/******************************************************************************* USB Device header file Summary: This file, with its associated C source file, provides the main substance of the USB device side stack. These files will receive, transmit, and process various USB commands as well as take action when required for various events that occur on the bus. Description: This file, with its associated C source file, provides the main substance of the USB device side stack. These files will receive, transmit, and process various USB commands as well as take action when required for various events that occur on the bus. This file is located in the "\\\Microchip\\Include\\USB" directory. When including this file in a new project, this file can either be referenced from the directory in which it was installed or copied directly into the user application folder. If the first method is chosen to keep the file located in the folder in which it is installed then include paths need to be added so that the library and the application both know where to reference each others files. If the application folder is located in the same folder as the Microchip folder (like the current demo folders), then the following include paths need to be added to the application's project: ..\\..\\Microchip\\Include . If a different directory structure is used, modify the paths as required. An example using absolute paths instead of relative paths would be the following: C:\\Microchip Solutions\\Microchip\\Include C:\\Microchip Solutions\\My Demo Application ******************************************************************************/ //DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN /****************************************************************************** FileName: usb_device.h Dependencies: See INCLUDES section Processor: All Microchip parts with a USB module Hardware: Please see documentation in "/Microchip/Help" folder for details. Complier: Microchip C18 XC16 XC32 Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. Software License Agreement: The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the "Company") for its PIC(R) Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PIC Microcontroller products. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN "AS IS" CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. *******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** Change History: Rev Description ---- ----------- 2.1 Added "(" & ")" to EP definitions updated for simplicity and to use common coding style 2.6 Removed many of the device specific information to the HAL layer files. Moved many of the CH9 defintions to the CH9 file. 2.6a No Change 2.7 Fixed error where USBHandleGetAddr() didn't convert the return address from a physical address to a virtual address for PIC32. Added macro versions of USBDeviceAttach() and USBDeviceDetach() so they will compile without error when using polling mode. 2.7a No Change 2.8 Added EVENT_TRANSFER_TERMINATED event enum item. ********************************************************************/ #ifndef USBDEVICE_H #define USBDEVICE_H //DOM-IGNORE-END /** DEFINITIONS ****************************************************/ //USB_HANDLE is a pointer to an entry in the BDT. This pointer can be used // to read the length of the last transfer, the status of the last transfer, // and various other information. Insure to initialize USB_HANDLE objects // to NULL so that they are in a known state during their first usage. #define USB_HANDLE void* #define USB_EP0_ROM 0x00 //Data comes from RAM #define USB_EP0_RAM 0x01 //Data comes from ROM #define USB_EP0_BUSY 0x80 //The PIPE is busy #define USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO 0x40 //include a trailing zero packet #define USB_EP0_NO_DATA 0x00 //no data to send #define USB_EP0_NO_OPTIONS 0x00 //no options set /******************************************************************** * Standard Request Codes * USB 2.0 Spec Ref Table 9-4 *******************************************************************/ /* USB Device States as returned by USBGetDeviceState(). Only the defintions for these states should be used. The actual value for each state should not be relied upon as constant and may change based on the implementation. */ typedef enum { /* Detached is the state in which the device is not attached to the bus. When in the detached state a device should not have any pull-ups attached to either the D+ or D- line. */ DETACHED_STATE /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = 0x00 /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/, /* Attached is the state in which the device is attached ot the bus but the hub/port that it is attached to is not yet configured. */ ATTACHED_STATE /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = 0x01 /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/, /* Powered is the state in which the device is attached to the bus and the hub/port that it is attached to is configured. */ POWERED_STATE /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = 0x02 /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/, /* Default state is the state after the device receives a RESET command from the host. */ DEFAULT_STATE /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = 0x04 /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/, /* Address pending state is not an official state of the USB defined states. This state is internally used to indicate that the device has received a SET_ADDRESS command but has not received the STATUS stage of the transfer yet. The device is should not switch addresses until after the STATUS stage is complete. */ ADR_PENDING_STATE /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = 0x08 /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/, /* Address is the state in which the device has its own specific address on the bus. */ ADDRESS_STATE /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = 0x10 /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/, /* Configured is the state where the device has been fully enumerated and is operating on the bus. The device is now allowed to excute its application specific tasks. It is also allowed to increase its current consumption to the value specified in the configuration descriptor of the current configuration. */ CONFIGURED_STATE /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = 0x20 /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ } USB_DEVICE_STATE; /* USB device stack events description here - DWF */ typedef enum { // Notification that a SET_CONFIGURATION() command was received (device) EVENT_CONFIGURED /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ = EVENT_DEVICE_STACK_BASE /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/, // A SET_DESCRIPTOR request was received (device) EVENT_SET_DESCRIPTOR, // An endpoint 0 request was received that the stack did not know how to // handle. This is most often a request for one of the class drivers. // Please refer to the class driver documenation for information related // to what to do if this request is received. (device) EVENT_EP0_REQUEST, // // A USB transfer has completed. The data associated with this event is of // // the data type HOST_TRANSFER_DATA if the event is generated from the host // // stack. // EVENT_TRANSFER, // // // A USB Start of Frame token has been received. This event is not // // used by the Host stack. // EVENT_SOF, // // // Device-mode resume received. This event is not used by the Host stack. // EVENT_RESUME, // // // Device-mode suspend/idle event received. This event is not used by the // // Host stack. // EVENT_SUSPEND, // // // Device-mode bus reset received. This event is not used by the Host // // stack. // EVENT_RESET, // // Device Mode: A setup packet received (data: SETUP_PKT). This event is // // not used by the Host stack. // EVENT_SETUP, // Device-mode USB cable has been attached. This event is not used by the // Host stack. The client driver may provide an application event when a // device attaches. EVENT_ATTACH, // A user transfer was terminated by the stack. This event will pass back // the value of the handle that was terminated. Compare this value against // the current valid handles to determine which transfer was terminated. EVENT_TRANSFER_TERMINATED } USB_DEVICE_STACK_EVENTS; /** Function Prototypes **********************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /** External API Functions ****************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** Function: void USBDeviceInit(void) Description: This function initializes the device stack it in the default state. The USB module will be completely reset including all of the internal variables, registers, and interrupt flags. Precondition: This function must be called before any of the other USB Device functions can be called, including USBDeviceTasks(). Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None **************************************************************************/ void USBDeviceInit(void); /************************************************************************** Function: void USBDeviceTasks(void) Summary: This function is the main state machine/transaction handler of the USB device side stack. When the USB stack is operated in "USB_POLLING" mode (usb_config.h user option) the USBDeviceTasks() function should be called periodically to receive and transmit packets through the stack. This function also takes care of control transfers associated with the USB enumeration process, and detecting various USB events (such as suspend). This function should be called at least once every 1.8ms during the USB enumeration process. After the enumeration process is complete (which can be determined when USBGetDeviceState() returns CONFIGURED_STATE), the USBDeviceTasks() handler may be called the faster of: either once every 9.8ms, or as often as needed to make sure that the hardware USTAT FIFO never gets full. A good rule of thumb is to call USBDeviceTasks() at a minimum rate of either the frequency that USBTransferOnePacket() gets called, or, once/1.8ms, whichever is faster. See the inline code comments near the top of usb_device.c for more details about minimum timing requirements when calling USBDeviceTasks(). When the USB stack is operated in "USB_INTERRUPT" mode, it is not necessary to call USBDeviceTasks() from the main loop context. In the USB_INTERRUPT mode, the USBDeviceTasks() handler only needs to execute when a USB interrupt occurs, and therefore only needs to be called from the interrupt context. Description: This function is the main state machine/transaction handler of the USB device side stack. When the USB stack is operated in "USB_POLLING" mode (usb_config.h user option) the USBDeviceTasks() function should be called periodically to receive and transmit packets through the stack. This function also takes care of control transfers associated with the USB enumeration process, and detecting various USB events (such as suspend). This function should be called at least once every 1.8ms during the USB enumeration process. After the enumeration process is complete (which can be determined when USBGetDeviceState() returns CONFIGURED_STATE), the USBDeviceTasks() handler may be called the faster of: either once every 9.8ms, or as often as needed to make sure that the hardware USTAT FIFO never gets full. A good rule of thumb is to call USBDeviceTasks() at a minimum rate of either the frequency that USBTransferOnePacket() gets called, or, once/1.8ms, whichever is faster. See the inline code comments near the top of usb_device.c for more details about minimum timing requirements when calling USBDeviceTasks(). When the USB stack is operated in "USB_INTERRUPT" mode, it is not necessary to call USBDeviceTasks() from the main loop context. In the USB_INTERRUPT mode, the USBDeviceTasks() handler only needs to execute when a USB interrupt occurs, and therefore only needs to be called from the interrupt context. Typical usage: void main(void) { USBDeviceInit(); while(1) { USBDeviceTasks(); //Takes care of enumeration and other USB events if((USBGetDeviceState() \< CONFIGURED_STATE) || (USBIsDeviceSuspended() == TRUE)) { //Either the device is not configured or we are suspended, // so we don't want to execute any USB related application code continue; //go back to the top of the while loop } else { //Otherwise we are free to run USB and non-USB related user //application code. UserApplication(); } } } Precondition: Make sure the USBDeviceInit() function has been called prior to calling USBDeviceTasks() for the first time. Remarks: USBDeviceTasks() does not need to be called while in the USB suspend mode, if the user application firmware in the USBCBSuspend() callback function enables the ACTVIF USB interrupt source and put the microcontroller into sleep mode. If the application firmware decides not to sleep the microcontroller core during USB suspend (ex: continues running at full frequency, or clock switches to a lower frequency), then the USBDeviceTasks() function must still be called periodically, at a rate frequent enough to ensure the 10ms resume recovery interval USB specification is met. Assuming a worst case primary oscillator and PLL start up time of <5ms, then USBDeviceTasks() should be called once every 5ms in this scenario. When the USB cable is detached, or the USB host is not actively powering the VBUS line to +5V nominal, the application firmware does not always have to call USBDeviceTasks() frequently, as no USB activity will be taking place. However, if USBDeviceTasks() is not called regularly, some alternative means of promptly detecting when VBUS is powered (indicating host attachment), or not powered (host powered down or USB cable unplugged) is still needed. For self or dual self/bus powered USB applications, see the USBDeviceAttach() and USBDeviceDetach() API documentation for additional considerations. **************************************************************************/ void USBDeviceTasks(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: void USBEnableEndpoint(BYTE ep, BYTE options) Summary: This function will enable the specified endpoint with the specified options Description: This function will enable the specified endpoint with the specified options. Typical Usage: void USBCBInitEP(void) { USBEnableEndpoint(MSD_DATA_IN_EP,USB_IN_ENABLED|USB_OUT_ENABLED|USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED|USB_DISALLOW_SETUP); USBMSDInit(); } In the above example endpoint number MSD_DATA_IN_EP is being configured for both IN and OUT traffic with handshaking enabled. Also since MSD_DATA_IN_EP is not endpoint 0 (MSD does not allow this), then we can explicitly disable SETUP packets on this endpoint. Conditions: None Input: BYTE ep - the endpoint to be configured BYTE options - optional settings for the endpoint. The options should be ORed together to form a single options string. The available optional settings for the endpoint. The options should be ORed together to form a single options string. The available options are the following\: * USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED enables USB handshaking (ACK, NAK) * USB_HANDSHAKE_DISABLED disables USB handshaking (ACK, NAK) * USB_OUT_ENABLED enables the out direction * USB_OUT_DISABLED disables the out direction * USB_IN_ENABLED enables the in direction * USB_IN_DISABLED disables the in direction * USB_ALLOW_SETUP enables control transfers * USB_DISALLOW_SETUP disables control transfers * USB_STALL_ENDPOINT STALLs this endpoint Return: None Remarks: None *****************************************************************************/ void USBEnableEndpoint(BYTE ep, BYTE options); /************************************************************************* Function: USB_HANDLE USBTransferOnePacket(BYTE ep, BYTE dir, BYTE* data, BYTE len) Summary: Transfers a single packet (one transaction) of data on the USB bus. Description: The USBTransferOnePacket() function prepares a USB endpoint so that it may send data to the host (an IN transaction), or receive data from the host (an OUT transaction). The USBTransferOnePacket() function can be used both to receive and send data to the host. This function is the primary API function provided by the USB stack firmware for sending or receiving application data over the USB port. The USBTransferOnePacket() is intended for use with all application endpoints. It is not used for sending or receiving applicaiton data through endpoint 0 by using control transfers. Separate API functions, such as USBEP0Receive(), USBEP0SendRAMPtr(), and USBEP0SendROMPtr() are provided for this purpose. The USBTransferOnePacket() writes to the Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) entry associated with an endpoint buffer, and sets the UOWN bit, which prepares the USB hardware to allow the transaction to complete. The application firmware can use the USBHandleBusy() macro to check the status of the transaction, to see if the data has been successfully transmitted yet. Typical Usage //make sure that the we are in the configured state if(USBGetDeviceState() == CONFIGURED_STATE) { //make sure that the last transaction isn't busy by checking the handle if(!USBHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) { //Write the new data that we wish to send to the host to the INPacket[] array INPacket[0] = USEFUL_APPLICATION_VALUE1; INPacket[1] = USEFUL_APPLICATION_VALUE2; //INPacket[2] = ... (fill in the rest of the packet data) //Send the data contained in the INPacket[] array through endpoint "EP_NUM" USBInHandle = USBTransferOnePacket(EP_NUM,IN_TO_HOST,(BYTE*)&INPacket[0],sizeof(INPacket)); } } Conditions: Before calling USBTransferOnePacket(), the following should be true. 1. The USB stack has already been initialized (USBDeviceInit() was called). 2. A transaction is not already pending on the specified endpoint. This is done by checking the previous request using the USBHandleBusy() macro (see the typical usage example). 3. The host has already sent a set configuration request and the enumeration process is complete. This can be checked by verifying that the USBGetDeviceState() macro returns "CONFIGURED_STATE", prior to calling USBTransferOnePacket(). Input: BYTE ep - The endpoint number that the data will be transmitted or received on BYTE dir - The direction of the transfer This value is either OUT_FROM_HOST or IN_TO_HOST BYTE* data - For IN transactions: pointer to the RAM buffer containing the data to be sent to the host. For OUT transactions: pointer to the RAM buffer that the received data should get written to. BYTE len - Length of the data needing to be sent (for IN transactions). For OUT transactions, the len parameter should normally be set to the endpoint size specified in the endpoint descriptor. Return Values: USB_HANDLE - handle to the transfer. The handle is a pointer to the BDT entry associated with this transaction. The status of the transaction (ex: if it is complete or still pending) can be checked using the USBHandleBusy() macro and supplying the USB_HANDLE provided by USBTransferOnePacket(). Remarks: If calling the USBTransferOnePacket() function from within the USBCBInitEP() callback function, the set configuration is still being processed and the USBDeviceState may not be == CONFIGURED_STATE yet. In this special case, the USBTransferOnePacket() may still be called, but make sure that the endpoint has been enabled and initialized by the USBEnableEndpoint() function first. *************************************************************************/ USB_HANDLE USBTransferOnePacket(BYTE ep,BYTE dir,BYTE* data,BYTE len); /******************************************************************** Function: void USBStallEndpoint(BYTE ep, BYTE dir) Summary: Configures the specified endpoint to send STALL to the host, the next time the host tries to access the endpoint. PreCondition: None Parameters: BYTE ep - The endpoint number that should be configured to send STALL. BYTE dir - The direction of the endpoint to STALL, either IN_TO_HOST or OUT_FROM_HOST. Return Values: None Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ void USBStallEndpoint(BYTE ep, BYTE dir); /************************************************************************** Function: void USBCancelIO(BYTE endpoint) Description: This function cancels the transfers pending on the specified endpoint. This function can only be used after a SETUP packet is received and before that setup packet is handled. This is the time period in which the EVENT_EP0_REQUEST is thrown, before the event handler function returns to the stack. Precondition: Parameters: BYTE endpoint - the endpoint number you wish to cancel the transfers for Return Values: None Remarks: None **************************************************************************/ void USBCancelIO(BYTE endpoint); /************************************************************************** Function: void USBDeviceDetach(void) Summary: This function configures the USB module to "soft detach" itself from the USB host. Description: This function configures the USB module to perform a "soft detach" operation, by disabling the D+ (or D-) ~1.5k pull up resistor, which lets the host know the device is present and attached. This will make the host think that the device has been unplugged. This is potentially useful, as it allows the USB device to force the host to re-enumerate the device (on the firmware has re-enabled the USB module/pull up, by calling USBDeviceAttach(), to "soft re-attach" to the host). Precondition: Should only be called when USB_INTERRUPT is defined. See remarks section if USB_POLLING mode option is being used (usb_config.h option). Additionally, this function should only be called from the main() loop context. Do not call this function from within an interrupt handler, as this function may modify global interrupt enable bits and settings. Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: If the application firmware calls USBDeviceDetach(), it is strongly recommended that the firmware wait at least >= 80ms before calling USBDeviceAttach(). If the firmeware performs a soft detach, and then re-attaches too soon (ex: after a few micro seconds for instance), some hosts may interpret this as an unexpected "glitch" rather than as a physical removal/re-attachment of the USB device. In this case the host may simply ignore the event without re-enumerating the device. To ensure that the host properly detects and processes the device soft detach/re-attach, it is recommended to make sure the device remains detached long enough to mimic a real human controlled USB unplug/re-attach event (ex: after calling USBDeviceDetach(), do not call USBDeviceAttach() for at least 80+ms, preferrably longer. Neither the USBDeviceDetach() or USBDeviceAttach() functions are blocking or take long to execute. It is the application firmware's responsibility for adding the 80+ms delay, when using these API functions. Note: The Windows plug and play event handler processing is fairly slow, especially in certain versions of Windows, and for certain USB device classes. It has been observed that some device classes need to provide even more USB detach dwell interval (before calling USBDeviceAttach()), in order to work correctly after re-enumeration. If the USB device is a CDC class device, it is recommended to wait at least 1.5 seconds or longer, before soft re-attaching to the host, to provide the plug and play event handler enough time to finish processing the removal event, before the re-attach occurs. If the application is using the USB_POLLING mode option, then the USBDeviceDetach() and USBDeviceAttach() functions are not available. In this mode, the USB stack relies on the "#define USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO" and "#define USB_BUS_SENSE" options in the HardwareProfile – [platform name].h file. When using the USB_POLLING mode option, and the "#define USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO" definition has been commented out, then the USB stack assumes that it should always enable the USB module at pretty much all times. Basically, anytime the application firmware calls USBDeviceTasks(), the firmware will automatically enable the USB module. This mode would typically be selected if the application was designed to be a purely bus powered device. In this case, the application is powered from the +5V VBUS supply from the USB port, so it is correct and sensible in this type of application to power up and turn on the USB module, at anytime that the microcontroller is powered (which implies the USB cable is attached and the host is also powered). In a self powered application, the USB stack is designed with the intention that the user will enable the "#define USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO" option in the HardwareProfile – [platform name].h file. When this option is defined, then the USBDeviceTasks() function will automatically check the I/O pin port value of the designated pin (based on the #define USB_BUS_SENSE option in the HardwareProfile – [platform name].h file), every time the application calls USBDeviceTasks(). If the USBDeviceTasks() function is executed and finds that the pin defined by the #define USB_BUS_SENSE is in a logic low state, then it will automatically disable the USB module and tri-state the D+ and D- pins. If however the USBDeviceTasks() function is executed and finds the pin defined by the #define USB_BUS_SENSE is in a logic high state, then it will automatically enable the USB module, if it has not already been enabled. **************************************************************************/ void USBDeviceDetach(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #if !defined(USB_INTERRUPT) #define USBDeviceDetach() #endif /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /************************************************************************** Function: void USBDeviceAttach(void) Summary: Checks if VBUS is present, and that the USB module is not already initalized, and if so, enables the USB module so as to signal device attachment to the USB host. Description: This function indicates to the USB host that the USB device has been attached to the bus. This function needs to be called in order for the device to start to enumerate on the bus. Precondition: Should only be called when USB_INTERRUPT is defined. Also, should only be called from the main() loop context. Do not call USBDeviceAttach() from within an interrupt handler, as the USBDeviceAttach() function may modify global interrupt enable bits and settings. For normal USB devices: Make sure that if the module was previously on, that it has been turned off for a long time (ex: 100ms+) before calling this function to re-enable the module. If the device turns off the D+ (for full speed) or D- (for low speed) ~1.5k ohm pull up resistor, and then turns it back on very quickly, common hosts will sometimes reject this event, since no human could ever unplug and reattach a USB device in a microseconds (or nanoseconds) timescale. The host could simply treat this as some kind of glitch and ignore the event altogether. Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: See also the USBDeviceDetach() API function documentation. ****************************************************************************/ void USBDeviceAttach(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #if !defined(USB_INTERRUPT) #define USBDeviceAttach() #endif /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: void USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage(void); Summary: This function prepares the proper endpoint 0 IN or endpoint 0 OUT (based on the controlTransferState) to allow the status stage packet of a control transfer to complete. This function gets used internally by the USB stack itself, but it may also be called from the application firmware, IF the application firmware called the USBDeferStatusStage() function during the initial processing of the control transfer request. In this case, the application must call the USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage() once, after it has fully completed processing and handling the data stage portion of the request. If the application firmware has no need for delaying control transfers, and therefore never calls USBDeferStatusStage(), then the application firmware should not call USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage(). Description: Conditions: None Input: Return: Remarks: None *****************************************************************************/ void USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: void USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(void); Summary: This function allows the data stage of either a host-to-device or device-to-host control transfer (with data stage) to complete. This function is meant to be used in conjunction with either the USBDeferOUTDataStage() or USBDeferINDataStage(). If the firmware does not call either USBDeferOUTDataStage() or USBDeferINDataStage(), then the firmware does not need to manually call USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(), as the USB stack will call this function instead. Description: Conditions: A control transfer (with data stage) should already be pending, if the firmware calls this function. Additionally, the firmware should have called either USBDeferOUTDataStage() or USBDeferINDataStage() at the start of the control transfer, if the firmware will be calling this function manually. Input: Return: Remarks: *****************************************************************************/ void USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: void USBDeferOUTDataStage(void); Summary: This function will cause the USB hardware to continuously NAK the OUT data packets sent from the host, during the data stage of a device to host control transfer. This allows the firmware more time to prepare the RAM buffer that will eventually be used to receive the data from the host. This is also useful, if the firmware wishes to receive the OUT data in a different context than what the USBDeviceTasks() function executes at. Calling this function (macro) will assert ownership of the currently pending control transfer. Therefore, the USB stack will not STALL when it reaches the data stage of the control transfer, even if the firmware has not (yet) called the USBEP0Receive() API function. However, the application firware must still (eventually, once it is ready) call one of the aforementioned API function. Example Usage: 1. Host sends a SETUP packet to the device, requesting a host to device control transfer, with data stage (OUT data packets). 2. USBDeviceTasks() executes, and then calls the USBCBCheckOtherReq() callback event handler. The USBCBCheckOtherReq() calls the application specific/device class specific handler that detects the type of control transfer. 3. If the firmware needs more time before it wishes to receive the first OUT data packet, or, if the firmware wishes to process the command in a different context, then it may call USBDeferOUTDataStage(), in the context of the USBCBCheckOtherReq() handler function. 4. If the firmware called USBDeferOUTDataStage() in step #3 above, then the hardware will NAK the OUT data packets sent by the host, for the OUT data stage. 5. Once the firmware is ready, it should then call USBEP0Receive(), to prepare the USB stack to receive the OUT data from the host, and to write it to the user specified buffer. 6. The firmware should now call USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). This will allow the data stage to complete. Once all OUT data has been received, the user callback function (provided by the function pointer provided when calling USBEP0Receive()) will get called. 7. Once all data has been received from the host, the status stage (a 0-byte IN packet) will complete automatically (assuming the firmware did not call USBDeferStatusStage() during step #3). Description: Conditions: Before calling USBDeferOUTDataStage(), the firmware should first verify that the control transfer has a data stage, and that it is of type host-to-device (OUT). Input: Return: Remarks: Section 9.2.6 of the official USB 2.0 specifications indicates that the USB device must be able to receive all bytes and complete the control transfer within a maximum of 5 seconds. If the firmware calls USBDeferOUTDataStage(), it must eventually call USBEP0Receive(), and then call USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). If it does not do this, the control transfer will never be able to complete. This will break the USB connection, as the host needs to be able to communicate over EP0, in order to perform basic tasks including enumeration. The firmware should never call both USBDeferINDataStage() and USBDeferOUTDataStage() during the same control transfer. These functions are mutually exclusive (a control transfer with data stage can never contain both IN and OUT data packets during the data stage). *****************************************************************************/ void USBDeferOUTDataStage(void); extern volatile BOOL USBDeferOUTDataStagePackets; /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBDeferOUTDataStage() {USBDeferOUTDataStagePackets = TRUE; outPipes[0].info.bits.busy = 1;} /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: void USBDeferStatusStage(void); Summary: Calling this function will prevent the USB stack from automatically enabling the status stage for the currently pending control transfer from completing immediately after all data bytes have been sent or received. This is useful if a class handler or USB application firmware project uses control transfers for sending/receiving data over EP0, but requires time in order to finish processing and/or to consume the data. For example: Consider an application which receives OUT data from the USB host, through EP0 using control transfers. Now assume that this application wishes to do something time consuming with this data (ex: transmit it to and save it to an external EEPROM device, connected via SPI/I2C/etc.). In this case, it would typically be desireable to defer allowing the USB status stage of the control transfer to complete, until after the data has been fully sent to the EEPROM device and saved. If the USB class handler firmware that processes the control transfer SETUP packet determines that it will need extra time to complete the control transfer, it may optionally call USBDeferStatusStage(). If it does so, it is then the responsibility of the application firmware to eventually call USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage(), once the firmware has finished processing the data associated with the control transfer. If the firmware call USBDeferStatusStage(), but never calls USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage(), then one of two possibilities will occur. 1. If the "USB_ENABLE_STATUS_STAGE_TIMEOUTS" option is commented in usb_config.h, then the status stage of the control transfer will never be able to complete. This is an error case and should be avoided. 2. If the "USB_ENABLE_STATUS_STAGE_TIMEOUTS" option is enabled in usb_config.h, then the USBDeviceTasks() function will automatically call USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage(), after the "USB_STATUS_STAGE_TIMEOUT" has elapsed, since the last quanta of "progress" has occurred in the control transfer. Progress is defined as the last successful transaction completing on EP0 IN or EP0 OUT. Although the timeouts feature allows the status stage to [eventually] complete, it is still preferable to manually call USBCtrlEPAllowStatusStage() after the application firmware has finished processing/consuming the control transfer data, as this will allow for much faster processing of control transfers, and therefore much higher data rates and better user responsiveness. Description: Conditions: None Input: Return: Remarks: If this function is called, is should get called after the SETUP packet has arrived (the control transfer has started), but before the USBCtrlEPServiceComplete() function has been called by the USB stack. Therefore, the normal place to call USBDeferStatusStage() would be from within the USBCBCheckOtherReq() handler context. For example, in a HID application using control transfers, the USBDeferStatusStage() function would be called from within the USER_GET_REPORT_HANDLER or USER_SET_REPORT_HANDLER functions. *****************************************************************************/ void USBDeferStatusStage(void); extern volatile BOOL USBDeferStatusStagePacket; /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBDeferStatusStage() {USBDeferStatusStagePacket = TRUE;} /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBOUTDataStageDeferred(void); Summary: Returns TRUE if a control transfer with OUT data stage is pending, and the firmware has called USBDeferOUTDataStage(), but has not yet called USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). Returns FALSE if a control transfer with OUT data stage is either not pending, or the firmware did not call USBDeferOUTDataStage() at the start of the control transfer. This function (macro) would typically be used in the case where the USBDeviceTasks() function executes in the interrupt context (ex: USB_INTERRUPT option selected in usb_config.h), but the firmware wishes to take care of handling the data stage of the control transfer in the main loop context. In this scenario, typical usage would be: 1. Host starts a control transfer with OUT data stage. 2. USBDeviceTasks() (in this scenario, interrupt context) executes. 3. USBDeviceTasks() calls USBCBCheckOtherReq(), which in turn determines that the control transfer is class specific, with OUT data stage. 4. The user code in USBCBCheckOtherReq() (also in interrupt context, since it is called from USBDeviceTasks(), and therefore executes at the same priority/context) calls USBDeferOUTDataStage(). 5. Meanwhile, in the main loop context, a polling handler may be periodically checking if(USBOUTDataStageDeferred() == TRUE). Ordinarily, it would evaluate false, but when a control transfer becomes pending, and after the USBDeferOUTDataStage() macro has been called (ex: in the interrupt context), the if() statement will evaluate true. In this case, the main loop context can then take care of receiving the data, by calling USBEP0Receive() and USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). Description: Conditions: Input: Return: Remarks: *****************************************************************************/ BOOL USBOUTDataStageDeferred(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBOUTDataStageDeferred() USBDeferOUTDataStagePackets /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: void USBDeferINDataStage(void); Summary: This function will cause the USB hardware to continuously NAK the IN token packets sent from the host, during the data stage of a device to host control transfer. This allows the firmware more time to process and prepare the IN data packets that will eventually be sent to the host. This is also useful, if the firmware needs to process/prepare the IN data in a different context than what the USBDeviceTasks() function executes at. Calling this function (macro) will assert ownership of the currently pending control transfer. Therefore, the USB stack will not STALL when it reaches the data stage of the control transfer, even if the firmware has not (yet) called the USBEP0SendRAMPtr() or USBEP0SendROMPtr() API function. However, the application firware must still (eventually, once it is ready) call one of the aforementioned API functions. Example Usage: 1. Host sends a SETUP packet to the device, requesting a device to host control transfer, with data stage. 2. USBDeviceTasks() executes, and then calls the USBCBCheckOtherReq() callback event handler. The USBCBCheckOtherReq() calls the application specific/device class specific handler that detects the type of control transfer. 3. If the firmware needs more time to prepare the first IN data packet, or, if the firmware wishes to process the command in a different context (ex: if USBDeviceTasks() executes as an interrupt handler, but the IN data stage data needs to be prepared in the main loop context), then it may call USBDeferINDataStage(), in the context of the USBCBCheckOtherReq() handler function. 4. If the firmware called USBDeferINDataStage() in step #3 above, then the hardware will NAK the IN token packets sent by the host, for the IN data stage. 5. Once the firmware is ready, and has successfully prepared the data to be sent to the host in fulfillment of the control transfer, it should then call USBEP0SendRAMPtr() or USBEP0SendROMPtr(), to prepare the USB stack to know how many bytes to send to the host, and from what source location. 6. The firmware should now call USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). This will allow the data stage to complete. The USB stack will send the data buffer specified by the USBEP0SendRAMPtr() or USBEP0SendROMPtr() function, when it was called. 7. Once all data has been sent to the host, or if the host performs early termination, the status stage (a 0-byte OUT packet) will complete automatically (assuming the firmware did not call USBDeferStatusStage() during step #3). Description: Conditions: Before calling USBDeferINDataStage(), the firmware should first verify that the control transfer has a data stage, and that it is of type device-to-host (IN). Input: Return: Remarks: Section 9.2.6 of the official USB 2.0 specifications indicates that the USB device must return the first IN data packet within 500ms of the start of the control transfer. In order to meet this specification, the firmware must call USBEP0SendRAMPtr() or USBEP0SendROMPtr(), and then call USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(), in less than 500ms from the start of the control transfer. If the firmware calls USBDeferINDataStage(), it must eventually call USBEP0SendRAMPtr() or USBEP0SendROMPtr(), and then call USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). If it does not do this, the control transfer will never be able to complete. The firmware should never call both USBDeferINDataStage() and USBDeferOUTDataStage() during the same control transfer. These functions are mutually exclusive (a control transfer with data stage can never contain both IN and OUT data packets during the data stage). *****************************************************************************/ void USBDeferINDataStage(void); extern volatile BOOL USBDeferINDataStagePackets; /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBDeferINDataStage() {USBDeferINDataStagePackets = TRUE; inPipes[0].info.bits.busy = 1;} /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBINDataStageDeferred(void); Summary: Returns TRUE if a control transfer with IN data stage is pending, and the firmware has called USBDeferINDataStage(), but has not yet called USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). Returns FALSE if a control transfer with IN data stage is either not pending, or the firmware did not call USBDeferINDataStage() at the start of the control transfer. This function (macro) would typically be used in the case where the USBDeviceTasks() function executes in the interrupt context (ex: USB_INTERRUPT option selected in usb_config.h), but the firmware wishes to take care of handling the data stage of the control transfer in the main loop context. In this scenario, typical usage would be: 1. Host starts a control transfer with IN data stage. 2. USBDeviceTasks() (in this scenario, interrupt context) executes. 3. USBDeviceTasks() calls USBCBCheckOtherReq(), which in turn determines that the control transfer is class specific, with IN data stage. 4. The user code in USBCBCheckOtherReq() (also in interrupt context, since it is called from USBDeviceTasks(), and therefore executes at the same priority/context) calls USBDeferINDataStage(). 5. Meanwhile, in the main loop context, a polling handler may be periodically checking if(USBINDataStageDeferred() == TRUE). Ordinarily, it would evaluate false, but when a control transfer becomes pending, and after the USBDeferINDataStage() macro has been called (ex: in the interrupt context), the if() statement will evaluate true. In this case, the main loop context can then take care of sending the data (when ready), by calling USBEP0SendRAMPtr() or USBEP0SendROMPtr() and USBCtrlEPAllowDataStage(). Description: Conditions: Input: Return: Remarks: *****************************************************************************/ BOOL USBINDataStageDeferred(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBINDataStageDeferred() USBDeferINDataStagePackets /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************** Function: BOOL USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus(void) Summary: This function indicates if remote wakeup has been enabled by the host. Devices that support remote wakeup should use this function to determine if it should send a remote wakeup. Description: This function indicates if remote wakeup has been enabled by the host. Devices that support remote wakeup should use this function to determine if it should send a remote wakeup. If a device does not support remote wakeup (the Remote wakeup bit, bit 5, of the bmAttributes field of the Configuration descriptor is set to 1), then it should not send a remote wakeup command to the PC and this function is not of any use to the device. If a device does support remote wakeup then it should use this function as described below. If this function returns FALSE and the device is suspended, it should not issue a remote wakeup (resume). If this function returns TRUE and the device is suspended, it should issue a remote wakeup (resume). A device can add remote wakeup support by having the _RWU symbol added in the configuration descriptor (located in the usb_descriptors.c file in the project). This done in the 8th byte of the configuration descriptor. For example: ROM BYTE configDescriptor1[]={ 0x09, // Size USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // descriptor type DESC_CONFIG_WORD(0x0022), // Total length 1, // Number of interfaces 1, // Index value of this cfg 0, // Configuration string index _DEFAULT | _SELF | _RWU, // Attributes, see usb_device.h 50, // Max power consumption in 2X mA(100mA) //The rest of the configuration descriptor should follow For more information about remote wakeup, see the following section of the USB v2.0 specification available at www.usb.org: * Section * Table 9-10 * Section * Section 9.4.5 Conditions: None Return Values: TRUE - Remote Wakeup has been enabled by the host FALSE - Remote Wakeup is not currently enabled Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ BOOL USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus() RemoteWakeup /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /*************************************************************************** Function: USB_DEVICE_STATE USBGetDeviceState(void) Summary: This function will return the current state of the device on the USB. This function should return CONFIGURED_STATE before an application tries to send information on the bus. Description: This function returns the current state of the device on the USB. This \function is used to determine when the device is ready to communicate on the bus. Applications should not try to send or receive data until this function returns CONFIGURED_STATE. It is also important that applications yield as much time as possible to the USBDeviceTasks() function as possible while the this function \returns any value between ATTACHED_STATE through CONFIGURED_STATE. For more information about the various device states, please refer to the USB specification section 9.1 available from www.usb.org. Typical usage: void main(void) { USBDeviceInit() while(1) { USBDeviceTasks(); if((USBGetDeviceState() \< CONFIGURED_STATE) || (USBIsDeviceSuspended() == TRUE)) { //Either the device is not configured or we are suspended // so we don't want to do execute any application code continue; //go back to the top of the while loop } else { //Otherwise we are free to run user application code. UserApplication(); } } } Conditions: None Return Values: USB_DEVICE_STATE - the current state of the device on the bus Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ USB_DEVICE_STATE USBGetDeviceState(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBGetDeviceState() USBDeviceState /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /*************************************************************************** Function: BOOL USBGetSuspendState(void) Summary: This function indicates if the USB port that this device is attached to is currently suspended. When suspended, it will not be able to transfer data over the bus. Description: This function indicates if the USB port that this device is attached to is currently suspended. When suspended, it will not be able to transfer data over the bus. This function can be used by the application to skip over section of code that do not need to exectute if the device is unable to send data over the bus. This function can also be used to help determine when it is legal to perform USB remote wakeup signalling, for devices supporting this feature. Typical usage: void main(void) { USBDeviceInit() while(1) { USBDeviceTasks(); if((USBGetDeviceState() \< CONFIGURED_STATE) || (USBGetSuspendState() == TRUE)) { //Either the device is not configured or we are suspended // so we don't want to do execute any application code continue; //go back to the top of the while loop } else { //Otherwise we are free to run user application code. UserApplication(); } } } Conditions: None Return Values: TRUE - the USB port this device is attached to is suspended. FALSE - the USB port this device is attached to is not suspended. Remarks: This function is the same as USBIsBusSuspended(). ***************************************************************************/ BOOL USBGetSuspendState(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBGetSuspendState() USBBusIsSuspended /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBIsDeviceSuspended(void) Summary: This function indicates if the USB module is in suspend mode. Description: This function indicates if the USB module is in suspend mode. This function does NOT indicate that a suspend request has been received. It only reflects the state of the USB module. Typical Usage: if(USBIsDeviceSuspended() == TRUE) { return; } // otherwise do some application specific tasks Conditions: None Input: None Return: None Remarks: None *****************************************************************************/ BOOL USBIsDeviceSuspended(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBIsDeviceSuspended() USBSuspendControl /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBIsBusSuspended(void); Summary: This function indicates if the USB bus is in suspend mode. Description: This function indicates if the USB bus is in suspend mode. This function is typically used for checking if the conditions are consistent with performing a USB remote wakeup sequence. Typical Usage: if((USBIsBusSuspended() == TRUE) && (USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus() == TRUE)) { //Check if some stimulus occured, which will be used as the wakeup source if(sw3 == 0) { USBCBSendResume(); //Send the remote wakeup signalling to the host } } // otherwise do some other application specific tasks Conditions: None Input: None Return: None Remarks: The USBIsBusSuspended() function relies on the USBBusIsSuspended boolean variable, which gets updated by the USBDeviceTasks() function. Therefore, in order to be sure the return value is not "stale", it is suggested to make sure USBDeviceTasks() has executed recently (if using USB polling mode). *****************************************************************************/ BOOL USBIsBusSuspended(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBIsBusSuspended() USBBusIsSuspended /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: void USBSoftDetach(void); Summary: This function performs a detach from the USB bus via software. Description: This function performs a detach from the USB bus via software. Conditions: None Input: None Return: None Remarks: Caution should be used when detaching from the bus. Some PC drivers and programs may require additional time after a detach before a device can be reattached to the bus. *****************************************************************************/ void USBSoftDetach(void); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBSoftDetach() U1CON = 0; U1IE = 0; USBDeviceState = DETACHED_STATE; /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBHandleBusy(USB_HANDLE handle) Summary: Checks to see if the input handle is busy Description: Checks to see if the input handle is busy Typical Usage //make sure that the last transfer isn't busy by checking the handle if(!USBHandleBusy(USBGenericInHandle)) { //Send the data contained in the INPacket[] array out on // endpoint USBGEN_EP_NUM USBGenericInHandle = USBGenWrite(USBGEN_EP_NUM,(BYTE*)&INPacket[0],sizeof(INPacket)); } Conditions: None Input: USB_HANDLE handle - handle of the transfer that you want to check the status of Return Values: TRUE - The specified handle is busy FALSE - The specified handle is free and available for a transfer Remarks: None *************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHandleBusy(USB_HANDLE handle); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBHandleBusy(handle) (handle==0?0:((volatile BDT_ENTRY*)handle)->STAT.UOWN) /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************** Function: WORD USBHandleGetLength(USB_HANDLE handle) Summary: Retrieves the length of the destination buffer of the input handle Description: Retrieves the length of the destination buffer of the input handle PreCondition: None Parameters: USB_HANDLE handle - the handle to the transfer you want the address for. Return Values: WORD - length of the current buffer that the input handle points to. If the transfer is complete then this is the length of the data transmitted or the length of data actually received. Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ WORD USBHandleGetLength(USB_HANDLE handle); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBHandleGetLength(handle) (((volatile BDT_ENTRY*)handle)->CNT) /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************** Function: WORD USBHandleGetAddr(USB_HANDLE) Summary: Retrieves the address of the destination buffer of the input handle Description: Retrieves the address of the destination buffer of the input handle PreCondition: None Parameters: USB_HANDLE handle - the handle to the transfer you want the address for. Return Values: WORD - address of the current buffer that the input handle points to. Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ WORD USBHandleGetAddr(USB_HANDLE); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBHandleGetAddr(handle) ConvertToVirtualAddress((((volatile BDT_ENTRY*)handle)->ADR)) /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************** Function: USB_HANDLE USBGetNextHandle(BYTE ep_num, BYTE ep_dir) Summary: Retrieves the handle to the next endpoint BDT entry that the USBTransferOnePacket() will use. Description: Retrieves the handle to the next endpoint BDT that the USBTransferOnePacket() will use. Useful for initialization and when ping pong buffering will be used on application endpoints. PreCondition: Will return NULL if the USB device has not yet been configured/the endpoint specified has not yet been initalized by USBEnableEndpoint(). Parameters: BYTE ep_num - The endpoint number to get the handle for (valid values are 1-15, 0 is not a valid input value for this API) BYTE ep_dir - The endpoint direction associated with the endpoint number to get the handle for (valid values are OUT_FROM_HOST and IN_TO_HOST). Return Values: USB_HANDLE - Returns the USB_HANDLE (a pointer) to the BDT that will be used next time the USBTransferOnePacket() function is called, for the given ep_num and ep_dir Remarks: This API is useful for initializing USB_HANDLEs during initialization of the application firmware. It is also useful when ping-pong bufferring is enabled, and the application firmware wishes to arm both the even and odd BDTs for an endpoint simultaneously. In this case, the application firmware for sending data to the host would typically be something like follows: USB_HANDLE Handle1; USB_HANDLE Handle2; USB_HANDLE* pHandle = &Handle1; BYTE UserDataBuffer1[64]; BYTE UserDataBuffer2[64]; BYTE* pDataBuffer = &UserDataBuffer1[0]; //Add some code that loads UserDataBuffer1[] with useful data to send, //using the pDataBuffer pointer, for example: //for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) //{ // *pDataBuffer++ = [useful data value]; //} //Check if the next USB endpoint BDT is available if(!USBHandleBusy(USBGetNextHandle(ep_num, IN_TO_HOST)) { //The endpoint is available. Send the data. *pHandle = USBTransferOnePacket(ep_num, ep_dir, pDataBuffer, bytecount); //Toggle the handle and buffer pointer for the next transaction if(pHandle == &Handle1) { pHandle = &Handle2; pDataBuffer = &UserDataBuffer2[0]; } else { pHandle = &Handle1; pDataBuffer = &UserDataBuffer1[0]; } } //The firmware can then load the next data buffer (in this case //UserDataBuffer2)with useful data, and send it using the same //process. For example: //Add some code that loads UserDataBuffer2[] with useful data to send, //using the pDataBuffer pointer, for example: //for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) //{ // *pDataBuffer++ = [useful data value]; //} //Check if the next USB endpoint BDT is available if(!USBHandleBusy(USBGetNextHandle(ep_num, IN_TO_HOST)) { //The endpoint is available. Send the data. *pHandle = USBTransferOnePacket(ep_num, ep_dir, pDataBuffer, bytecount); //Toggle the handle and buffer pointer for the next transaction if(pHandle == &Handle1) { pHandle = &Handle2; pDataBuffer = &UserDataBuffer2[0]; } else { pHandle = &Handle1; pDataBuffer = &UserDataBuffer1[0]; } } *******************************************************************/ USB_HANDLE USBGetNextHandle(BYTE ep_num, BYTE ep_dir); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBGetNextHandle(ep_num, ep_dir) ((ep_dir == OUT_FROM_HOST)?((USB_HANDLE)pBDTEntryOut[ep_num]):((USB_HANDLE)pBDTEntryIn[ep_num])) /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************** Function: void USBEP0Transmit(BYTE options) Summary: Sets the address of the data to send over the control endpoint PreCondition: None Paramters: options - the various options that you want when sending the control data. Options are: USB_EP0_ROM USB_EP0_RAM USB_EP0_BUSY USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO USB_EP0_NO_DATA USB_EP0_NO_OPTIONS Return Values: None Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ void USBEP0Transmit(BYTE options); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBEP0Transmit(options) inPipes[0].info.Val = options | USB_EP0_BUSY /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /************************************************************************* Function: void USBEP0SendRAMPtr(BYTE* src, WORD size, BYTE Options) Summary: Sets the source, size, and options of the data you wish to send from a RAM source Conditions: None Input: src - address of the data to send size - the size of the data needing to be transmitted options - the various options that you want when sending the control data. Options are\: * USB_EP0_ROM * USB_EP0_RAM * USB_EP0_BUSY * USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO * USB_EP0_NO_DATA * USB_EP0_NO_OPTIONS Remarks: None *************************************************************************/ void USBEP0SendRAMPtr(BYTE* src, WORD size, BYTE Options); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBEP0SendRAMPtr(src,size,options) {\ inPipes[0].pSrc.bRam = src;\ inPipes[0].wCount.Val = size;\ inPipes[0].info.Val = options | USB_EP0_BUSY | USB_EP0_RAM;\ } /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /************************************************************************** Function: void USBEP0SendROMPtr(BYTE* src, WORD size, BYTE Options) Summary: Sets the source, size, and options of the data you wish to send from a ROM source Conditions: None Input: src - address of the data to send size - the size of the data needing to be transmitted options - the various options that you want when sending the control data. Options are\: * USB_EP0_ROM * USB_EP0_RAM * USB_EP0_BUSY * USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO * USB_EP0_NO_DATA * USB_EP0_NO_OPTIONS Remarks: None **************************************************************************/ void USBEP0SendROMPtr(BYTE* src, WORD size, BYTE Options); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBEP0SendROMPtr(src,size,options) {\ inPipes[0].pSrc.bRom = src;\ inPipes[0].wCount.Val = size;\ inPipes[0].info.Val = options | USB_EP0_BUSY | USB_EP0_ROM;\ } /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /*************************************************************************** Function: void USBEP0Receive(BYTE* dest, WORD size, void (*function)) Summary: Sets the destination, size, and a function to call on the completion of the next control write. Conditions: None Input: dest - address of where the incoming data will go (make sure that this address is directly accessable by the USB module for parts with dedicated USB RAM this address must be in that space) size - the size of the data being received (is almost always going tobe presented by the preceeding setup packet SetupPkt.wLength) (*function) - a function that you want called once the data is received. If this is specificed as NULL then no function is called. Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ void USBEP0Receive(BYTE* dest, WORD size, void (*function)); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBEP0Receive(dest,size,function) {outPipes[0].pDst.bRam = dest;outPipes[0].wCount.Val = size;outPipes[0].pFunc = function;outPipes[0].info.bits.busy = 1; } /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************** Function: USB_HANDLE USBTxOnePacket(BYTE ep, BYTE* data, WORD len) Summary: Sends the specified data out the specified endpoint PreCondition: None Parameters: ep - the endpoint number you want to send the data out of data - pointer to a user buffer that contains the data that you wish to send to the host. Note: This RAM buffer must be accessible by the USB module. len - the number of bytes of data that you wish to send to the host, in the next transaction on this endpoint. Note: this value should always be less than or equal to the endpoint size, as specified in the USB endpoint descriptor. Return Values: USB_HANDLE - Returns a pointer to the BDT entry associated with the transaction. The firmware can check for completion of the transaction by using the USBHandleBusy() function, using the returned USB_HANDLE value. Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ USB_HANDLE USBTxOnePacket(BYTE ep, BYTE* data, WORD len); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBTxOnePacket(ep,data,len) USBTransferOnePacket(ep,IN_TO_HOST,data,len) /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************** Function: USB_HANDLE USBRxOnePacket(BYTE ep, BYTE* data, WORD len) Summary: Receives the specified data out the specified endpoint PreCondition: None Parameters: ep - The endpoint number you want to receive the data on. data - Pointer to a user buffer where the data will go when it arrives from the host. Note: This RAM must be USB module accessible. len - The len parameter should always be set to the maximum endpoint packet size, specified in the USB descriptor for this endpoint. The host may send <= the number of bytes as the endpoint size in the endpoint descriptor. After the transaction is complete, the application firmware can call USBHandleGetLength() to determine how many bytes the host actually sent in the last transaction on this endpoint. Return Values: USB_HANDLE - Returns a pointer to the BDT entry associated with the transaction. The firmware can check for completion of the transaction by using the USBHandleBusy() function, using the returned USB_HANDLE value. Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ USB_HANDLE USBRxOnePacket(BYTE ep, BYTE* data, WORD len); /*DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN*/ #define USBRxOnePacket(ep,data,len) USBTransferOnePacket(ep,OUT_FROM_HOST,data,len) /*DOM-IGNORE-END*/ /******************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USB_APPLICATION_EVENT_HANDLER(BYTE address, USB_EVENT event, void *pdata, WORD size); Summary: This function is called whenever the USB stack wants to notify the user of an event. Description: This function is called whenever the USB stack wants to notify the user of an event. This function should be implemented by the user. Example Usage: Conditions: None Input: BYTE address - the address of the device when the event happened BYTE event - The event input specifies which event happened. The possible options are listed in the USB_DEVICE_STACK_EVENTS enumeration. Return: None Remarks: None *****************************************************************************/ BOOL USB_APPLICATION_EVENT_HANDLER(BYTE address, USB_EVENT event, void *pdata, WORD size); /******************************************************************************* Function: ROM void *USBDeviceCBGetDescriptor (UINT16 *length, DESCRIPTOR_ID *id); Summary: This function is called whenever the USB stack gets a USB GET_DESCRIPTOR request. Description: This function is called whenever the USB stack gets a USB GET_DESCRIPTOR request. This function is responsible for returning a pointer to the requested descriptor and setting that the length for the that descriptor. This function should be implemented by the user. This function might be generated automatically by the USB configuration tool. Conditions: None Input: BYTE *length - pointer to a variable that should be set to the length of the requested descriptor. BYTE *id - This structure contains information about the requested descriptor Return: ROM void* - pointer to the requested descriptor. Remarks: None *****************************************************************************/ void *USBDeviceCBGetDescriptor ( UINT16 *length, UINT8 *ptr_type, DESCRIPTOR_ID *id); /** Section: MACROS ******************************************************/ /* The DESC_CONFIG_WORD() macro is implemented for convinence. Since the configuration descriptor array is a BYTE array, each entry needs to be a BYTE in LSB format. The DESC_CONFIG_WORD() macro breaks up a WORD into the appropriate BYTE entries in LSB. Typical Usage: ROM BYTE configDescriptor1[]={ 0x09, // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // CONFIGURATION descriptor type DESC_CONFIG_WORD(0x0022), // Total length of data for this cfg */ #define DESC_CONFIG_WORD(a) (a&0xFF),((a>>8)&0xFF) /* The DESC_CONFIG_DWORD() macro is implemented for convinence. Since the configuration descriptor array is a BYTE array, each entry needs to be a BYTE in LSB format. The DESC_CONFIG_DWORD() macro breaks up a DWORD into the appropriate BYTE entries in LSB. */ #define DESC_CONFIG_DWORD(a) (a&0xFF),((a>>8)&0xFF),((a>>16)&0xFF),((a>>24)&0xFF) /* The DESC_CONFIG_BYTE() macro is implemented for convinence. The DESC_CONFIG_BYTE() macro provides a consistant macro for use with a byte when generating a configuratin descriptor when using either the DESC_CONFIG_WORD() or DESC_CONFIG_DWORD() macros. */ #define DESC_CONFIG_BYTE(a) (a) /* DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN */ /******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This section contains implementation specific information that may vary between releases as the implementation needs to change. This section is included for compilation reasons only. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** *******************************************************************************/ #if defined(USB_POLLING) #define USB_VOLATILE #else #define USB_VOLATILE volatile #endif #define CTRL_TRF_RETURN void #define CTRL_TRF_PARAMS void // Defintion of the PIPE structure // This structure is used to keep track of data that is sent out // of the stack automatically. typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { union __attribute__ ((packed)) { //Various options of pointers that are available to // get the data from BYTE *bRam; ROM BYTE *bRom; WORD *wRam; ROM WORD *wRom; }pSrc; union __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { //is this transfer from RAM or ROM? BYTE ctrl_trf_mem :1; BYTE reserved :5; //include a zero length packet after //data is done if data_size%ep_size = 0? BYTE includeZero :1; //is this PIPE currently in use BYTE busy :1; }bits; BYTE Val; }info; WORD_VAL __attribute__((aligned)) wCount; }IN_PIPE; extern USB_VOLATILE IN_PIPE inPipes[]; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { union __attribute__ ((packed)) { //Various options of pointers that are available to // get the data from BYTE *bRam; WORD *wRam; }pDst; union __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { BYTE reserved :7; //is this PIPE currently in use BYTE busy :1; }bits; BYTE Val; }info; WORD_VAL wCount; CTRL_TRF_RETURN (*pFunc)(CTRL_TRF_PARAMS); }OUT_PIPE; /************* DWF - SHOULD BE REIMPLEMENTED AS AN EVENT *******************/ //#if defined(ENABLE_EP0_DATA_RECEIVED_CALLBACK) // void USBCBEP0DataReceived(void); // #define USBCB_EP0_DATA_RECEIVED() USBCBEP0DataReceived() //#else // #define USBCB_EP0_DATA_RECEIVED() //#endif extern USB_VOLATILE BOOL RemoteWakeup; extern USB_VOLATILE BOOL USBBusIsSuspended; extern USB_VOLATILE USB_DEVICE_STATE USBDeviceState; extern USB_VOLATILE BYTE USBActiveConfiguration; /******************************************************************************/ /* DOM-IGNORE-END */ #endif //USBD_H