/****************************************************************************** USB Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) (Header File) Summary: This file abstracts the hardware interface. Description: This file abstracts the hardware interface. This file is located in the "\\\Microchip\\Include\\USB" directory. When including this file in a new project, this file can either be referenced from the directory in which it was installed or copied directly into the user application folder. If the first method is chosen to keep the file located in the folder in which it is installed then include paths need to be added so that the library and the application both know where to reference each others files. If the application folder is located in the same folder as the Microchip folder (like the current demo folders), then the following include paths need to be added to the application's project: . ..\\..\\MicrochipInclude If a different directory structure is used, modify the paths as required. An example using absolute paths instead of relative paths would be the following: C:\\Microchip Solutions\\Microchip\\Include C:\\Microchip Solutions\\My Demo Application *******************************************************************************/ //DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN /****************************************************************************** File Description: This file defines the interface to the USB hardware abstraction layer. Filename: usb_hal.h Dependancies: none Processor: PIC18, PIC24, or PIC32 USB Microcontrollers Hardware: The code is natively intended to be used on the following hardware platforms: PICDEM™ FS USB Demo Board, PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module, or Explorer 16 + PIC24 USB PIM. The firmware may be modified for use on other USB platforms by editing the HardwareProfile.h file. Compiler: Microchip C18 (for PIC18) or C30 (for PIC24) Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. Software License Agreement: The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the “Company”) for its PICmicro® Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN “AS IS” CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. *************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** Change History: Rev Description ---- ----------- 2.6- No Change 2.6a 2.7 Minor changes changes to the structure of the conditional compilation statement ordering. 2.7a No Change ********************************************************************/ #ifndef _USB_HAL_H_ #define _USB_HAL_H_ //DOM-IGNORE-END #if defined(__18CXX) #include "USB/usb_hal_pic18.h" #elif defined(__C30__) || defined __XC16__ #if defined(__dsPIC33E__) #include "USB/usb_hal_dspic33E.h" #elif defined(__PIC24E__) #include "USB/usb_hal_pic24e.h" #else #include "USB/usb_hal_pic24.h" #endif #elif defined(__PIC32MX__) #include "USB/usb_hal_pic32.h" #elif defined(_PIC14E) #include "USB/usb_hal_pic16f1.h" #else #error "Silicon Platform not defined" #endif /********************** Interface Routines **********************/ /************************************************************************* Function: void USBHALSetBusAddress( BYTE addr ) Description: This routine sets the address of the system on the USB when acting as a peripheral device. Preconditions: 1. USBHALInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB HAL. 2. Endpoint zero (0) must be configured as appropriate by calls to USBHALSetEpConfiguration. 3. The system must have been enumerated on the USB (as a device). Parameters: addr Desired address of this device on the USB. Return Values: None Side Effect: The bus address has been set. Remmarks: The address is assigned by the host and is received in a SET_ADDRESS setup request. *************************************************************************/ /* This routine is implemented as a macro to a lower-level level routine. */ #define USBHALSetBusAddress OTGCORE_SetDeviceAddr void USBHALSetBusAddress( BYTE addr ); /************************************************************************* Function: void USBHALControlUsbResistors( BYTE flags ); Description: This routine enables or disables the USB pull-up or pull-down resistors as requested. Precondition: USBInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB SW stack. Parameters: flags - This is a bit-mapped flags value indicating which resistors to enable or disable (see below). Return Values: TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. Side Effects: The resistors are enabled as requested. Remarks: Used for USB peripheral control to connect to or disconnect from the bus. Otherwise, used for OTG SRP/HNP and host support. *************************************************************************/ /* This routine is implemented as a macro to a lower-level level routine. */ #if defined(__18CXX) void USBHALControlUsbResistors( BYTE flags ); #else #define USBHALControlUsbResistors OTGCORE_ControlUsbResistors void USBHALControlUsbResistors( BYTE flags ); #endif /* USBHALControlUsbResistors flags */ #define USB_HAL_PULL_UP_D_PLUS 0x80 // Pull D+ line high #define USB_HAL_PULL_UP_D_MINUS 0x40 // Pull D- line high #define USB_HAL_PULL_DN_D_PLUS 0x20 // Pull D+ line low #define USB_HAL_PULL_DN_D_MINUS 0x10 // Pull D- line low /* The following are defined for convenience: */ #define USB_HAL_DEV_CONN_FULL_SPD USB_HAL_PULL_UP_D_PLUS #define USB_HAL_DEV_CONN_LOW_SPD USB_HAL_PULL_UP_D_MINUS #define USB_HAL_DEV_DISCONNECT 0 /* MCHP: Define a method to check for SE0 & a way to send a reset (SE0). */ /************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBHALSessionIsValid( void ) Description: This routine determines if there is currently a valid USB session or not. Precondition: USBInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB SW stack. Parameters: None Return Values: TRUE if the session is currently valid, FALSE if not. Remarks: Only used for host and OTG support. *************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHALSessionIsValid( void ); /************************************************************************* Function: USBHALControlBusPower Description: This routine provides a bitmap of the most recent error conditions to occur. Precondition: USBInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB SW stack. Parameters: cmd - Identifies desired command (see below). Return Values: TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. Remarks: Only used for host and OTG support. *************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHALControlBusPower( BYTE cmd ); /* USBHALControlBusPower Commands */ #define USB_VBUS_DISCHARGE 0 // Dicharge Vbus via resistor #define USB_VBUS_CHARGE 1 // Charge Vbus via resistor #define USB_VBUS_POWER_ON 3 // Supply power to Vbus #define USB_VBUS_POWER_OFF 4 // Do not supply power to Vbus /* Note: All commands except USB_VBUS_POWER_ON imply that this device does not actively supply power to Vbus. */ /************************************************************************* Function: unsigned long USBHALGetLastError( void ) Description: This routine provides a bitmap of the most recent error conditions to occur. Precondition: USBInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB SW stack. Parameters: None Return Values: Bitmap indicating the most recent error condition(s). Side Effect: Error record is cleared. Remarks: Although record of the error state is cleared, nothing is done to fix the condition or recover from the error. The client must take appropriate steps. *************************************************************************/ unsigned long USBHALGetLastError( void ); /* USBHALGetLastError Error Bits. */ #define USBHAL_PID_ERR 0x00000001 // Packet ID Error #define USBHAL_CRC5 0x00000002 // (Host) Token CRC5 check failed #define USBHAL_HOST_EOF 0x00000002 // (Host) EOF not reached before next SOF #define USBHAL_CRC16 0x00000004 // Data packet CRC error #define USBHAL_DFN8 0x00000008 // Data field size not n*8 bits #define USBHAL_BTO_ERR 0x00000010 // Bus turn-around timeout #define USBHAL_DMA_ERR 0x00000020 // DMA error, unable to read/write memory #define USBHAL_BTS_ERR 0x00000080 // Bit-stuffing error #define USBHAL_XFER_ID 0x00000100 // Unable to identify transfer EP #define USBHAL_NO_EP 0x00000200 // Invalid endpoint number #define USBHAL_DMA_ERR2 0x00000400 // Error starting DMA transaction /************************************************************************* Function: void USBHALHandleBusEvent ( void ) Description: This routine checks the USB for any events that may have occured and handles them appropriately. It may be called directly to poll the USB and handle events or it may be called in response to an interrupt. Precondition: USBInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB SW stack. Parameters: None Return Values: None Side Effects: Depend on the event that may have occured. Remarks: None *************************************************************************/ void USBHALHandleBusEvent ( void ); /************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBHALStallPipe( TRANSFER_FLAGS pipe ) Description: This routine stalls the given endpoint. Preconditions: USBHALInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB HAL. Parameters: pipe - Uses the TRANSFER_FLAGS (see USBCommon.h) format to identify the endpoint and direction making up the pipe to stall. Note: Only ep_num and direction fields are required. Return Values: TRUE if able to stall endpoint, FALSE if not. Side Effects: The endpoint will stall if additional data transfer is attempted. Given endpoint has been stalled. Remarks: Starting another data transfer automatically "un-stalls" the endpoint. *************************************************************************/ /* Note: This function is implemented as a macro, calling directly into an internal HAL routine. */ #define USBHALStallPipe OTGCORE_StallPipe BOOL USBHALStallPipe( TRANSFER_FLAGS pipe ); /****************************************************************************** Function: BOOL USBHALUnstallPipe( TRANSFER_FLAGS pipe ) Description: This routine clears the stall condition for the given pipe. PreCondition: Assumes OTGCORE_DeviceEnable has been called and OTGCORE_StallPipe has been called on the given pipe. Parameters: pipe - Uses the TRANSFER_FLAGS (see USBCommon.h) format to identify the endpoint and direction making up the pipe to unstall. Return Values: TRUE if able to stall the pipe, FALSE if not. Side Effects: The BSTALL and UOWN bits (and all other control bits) in the BDT for the given pipe will be cleared. Remarks: None *****************************************************************************/ /* Note: This function is implemented as a macro, calling directly into an internal HAL routine. */ #define USBHALUnstallPipe OTGCORE_UnstallPipe BOOL USBHALUnstallPipe( TRANSFER_FLAGS pipe ); /************************************************************************** Function: USBHALGetStalledEndpoints Description: This function returns a 16-bit bitmapped value with a bit set in the position of any endpoint that is stalled (i.e. if endpoint 0 is stalled then bit 0 is set, if endpoint 1 is stalled then bit 1 is set, etc.). Preconditions: USBHALInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB HAL. Parameters: None Return Values: Bitmap of the currently stalled endpoints (see overview). Remarks: None *************************************************************************/ /* Note: This function is implemented as a macro, calling directly into a HAL routine. */ #define USBHALGetStalledEndpoints OTGCORE_GetStalledEndpoints UINT16 USBHALGetStalledEndpoints ( void ); /****************************************************************************** Function: BOOL USBHALFlushPipe( TRANSFER_FLAGS pipe ) Description: This routine clears any pending transfers on the given pipe. Preconditions: USBHALInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB HAL. The caller must ensure that there is no possible way for hardware to be currently accessing the pipe (see notes). Parameters: pipe - Uses the TRANSFER_FLAGS (see USBCommon.h) format to identify the endpoint and direction making up the pipe to flush. Return Values: TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. Side Effects: Transfer data for this pipe has been zero'd out. Remarks: This routine ignores the normal HW protocol for ownership of the pipe data and flushes the pipe, even if it is in process. Thus, the caller must ensure that data transfer cannot be in process. This situation occurs when a transfer has been terminated early by the host. *****************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHALFlushPipe( TRANSFER_FLAGS pipe ); /************************************************************************** Function: USBHALTransferData Description: This routine prepares to transfer data on the USB. If the system is in device mode, the actual transfer will not occur until the host peforms an OUT request to the given endpoint. If the system is in host mode, the transfer will not start until the token has been sent on the bus. Preconditions: 1. USBHALInitialize must have been called to initialize the USB HAL. 2. The endpoint through which the data will be transferred must be configured as appropriate by a call to USBHALSetEpConfiguration. 3. The bus must have been enumerated (either as a host or device). Except for EP0 transfers. Parameters: flags - Flags consists of the endpoint number OR'd with one or more flags indicating transfer direction and such (see "Data Transfer Macros" in USBCommon.h): 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - Description | | | | \_____/ | | | | +----- Endpoint Number | | | +---------- Short or zero-size pkt | | +------------ Data Toggle 0/1 | +-------------- Force Data Toggle +---------------- 1=Transmit/0=Receive buffer Address of the buffer to receive data. size Number of bytes of data to transfer. Return Values: TRUE if the HAL was able to successfully start the data transfer, FALSE if not. Side Effects: The HAL has prepared to transfer the data on the USB. Ramarks: The HAL will continue the data transfer, keeping track of the buffer address, data remaining, and ping-pong buffer details internally when USBHALHandleBusEvent is called (either polled or in response to an interrupt). The caller will receive notification that the transfer has completed when the EVT_XFER event is passed into the USBHALBusEventCallout call-out function. *************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHALTransferData ( TRANSFER_FLAGS flags, void *buffer, unsigned int size ); /************************************************************************* Function: USBHALSetEpConfiguration Description: This routine allows the caller to configure various options (see "Flags for USBHALSetEpConfiguration", below) and set the behavior for the given endpoint. Precondition: USBHALInitialize has been called. Parameters: ep_num - Number of endpoint to configur, Must be (ep_num >=0) && (ep_num <= USB_DEV_HIGHEST_EP_NUMBER) max_pkt_size Size of largest packet this enpoint can transfer. flags - Configuration flags (see below) Return Values: TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. Side Effects: The endpoint has been configured as desired. Remarks: The base address and size of the buffer is not set by this routine. Those features of an endpoint are dynamically managed by the USBHALTransferData routine. An endpoint can be "de-configured" by setting its max packet size to 0. When doing this, you should also set all flags to 0. *************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHALSetEpConfiguration ( BYTE ep_num, UINT16 max_pkt_size, UINT16 flags ); /* Flags for USBHALSetEpConfiguration */ #if defined(__18CXX) #define USB_HAL_TRANSMIT 0x0400 // Enable EP for transmitting data #define USB_HAL_RECEIVE 0x0200 // Enable EP for receiving data #define USB_HAL_HANDSHAKE 0x1000 // Enable EP to give ACK/NACK (non isoch) #define USB_HAL_NO_INC 0x0010 // Use for DMA to another device FIFO #define USB_HAL_HW_KEEPS 0x0020 // Cause HW to keep EP #else #define USB_HAL_TRANSMIT 0x0400 // Enable EP for transmitting data #define USB_HAL_RECEIVE 0x0800 // Enable EP for receiving data #define USB_HAL_HANDSHAKE 0x0100 // Enable EP to give ACK/NACK (non isoch) /* Does not work, Fix this if needed. 3/1/07 - Bud #define USB_HAL_NO_INC 0x0010 // Use for DMA to another device FIFO #define USB_HAL_HW_KEEPS 0x0020 // Cause HW to keep EP */ #define USB_HAL_ALLOW_HUB 0x8000 // (host only) Enable low-spd hub support #define USB_HAL_NO_RETRY 0x4000 // (host only) disable auto-retry on NACK #endif /************************************************************************* Function: USBHALInitialize Description: This call performs the basic initialization of the USB HAL. This routine must be called before any of the other HAL interface routines are called. Precondition: The system has been initialized. Paramters: flags - Initialization flags Return Values: TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. Side Effects: The USB HAL SW stack was initialized. Remarks: This routine can be called to reset the controller. *************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHALInitialize ( unsigned long flags ); #endif // _USB_HAL_H_ /************************************************************************* * EOF */