << __func__ << " succeeded"; UT_LOG() << "\n" << __func__ << " exit"; } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestRestfulImportOnline, TestRestfulImportOnline, testing::Values(true, false));