use std::env; #[cfg(feature = "uws_vendored")] use std::path::{Path}; #[cfg(feature = "uws_vendored")] use std::process::Command; use std::path::{PathBuf}; fn main() { let host = env::var("HOST").unwrap(); let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); let is_windows = host.contains("windows") && target.contains("windows"); if is_windows { panic!("Windows is not currently supported"); } #[cfg(feature = "uws_vendored")] let is_apple = host.contains("apple") && target.contains("apple"); #[cfg(feature = "uws_vendored")] let is_linux = host.contains("linux") && target.contains("linux"); let cur_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap(); let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let uws_dir = cur_dir.join("uWebSockets"); let us_dir = uws_dir.join("uSockets"); let capi_dir = uws_dir.join("capi"); bindgen::Builder::default() .clang_arg(format!("-I{}", us_dir.join("src").display())) .header(capi_dir.join("libuwebsockets.h").display().to_string()) .parse_callbacks(Box::new(bindgen::CargoCallbacks::new())) .generate() .expect("Unable to generate bindings") .write_to_file(out_dir.join("")) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); // Remove libuwebsockets.a built by make because to my understanding it has packed in a wrong way #[cfg(feature = "uws_vendored")] { if !Command::new("make") .current_dir(&capi_dir) .arg("capi") .status() .expect("Failed to run make") .success() { panic!("Can't build UWS CAPI!"); } let _ = Command::new("rm").current_dir(&capi_dir).arg("-f").arg("libuwebsockets.a").status().expect("failed to delete lib").success(); let mut o_files = read_dir_by_condition(&us_dir, |file_name| file_name.ends_with(".o")); let success = if is_apple { let mut args = vec![ "-static".to_string(), "-o".to_string(), capi_dir.join("libuwebsockets.a").to_str().unwrap().to_string(), capi_dir.join("libuwebsockets.o").to_str().unwrap().to_string(), ]; args.append(&mut o_files); Command::new("libtool") .current_dir(&capi_dir) .args(args) .status() .expect("Failed to run libtool") .success() } else if is_linux { let mut args = vec![ "rcs".to_string(), "-o".to_string(), capi_dir.join("libuwebsockets.a").to_str().unwrap().to_string(), capi_dir.join("libuwebsockets.o").to_str().unwrap().to_string(), ]; args.append(&mut o_files); Command::new("ar") .current_dir(&out_dir) .args(args) .status() .expect("Failed to pack libuwebsockets") .success() } else { false }; if !success { panic!("Failed to pack libuwebsockets.a"); } copy_by_condition(capi_dir, &out_dir, |filename| filename.ends_with(".a")); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir.display()); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=uwebsockets"); } } #[cfg(feature = "uws_vendored")] fn copy_by_condition(from: impl AsRef, to: impl AsRef, condition: T) where T: Fn(&str) -> bool + Sized + 'static, { use std::fs; let entries = from.as_ref().read_dir().unwrap(); for entry in entries { let entry = entry.unwrap(); if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { continue; } let file_name = entry.file_name(); if !condition(file_name.to_str().unwrap()) { continue; } let from = entry.path(); let to = to.as_ref().join(file_name); println!("copy from {from:#?} to: {to:#?}"); fs::copy(&from, &to).unwrap(); } } #[cfg(feature = "uws_vendored")] fn read_dir_by_condition(dir: &Path, condition: T) -> Vec where T: Fn(&str) -> bool + Sized + 'static, { let mut res = Vec::new(); let entries = dir.read_dir().unwrap(); for entry in entries { let entry = entry.unwrap(); if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { continue; } let file_name = entry.file_name(); let file_name = file_name.to_str().unwrap(); if !condition(file_name) { continue; } res.push(dir.join(file_name).to_str().unwrap().to_string()); } res }