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This function is for development purposes only. Improper use of the libusb-win32 filter driver can cause devices to malfunction and in some cases complete system failure.libusb-win32-installer-{1298B356-F6E3-4455-9FEC-3932714AF49B}libusb0libusb-win32 - Kernel Driver, Version %d.%d.%d.%dcreating %s service.. usb_install_servicesystem32\drivers\libusb0.sysfailed creating service %s libusbdManufacturer%s.%s.inf file does not contain a valid model-section-name %susb_install_find_model_section.inf file does not contain a valid Manufacturer section This is a 64bit operating system and requires the 64bit libusb-win32 installer application. usb_install_inf_npnewdev.dllloading newdev.dll failed UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevicesADiUninstallDeviceDiRollbackDriversetupapi.dllloading setupapi.dll failed SetupCopyOEMInfA.inf file %s not found unable to open .inf file %s usb\invalid hardware id %s removinginstalling%s device %s.. USBfailed RollBackDriver for device %s failed UninstallDevice for device %s failed RemoveDevice for device %s advapi32.dllloading DLL advapi32.dll failed usb_service_load_dllOpenSCManagerAOpenServiceAChangeServiceConfigACloseServiceHandleCreateServiceADeleteServiceStartServiceAQueryServiceStatusControlServiceloading exported functions of advapi32.dll failedServicesActiveopening service control manager failed: %susb_service_createchanging config of service '%s' failed: %screating service '%s' failed: %sstopping %s service.. usb_service_stopgetting status of service '%s' failed: %sstopping service '%s' failed: %sdeleting %s service.. usb_service_deletedeleting service '%s' failed: %s getting device info set failed shell32CommandLineToArgvWfailed CommandLineToArgvW:%Xusb_install_parse_filter_contextmultiple commands not allowed: %ls invalid argument %ls failed adding device upper filter key %ls {%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}failed adding class name at argument %ls failed adding class guid at argument %ls failed adding inf %ls failed wcstombs %ls memory allocation failure usb_install_npWlibusb-win32 installer requires administrative privileges. usb_install_consolecommand not specified. Use %ls, %ls, or %ls. libusb-win32 installer (v%u.%u.%u.%u) -ac and -dc switches are incompatible with -c= switch uninstalling inf %s.. invalid switch for install operation (%ls) installing inf %s.. unknown filter_mode command memory allocation failure%s usb_install_report%s (%s) class upper filters:%s class lower filters:%s %s - %s (%s) %s device upper filters:%s device lower filters:%s kernel32.dllloading kernel32.dll failed usb_install_iswow64IsWow64Process{50dd5230-ba8a-11d1-bf5d-0000f805f530}{4d36e96d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}{4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}{745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}libusb0.sysLowerFiltersUpperFilterssetting property '%s' failedusb_registry_set_propertydeleting property '%s' failedreading registry key failed inserting class filter %s.. usb_registry_insert_class_filterunable to set registry value removing class filter %s.. usb_registry_remove_class_filterfailed removing class filter %s.. usb_registry_remove_device_filterremoving device upper filter %s.. restarting device %s.. removing device lower filter %s.. vid_vid_%04xpid_pid_%04xmi_mi_%02xrev_rev_%04ufailed getting device id usb_registry_match_filter_deviceremoved %s from device registry.. usb_registry_remove_device_regvalueSurpriseRemovalOKusb_registry_insert_device_filterupperlowerinserting device %s filter %s.. usb_registry_insert_device_filtersunable to get SPDRP_DEVICEDESC unable to get SPDRP_MFG failed adding upper device filter for %s failed adding lower device filter for %s setting class install parameters failed usb_registry_set_device_statecalling class installer failed usb_registry_stop_libusb_devicesstopping devices.. usb_registry_start_libusb_devicesstarting devices.. failed usb_registry_get_hardware_idusb_registry_restart_all_devicesrestarting devices.. root_hubrestarting root hub #%d.. unable to get device instance id usb_registry_get_filter_device_keysunable to get SPDRP_HARDWAREID SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\%s%susb_registry_get_usb_class_keysSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Classusb_usb_registry_unknowndbgwrnerroffinstall-filter%s: h8HVbp######t#Z#F#(##n^P@,$$L!6!d!!!!!!"":"N"b"""!""""  !        ~ v h X P B 8 . "   2-+] fuPq`cb b cxxxkxxxx qppp`p0ppaaaaaaaaaaapaha`a\a@a0aaa``````p```P`H`0`(` ````5 @ @@@@ @P@$@@ @4@N@ p+ŝi@]%O@qוC)@D@<զIx@oGAkU'9p|Bݎ~QCv)/&D(DJzEeǑF e uuvHMXB䧓9;5SM]=];Z] T7aZ%]g']݀nLɛ R`%u?q= ףp= ף?Zd;On?,eX?#GGŧ?@il7?3=BzՔ?aw̫?/L[Mľ?S;uD?g9Eϔ?$#⼺;1az?aUY~S|_?/D?$?9'*?}d|FU>c{#Tw=:zc%C1 <-dc> <-ad> <-c=> <-d=> <-f=> <-p=> <-w=> Commands: Compatible Switches: install (i/-i) <-ac> <-c=> <-d=> <-f=> <-p=> <-w=> uninstall (u/-u) <-ac> <-c=> <-d=> <-f=> <-p=> <-w=> <-ad> list (l/-l) <-ac> <-dc> <-c=> <-p=> <-w=> NOTE: * If no switches are specified, the default class key list is used. * 64bit OSes must use the 64bit version of this application. Switches For Class Filters: --all-classes (-ac) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all classes in the USB enumerator. (Same as -dc in install mode) uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all known classes. This is a FULL class removal. list : Displays all known classes. --device-classes (-dc) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all classes in the USB enumerator. uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for all classes in the USB enumerator. list : Displays all classes in the USB enumerator and the devices contained within them. --class= (-c=) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for the specified class only. Classes can be specified by name or guid. uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper class filter for the specified class only. Classes can be specified by name or guid. list : Displays information about the specified classes and the devices contained within them. Switches For Device Filters: --device= (-d=) install : Adds libusb-win32 as an upper device filter for the specified device. uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 as an upper device filter for the specified device. list : --all-devices (-ad) install install : uninstall: Removes libusb-win32 device filters from all devices in the USB enumerator. list : Switches For INF Files: --inf= (-f=) install : Installs usb device(s) from an inf file. uninstall: Attempts to roll back a device driver installation. If rollback fails or is unavailable, the device is removed and all root hubs are restarted. list : Common Switches: --prompt= (-p=) Prompts the user with the specified string before running. To include spaces in the prompt string, place the entire switch in double quotes. Example: "-p=Are you sure?" --wait= (-w=) After the operation completes, displays the specified string and waits for user input. To include spaces in the prompt string, place the entire switch in double quotes. Example: "-w=Press any key.." Examples: install-filter install --device-classes install-filter uninstall --all-classes install-filter list --device-classes install-filter install --class={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} install-filter install "--device=USB\Vid_04d8&Pid_000c&Rev_0000" install-filter install --device=USB\Vid_04d8.Pid_000c.Rev_0000 install-filter install --inf=your_file.inf 8 (`hpxȠРؠPXP !Qњ!1,qᔁѕ!11ax@HPX`pxȣУأ (0@HP`hpxȤ (@H`h