/*! \file examples.h * \brief Common include file used only in examples. */ #include #include #include #include #include "libusbk.h" #ifndef __EXAMPLE_H_ #define __EXAMPLE_H_ //! Enables/disables custom vendor control request (supported by the Benchmark Device Firmware). /*! * \note If your example device is not running Benchmark Firmware, set this define to "0". */ #define EXAMPLES_USE_BENCHMARK_CONFIGURE 1 //! Default example vendor id #ifndef EXAMPLE_VID #define EXAMPLE_VID 0x04D8 #endif //! Default example product id #ifndef EXAMPLE_PID #define EXAMPLE_PID 0xFA2E #endif //! Custom vendor requests that must be implemented in the benchmark firmware. typedef enum _BM_COMMAND { BM_COMMAND_SET_TEST = 0x0E, BM_COMMAND_GET_TEST = 0x0F, BM_COMMAND_SET_VBUF = 0x10, BM_COMMAND_GET_VBUF = 0x11, } BM_COMMAND; //! Tests supported by the official benchmark firmware. typedef enum _BM_TEST_TYPE { BM_TEST_TYPE_NONE = 0x00, BM_TEST_TYPE_READ = 0x01, BM_TEST_TYPE_WRITE = 0x02, BM_TEST_TYPE_LOOP = BM_TEST_TYPE_READ | BM_TEST_TYPE_WRITE, } BM_TEST_TYPE, *PBM_TEST_TYPE; //! Helper function for examples; searches a command line argument list for devices matching a specific vid/pid. /*! * Arguments are interpreted as follows: * - vid=<4 digit hex> * - hex number is a vendor id. * - pid=<4 digit hex> * - hex number is a product id. * * \param DeviceList * On success, contains a pointer to the device list. * * \param DeviceInfo * On success, contains a pointer to the first device info structure which matched. * * \param argc * The \c argc parameter of the \b main() application function. * * \param argv * The \c argv parameter of the \b main() application function. * * \returns * TRUE if a devices was found, otherwise FALSE. */ BOOL Examples_GetTestDevice(KLST_HANDLE* DeviceList, KLST_DEVINFO_HANDLE* DeviceInfo, int argc, char* argv[]); BOOL Examples_GetTestDeviceEx(KLST_HANDLE* DeviceList, KLST_DEVINFO_HANDLE* DeviceInfo, int argc, char* argv[], KLST_FLAG Flags); BOOL Bench_Configure(KUSB_HANDLE UsbHandle, BM_COMMAND Command, UCHAR InterfaceNumber, PKUSB_DRIVER_API DriverAPI, PBM_TEST_TYPE TestType); BOOL Examples_GetArgVal(int argc, char* argv[], LPCSTR argName, PUINT argValue, BOOL isHex); BOOL Examples_GetArgStr(int argc, char* argv[], LPCSTR argName, LPSTR argValue, PUINT argValLength); typedef struct _DATA_COUNTER_STATS { LARGE_INTEGER Freq; LARGE_INTEGER Start; LARGE_INTEGER Stop; LONGLONG TotalBytes; double Bps; double dFreq; double Duration; } DATA_COUNTER_STATS, *PDATA_COUNTER_STATS; #define mDcs_Init(mDataCounterStats) do { \ memset((mDataCounterStats),0,sizeof(DATA_COUNTER_STATS)); \ QueryPerformanceFrequency(&((mDataCounterStats)->Freq)); \ (mDataCounterStats)->dFreq = 1.0/(double)(mDataCounterStats)->Freq.QuadPart; \ QueryPerformanceCounter(&((mDataCounterStats)->Start)); \ }while(0) #define mDcs_MarkStop(mDataCounterStats,mAddTransferLength) do { \ QueryPerformanceCounter(&((mDataCounterStats)->Stop)); \ (mDataCounterStats)->TotalBytes+=(LONG)(mAddTransferLength); \ (mDataCounterStats)->Duration = \ ((mDataCounterStats)->dFreq) * \ ((double) ((mDataCounterStats)->Stop.QuadPart - (mDataCounterStats)->Start.QuadPart)); \ if ((mDataCounterStats)->Duration != 0.0) \ (mDataCounterStats)->Bps = ((double)(mDataCounterStats)->TotalBytes) / (mDataCounterStats)->Duration; \ }while(0) #endif #ifndef UTLIST_H #define UTLIST_H /*! * \brief Doubly linked list macro for C structures. utlist.h * \brief Provided by Troy D. Hanson * * \attention * All lists used by the libusbK library are \b non-circular \b doubly-linked lists. (\b DL_ prefixed macros) * * This file contains macros to manipulate singly and doubly-linked lists: * -# LL_ macros: singly-linked lists. * -# DL_ macros: doubly-linked lists. * -# CDL_ macros: circular doubly-linked lists. * * \note * Only a small subset of the \c utlist.h macros are documented. * Undocumented macros will not appear in this documentation but can be downloaded here: * - utlist.h. * * \note * To use singly-linked lists, your structure must have a "next" pointer. *
* To use doubly-linked lists, your structure must "prev" and "next" pointers. *
* Either way, the pointer to the head of the list must be initialized to NULL. * * \code struct item { int id; struct item *prev, *next; } struct item *list = NULL: int main() { struct item *item; ... allocate and populate item ... DL_APPEND(list, item); } * \endcode * * Performance Considerations: * - For doubly-linked lists, the append and delete macros are O(1) * - For singly-linked lists, append and delete are O(n) but prepend is O(1) * - The sort macro is O(n log(n)) for all types of single/double/circular lists. */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Troy D. Hanson http://uthash.sourceforge.net All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /****************************************************************************** * doubly linked list macros (non-circular) * *****************************************************************************/ //! Adds an element to the beginning of a linked list. /*! * \param head * First element of the list. * * \param add * Element to add. */ #define DL_PREPEND(head,add) \ do { \ (add)->next = head; \ if (head) { \ (add)->prev = (head)->prev; \ (head)->prev = (add); \ } else { \ (add)->prev = (add); \ } \ (head) = (add); \ } while (0) //! Adds an element to the end of a linked list. /*! * \param head * First element of the list. * * \param add * Element to add. */ #define DL_APPEND(head,add) \ do { \ if (head) { \ (add)->prev = (head)->prev; \ (head)->prev->next = (add); \ (head)->prev = (add); \ (add)->next = NULL; \ } else { \ (head)=(add); \ (head)->prev = (head); \ (head)->next = NULL; \ } \ } while (0); //! Removes an element from a linked list. /*! * * \param head * First element of the list. * * \param del * Element to remove. * * \attention * \c DL_DELETE does not free or de-allocate memory. * It "de-links" the element specified by \c del from the list. */ #define DL_DELETE(head,del) \ do { \ if ((del)->prev == (del)) { \ (head)=NULL; \ } else if ((del)==(head)) { \ (del)->next->prev = (del)->prev; \ (head) = (del)->next; \ } else { \ (del)->prev->next = (del)->next; \ if ((del)->next) { \ (del)->next->prev = (del)->prev; \ } else { \ (head)->prev = (del)->prev; \ } \ } \ } while (0); //! Start a \c foreach like enumeration though a linked list using a \b for loop. /*! * \param head * First element of the list. * * \param el * assigned to an element of the linked list on each iteration. */ #define DL_FOREACH(head,el) \ for(el=head;el;el=el->next) //! \copybrief DL_FOREACH /*! * * \copydetails DL_FOREACH * * \param tmp * A temporary list element used to ensure safe deletion during iteration. * * \attention * This version is safe for deleting the elements during iteration. */ #define DL_FOREACH_SAFE(head,el,tmp) \ for((el)=(head);(el) && (tmp = (el)->next, 1); (el) = tmp) /* these are identical to their singly-linked list counterparts */ //! Searches for a scalar field using a \ref DL_FOREACH. /*! * \param head * First element of the list. * * \param out * First element whose \c field value equals \c val. * * \param field * Name of the field member to search. * * \param val * Value to compare with the field member. */ #define DL_SEARCH_SCALAR(head,out,field,val) \ do { \ DL_FOREACH(head,out) { \ if ((out)->field == (val)) break; \ } \ } while(0) //! Searches for an element using a user-defined compare function such as memcmp or strcmp. /*! * \param head * First element of the list. * * \param out * First matching element that matched (user-defined compare function returned 0). * * \param elt * Matching criteria (passed as a second paramater to the user-defined compare function) * * \param cmp * User-defined compare function or macro. */ #define DL_SEARCH(head,out,elt,cmp) \ do { \ DL_FOREACH(head,out) { \ if ((cmp(out,elt))==0) break; \ } \ } while(0) #endif /* UTLIST_H */