#include #include "qa.h" struct controlTestCase { const char *name; uiControl* (*init)(void); const char * (*guide)(void); }; struct controlTestGroup { const char *name; struct controlTestCase *testCases; }; #define QA_TEST(desciption, name) { desciption, name, name##Guide } struct controlTestCase buttonTestCases[] = { QA_TEST("1. Button OnClicked Callback", buttonOnClicked), {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; struct controlTestCase checkboxTestCases[] = { QA_TEST("1. Checkbox OnToggled Callback", checkboxOnToggled), {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; struct controlTestCase entryTestCases[] = { QA_TEST("1. Entry OnChanged Callback", entryOnChanged), QA_TEST("2. Password Entry OnChanged Callback", passwordEntryOnChanged), QA_TEST("3. Search Entry OnChanged Callback", searchEntryOnChanged), {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; struct controlTestCase labelTestCases[] = { QA_TEST("1. Multi Line", labelMultiLine), {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; struct controlTestCase windowTestCases[] = { QA_TEST("1. Fullscreen", windowFullscreen), QA_TEST("2. Borderless", windowBorderless), QA_TEST("3. Resizable", windowResizeable), QA_TEST("4. Fullscreen + Borderless", windowFullscreenBorderless), QA_TEST("5. Fullscreen + Resizeable", windowFullscreenResizeable), QA_TEST("6. Resizeable + Borderless", windowResizeableBorderless), {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; struct controlTestGroup controlTestGroups[] = { {"uiButton", buttonTestCases}, {"uiCheckbox", checkboxTestCases}, {"uiEntry", entryTestCases}, {"uiLabel", labelTestCases}, {"uiWindow", windowTestCases}, }; uiControl* qaGuide() { uiBox *box; uiMultilineEntry *guide; box = uiNewVerticalBox(); guide = uiNewMultilineEntry(); uiMultilineEntrySetText(guide, "Welcome to quality assurance!\n" "\n" "Presented here are various manual test to ensure uiControls behave as expected.\n" "\n" "Usage:\n" "1.\tSelect the desired uiControl to test from the drop down menu.\n" "2.\tSelect a test case from the second drop down menu.\n" "3.\tFollow the step by step instructions in the right hand pane.\n" "4.\tIf the behavior or visual output does not match the description please report this upstream.\n" "\n" "Reporting a bug:\n" "\tPlease check if a bug report describing the issue you found already exists.\n" "\tIf that is the case, please leave a comment confirming the issue.\n" "\tIf you can not find an existing report, please file a new one.\n" "\n" "\tPlease include:\n" "\t- Library version or git commit hash\n" "\t- Operating system(s)\n" "\t- uiControl\n" "\t- Test case\n" "\t- Step number that failed\n" "\n" "\te.g.:\n" "\tQA: 803389e3 > Windows 7 > uiLabel > 1. Multi Line > Step 6\n" "\n" "\tSubmit the report at https://github.com/libui-ng/libui-ng/issues" ); uiBoxAppend(box, uiControl(guide), 1); uiMultilineEntrySetReadOnly(guide, 1); return uiControl(box); } uiBox *mainBox = NULL; static uiControl *qaBox = NULL; int testGroupIndex = -1; uiBox *chooserBox; uiCombobox *testCaseChooser = NULL; int onClosing(uiWindow *w, void *data) { uiQuit(); return 1; } void clearCurrentBox() { if (qaBox != NULL) { uiBoxDelete(mainBox, 2); uiControlDestroy(qaBox); qaBox = NULL; } } void testCaseOnSelected(uiCombobox *sender, void *senderData) { clearCurrentBox(); struct controlTestCase testCase = controlTestGroups[testGroupIndex].testCases[uiComboboxSelected(sender)]; qaBox = qaMakeGuide(testCase.init(), testCase.guide()); uiBoxAppend(mainBox, qaBox, 1); } void testGroupOnSelected(uiCombobox *sender, void *senderData) { clearCurrentBox(); testGroupIndex = uiComboboxSelected(sender) - 1; if (testGroupIndex == -1) { qaBox = qaGuide(); uiBoxAppend(mainBox, qaBox, 1); uiControlHide(uiControl(testCaseChooser)); } else { int i = 0; struct controlTestCase testCase; uiComboboxClear(testCaseChooser); while (testCase = controlTestGroups[testGroupIndex].testCases[i], testCase.name != NULL) { uiComboboxAppend(testCaseChooser, testCase.name); i++; } uiControlShow(uiControl(testCaseChooser)); if (uiComboboxNumItems(testCaseChooser) > 0) { uiComboboxSetSelected(testCaseChooser, 0); testCaseOnSelected(testCaseChooser, NULL); } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t i; uiInitOptions o = {0}; const char *err; uiWindow *w; uiCombobox *testGroupChooser; err = uiInit(&o); if (err != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error initializing ui: %s\n", err); uiFreeInitError(err); return 1; } w = uiNewWindow("Quality Assurance", QA_WINDOW_WIDTH, QA_WINDOW_HEIGHT, 1); uiWindowSetMargined(w, 1); uiWindowOnClosing(w, onClosing, NULL); mainBox = uiNewVerticalBox(); uiBoxSetPadded(mainBox, 1); uiWindowSetChild(w, uiControl(mainBox)); chooserBox = uiNewHorizontalBox(); uiBoxSetPadded(chooserBox, 1); uiBoxAppend(mainBox, uiControl(chooserBox), 0); uiBoxAppend(mainBox, uiControl(uiNewHorizontalSeparator()), 0); testGroupChooser = uiNewCombobox(); uiBoxAppend(chooserBox, uiControl(testGroupChooser), 0); testCaseChooser = uiNewCombobox(); uiBoxAppend(chooserBox, uiControl(testCaseChooser), 0); uiComboboxOnSelected(testCaseChooser, testCaseOnSelected, NULL); uiComboboxAppend(testGroupChooser, "QA Guide"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(controlTestGroups)/sizeof(*controlTestGroups); ++i) uiComboboxAppend(testGroupChooser, controlTestGroups[i].name); uiComboboxSetSelected(testGroupChooser, 0); uiComboboxOnSelected(testGroupChooser, testGroupOnSelected, NULL); testGroupOnSelected(testGroupChooser, mainBox); uiControlShow(uiControl(w)); uiMain(); uiUninit(); return 0; }