/****************************************************************************** USB Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Summary: This file abstracts the hardware interface. The USB stack firmware can be compiled to work on different USB microcontrollers, such as PIC18 and PIC24. The USB related special function registers and bit names are generally very similar between the device families, but small differences in naming exist. Description: This file abstracts the hardware interface. The USB stack firmware can be compiled to work on different USB microcontrollers, such as PIC18 and PIC24. The USB related special function registers and bit names are generally very similar between the device families, but small differences in naming exist. In order to make the same set of firmware work accross the device families, when modifying SFR contents, a slightly abstracted name is used, which is then "mapped" to the appropriate real name in the usb_hal_picxx.h header. Make sure to include the correct version of the usb_hal_picxx.h file for the microcontroller family which will be used. When including this file in a new project, this file can either be referenced from the directory in which it was installed or copied directly into the user application folder. If the first method is chosen to keep the file located in the folder in which it is installed then include paths need to be added so that the library and the application both know where to reference each others files. If the application folder is located in the same folder as the Microchip folder (like the current demo folders), then the following include paths need to be added to the application's project: . ..\\..\\Microchip\\Include If a different directory structure is used, modify the paths as required. An example using absolute paths instead of relative paths would be the following: C:\\Microchip Solutions\\Microchip\\Include C:\\Microchip Solutions\\My Demo Application *******************************************************************************/ //DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN /****************************************************************************** File Description: This file defines the interface to the USB hardware abstraction layer. Filename: usb_hal_pic24.h Dependancies: none Processor: PIC24F USB Microcontrollers Hardware: PIC24F USB Microcontrollers Compiler: Microchip C30 (for PIC24) Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. Software License Agreement: The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the "Company") for its PICmicro(R) Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company's customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN "AS IS" CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. *************************************************************************/ //DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN /******************************************************************** Change History: Rev Description ---- ----------- 2.6 Changed the inplementation of the interrupt clearing macro to be more efficient. 2.6a Added DisableNonZeroEndpoints() function 2.7 Addition of ConvertToVirtualAddress() function for compatibility with PIC32. Added prototype for USBSleepOnSuspend() function. This function shows how to put the PIC24F to sleep while the USB module is in suspend and have the USB module wake up the device on activity on the bus. 2.7a No change 2.8 Added USTAT_FIELDS typedef and associated macros. ********************************************************************/ //DOM-IGNORE-END #ifndef USB_HAL_PIC24F_H #define USB_HAL_PIC24F_H /*****************************************************************************/ /****** include files ********************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "Compiler.h" #include "usb_config.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Constant definitions *************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ //----- USBEnableEndpoint() input defintions ---------------------------------- #define USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED 0x01 #define USB_HANDSHAKE_DISABLED 0x00 #define USB_OUT_ENABLED 0x08 #define USB_OUT_DISABLED 0x00 #define USB_IN_ENABLED 0x04 #define USB_IN_DISABLED 0x00 #define USB_ALLOW_SETUP 0x00 #define USB_DISALLOW_SETUP 0x10 #define USB_STALL_ENDPOINT 0x02 //----- usb_config.h input defintions ----------------------------------------- #define USB_PULLUP_ENABLE 0x00 //#define USB_PULLUP_DISABLE 0x00 #define USB_INTERNAL_TRANSCEIVER 0x00 #define USB_EXTERNAL_TRANSCEIVER 0x01 #define USB_FULL_SPEED 0x04 //USB_LOW_SPEED not currently supported in PIC24F USB products #define USB_OTG_ENABLE 0x04 //----- Interrupt Flag definitions -------------------------------------------- #define USBTransactionCompleteIE U1IEbits.TRNIE #define USBTransactionCompleteIF U1IRbits.TRNIF #define USBTransactionCompleteIFReg U1IR #define USBTransactionCompleteIFBitNum 3 #define USBResetIE U1IEbits.URSTIE #define USBResetIF U1IRbits.URSTIF #define USBResetIFReg U1IR #define USBResetIFBitNum 0 #define USBIdleIE U1IEbits.IDLEIE #define USBIdleIF U1IRbits.IDLEIF #define USBIdleIFReg U1IR #define USBIdleIFBitNum 4 #define USBActivityIE U1OTGIEbits.ACTVIE #define USBActivityIF U1OTGIRbits.ACTVIF #define USBActivityIFReg U1OTGIR #define USBActivityIFBitNum 4 #define USBSOFIE U1IEbits.SOFIE #define USBSOFIF U1IRbits.SOFIF #define USBSOFIFReg U1IR #define USBSOFIFBitNum 2 #define USBStallIE U1IEbits.STALLIE #define USBStallIF U1IRbits.STALLIF #define USBStallIFReg U1IR #define USBStallIFBitNum 7 #define USBErrorIE U1IEbits.UERRIE #define USBErrorIF U1IRbits.UERRIF #define USBErrorIFReg U1IR #define USBErrorIFBitNum 1 #define USBT1MSECIE U1OTGIEbits.T1MSECIE #define USBT1MSECIF U1OTGIRbits.T1MSECIF #define USBT1MSECIFReg U1OTGIR #define USBT1MSECIFBitNum 6 #define USBIDIE U1OTGIEbits.IDIE #define USBIDIF U1OTGIRbits.IDIF #define USBIDIFReg U1OTGIR #define USBIDIFBitNum 7 //----- Event call back defintions -------------------------------------------- #if defined(USB_DISABLE_SOF_HANDLER) #define USB_SOF_INTERRUPT 0x00 #else #define USB_SOF_INTERRUPT 0x04 #endif #if defined(USB_DISABLE_ERROR_HANDLER) #define USB_ERROR_INTERRUPT 0x02 #else #define USB_ERROR_INTERRUPT 0x02 #endif //----- USB module control bits ----------------------------------------------- #define USBPingPongBufferReset U1CONbits.PPBRST #define USBSE0Event U1CONbits.SE0 #define USBSuspendControl U1PWRCbits.USUSPEND #define USBPacketDisable U1CONbits.PKTDIS #define USBResumeControl U1CONbits.RESUME //----- BDnSTAT bit definitions ----------------------------------------------- #define _BSTALL 0x04 //Buffer Stall enable #define _DTSEN 0x08 //Data Toggle Synch enable #define _DAT0 0x00 //DATA0 packet expected next #define _DAT1 0x40 //DATA1 packet expected next #define _DTSMASK 0x40 //DTS Mask #define _USIE 0x80 //SIE owns buffer #define _UCPU 0x00 //CPU owns buffer #define _STAT_MASK 0xFC //----- USTAT bit definitions ------------------------------------------------- #define USTAT_EP0_PP_MASK ~0x04 #define USTAT_EP_MASK 0xFC #define USTAT_EP0_OUT 0x00 #define USTAT_EP0_OUT_EVEN 0x00 #define USTAT_EP0_OUT_ODD 0x04 #define USTAT_EP0_IN 0x08 #define USTAT_EP0_IN_EVEN 0x08 #define USTAT_EP0_IN_ODD 0x0C #define ENDPOINT_MASK 0b11110000 //----- U1OTGCON bit definitions ---------------------------------------------- #define USB_OTG_DPLUS_ENABLE 0x80 //----- U1EP bit definitions -------------------------------------------------- #define UEP_STALL 0x0002 // Cfg Control pipe for this ep #define EP_CTRL 0x0C #define BDT_BASE_ADDR_TAG __attribute__ ((aligned (512))) #define CTRL_TRF_SETUP_ADDR_TAG #define CTRL_TRF_DATA_ADDR_TAG //----- Depricated defintions - will be removed at some point of time---------- //--------- Depricated in v2.2 #define _LS 0x00 // Use Low-Speed USB Mode #define _FS 0x00 // Use Full-Speed USB Mode #define _TRINT 0x00 // Use internal transceiver #define _TREXT 0x00 // Use external transceiver #define _PUEN 0x00 // Use internal pull-up resistor #define _OEMON 0x00 // Use SIE output indicator /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Type definitions *****************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Buffer Descriptor Status Register layout. typedef union _BD_STAT { struct{ unsigned :2; //Byte count unsigned BSTALL :1; //Buffer Stall Enable unsigned DTSEN :1; //Data Toggle Synch Enable unsigned :2; //Reserved - write as 00 unsigned DTS :1; //Data Toggle Synch Value unsigned UOWN :1; //USB Ownership }; struct{ unsigned :2; unsigned PID0 :1; unsigned PID1 :1; unsigned PID2 :1; unsigned PID3 :1; }; struct{ unsigned :2; unsigned PID :4; // Packet Identifier }; BYTE Val; } BD_STAT; //Buffer Descriptor Status Register // BDT Entry Layout typedef union __BDT { union { struct { BYTE CNT; BD_STAT STAT __attribute__ ((packed)); }; struct { WORD count:10; //test BYTE :6; WORD ADR; //Buffer Address }; }; DWORD Val; WORD v[2]; } BDT_ENTRY; // USTAT Register Layout typedef union __USTAT { struct { unsigned char filler1 :2; unsigned char ping_pong :1; unsigned char direction :1; unsigned char endpoint_number :4; }; BYTE Val; } USTAT_FIELDS; //Macros for fetching parameters from a USTAT_FIELDS variable. #define USBHALGetLastEndpoint(stat) stat.endpoint_number #define USBHALGetLastDirection(stat) stat.direction #define USBHALGetLastPingPong(stat) stat.ping_pong typedef union _POINTER { struct { BYTE bLow; BYTE bHigh; //byte bUpper; }; WORD _word; // bLow & bHigh //pFunc _pFunc; // Usage: ptr.pFunc(); Init: ptr.pFunc = &; BYTE* bRam; // Ram byte pointer: 2 bytes pointer pointing // to 1 byte of data WORD* wRam; // Ram word poitner: 2 bytes poitner pointing // to 2 bytes of data ROM BYTE* bRom; // Size depends on compiler setting ROM WORD* wRom; //rom near byte* nbRom; // Near = 2 bytes pointer //rom near word* nwRom; //rom far byte* fbRom; // Far = 3 bytes pointer //rom far word* fwRom; } POINTER; /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Function prototypes and macro functions ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define ConvertToPhysicalAddress(a) ((WORD)(a)) #define ConvertToVirtualAddress(a) ((void *)(a)) #define USBClearUSBInterrupt() IFS5bits.USB1IF = 0; #if defined(USB_INTERRUPT) #define USBMaskInterrupts() {IEC5bits.USB1IE = 0;} #define USBUnmaskInterrupts() {IEC5bits.USB1IE = 1;} #else #define USBMaskInterrupts() #define USBUnmaskInterrupts() #endif //STALLIE, IDLEIE, TRNIE, and URSTIE are all enabled by default and are required #if defined(USB_INTERRUPT) #define USBEnableInterrupts() {IEC5bits.USB1IE=1;} #else #define USBEnableInterrupts() #endif #define USBDisableInterrupts() {IEC5bits.USB1IE=0;} #define USBInterruptFlag IFS5bits.USB1IF #if (USB_PULLUP_OPTION == USB_PULLUP_ENABLE) || !defined(USB_PULLUP_OPTION) #define PullUpConfiguration() U1OTGCONbits.OTGEN = 0; #else #define PullUpConfiguration() U1OTGCONbits.OTGEN = 1; U1OTGCON &= 0xFF0F; #endif #define SetConfigurationOptions() {\ U1CNFG1 = USB_PING_PONG_MODE;\ U1CNFG2 = USB_TRANSCEIVER_OPTION;\ PullUpConfiguration();\ U1EIE = 0x9F;\ U1IE = 0x99 | USB_SOF_INTERRUPT | USB_ERROR_INTERRUPT;\ } /******************************************************************** Function: BOOL USBSleepOnSuspend(void) Summary: Places the PIC24F core into sleep and sets up the USB module to wake up the device on USB activity. PreCondition: IPL (in the SR register) must be non-zero. Parameters: None Return Values: TRUE - if entered sleep successfully FALSE - if there was an error entering sleep Remarks: Please note that before calling this function that it is the responsibility of the application to place all of the other peripherals or board features into a lower power state if required. *******************************************************************/ BOOL USBSleepOnSuspend(void); /**************************************************************** Function: void USBPowerModule(void) Description: This macro is used to power up the USB module if required
PIC18: defines as nothing
PIC24: defines as U1PWRCbits.USBPWR = 1;
Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ****************************************************************/ #define USBPowerModule() U1PWRCbits.USBPWR = 1; /**************************************************************** Function: void USBModuleDisable(void) Description: This macro is used to disable the USB module Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ****************************************************************/ #define USBModuleDisable() {\ U1CON = 0;\ U1IE = 0;\ U1OTGIE = 0;\ U1PWRCbits.USBPWR = 1;\ USBDeviceState = DETACHED_STATE;\ } /**************************************************************** Function: USBSetBDTAddress(addr) Description: This macro is used to power up the USB module if required Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ****************************************************************/ #define USBSetBDTAddress(addr) U1BDTP1 = (((unsigned int)addr)/256); /**************************************************************** Function: void USBClearInterruptRegister(int register) Description: Clears all of the interrupts in the requested register Parameters: register - the regsister that needs to be cleared. Return Values: None Remarks: Note that on these devices to clear an interrupt you must write a '1' to the interrupt location. ****************************************************************/ #define USBClearInterruptRegister(reg) reg = 0xFFFF; /******************************************************************** Function: void USBClearInterruptFlag(register, BYTE if_flag_offset) Summary: Clears the specified USB interrupt flag. PreCondition: None Parameters: register - the register mnemonic for the register holding the interrupt flag to be cleared BYTE if_flag_offset - the bit position offset (for the interrupt flag to clear) from the "right of the register" Return Values: None Remarks: Individual USB interrupt flag bits are cleared by writing '1' to the bit, in a word write operation. *******************************************************************/ #define USBClearInterruptFlag(reg_name, if_flag_offset) (reg_name = (1 << if_flag_offset)) /******************************************************************** Function: void DisableNonZeroEndpoints(UINT8 last_ep_num) Summary: Clears the control registers for the specified non-zero endpoints PreCondition: None Parameters: UINT8 last_ep_num - the last endpoint number to clear. This number should include all endpoints used in any configuration. Return Values: None Remarks: None *******************************************************************/ #define DisableNonZeroEndpoints(last_ep_num) memset((void*)&U1EP1,0x00,(last_ep_num * 2)); /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Compiler checks ******************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ //Definitions for the BDT #ifndef USB_PING_PONG_MODE #error "No ping pong mode defined." #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Extern variable definitions ******************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #if defined(USB_SUPPORT_DEVICE) | defined(USB_SUPPORT_OTG) #if !defined(USBDEVICE_C) //extern USB_VOLATILE USB_DEVICE_STATE USBDeviceState; extern USB_VOLATILE BYTE USBActiveConfiguration; extern USB_VOLATILE IN_PIPE inPipes[1]; extern USB_VOLATILE OUT_PIPE outPipes[1]; #endif extern volatile BDT_ENTRY* pBDTEntryOut[USB_MAX_EP_NUMBER+1]; extern volatile BDT_ENTRY* pBDTEntryIn[USB_MAX_EP_NUMBER+1]; #endif #endif //USB_HAL_PIC24F_H