/* Incomplete Swift version of http_server example */ import Foundation import CoreFoundation import uSockets /* Keep track of connections, for fun */ var sockets = 0 /* Create loop */ let loop = us_create_loop(UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: 0), { loop in }, { loop in }, { loop in }, 0) /* Create socket context */ let options = us_socket_context_options_t() let context = us_create_socket_context(0, loop, 0, options) /* Register callbacks */ us_socket_context_on_open(0, context) { (s, b, ip, ipLength) -> OpaquePointer? in sockets += 1 print("Welcome socket \(sockets)!") return s } us_socket_context_on_end(0, context) { (s) -> OpaquePointer? in return s } us_socket_context_on_close(0, context) { (s, code, reason) -> OpaquePointer? in return s } us_socket_context_on_data(0, context) { (s, data, length) -> OpaquePointer? in us_socket_write(0, s, data, length, 0) return s } /* Listen on port 3000 */ "".data(using: .utf8)?.withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafeRawBufferPointer) -> Void in let host = unsafeRawBufferPointer.bindMemory(to: Int8.self).baseAddress! if let _ = us_socket_context_listen(0, context, host, 3000, 0, 0) { print("Listening on port 3000 from Swift") } }) /* Integrate with existing CoreFoundation/GCD event-loop */ us_loop_integrate(loop) CFRunLoopRun()