#include "App.h" /* Note that uWS::SSLApp({options}) is the same as uWS::App() when compiled without SSL support */ int main() { /* The SSL context given in SSLApp constructor is the default / catch-all context */ uWS::SSLApp app = uWS::SSLApp({ .key_file_name = "misc/key.pem", .cert_file_name = "misc/cert.pem", .passphrase = "1234" }).get("/*", [](auto *res, auto */*req*/) { res->end("Hello from catch-all context!"); }).addServerName("*.google.*", { /* Following is the context for *.google.* domain */ .key_file_name = "misc/key.pem", .cert_file_name = "misc/cert.pem", .passphrase = "1234" }).domain("*.google.*").get("/*", [](auto *res, auto */*req*/) { res->end("Hello from *.google.* context!"); }).listen(3000, [](auto *listenSocket) { if (listenSocket) { std::cout << "Listening on port " << 3000 << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Failed to listen on port 3000" << std::endl; } }).run(); }