/** * @example sshtunnel.c * An example of an RFB client tunneled through SSH by using https://github.com/bk138/libsshtunnel */ #include #include #include /* The one global bool that's global so we can set it via a signal handler... */ int maintain_connection = 1; void intHandler(int dummy) { maintain_connection = 0; } void ssh_signal_error(void *client, ssh_tunnel_error_t error_code, const char *error_message) { fprintf(stderr, "libsshtunnel error: %s", error_message); } int ssh_fingerprint_check(void* client, const char *fingerprint, int fingerprint_len, const char *host) { fprintf(stderr, "ssh_fingerprint_check: host %s has ", host); for(int i = 0; i < fingerprint_len; i++) printf("%02X ", (unsigned char)fingerprint[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { rfbClient *client = rfbGetClient(8,3,4); /* Get args and create SSH tunnel */ int rc = ssh_tunnel_init(); if(rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Tunnel initialization failed (%d)\n", rc); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ssh_tunnel_t *data; if (argc == 6) { /* SSH tunnel w/ password */ data = ssh_tunnel_open_with_password(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], atoi(argv[5]), client, ssh_fingerprint_check, ssh_signal_error); } else if (argc == 7) { /* SSH tunnel w/ privkey */ FILE *privkey_file; char *privkey_buffer; long privkey_buffer_len; // Open the file in binary mode for reading privkey_file = fopen(argv[3], "rb"); if (privkey_file == NULL) { perror("Error opening privkey"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Determine the size of the file fseek(privkey_file, 0, SEEK_END); privkey_buffer_len = ftell(privkey_file); fseek(privkey_file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (privkey_buffer_len == -1) { perror("Error getting file size of privkey"); fclose(privkey_file); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Allocate memory for the buffer privkey_buffer = (char *)malloc(privkey_buffer_len); if (privkey_buffer == NULL) { perror("Error allocating memory for privkey"); fclose(privkey_file); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Read the content of the file into the buffer fread(privkey_buffer, 1, privkey_buffer_len, privkey_file); if (ferror(privkey_file) != 0) { perror("Error reading privkey"); fclose(privkey_file); free(privkey_buffer); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Close the file fclose(privkey_file); data = ssh_tunnel_open_with_privkey(argv[1], argv[2], privkey_buffer, privkey_buffer_len, argv[4], argv[5], atoi(argv[6]), client, ssh_fingerprint_check, ssh_signal_error); free(privkey_buffer); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage (w/ password): %s \n" "Usage (w/ privkey): %s \n", argv[0], argv[0]); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* The actual VNC connection setup. */ client->serverHost = strdup(""); if(data) // might be NULL if ssh setup failed client->serverPort = ssh_tunnel_get_port(data); rfbClientSetClientData(client, (void*)42, data); if (!data || !rfbInitClient(client,NULL,NULL)) return EXIT_FAILURE; printf("Successfully connected to %s:%d - hit Ctrl-C to disconnect\n", client->serverHost, client->serverPort); signal(SIGINT, intHandler); while (maintain_connection) { int n = WaitForMessage(client,50); if(n < 0) break; if(n) if(!HandleRFBServerMessage(client)) break; } /* Disconnect client inside tunnel */ if(client && client->sock != RFB_INVALID_SOCKET) rfbCloseSocket(client->sock); /* Close the tunnel and clean up */ ssh_tunnel_close(rfbClientGetClientData(client, (void*)42)); /* free client */ rfbClientCleanup(client); /* Teardown ssh tunnel machinery */ ssh_tunnel_exit(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }